Occultism, Freemasonry, pedophilia and other satanic Faggotry in the Government

ITT we expose the government as satanic faggots and pedos and deoccult their symbols

around 13 min
states how his info about a CIA kidnapping ring is just ignored, and how the childs are used for sacrifices
this is coming from this guy
>Theodore L. Gunderson (November 7, 1928 – July 31, 2011) was an American Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent In Charge and head of the Los Angeles FBI.
Doesnt mention Masons, but we know they are the ones active in the highest Echolons of the government, so guess who has the power to make the CIA kidnap children shut up the FBI

Citing an user on germany:
>i posted it allready in another thread its about a black metal neo pagan guy from germany, who killed a boy , a german varg virkernes if you like, and there is a documentary made about it from the 90s at 39:39 he gets arrested in william pearce hometown in virginia ,he was hiding at william pearces after fleeing germany) at a cafe he got arrested..look closer at the cafe.
>so much for this shit
pic related is the Cafe. Shows its internationally connected, and he, Hendrik Möbus, was also harbored by vocal anti-christian Dr. William Pierce

What are the chances they are involved here too?
Despite the obvious cover ups from police, social workers etc they now stopped looking into it and declared it incompetency
Its known afterall that Masons like to infiltrate cops

Attached: Mason Cafe.jpg (1920x1080, 317.78K)

Other urls found in this thread:



the fingers are associated with planets . the middlefinger for example is associated with saturn which may gives relation to pic related making it a bloodsacrifice to saturn.
on a side note, the ringfinger is the sun finger, the sun, being a symbol for God and the finger also associated with courage and passion. I believe rings and circles are meant to seal something away, and the ring at marriage is never mentioned in the bible and likely is a ploy to corrupt it, and who would have known, after the marriage passion and courage dies off just killing the marriage.

However aside from the Saturn connection there isnt a link directly to Masonry that i saw.

t;dw? From the first glance it seems to be about the virus and 5G. Well, I feel the biggest problem is the peoples and governments reaction to it. They can crash the economy and instead of admitting the system is build around cyclical collapses and it faulty by design blame it on the virus and continue the sheme.
Also the restriction of rights. I can already see it comming that everyone needs to get a vaccine and then, so they can easily check on the street if you got vaccinated the chip which they can scan and get your ID and status. Then, because it spreads the virus all cash is getting rid off. All trade is done electronically with your bankaccount running over your chip, and suddenly all trade can be controlled, and they can block whatever service or object or company from trade they dont like controlling the entire market, and thats when you realized you accidently got the mark of the beast and are eternally doomed.

5G makes me the biggest worries regarding the effects on conciousness. MKUltra involved experiments with electromagnetic radiation to the brain, its shows magnets can make people more tolerant and lose faith in God. Even if not intended I doubt all this radiation around us is good

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its hard to deal with people these days when i can look at them and understand they may not actually be themselves and just be dissociative with their personality and that could explain their behavior towards others. i can't see myself as being mad knowing what i know but i refuse to give into demoralization despite what we all are facing currently. honestly, i am just scared that i will lose everyone close to me and be alone in this world. i can ask god for all the strength against the despair but what good will that do when all i see around me is sad.

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>honestly, i am just scared that i will lose everyone close to me and be alone in this world.
Yeah, These times are so chaotic and scary but i will never leave you and i will always stay by your side.

Please stay safe, I'll find you after this lockdown is over, I love you

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Pic related is a ring with common masonic and Jesuit symbolism. On on side you have
IXXI, 9 (IX) and 11 (XI) being a clear hint towards the occult influence behind 9/11, which was a ritual sacrifice planned for that very day since before they started building the towers 33 years before (33 being an important masonic number)
Furthermore the IXXI can be seen as 2Ms, turned 180 degree to another and put upon the other. From this we propbably get the many MMs around as a tip offs to other masons

Mickey Mouse (Disney even having Club 33)
M&Ms/Marshal Mathers/Eminem
Master Masons
Marilyn Monroe/Manson
JiMMy KiMMel
>Since 2003, the building's theater has been the home of Jimmy Kimmel Live!.[5]

Furthermore the ring could then hint towards MMXX, 2020, maybe even IX XI MMXX, 9/11 2020.
9/11 numerology is also related to the jewish holiday "Tisha Bav" on which both the temples were destroyed which harbored the pillars Boaz and Jachin I mentioned couple of times as the day falls on the 9th day of the 11th month in the jewish calender

we are meant to experience what happens when we dont listen to God, so that we then decide to listen, hopefully. We chose this ourselves with the fruit, and now we get to know evil. But in the end we will be shown goodness, so dont give up and just do what is right

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One prime example of Judeo Masonic Magic
9/11 was a ritual aimed to transmutate the world, destroying the old (world order) and creating a new from its ruins. the phoenix rising from the ashes, shivas cosmic dance of destruction and creation, order out of chaos
The first step is to "destroy", bring everything into its baseform known as Nigredo
>In alchemy, nigredo, or blackness, means putrefaction or decomposition. Many alchemists believed that as a first step in the pathway to the philosopher's stone, all alchemical ingredients had to be cleansed and cooked extensively to a uniform black matter.[1]
black matter, like the black monolith, or the black cube which is the 9/11 memorial, a black cube led into the ground.

Next to the WTC, where 9/11 there happened to stand the Hilton Hotel next to it, which is a black monolith.

From this black mass you can gradually reconstruct the parts through certain steps creating something completly different, as they created the single tower from the ruins of the 2, E Pluribus Unum, Out of many one.

Now an user pointed out recently the that Kubricks 2001: A Space Odyssey also was published in exactly that year they started to build the first tower and implement the 9/11 emergency hotline 1968, 33 years (an important number in the occult), and the name of the movie hints even to the year 9/11 happened. The interesting bit about this is the black monolith in the movie and from what I got (didnt watch the movie) the monolith transformed apes into the modern humans much like the 9/11 ritual was meant to "evolve" the world/civilization

Basically they reenact what they want to do in small so that it then manifests in the big

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Did you know that Alefantis (whose restaurant features the Masonic Shriners Moon and star) has connections to a CIA lawyer connected to the Silsby case?
Original was deleted, but this features the clip at 16:45 Nora Maccoby talks about her growing up in an almost all CIA neighborhood making it very likely her family is involved in that as well.

