>What do Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative. Join AfD or IB or Einprozent; counter subversion. Get Yas Forums. Spread flyers and stickers, physically remove leftist Agitprop! Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.
Warum habt ihr eigentlich immer noch diese total schwule Gymnasiasten Rechte in eurem schwulen Copypasta Thread aber nicht sowas wie FSN oder Schattenmacher?
Es netaisos klusēt, dēļ tā ka es tevi mīli vairāk par visu.
Brody Adams
Bulken hat bei mir nie wirklich funktioniert. Fühle mich da immer zu voll und kann nicht so gut trainieren. Mach lieber lean gains. Dauert länger aber sieht dann auch besser aus und hält sich auch besser soweit ich weiss. Und schau mal ob du bei dir schweinebauch/bacon bekommst. Ist ziemlich gut, protein und fett halt.
Connor Reed
Un kāds sakars ir baltiem ar to?
Juan Russell
Dovahhatty's unbiased history is some high level /his/ shitposting
Nathan Scott
In the next months you will see how hard I will cuck her and her entourage
You'll kill me cause I'm obviously smarter than you? 25
Brayden Morgan
Don't worry, when I'm far richer than you, and buying mansions, etc. And hoping from planes to Italy and then to South Korea, etc, I will be thin from that, and I'm going to request bank statements from men, and they can't have a single penny less than me, cause FUCK POOR PEOPLE.
I'm going to request bank statements to any man wanting to date me* and proof his income is higher than mine, because what kind of man would make less than his wife? That man shouldn't reproduce since he's poorer than women.
Colton Price
>Bodybuilding Blödsinn Ich will halt einfach nicht mehr wie ein Strichmännchen aussehen und bisschen Kraft haben.
Caleb Nelson
But i want mommy gf ):
Jaxson Morales
Yes, he deserved better.
Adrian Davis
Haha so jealous! I will say, it's not your fault you're a retard when your entire nation of goblins were tricked into the same pyramid scheme. LOL.
Not gonna be mad because I know that all degrees are worthless.
Nathaniel Powell
I agree with that, but such people are rare
Jason Barnes
He dropped out, asshole. Mad that you spent your early adulthood, wasting away precious moments of life, where you could be sitting on self-made millions? Or did like daddy already pimp you out and gave you millions?
Cameron Williams
are you Tay's commie sister
Mason Carter
They aren't supposed to be, that's the thing, you're supposed to transcend from materialism, but I guess it's only bad when Americans are materialistic. This makes me relly mad that you guys beat people up for something, and that something is something you are very known for.
Cooper Morgan
You will feel the burn soon enough! If not this year then 2024 or 2028! This is a revolution and not just a movement you capitalist pig
Carson Brown
I'm not mad. Just sad that I spent all that time for nothing.