Poland is the anti-christ of europe

Poland is the anti-christ of europe
>Raid and terrorize their neighbours for centuries.
>One neighbour has enough and kicks their ass and they cry about a deluge.
>They are given another chance, but immediately start warmongering again.
>Finally three neighbours have enough and partition Poland.
>The most peaceful century in European history follows when there is no Poland around to kick up shit.
>Robbed of their European terror base they travel to Haiti and help the negroes genocide and drive the French off the island. Thus the vicious Poles began the downfall of the European Great Powers. Poles are literally the only "White" people ever to have actively fought together with negroes against other Whites. For this the Haitians give them the “honorary” title of: “White Negroes.”
>After forcing extremely harsh peace terms on Germany in WW1 the allies pull their ace out of the sleeve and raises Poland from the dead with dark necromancy. The allies of course knew the dark history of Poland and raised it for the sole purpose of permanently destabilizing Eastern Europe.
>Poles who had been pacified until then suddenly remembered that they were dirty Poles and immediately got back to their old antics of terrorizing their neighbours.
>Not only did they steal territory from tiny Lithuania, but they also began genociding the Germans in Danzig.
>Germany finally had enough and intervened to save human lives. The trap had worked and Poland had served the allies' purpose of engineering a new war.
>Fast forward to current day and Poland is now kicking up shit by pretending to be fucking victims, going as far as calling themselves “the Christ of Europe.” This is a spit in the face of all the victims of the devilish Poles. Think of all the White French women and children orcish Polescum raped and murdered in Haiti. Poles are unironically evil incarnate and the enemy of the White man

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Gas yourself, anglocuck. It's your fault that the kikes rule the world.

This thread was brought to you by a jew.

Jews, not even once!

Damn, we're exposed.
Wait a moment.
>Defends Europe from Communists
>Defends Europe from Muslims
>Defends Europe from Degenerates

both of those are extremely man-faced Polish women, no white man could want that

Go to hell, jew

can somebody tell me what this guy is mad about?

>the eternal Karaite Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you

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>Poland is the anti-christ of europe

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all poles are jews

>that indecent cherrypicking
Kys ((anglocuck))

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What genocide of denzig? Wtf you write?!
By the way to all polish bros I prefer this book where is explaing what the fck happened with our nation.
Btw. Yes, polish women in UK are fcking race traitors. I hope, when there will day of penance you brits kill them all.

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You don't know shit about shit, prob just a angry edge 19 year old who can't find a job, girlfriend, or any satisfaction and blame minorities because of your failure.

The poles had every right to kick everyone of its neighbor's asses after WW1 because they were abused/supressed/treated like 2nd class citizens

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>Robbed of their European terror base they travel to Haiti and help the negroes genocide and drive the French off the island
How did niggers get all the way from Africa to Haiti? Niggers cant swim and camt build boats. I think part of the story is missing.

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Fuck you, bumping der ewige jude

>working class people are marrying other working class people
>and those may not look like me?!

Not spamming this but hope one of you wags will.


The one on the left

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You'll be gassed first you larping kike.


This is true, unironically. Millions of Jews lived in Poland and I'm sure they left a genetic mark on us.

My family's name from mother side means Rabbi so it's possible that one of my ancestor was a Rabbi.

I'm pretty tall tho and I have blue eyes lmao

Dude no one cares about your Muslim infested inbred island fucking LMAO. You have DELUSIONS of grandeur.

Soon you will be gone. Do I care? No, no I don't.

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niggers were brought there as farm equipment by the white man and unlike the Spanish and Portuguese the French and English did not mix with them and they remined slaves with no rights. long story short, niggers chimp out, poleshits, supposedly "allies" of the French are send to help them but instead double-cross French and rape and kill white women and children with the savage negroes

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poles are ok but from my experience every blonde with a nigger or a shitskin that you see in London or in the Kent area there's 80 % chance that she's polish

Dios mio...

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Not if you stop gassing yourself with that weed you smoke

It was more like this

>Poles sacrifice themselves for Napoleon so he restores Polish Kingdom
>He doesn't tho
>He only creates some shitty client state with 1/4 of our original clay
>Backstabs Poles and leaves us to get BTFO by coalition of Prussians and Rusians
the superiority complex is strong in Westcucks LMAO

Holocaust lmao btw

Stupid fuck that ain't funny nigger.

That's not what happened though.

What happened is that French broke their promise like they always do and didn't restore Polish Kingdom. Instead they cemented the partitions.

I would do the same desu. I'd slaughter every French bitch I saw and leave the rest for Niggers to rape. I would return home tho, wouldn't wanna spend the rest of my life in such a shithole

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>t. Commie faggot

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based anglo

>Robbed of their European terror base they travel to Haiti and help the negroes genocide and drive the French off the island. Thus the vicious Poles began the downfall of the European Great Powers. Poles are literally the only "White" people ever to have actively fought together with negroes against other Whites. For this the Haitians give them the “honorary” title of: “White Negroes.”