Izette Folger Sister of Max and Nora Maccobie
>children: Anne Maccoby Berglof, Izette Folger, Nora Maccoby Hathaway, Max Maccoby.

She is also at on the Advisory board of Innocent at Risk which is an organisation to "fight" child eploitation and human trafficing
Max Maccoby brother of Nora Maccoby and Izette Folger, defended in Alefantis and Brock in court
and is on the board of directors of "Friends of the Orphans"

Furthermore the "Friends of the Orphans" orphanage is the very same orphanage Laura Silsby took the children from when she was caught with 33 of them (pic related for more on this)
>PUELLO: There was an orphanage that collapsed in Haiti. It was called friends of the orphans of Haiti. And there was somebody over there that told them that the orphans had no place, no room to place them.

tl;dr: this family with CIA background and connection to Alefantis have an awfull lot of connections to Childprotectionservices including the orphanage that Silsby got the children from. Silsby was also scrubbed from the AlertSense website so you dont see her working there anymore. really makes you think

Puello is a name that also came up as culprit in a recent Child trafficking busts, but is appearently another person. Maybe related?

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This is in front of the IRS building 5000 Ellin Road. you see for once he 2 pillars boaz and jachin, symbolizing the sun and the moon, famous freemason imagery. also probably representing the 2 temples (like the twintowers were too)that got destroyed on tisha bav, a jewish holiday associated with destruction of their 2 temples and other misfortunes. the 2 pillars are seperated in 13 parts. In Base 12 mathematics ancients used across the world and is still used today (12 inches in a foot, 12 months in year, 2 times 12 hours a day, 12 Zodiacs, etc.) 13 is the end of the old and a beginning of the new (world order?)
Also there is also the 13th zodiac being the serpent bearer
like the serpent in garden eden.

The pillars are black and white, symbolizing the duality of good and evil, as above so below etc. with the hands doing the as above so below gesture even.

The pyramid is a symbol of hierachy. Also in old times they thought the gods live on the mountains, so people build their own mountains (zygguraths/pyramids) to reside upon them with themselves being the capstone, the all seeing eye overlooking their realm
In this case on the pyramid is written „we the people“ together with the constitution on the black part, the white capstone on the other hand, the top of the hierachy, the godlike elite is seperated from the constitution and its rules, literally above it

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I missed these threads, user. Keep up the good work.

based OP. Gods work user.

The unification of the polar opposites is something that stretches itself across many cultures. Be it the marriage, uniting male and female, often dressed in black and white, resulting in the magic of a new kid being born. Or be it the solar eclipse uniting sun and moon together. In the egyptian mythology osiris dick (male) that gets eaten by a fish (female) (pic), or the Washington Monument (a dick, male) standing in the vesica pisces (female). The 2 pillars, Boaz and Jachin which stood before Solomons Temple and represent the sun and moon, and again the polar opposites. Sol, solar, sun. mon, moon. Sol-o-Mo(o)n. Even the "Star of David" is representing the male and female being united with the opposing triangles.
There is NO Star of David, it is the Seal of Solomon and possibly Star of Remphan, Solomon used to commune with other spirits after his 700 wives tempted him. They called it Star of David because David is seen as a good king and thus tried to make this black magic symbol seem good

In case of the star we have the triangles that also additionaly symbolizes the 3, or with the 2 triangles the 33
All good things come in 3, the holy trinity, 3 nails used to crucify jesus, he came back from the dead on the 3rd day
33, 3 plus duality, good and evil, male and female (the "star of david", which originally is not a jewish symbol depicts the 33with 2 triangles coming together, the male and female energies coming together.) it is believed where polar opposites meet magic/miracles happen and especialy unification of male and female is a holy event in pretty much all cultures which creates the miracle of life, trannies are a perverted version of this most likely uniting in one body what god seperated mocking him and his creation
Jesus died on the 3rd april 33ad at the age of 33 at 3pm
Counting all the connections and connectionspoints including the hidden one on the tree of life/kaballah gives you 33. the number is also associated with gods promise

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Pic related, Prince Andrew with Ghislaine Maxwell, probably the closest associate of Epstein (who happened to "die" on Tish A Bav with 33 days inbetween his indiction and "death") and an underage girl claiming to have been abused by Andrew and pimped out by Epstein which Andrew had a really hard time explaining.

Epstein had at least one fake passport.

One of his planes also flew around with military call signs.

We know CIA is involved in the childtrafficking for satanists due to instances like the silsby case connected to comet ping pong throgh some CIA lawyer that also is involved with some orphenage or ted gunderson talking about having evidence of a cia childtrafficking ring where the children are used for sacrifices So obviously Epstein too was one of those intellegence operations

Also on Maxwell
On that link
>gislaine maxwells father was (((former))) intellegence operative
>suddenly starts a media empire that totaly isnt some propaganda Op by the same intelligence
>funeral gets visited by 6 heads of the same intellegence service
>totally didnt stay in the IC and there is no way his daughter got dragged into it as well

The connection of Maxwell to the Intelligence Community was only admitted the other day

you are welcome.

Attached: Prince Andrew Maxwell.jpg (700x394, 28.36K)

It's also known as the Unicursal hexagram, or the seal of Saturn, it's a sigil for the spirit of Saturn.

Super Mario Bros 3
It features the checkered floor, common mason symbolism for this world, its duality, them rising above it to become players with us as their pawns hidden from our view. however inside the game you see also everything bolted to the background, platforms on rails moving instead of flying as usually, etc, all just being decoration for a stage that mario is running on, i mean it even has it opening up with a curtain like in a theatre play.

