No more boner shaming

All my life I've been ashamed of my erections, despite them being totally natural.

Girls are always supported to dress freely as they please and that it is not their concern as to boys react to their bodies.

Why don't men get the same empathy?

When women laugh or cringe at our erections they are shaming not only our sexuality but our bodies as well.

I propose the tag #boneracceptance to reinforce this message in society.

Boys should be happy and proud of who they are because they are strong and powerful kings who can't do anything

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Other urls found in this thread:

show your penis faggot


Have sex

Haha small penis

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only faggots care about the size of another mans benis. you outed yourself.

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Feminists love to flash their tits and vagina, they actually make paintings with their menstrual blood. True gender equality should allow men to flash their penises and make semen painitngs. Prove me wrong.

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How’s going through puberty these days, pretty rough on you eh champ?

How would you even know how big or small that penis is, its under a blanket there is nothing to gauge relative size

Its probably just air you stupid cocksucker

Hello, this is based department speaking.


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I don't get boners anymore



The penis must be free.

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I agree, OP, now post your penis to further this body acceptance. Also for research purposes.

i like seeing guys in gym shorts pop a boner, or their thicc meat dangling along the side of their leg when they wear sweatpants.

I agree, we need the public to be more accepting

proudly display it in public and declare loudly your lack of shame user

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What kind of fucked up universe are you living in, OP?


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We crossed timelines again.

I vote we change all means clothing to have penis sleeves

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You need to put this on Twitter.

Men have it rough. Women absolutely have a massive advantage in today's society.

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I hope it doesn't show
It'll go away
It's just a passing phase
It'll go away

You can dress nautical
Learn to tie knots
Take lots of Dramamine
Out on your yacht
But when you're all alone
And nothing bites
You'll wish you stayed at home
With someone nice
But when you think you made it disappear
It comes again, "Hello, I'm here."
And I've got angst in my pants

Post benis or GTFO


I've always wanted like, a satin penis lingerie, that's sized perfectly to my package so it can dangle freely but also be protected from friction. There's some cheapo stuff on fetish websites but it only comes in a couple catch-all sizes. Women get inch measurements plus cup sizes for their bras. We should get dick underwear sized to specific length and girth as well as a pouch to reduce nutsack sag.

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Is this Sia

Thanks king X
I did today, 6 times, my dick hurts but she lets me watch Netflix and smoke joints in her room without too much talk so it's all g
It's been
Thank you based sir. Kings rise up.
Why so many gays on Yas Forums
Why so many gays
Will do, based.
A horrific one man, an horrific one.

penises are disgusting tho



Liberal feminists yes, conservative feminists no.

only if they're cut

this thread irradiates strange multicolored energy

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You sound like my middle school teacher.

Thanks for a great BF Bday gift idea!

user... I have some bad news for you

Bring back COD pieces

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Lol where is it?

trips of cocklust

They look kind of ridiculous but they are very comfy

Speritec with athletic fabric and a flap for a fly

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Dicks are way more aesthetic than any pussy. And more functional, easier and cleaner to jerk off.

Effortlessly destroyed by their own logic. I like it.

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>Uhhhh based department?

idk every dick I saw was a bummer for me, even browsing porn which I rarely do, the cocks that are accepted as "nice cocks" look ugly

Thousand times more practical just for being able to pee anywhere tho. I know that vaginal orgasms are a hundred times better than ours but for some reason, our pleasure organ is buried deep inside our butthole. Go figure.

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When women complain about men not wanting to hear them talk about their periods because it's "natural" then that is what I will say to women who don't want to be exposed to my penis weather it be physically or abstractly.

Penis' belong to us and we love our penis'

Look at my boner thru my pants

Do not be repulsed by nature you man hater.

It's my body and my choice. Women do not habe the right to sexualise my genitalia

O' based and true.
I wonder if any gals seen mine.

>idk every dick I saw was a bummer for me
what did he mean by this?

Can you orgasm thru receiving anal sex?

We believe in the inherent dignity of all people. But around the world, too many people are excluded from the political, economic, and social institutions that shape their lives.

In addressing this reality, we are guided by a vision of social justice—a world in which all individuals, communities, and peoples work toward the protection and full expression of their human rights; are active participants in the decisions that affect them; share equitably in the knowledge, wealth, and resources of society; and are free to achieve their full potential.