After our soldiers fought side by side with Napoleon, in hope that he'ill help them get our independent country back, but he didn't give a shit and send our soldiers to Haiti to suppress the uprising.
And imagine that you were fighting for independence of your country and now you are killing the ones who also want be independent

UK and what they did hmmmmm.
Coming to north america, killing all the natives there, stealing lands, farms, enslaving locals.
Slave trade of niggers from africa.
Cant even keep a treaty properly.
Bunch of fucking cowards.

UK so stronk, so godlike.

>did not mix
There was a large group of mixed free people of color numnuts.

Wasn't the plc under constant revolt for like 200 years? Dont think they would have much time to raid their neighbors

As a polish person:
1) you are a fucking idiot
2) back to the chamber with you, Jew
3) Poland is the only non-cuck country in Europe
4) Poland has strict immigration policies
5) Poland is extremely religious
6) Poland loves Trump
7) polish people can technically say Nigger

Need I say more

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Is anyone watching this? Im doing a service providing this and a kike might remove this soon

>tiny Lithuania

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omg :D how will homogenic Polish nation without mass rapes every few days EVER RECOVER :DD

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>old antics of terrorizing their neighbours.


Jesus christ what is that thing on the right.

That doesn't even make sense, use words next time you idiot.

that is all true
we also murdered 6 milion jews and made the germans pay for it, then murdered 14 milion germans and undid 1000 years of their history

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actually they are my type, and it turns me even more on knowing that they are evil incarnated

Your women are the biggest coal burners I have ever encountered, puts ours to shame.

bro, anglo is full of shit.

it was us getting raided.

the swedeniggers who are praised here for being so kindhearted and gentle robbed 90% of our country, raped woman and man (not a meme look it up) and stole everything they could.
when they couldn't steal an item they would burn it.

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No yu

Loving trump is loving jews

What are you on about you jew larping kike yid?

>puts ours to shame.
You're fucking with me right?

Your woman fuck Pakis like crazy. The rich ones though. Most Anglos are inbred retards who fail in simple jobs. Even migrants do a better job, that's why you loose your "woman".

Also Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

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What's wrong with being Jewish?

Jews outsmarted you, destroyed your societies and soon there will be nothing left of you. Not even in history, because you are being ERASED from the books.

You got fucked. You got fucked so hard by the Rabbis it's absolutely fucking hillarious.

This is the Aryan masterrace everyone. Getting genocided by third world AFRICANS on their own soil.

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literal nigger/paki talking points. yes we killed and enslaved backward shitskins, no theres no shame in that.
they were burning their widows alive and living like stone age savages, we brought civilisation to the unwashed masses.

we even started a world war for your stupid asses, loosing our empire in the proccess. and while we fought you guys hid in your basements waiting for russia to come and save you

That I've had iinuff of you

Most based thing i've read all week. And it even came from a Bong which is the cherry on the top.

>yes we killed and enslaved backward shitskins
You also genocided Irish people, green eyed red head Celtic Aryans.

But who cares, right :DD We wuz good boyz n' shit.

Meanwhile Rothschild family was one of the controller families of the East India Company. So your country was basically a Jewish trading hub and before it was an irrelevant shithole.

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Not denied hes a jew.

Yiddish jew cunt shill asshole detected

That's all correct, but you've clearly never seen yours unleashed in the UK. It's insane.

Fucking magda boraczki in Birmingham is a race mixing whore

I did see it, but I don't see a reason why should it concern me.

Does it happen on MY soil? In MY homeland?

Or MAYBE .. Maybe these mutts will become British, learn English and never visit Poland?

Remember Magda Pegowska the Orc meme mother? She was insulted and harrased when she came back to Poland and said she will never come back again.

Looks good to me, mate. I will happily drink when your country turns into a Muslim/African wasteland. You deserve it so much :DD

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Made a wrong turn at the supermarket, the Pakistanis didn't like the fact that he was walking along the Halal district with his shopping trolley. A short look into the shopping cart sealed his fate, he should not have decided for the bacon. One gang rape in public later, where no one intervened, if anyone had noticed, the police came. He did not have his mask on and approached the Pakistanis, putting them in danger. So he was promptly put on trial before a Sharia court. In prison he got infected, with Corona but also a bit of AIDS, but it is not clear whether it was Mohammed, Abdul, Kasim, Hakan, Kufufu or Pajeet, maybe it was even the night watch or one of the social workers/dealers . Now he lies in an iron lung and has spent the last 2 days writing this text. If he's lucky, they'll let him live another 30 minutes before Latisha needs the iron lung. What have you Poles done to him?

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Lezon rite heeuh yo crakin ass! Goodbye iz done fo dey trollin deehy

Holocaust lol




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Its the bowlcut it’s unacceptable.


>Poles are literally the only "White" people ever to have actively fought together with negroes against other Whites.
Not knowing your own history, huh? Brits had black volunteers from Caribbean fighting in ww1 against Germans - see recent "1917" movie.

You cant find this on google anymore.

Enjoy this to piss off a yid, make sure to call em yid, they hate it.


What Hitler said about immigration, multiculturism and race : bitchute.com/video/kYcOl21xEeUn/

>Identified only as Jolanta K, she was killed in Reutlingen on Sunday
It's on you .. you failed to keep your country safe