Super Mario 64 furthermore has you being followed around by a cameraman to record your every step.

In Super Mario All stars you have all the people gathered on a checkered floor again, having friendly chatter, including fucking bowser in the dark until the moment the light goes on, where they fall into their roles they are meant to have for everyone else

Which leads me to some other questions:
Why is Bowser invited for party games and cart tournaments, even inviting the enemies into his country for the tournement?
Why would peach, who is constantly kidnapped by Bowser following the invitation?
Why can peach be so easily be kidnapped over and over again when she should be a well guarded princess?
Why is it always the same scenario?

The answer is because all the conflict is staged. Its masonic propaganda made to entertain the people and keep them busy just like propaganda here is.
There is also the case to be made its all just to entertain peach which may symbolizes a deity that would wreck everything if not entertained through this play.

Also dont forget the typical white gloves Mario as well as Masons like to wear

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I've been through it. I literally lost everyone close to me and wound up homeless on the street. I had no choice but to start over alone. I've worked my ass off, married a beautiful woman, and have a kick ass life. It was scary, but I made it through and I'm much better now than I ever was

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based german bro dropping redpills
how (((they))) havent banned you is beyond me
you expose their filth so much
keep fighting brother you are not alone

Some selfbump

double bumperino
people will call you a shizonigger and take meds or some other shit
but they... aren't open yet

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Bunping again

learn about Hermes/Thoth

Some connections between Saturn and Satan.
Where as Gods symbolism is around the Sun and light Saturn stands in Duality to this. In example in Alchemy the Sun is Gold, perfection, whereas Saturn is lead (base/ruin)
Saturn being the planet the furthest away from the sun still visible with the naked eye, the furthest away from God.
The 6th planet with the hexagon on its northpole forming the cube. (both satanic symbolism)
Being in greek the embodiment of time and thus ultimately decay and death like Satan, is the source of sin with sin causing our death/mortallity.
The 6s in its seal (pic related)
The 6s encoded in the the Seal of Solomon (6 small triangles with 60° corners) and the hexagon.
Sun is associated with Gold (perfection and the highest) in alchemy as Saturn is Lead (being in ruin and the lowest), polar opposites once again
Saturn in Astrology is ruling the Karma which Buddhists say traps us in this world just like the Sin which Satan brought, brought us into this world

Pic related then shows clearly who their god is, Satan, this material world and their own ego.
The square in pic related, which incorporates the origin of the Masons Logo is even associated with Saturn

It appears in a lot of places in all kinds of cultures in some form or another, its similar actually to the swastika in that regard.

they do repeatedly. I usually get 3 day banns for off topic, and for a week or a bit longer was rangebanned from making threads.

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Inb4 tranny jannies shoah thread

Bill admits hillary speaks with the dead

>With fingers crossed, the old rabbit's foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch . . .

>Moloch (Phoenician: 𐤌𐤋𐤊, Masoretic מֹלֶךְ mōlek, Greek Μολόχ) is the biblical name of a Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice.

pic related from alefantis instagram (Comet Ping Pong using Shriner symbolism with the Crescent Moon and Star)
>no chicken in sight
>just a kid

man, i really wonder what was sacrificed there. its undeniable that (((they))) are communing with evil spirits

Remember correct the record? That clinton shill group run by david brock the ex lover of james alefantis? How likely is it the employees were people from his ex lovers pizza parties? How likely is it they all sent at least one application to be a janni? How likely is it at least one was accepted and was then shared in the office toget rid of any thread they want?
How likely is it that this is the case for all shilling groups out there?

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What is freemasonry? It is basically a good goy club coming under the guise of christianity to gain trust while the doctrines are leading you directly away from it. It promises to be able to ascend through works and knowledge even though Christ is the only way, and as such tries to seperate man from God, claiming its about liberation when its just rebellion freeing us from the "oppression" of God and becoming gods themselves free from any foreign restrictions, basically
>Why do the nations ragea and the peoples plot in vain?
>2The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together, against the LORD and against His Anointed One:
>3“Let us break Their chains and cast away Their cords.”
The chains and cords being the morals and laws that restrict us.

Crowley believed to reach the most high you must first sink to the lowest. You do this by doing everything you dont want to do, as things that disgust or repell you are merely chains that bind you and keep you from doing something, thus limiting your potential. Morals and Ethics, the little voice in your head, are merely obstacles you need to overcome, you need to silence.
You dont like seafood? better eat oysters and such until you dont mind anymore. You really dont want to hurt that little child? that feeling too is just an obstacle, overcome it, rape it and kill it. You like vaginas? Better engage in gay sex orgies all day long until its normal for you. By this you free yourself from the selfimposed "limitations" and unlock your "true potential"

Also there are 2 type of Masons:
First type are usefull idiots. They came to make some connections, get some knowledge and/or have some gentlemens club. They unknowingly disguise it as such gentlemens club while their higher ups are fucking over the world

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The checkers board is meant to symbolize the duality of this world, black and white, good and evil, heaven and earth, sun and moon, and by extent stands for this (material) world. Just like the 2 pillars Boaz and Jachin do too you always see in such imagery.
However it also represents a playing field in the literal sense. They see the world as a game they play to win, with us as their pawns and themselves as the players that ascended the playing field, the duality of this world, even out of the vision of the pawns they control.

Kaballa is basically about ascention, how to raise beyond the mortal plane. In freemasonic symbolism you see this by the checkered board with a (jacobs) ladder going out of it, symbolizing the ascention. And they rise above this state, out of the duality of the world (with the help of moral relativism, not being held back by morals and ethics anymore) and become gods by abolishing their care for others and this world (see Cremation of Care at the Bohemian Grove), player unseen by the pawns they controll.

Some related the kaballah to different planets similar to how different deities are attributed to the planets. In this interpretation I heard the theory that the hidden sephiroth (the connection points in the kabbalah), daarth is the equivalent of the black sun which is the connection point between this world and the other world, from where our spirits come and which is used to communicate with other spirits aka demons.