Across eight decades, our mission has been to reduce poverty and injustice, strengthen democratic values, promote international cooperation, and advance human achievement.

We believe that social movements are built upon individual leadership, strong institutions, and innovative, often high-risk ideas. While the specifics of what we work on have evolved over the years, investments in these three areas have remained the touchstones of everything we do and are central to our theory of how change happens in the world. These approaches have long distinguished the Ford Foundation, and they have had a profound cumulative impact.

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OP prob woman or gay

and ofc she can't remove cuck from her head

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lmao, ever played rugby and ended a game with a dozen of naked men of very different sizes in the showers
I assume, I've never had the courage to try. My gf wanted to explore shoving a finger in me but so far I've always said no. I'll cave in if it ever becomes a legit turn on for her though.


>When women laugh or cringe at our erections

That's the very least of your worries. Having your member visible in public even if it's not exposed in the US is a felony.

wtf Pierre

>dozen of naked men of very different sizes in the showers
>looks at their dicks
user i...

What have you done?

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I hate having to sit at my bench for an extra 45 seconds because some chick in the gym is wearing some skimpy outfit and I am wearing sweatpants. Boner acceptance would alleviate this unnecessary discomfort from my life.

Because men are held at a higher standard, if you want to be held at the same standards as women then you're a beta.

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Seeing wangs in the locker room is what you focus on, not the gf popping her finger up his b-hole?

>vaginal orgasms are a hundred times better than ours but for some reason, our pleasure organ is buried deep inside our butthole.
Male and female anatomy are pretty 1:1 as tissues and nerves are concerned, since we all start out the same before hormones determine which sex we'll be.
Testes = ovaries
Glans = clitoris
Foreskin = clit hood
Erectile tissue = erectile tissue (women have it too, look at an anatomy textbook)
Shaft and sack skin = labia
Prostate = ??????
They don't have a prostate proper, but their "g-spot" is like, an inch or two inside, and up. What else is in that region? The bladder. Where is the prostate on men? At the exit of the bladder. The spot that feels best for women is also the spot that feels best for men. The root of our pleasure nerves.

kek trust me it's inevitable but when you're not gay it's just like a train wreck

A classic painting of a Canadian ancestor

Incoming true PENIS story.
>t. owned a business that employed alot of females
Bizzare barnyard behavior with groups of females, eventually their menstrual cycles all coincide with each other. Meaning about 10 days per months ( ovulation) all the females would be horned up and act like literal "dogs in heat" the other 20 days was all down hill.
Anyways during that brief time frame the 15-20 females mostly teenage-early 20's would egg the 3 males ( including me) to a "Think IT Up" contest. Basically put on an apron tied tight from waiste down and No hands, no leaning /rubbing against anything to see who could get ERECT first just by thinking about it.
They were ALL EYES. Lightened the mood alot. Females arent as innocent as they claim.

>My gf wanted to explore shoving a finger in me
Bruh go for it. Finger on your prostate while she's giving you a blowjob will make you transcend this plane of existence. As long as she knows what she's doing and actually hits it, and not some other random unfeeling spot in your asshole.

Shut the fuck up, faux-tough guy, rocking fat wood when chicks are running around with their titties and ass hanging out is based

so you are saying our pleasure is the same but they get more of it because penetration is more anatomically convenient for them?

Are you mad that you arent gay and dicks arent appealing enough to you?

I dont understand?

Our daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our dicks

The crown of our dick evolved to scrape against that spot on women (in missionary position), yes. With men and the prostate, there's a bit more tissue between the organ and the access point, and you have to deal with the unpleasantness of forcing your anus open to get at it.

>think it up

So thyed make you guys get boners and then not fuck you?

That sucks

i have no idea why the human body and sexual desires are a taboo everywhere.
The only thing more natural than these is breathing.


I might eventually, but so far I'm happy with what I have, sex is more about the pressure and release than the orgasm itself for me desu
Oh no no, if anything I am glad I am not, because my life would be exponentially harder if I were.
Point taken.

duh, i replied to his reply.

Lol user.

Mi viaje a in colegia muy circa de me casa no pase Bueno

Speak for yourself spaghetto, when women see my boner, they collapse on the ground as I pound their face.

It went both ways. They were all wet / horny with no outlet until the shift ended. But never failed thered always be 2-3 of them leaning into the corner of a table & rocking more than necessary or doing the cricket rubbing their thighs together. It was ALWAYS the females initiating it.