This whole pandemic has made me realize that asians especially east asians are just cleaner than whites

This whole pandemic has made me realize that asians especially east asians are just cleaner than whites.
Just look at South Korea and compare to dirty eur*peans and see how they've handled this crisis

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Shut up ameritard

Do you know what their secret to contract tracing is. They all speak the same fucking language. Only a mutt couldn't see the benefits of a homogeneous society.

I don't even know how to respond to this worthless cucks post


>gook has to bump his own b8


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North East Asians are pretty based.

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Korea has no niggers, spics, or poos.

If anything I'm disappointed Koreans haven't reached the moon or made t-800 tier killer robots like the US did, while being laden with these leeches lol

It's true, Asians are civilized. But also they have less brown poop people in their countries.

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>cleaner than whites

Whites are filthy animals, especially Western Europeans. Julius Caesar himself was so DISGUSTED by West Euros he invaded and mass slaughtered them all. He crucified Boudica and had his men rape her daughters lol.

Nips and gooks maybe but chinks are some greasy faggots.

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retard newfag

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>Julius Caesar himself was so DISGUSTED by West Euros he invaded and mass slaughtered them all.
I know. It's why he talks about their hygene standards all the time in the Gallic Wars. He won't shut up about it. The entire book is just invective against dirty Druids eating bullshit, interpolated with some battle narrative. Caesar conquered all of Gaul just to get the bastards to bathe properly!
>t. retard

Ofc! Its obvious how clean chinks are.

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Euro whites are so dirty that i'm thinking it would be best to ban them from ever coming to the states. All they do is bring plague and diseases where ever they go

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Japan and Korea have had American bases since like the 60's.
It's been a joint effort at the least between America and these two nations, and likely far more going on.

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It's because their countries aren't full of shit skins like western countries are

Strong >> clean

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Its boomers who have traveled abroad who are spreading this shit everywhere. White people specifically refuse to self isolate and wont wear masks and will even make fun of you for wearing them. Shit, prior to lockdown(early march) I've even witnessed niggers wearing masks. The wh*te elite controlling this country get what they fucking derseve.
>Sellout your country to chinks
>Die in your own lung fluid
Isn't it poetic?


Rest in Peace, Goo Hara.

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its called the Kung Flu for a reason...

hey faggot, don't you have like about five hundred thousand cases of chinese flu right now?

It's called that by racist idiots

Literally the only reason is because Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, etc. are all used to dealing with China's stupid bullshit. When this all started and China was pretending it was some kinda conspiracy theory, all these Asian countries around them were hunkering down. Meanwhile Europe was like Noooooooooooo, the Chinese would never lie to us! There is no virus! Quarantine is racist! Noooooooooo


What are you talking about? It’s blackie doing most of the dying.

Never ever post here again low-IQ fuckface

lol butthurt chink

my country will be free of this shit if it weren't for the poos and the chinks

but user,the korea can not even wipe US troops out

Bump. Now kill yourself faggot

imagine being so pretty and rich, but still decide to off yourself anyway. ffs

When you remove white technology from Korea you get picture attached

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Reminder that Kpop is degenerate. It's literally nigger music. It's literally porn. These girls are literally strippers.

>Reminder that Kpop is degenerate. It's literally nigger music. It's literally porn. These girls are literally strippers.

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Or is it that bug people are used to having epidemics every 5 years or so and are prepared .

West has become so ugly, cute kpop girls are only shelter left. Even if a lie, I'ld rather believe in it than deal with how damn degenerate and ugly everything has become here.


Hey where's that angry nip that hates koreans with a passion? lol it's always hilarious watching bugmen fight for the approval of white men.

He's probably in a hospital, coofing up blood.

South Korea, Best Korea, like asians, but taller. Still, they eat dogs and bugs, have open sewers under the sidewalks that they scrape out and put on the corner every year so the farmers can scoop it up and apply it to the fields. They dry their rice on the highway pavement. Their culture is also criminal-normative (ie., niggers run things and you will not interfere or you will dissappear). The only reason they aren't making news with their disgustingness is because there are still countries that are deliberately killing their population for comunist economy control and blaming it on whatever coof of the day.

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Not so based when they ruined the face on the right one, from sexy vixen to run of the mill cute.

knetz are brutal

We white people are very clean too, we just have tons of shitskins wo behave like monkeys.

kek, everyone ignoring this gook's shitty bait despite his bumping it like 10 times

brutal or not, just turn it off...
Goo hara, or sully... anta baka
Choa at least quit at the right time.

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It ain't bait you disgusting mutt now go fucking play in traffic

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lol no, I hate the memes about french people but still the hygiene here is near zero compared to east asia. we kiss casualy, shake hands, I feel like the only dude washing his hands before peeing and after and people here just don't care that much about social distancing even during lockdown.

China isn't
Maybe Japan.
Japanese also tend not to wash hands with soap after using the toilet,