Book of the secrets of Enoch also gives another account of creation. He for example says God took from the invisible (primal matter i guess) the light, and fixed it at the highest point, then took from the same invisible the solid/matter, and put it on the lowest point. In between, iirc, he puts the water and the air too. which you see in pic related too, with the material fixed on the bottom and the realm of light on top which they usually attribute to Lucifer.

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We all know there are blackmail photos of both Trump and Biden fucking kids floating around in the hands of the super rich.

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Some small trivia:
Epstein "died" on Tish A Bav with 33 days between him being charged and him "dying"when he was 66,6 years old.

Also if you look up Black Cube, that private intelligence company based in Israel, and look up their numbers on the website, wether its the office in tel aviv, london or paris, they all end with the 666

Donald John Trump means translated
Donald=Ruler of the world
John= blessed/sent from God
Trump=Trump (like trumpcard)

On his first day of in office he was 7 decades, 7 months and 7 days and won the electoral vote with a 77 vote lead due to 7 faithless electors. He was born during a lunar eclipse and during his first year in rulership a solar eclipse went through his whole „kingdom“ followed after 33 days (an important number in the occult) by the september 23rd prophecy again followed 7 years later by another solar eclipse crossing his "kingdom"
also Donald J Trump make up 888 in gematria
> Eight is the number of Jesus, whose name in the Greek adds up to 888.

Appearently there were 8 presidents before washington making Trump actually the 53rd, just like in a cardgame the 53rd card is usually the joker aka Trump.
Either he was send by God or groomed his entire life for this role, definitely no coincidences.

On the other hand we have:
>18So He said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.
In hebrew lightning means baraq
and high place (ie heaven) bamah
I saw satan fall like baraq (o?/from) bamah
I assume they wanted to give his CIA cover name some satanic touch

I dont know, Trump is either groomed since his birth for this very job or is send by God. One of these.

major censorship against this topic/thread atm, GET IN HERE

lets start with the basics on Satanism

satan (associated with saturn) meant something like "obstacle". everyone had his own satan. someone who incites him to do bad things, a bad habbit, an addiction, anythinghe should overcome. But then there also is THE Satan, Ha-Satan.

6 is the number of man, and his weakness. greed, egoism, egocentrism, all the materialistic desires, and i believe of this plane existence in general (the earth is tilted 23,4 degrees, or if you count from the other direction 66.6 degrees, life, on this planet at least, is made of carbon, the 6th element, with 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons. 6 directions in the material realm, north, south, west, east, up and down, 6 sides of the cubes. Think About how molecules and icecrystals form in hexagonal shapes. saturn being the 6th planet with hexagon on its northpole). 666, number of the beast, is going over the top with the materialistic desires, pursuing and desiring only those and making you follow the path of satan.

The black cube of satan is a symbol for this material, 3 dimensional realm, and the time we fear is running out, which will let us die, and which causes us to do harm to others in order to lead a better life ourself. by thus the black cube also symbolizes time and death without either we wouldnt have these earthly desires causing us to do evil.
The 666 could also stand for the dimensions of the cube, 6x6x6, entrapping us in the 6, our weakness and temptations.

Our sole puprose, as i believe it, is to overcome (our) satan, proof we arent easily corrupted wether satan is just a symbol or a real entity. So while this world isnt evil itself, this realm of existence kind of makes the corruption a lot easier. When people worship satan, they dont worship some deity or enthity (well, some do that too). they worship this material world, the materialistic egoistic desires, and themselves.

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Pic related. those 7 circles are called the seed of life.
One interpretation i saw is that its meant to symbolize the creation week, or symbolize the same as the creation week does in the bible
The center being conciousness, that expands to the circle. The conciousness then moves to the border of the circle where it expands again creating the second circle and so on until you got the seed of life. the 6 days of creation around the 7th one, God, the seed of life or whatever you want to call it.
By connecting the points of intersection you gain the (black) cube, as above mentioned symbolizing the material world and as such Satans rule.

I have to say here that the 6, and all these patterns are commonly seen as a positive symbol as it is the blueprint of creation of life, but its only the material part of this, and according to the Bible the source of temptations, the Satan's, which we should work on overcoming with

So in this light atheism is low key satanism as both are about the material, about power, wealth, the flesh.
Christianity is about rejection of the flesh and embrace of the spirit. Where christianity tells you everything is God, thus you yourself too and everything else it means everything is connected to you while satanism and atheism teach seperation. no underlying connections and thus seperation leads to worship of the self, and only caring about the ego.
Where satanists and atheist desire to be blessed in this life and having it comfy christianity tell you you will have it hard in this life, prosecuted and attacked for doing the right thing, so you may have delight in the next live instead

Attached: Black cube seed.png (236x225, 32.76K)

Satanism is about the rejection of God and his values, embracement of his teachings.
>19The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity, and debauchery; 20idolatry and sorcery; hatred, discord, jealousy, and rage; rivalries, divisions, factions, 21and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
>22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
Also all the stuff God forbids throughout the bible, from faggotry to racemixing, and general degeneracy, is what satanism is all about, complete egoism, materialism and hedonism So Satanism is embracement of all the degeneracy that God forbids and which the kikes push and and enduldge in.
By allying with Satan you ally in any way you ally with the kikes.
At the foundation of all satanism there are a bunch of ultra retarded SJW whose entire philosophical basis is that God is a tyrannical fascist and a bigot for not allowing them to stick their dick where ever they want. God demands selfmoderation and aspiration to become something great. (((they))) believe these laws, instead of guidelines and advices for prosperity and a good life, are chains and limitations holding them back from doing what they want, from their self fulfillment, from basically sticking their dick into every hole they can find. That is the foundation of Satanism, forsaking Morals and laws so you can be a degenerate piece of shit, living like an animal according to the flesh, living as the BEAST
So in the end its mostly about "muh dick"

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The Washington Monument depicts a giant dick, and thus symbolizes male energy. It stands in a vescica pisces, which symbolizes female energy. The unification of polar opposites (will get to that) like good an evil or male and female is where its believed that magic springs into existence. In case of the unification of male and female for example its the magic of life that happens as a new child is made. The washington monument also gets mirrored by the Pond. As above so Below.
Some people try to argue it is supposed to be one of Ras sunrays petrified, but the sun again is a symbol for male energy and thus wouldnt change anything really
also the washington monument is 555 feet high. usually an obelisk has 20% of it underground to make it stable making the total height 666 feet.
555 feet are also 6660 inches
6 is the number of man, and his weakness. greed, egoism, egocentrism, all the materialistic desires, and i believe of this plane existence in general (the earth is tilted 23,4 degrees, or if you count from the other direction 66.6 degrees, life, on this planet at least, is made of carbon, the 6th element, with 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons). 666 is going over the top with the materialistic desires, pursuing and desiring only those and making you follow the path of satan.
Aside from the unification i mentioned its interesting to see where other big obelisks stand around.
DC, the vatican and city of london. All of them are areas seperated from their surrounding, under its own governmence. DC doesnt belong to virginia, the vatican doesnt belong to rome or italy, and the city of london does not belong to london. They basically put up a giant dick in there to claim the area as their own and as a symbol of their strength (literally ancient proxy dickmeassuring context using obelisks instead of sportscars.

Attached: Washington Monument air.jpg (1437x804, 151.1K)

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This braille is the Braille attached to the infamous timecapsule of the denver Airport. Didnt get to the rest, but the last line reads
>Menmorabilia ! [probably means "from" and i did a mistake somewhere] the people of the year (number) 2001
Why does it, from 1994 tell you to remember the people of 2001 which usually is said about people that fall victims to catastrophes?
From 2001 (the year they reference) to 2094 (the year they open it supposedly) its 93 years. Flight 93 is one of the flights that were kidnapped on 9/11. I seem to recall that number popping up in other occasions around 9/11, but cant recall them so dont quote me on that

probably a reference to
>4Then He will judge between the nations and arbitrate for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will no longer take up the sword against nation, nor train anymore for war.
but the entire airport is creepy. from the masonic timecapsule to the horse statue that killed its creator.

Attached: Timecapsule Braille.jpg (1024x768, 205.21K)

There was no wifi back then.

>atheism is low key satanism
>is low key theism

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take your meds

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I consider this world to be like a thought or dream of God. Then those vibrations all around us might actually be kind of brainwaves and the different charges around us neural impulses. i think in that concept also lies the holy trinity
Imagine this world like a dream, or thought of God. In your dream your mind/conciousness makes up the entire world. This is the holy spirit. You can then appear as an avatar of yourself in it and interact with people directly. This would be the equivalent of the son. Then there is the you outside the dream which then possibly is the Father. Now considering the occult principle of As above, so below, we can deduce that the higher realms relate to the lower ones, like our, this, world relates to our dreams.

>1In the beginning was the Word (Logos), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Now imagining that "in the beginning was the word" actually meant "thought" or "concepts"
than it pretty much fits i believe

this world is created from patterns>pater>father who is in heaven. The Logos, which is God, but God is so much more than these Logos (some people trying to equate him with the creation, when God is the creation and so much more) Not only geometrical ones (sacred geometry) we find in matter but also conceptual ones. "Opposites attract another" is one of these patterns, we have it in social relationship, electromagnetism, particle physics.These are the Logos quite likely too. These patterns emerge all across creation, spiritually and materialistic. And through this we can understand heavenly concepts through earthly means. and as such the heavenly father can be described (to some extent at least) by earthly means as well.

Satan wants to be the Logos to be God, thus (((they))) put his symbols into all the brand Logos

there used to be a video on that on youtube, but weirdly i cant find it anymore

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I believe the Logos relates to the logic, the patterns>pater>father who is in heaven. this world is made up of patterns. These patterns can be geometric ones, like the pentagram and infamous hexagram which make up the material part of the world (sacred geometry) and can be found all over nature like the golden ratio, Pi and Fibbonaci sequence as well which too are just mathematical patterns that can be expressed in geometric patterns.
There are also immaterial patterns around, like "opposites attract another", working in sociology as opposed personalities often get along well, in electromagnetism, positive and negative poles attracting another, or general physics with matter and antimatter creating a big boom when coming together.
The laws of physics are a set of patterns on how things behave. And one pattern can emerge in various ways in different fields like the opposites i mentioned. Patterns in this world also relate to patterns in the spiritual world and all other worlds, as above, so below, or:
>18Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.
hinting to a causal relation between the 2. So thats why Jesus and the Bible in general speaks in metaphores of farming, shepherding or even craftmanship because that is what people have experience with and could relate to, and these embodying the same patterns that work in heaven that he is describing with.

All the used patterns clearly hint towards intelligent design rather than randomness, thus being a hint towards God
>20For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood from His workmanship, so that men are without excuse.

Attached: Golden Ratio.png (850x636, 335.23K)

Connection between Sodomy, MKUltra, satanic ritual abuse, ayys, demons and the like. Real tinfoil stuff.
The stories of alien abductions and demonic possessions are all pretty similar They often run in the family, include violent sexual acts (like anal probing), unableness to move or speak and a general sense of being scared. Also both are reported to just stop when calling out to Christ for help
Now there are people that claim aliens come around and give us knowledge and technology. Think of Paul Hellyer, former minister of defense of canada
or Podesta rambling on about alien disclosure. Now I assume everyone knows about Pizzagate here, which brings me to the next person talking a lot about ayys giving us technology, Boyd Bushman
at 2:36 you can see the pedotriangle dangling in the background.
What did the demons and fallen angels do in the past? They gave humanity knowledge we arent supposed to have yet, same the ayys do now.
And if you know about Pizzagate you also know how its all about satanism
So we have satanic sodomizers talking about (((ayys))) giving us technology. The sodomy supposedly makes one also more receptive to the spiritual, kind of a shortcut, but probably like falling off a cliff is the shortcut of getting down from a mountain. You can be sure that the higher ups underwent the same practices as their victims (just without the murder at the end) which results in
a) Brainwashing, they will eventually thing this is normal behavior, especially the kids, and later will continue the practice
2. Blackmail, one steps out of line you expose the crimes they did during those rituals
III: Shortcut to spirituality.
>cruz said demons told him to shoot up the school

Attached: bushman pedo.png (1920x1080, 1.83M)

I believe:
Grey Alien= Demons aka spirits of dead Nephilim
Reptillian=Fallen Angels, like Satan, the fallen angel that appeared in Eden in form of a serpent (reptile) and later the dragon
Nordics/Tall whites/Pleiadians=angels/inner earthers
Remember that the UFO community claims Reptillians created the grays. In this case it would be the case too as the fallen angels mated with humans, creating the nephillim whose spirit traditionally are the Demons. Thus the reptillians created them by mating with humans.
Others i have no idea about

Interestingly ritual abuse, as well as demonic possessions, as well as ayy abductions, all feature sodomy
"Coincidently" around the area of the anus there is the rootchakra located. What is the purpose of this one?
>Security, safety
>Basic needs (food, sleep, shelter, self-preservation, etc.)
>Physicality, physical identity and aspects of self
>Support and foundation for living our lives

Remember how rapevictims often are left Traumatized their whole life? Same area.
They trap their victims in an endless feeling of being insecure and vulnarable to have them controllable by corrupting their Root Chakra, and do this by sodomizing them as well as other forms of torture. This seems to be specifically done in satanic brainwashings where the subjects also are forced to be fucked and get fucked by animals

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the root chakra is your survival instincts. only if you rose above the constant fear of death you are able to actually process new experiences and evaluate them, see them from all angles outside of the threat they pose (sacral chakra), after that comes the solar plexus chakra responsible for our self esteem and self worth for which we have to see us in context of the new experiences and how we handle those. only once you love and value yourself you can start loving others (heart chakra), and love goes through the stomach, solar plexus>heart. next comes the throat chakra and the best speaches are those done by talking from your heart, what you truely care about and communication is the job of the throat chakra. Once you can formulate the truth properly there comes understanding and insight, the third eye chakra, and from this understanding you realize that everything is connected with another, the crown chakra

by putting you in a constant state of fear and anxiety they lock you in the lowest state of conciousness, occupied only with survival unable to really process any experiences. Early traumata like circumcission can alter your brain enough to effect your entire life.
All the fear propaganda all around merely is there to lock you into the lowest state of conciousness controlled by fear.

There is also the reptillian brain in charge of pretty much the same as the root chakra, survival instinct. Some people are "entirely" controlled by this area in the brain with every act only being there for survival. Stealing money from some guy, or even murdering people that threaten your lifestyle. The temptations of the flesh. The abuse and sodomy affecting the lowest chakra which is the easiest effected (iE through sodomy) due to its connection with the material.

The Serpent is a common symbol for evil because just as this chakra and conciousness is the lowest so is the snake crawling at the lowest on the ground representing the conciousness of the individual

Attached: Chakra.jpg (300x400, 50.3K)

go back to sleep.

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What is MKUltra? It is the CIA program working on mindcontrol methods which (((officially))) was stopped in 1973. They kidnapped drunks, prostitutes, homeless, and whoever else they could find from the streets to perform these experiments on them (next time you see a crazy hobo, maybe you realize why he is so crazy)
How is it performed? Basically they torture and stress you until your personality breaks into multiple people and you develop a dissociative identity disorder also known as multiple personality disorder. These methods include outright torture, waterboarding, sleep deprivation, being forced to look at strobing lights
and basically everything else that induces stress and Trauma. They furthermore aid it with the use of drugs (likely LSD or something similar). Eventually they build in some trigger, like always having a certain picture (like the monarch butterfly) on the wall during the process or making the subject wear a special shirt making it aware that the torture starts resulting in a certain personality they desire to come to the front. These new personalities can be then shaped pretty much freely and often dont know about the other personalities. It appears that the younger the subject is the better this works.

Is this still being done? You tell me
Some possibly are just druguse or fake (like the first one possibly is) but I advice to check the Britney Spears one at 7:25

Pic related an artwork of Kim Noble who underwent heavy abuse resulting in her personality being split. Extra attention on the Handkerchief below the kid, likely "drawing" the Pizza related map on it right now
Catching fluids as kind of a souvenir

Some more on MKUltra

Attached: Kim Noble.jpg (350x439, 31.54K)

This can all be summerized to "weakening ones mental and spiritual fortitude in whatever possible way" to make them controllable. If they are controllable to humans they also are to spirits and at that point the rituals and symbols come into play to call demons, as they are not omnipresent and otherwise would just miss the opportunity to take control

Some anons account on something related
>I have this early childhood memory and I am swarmed with fear currently when I write this. It's hard. I remember that it was night and I was probably 3-4 and I was in my room alone. I saw this classic flyng alien plate stop in front of my window.
>I also have another memory. An alien pictured on the wardrobe again in the middle of the night, it was only made from light.
>Also around this time I started wanting to be alone and perform this weird sexual thing where I would prostrate so that my ass is up and vulnerable.
>I am not gay to this day and I remember doing this once.
>WHAT THE FUCK totally mindfucked atm.

>Last year I have this weird dull pain between my scrotum and anus, couldn't sit without a donut pillow. 6 weeks of antiobiotics, lot of painkillers, nothing works. In january I had an Ayahuasca ceremony, in the deepest of the journey had this strong urge to pee, I don't know how I reached the bathroom but remember that the urine was dark green almost black. Since that the pain disappear. Weirder part is that the day before the ceremony I had lot of synchronicities and strange things happened. I think that root chakra was retaining some emotional stuff and Ayahuasca help me to release it.
>So, I think there's some truth in the chakra thing.

also in >It appears that the younger the subject is the better this works
pic related

Attached: circumcission.jpg (1008x1580, 540.1K)

You'll never be alone

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Another link of freemasons to disgusting acts:
Pic related is the screen of Viacom on Timesquare. If you didnt hear about this company it owns various TV channels like MTV, CBS with the all seeing eye, Viva with the 2 sets of opposing Vs like seen in . Comedy Central (CC/33) and for us most importantly Nickelodeon (the orange colour being a good additional hint to masonry and Viacom), Like Disney they also feature a lot of Childstars.
The boy you see on the screen is Desmond Napoles, 10 year old drag queen and icon of the LGBT community. Of course pushing ones degeneracy upon a kid (according to the mother he decided on his own at the age of 2 to be a Drag Queen when he first saw them on TV...) is not enough. Look at the spiral that they had to put on his head giving again the pedosymbolisn. Coincidently sexual abuse is related to satanic abuse as well as MKUltra as well as drugs which desmond seemingly gets too
In the video you see one of them trying to give Desmond something, to which the other says "He had one of those already" so probably nothing normal to drink.

Here is all I have on MKUltra and similar stuff

>Desmond’s personal drag style has evolved over the years. Currently, he is most influenced by the colorful club kids of 1990s NYC nightlife
So what is Clube kids?
>During this time, Alig and other regular clubgoers began creating flamboyant personas, and later became known as "Club Kids". The Club Kids wore outrageous costumes that former Club Kid and celebutante James St. James later described as "part drag, part clown, part infantilism".[9] They were also known for their frequent use of ketamine (known as Special K), Ecstasy, Rohypnol, heroin, and cocaine.

However this isnt where it ends...

Attached: desmond.png (642x944, 366.26K)

And one of the guys in that vid is appearently Michael Alig himself (as an autist im naturally faceblind, so look yourself if its the same guy)
>After The Limelight was closed by federal agents and an investigation found that Gatien was allowing drugs to be sold there, Melendez was fired. Shortly thereafter, he moved into Alig's Riverbank West apartment[18][19] On the night of March 17, 1996, Alig and his roommate, Robert D. "Freeze" Riggs, murdered Melendez after an argument in Alig's apartment over many things, including a long-standing drug debt.[20] Alig has claimed many times that he was so high on drugs that his memory of the events is unclear.
>After Melendez's death, Alig and Riggs did not know what to do with the body. They initially left it in the bathtub, which they filled with ice. After a few days, the body began to decompose and became malodorous. After discussing what to do with Melendez's body and who should do it, Riggs went to Macy's to buy knives and a box. In exchange for 10 bags of heroin, Alig agreed to dismember Melendez's body. He cut the legs off, put them in a garbage bag, cut off the head and put it in another bag, and stuffed the rest into a box. Afterwards, he and Riggs threw the box into the Hudson River.[21]
This is who the parents led roam around their child.

Also back to Viacom
The guy in the pic is Dan Schneider, producer for various shows on Nickelodeon. And here he is with Jennette McCurdy, actress from iCarly who you can also see here
>Hey Dan Schneider [...] Look what you have done to me

Is him getting too obvious the reason Nickelodeon recently axed him?

Attached: schneider.jpg (225x300, 15.79K)

Come on John, be more succinct.

I read a bit about the Kaballah, and its totally shizophreanic it seems. Wanted to go into it a bit later to have the pieces connect a bit better, but well:
Kaballah basically says the following.
There is this infinity without will or intent or any desire at all, the Ein Sof. From this infinity suddenly the Ein Soph Aur, a sort of energy/light is send out from which intent manifested itself as the first Sephiroth on top, the Kether. You can imagine the Ein Sof as a light and the Sephiroth as a lense that shapes and filters the light. This first manifestation is the will itself. From this will a layer below came forth Wisdom, Chockmah, which let to understanding, Binah, which together make up the concious layer of creation. From this the eternal light got filtered into love and mercy, Chesed and strength, Gevurah, being the layer below conciousness where the concepts are created we create in our minds sort infos by. From the combination of these 2 , the strength/might of God and his kindness and love and mercy the miracles, balances and all the good things are born, Tifaret. These good things bring us to the next layer which are the eternity (which is offered to us through our Immortal souls), endurance (of God to wait for us to return to him and the vicotry, Netzach as well his showing his glory and splendour, Hod. All these different aspects of creation are then concentrated back together through Yesod into Malkuth. Malkuth is basically the result of the entire process, the world that we perceive and as such does not only show the creation of our world, but also the layers and path our own conciousnes goes from the basic existence itself through the conceptualization of the world around us through the different filters/sephirot to our perceived worldview Makuth making Yesod the connection between our spiritual components and the perceived world we create in our head/material baseform.

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The big issue i found is that they say Ein Sof is the eternity, and infinity, and all that is in a state where all is mixed together without will or action or desire. Basically how gnostic say the Monad is. From this then suddenly, even though its unable to do anything, the first sephiroth manifested, the Kether which is the will essentially or the first manifestation of that Ein Sof that wouldnt have any intent to manifest a desire or will in the first place. Yet they dont get the idea that something without the Ein Sof must have influenced it to create this first intent and argue this indifferent mass of everything, basically creation and not the creator, is the highest form there is.
However they then come around and say that the Kether, the highest Sephiroth would be feeded energy by the Malkuth (basically you must imagine a chain Trees of these things lined up to another), essentially admitting that the Ein Sof needs something to influence it from without to kickstart the Kether, the first will, they still ommit that at the highest possible position something with intent and personality must exist or otherwise the first thing manifesting itself wouldnt be the will itself. Or for the will of the most high to manifest in this realm, the will must have existed before, debunking their entire basis for the moral relativism bullshit

You will also see that this grand infinite mass that suddenly for no reason splits up into creating the universe is exactly what they try to sell us with the Big Bang Theory.

im sorry i cant explain the evil, show evidence for it, explain their symbols and philosophy as well as way of working while expaining their deepest secrets in under 2000 characters.

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Basically just like the gods the angels (the Elohim) are forces and aspects of creation, the embodiment of them. Book of the Secrets of Enoch for example goes into detail how God created the world by commanding aspects of the world, specifically the solid/matter (called Adoil here) to come out of the invisible and set itself at the lowest of creation.
So when the other mythologies explain how the gods or the aeons/archons created the Universe it speaks of the angels being created and told to take this certain form and state of being which subsequently make up this world. Generally where as other myths go in great detail which god did which deed the Bible treats them, that is the angels, more as a tool of God, stating God did this, occasionally mentioning the angel he sent.
In the same sense you can imagine that God creates this infinite light (the Ein Soph in this case) and fractals himself through a bunch of prisms/lenses to create this realm with matter as the lowest spectrum of the light that we perceive with the Sephiroth functioning as the angels shaping the light into the form they take in the lowest form, the Malkuth

So when the Demiurge (basically Satan) created the world in gnosticism I believe its more about the world being created through the demiurge which after rebellion started not working as he should have and tempting people through egoism, materialism and hedonism which became the foundation of satanism as we know it.

However this World was not created by him but the true God, not as a Prison, but more like a sandbox or containment area. Imagine a bunch of children in range of the big red cosmic selfdestruct button on which stands "DO NOT PUSH". It would be pushed pretty much instantly, and the same would be if the drooling retards we are were to get our cosmic powers. So we are here to learn first

Attached: Demiurge 3.png (900x616, 256.9K)

If you have troubles with the names we can pretty much relate the terms to other systems as they pretty much all describe the same slightly different.
The Ein Soph is probably best related to the Gnostics "Monad", the endless void in which everything is together and uniform and thus nothing until it split up into everything.
Its also the Singularity of the Big Bang Theory in which again, all was one in a uniform mass until things split up and create everything.
I would say this is best described as pure energy or light. This is probably also the similar to the Kundalini, the energy that runs through the Chakra .
The first Manifestations of this is the Kether or the crown, the first of the Sephiroth presenting will or intent. From this first thing that came forth from this energy all the rest was formed after, through the will and intent and on a personal level represents your very existence. before any knowledge, wisdom or any outside influence shaped you.
The Kether, the Crown relates then to the Crown Chakra, the highest like the highest sephiroth that is Kether. This Chakra is responsible for your connection with the world and all there is, like the Kether that connects you to the Ein Soph which is the all. The Chakras in general seem to describe states or levels of conciousness which the Kaballah does describe to.
In that sense you can see the the Sephiroths or Chakras as lenses or Prisms reflecting the light/energy and making from the pure white the different things all down to the matter eventually

Attached: Demiurge.png (666x868, 134.44K)

On the creation through light

Basically all we percrive are vibrations, the matter vibrates so fast we dont even actually touch it but just feel its effect, almost like we just see other vibrations of light in the eye. Heat too is just infrared light or when touching higher vibrations of the matter
So when everything relies on vibrations what happens when there is no sun/light? Everything cools to 0°K, all movement and vibration seizes to exist and essentially nothing to perceive exist anymore
So for anything to exist there must be light. Matter in that sense is just the lowest spectrum of the light.
Now what is Satan? He is the ruler of the world, said to have created it even (the demiurge), he is the matter, but he also is the lightbringer, the light that creates the matter.
Now God is the one that created him and the other angels, and told them what to do, which form to take etc. to create this Universe, and Satan is essentially the foundation of it. Now depending on who you ask either Lucifer has light in him himself or its that through him the light is taking his shape (you know that image of the prism that creates the rainbow? Satan would basically the prism that refracts the light to create/arrange the things that are. Originally he did so on Gods command having us live in the paradise, but ever since he rebelled the whole world got corrupted.
The different Sephiroths in the Kaballah are like these prisms that let the light take its shape and colour to create our world. Similary the material world, Malkuth, gets filtered through the different conceptualizations/sephiroths upwards that we created in our mind until it reaches our intellect (Understanding and Wisdom) and our conciousness itself (Kether) and forms our worldview.

So when there is nothing left to perceive from the outside, will you be a light onto yourself or seize to exist? Are you concious? Do you have a soul?

Attached: Truth Ed.jpg (1280x720, 113.49K)

Some problem of the gnostic philosophy shown on the example of Alchemy.
The concept of turning lead into gold I feel is widely misrepresented
Gold is usually associated with the Sun, which also is associated with God (lots of symbolism around light and the sun around Jesus and God), Lead on the other hand is associated with Saturn, the furthest planet from the sun you can see with the naked eye and thus is an opposite of God, Satan (quite some connections between Saturn and Satan actually)
Now turning lead into gold gets more possible interpretations. it could be
>turning your bad habbits, your satans, the lead, into gold, improving yourself.
>taking the bad habits and declaring that lead to be gold, following the inversed path of God, satanism
>taking saturn and making it your sun, making Satan your god (symbolically done by the USAs national seal for example which has the depcition of ra, an eagle holding up the solar disc, the sun, and inside a "star of david" formed by 13 smaller stars declaring Saturn their Sun
>generally taking the lowest state of anything (lead) and raising its state to something higher, to gold, symbolizing ascention.
now all of these are "legit" ways of the principle "lead into gold" and all are hermetic, transformational, but some are corrupted, and other are positive, but all are valuable options in gnosticism.
Similary there is the concept of uniting polar opposite believe to cause magic. You can have Sex, uniting the male and female creating a new life, or you cut your dick off and become a tranny, uniting the 2 in that way (Hermaphrodites) ultimately resulting in suicide and the genetic dead end being a unification of death and ruin.
Left Hand Path and Right Hand Path

However in Freemasonry its fairly obvious they go the negative path. At least when you reach the higher echolons. Lower ones are mostly useful idiots helping to disguise it as gentlemens club that they think it is.

Attached: Alchemy Planets.jpg (1220x754, 255.55K)

Got anything on Biden?