It applies to all Fridays of the year, and all Lent, but specially for today, Good Friday.
Instructions for today: we can have one full meal and two small meals that, together, cannot constitute a full meal.
It applies to all Fridays of the year, and all Lent, but specially for today, Good Friday.
Instructions for today: we can have one full meal and two small meals that, together, cannot constitute a full meal.
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i'm not eating today. I just had coffee, prayed the chaplet of divine mercy, I'm about to go get an energy drink and say the sorrowful mystery of the Rosary.
Then Imma kills some virtual gooks in Rising Storm: Vietnam
Good thing im not a christcuck then
Where in the Gospels does it say that?
My area use to have fish and chip places on Friday
I miss praying the rosary and divine Mercy chaplets
thread proves that Christfags try to be as Jew-like as possible. Christianity is a Jew-imitating religion. The Christian's spiritual goal in life is to become a Jew.
Fake Christians not apply
Go to Wendy's. Their cod fish sandwich is pretty good imo.
Eggs or no eggs ???
Where does it say that in the Bible?
If you think God gives a fuck what you eat as long as it's not children, you're focussing on the wrong things. You're trying to rule shark God, it's not going to end well
You can do it today friend. The sorrowful mystery and the Divine Mercy Chaplet will take you a total of 30 minutes. Come back to God.
you can eat eggs, as far as I know.
Christianity fulfilled the promise of judaism. Go back to junior high, you child brained idiot.
Where does it say, in the Bible, that the Bible is the only true source of Christian teachings?
Is about self control and reminding yourself of sacrifice
show me the verse
Catholics aren’t Christian
jesus never said this, the bible never said this, youre following doctrines of men that are worthless
stay retarded monkey boy
They're the original Christians, you retard.
wtf? new level of retardation acquired.
Hmm? Christ died in 33 AD. Council of Niccea was in 325AD. Wrong!
it's not Christians you retard it's fucking Catholics and it was only done because shady fishmongers paying off Bishops. there is nothing in the bible that restricts or implies any dietary restrictions upon Christians only the fucking Jews in the old testament mongoloid
so you can tell who or what a real christian is based on material wealth?
>Catholics were the first Christians?
You believe this?
How can someone be THIS dumb?!
K. Keep me posted.
no they arent, the original christians were a group of jews, long before rome harnessed the faith for political agenda
read your bible
but i thought jesus wasnt a jew????????????
This is a lie, made up by the evil Catholic church, which also changed the Sabbath to Sunday so they could worship the sun.
1 Timothy 4
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.
4 For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving:
5 For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.
south american catholics are the most braindead retards imaginable
how is that user retarded? he's correct there are no dietary restrictions on Christians in the bible. only the old testament the Jewish holy book contains dietary restrictions. Jesus himself proclaims Christians have new convent with God and no dietary restrictions apply.
Jesus never told you to come here to crap all over a good tradition-promotion thread, either, but here you are.
We do this as symbolic gesture to remember in our lives the death of the Lord, which happened on a Friday.
Apostolic history.
If your 'church' has no connection to the Apostles, you're a schismatic.
>Ignoring or rejecting tradition
Do you even celebrate Easter then?
Do you celebrate Christmas?
If so, how?
No, they aren't.
OF ALL THE HUMAN TRADITIONS taught and practiced by the Roman Catholic Church, which are contrary to the Bible, the most ancient are the prayers for the dead and the sign of the Cross. Both began 300 years after Christ.
The Latin language, as the language of prayer and worship in churches, was also imposed by Pope Gregory I. 600 years after Christ
The Word of God forbids praying and teaching in an unknown tongue. (1st Corinthians 14:9).
The Papacy is of pagan origin. The title of pope or universal bishop, was first given to the bishop of Rome by the wicked emperor Phocas.
This he did to spite Bishop Ciriacus of Constantinople, who had justly excommunicated him for his having caused the assassination of his predecessor emperor Mauritius. Gregory 1, then bishop of Rome, refused the title, but his successor, Boniface III, first assumed title "pope."
Jesus did not appoint Peter to the headship of the apostles and forbade any such notion. (Luke 22:24-26; Ephesians 1:22-23; Colossians 1:18; 1st Corinthians 3:11).
Note: Nor is there any mention in Scripture, nor in history, that Peter ever was in Rome, much less that he was pope there for 25 years; Clement, 3rd bishop of Rome, remarks that "there is no real 1st century evidence that Peter ever was in Rome."
Worship of the cross, images and relics was authorized
This was by order of Dowager Empress Irene of Constantinople, who first caused to pluck the eyes of her own son, Constantine VI, and then called a church council at the request of Hadrian I, pope of Rome at that time.
Such practice is called simply IDOLATRY in the Bible, and is severely condemned. (Read Exodus 20:4; 3:17; Deuteronomy 27:15; Psalm 115).
Fasting on Fridays and during Lent were imposed
Imposed by popes said to be interested in the commerce of fish. (Bull, or permit to eat meat), some authorities say, began in the year 700. This is against the plain teaching of the Bible. (Read Matthew 15:10; 1st Corinthians 10:25; 1st Timothy 4:1-3).
The Mass was developed gradually as a sacrifice; attendance made obligatory in the 11th century.
The Bible teaches that the sacrifice of Christ was offered once and for all, and is not to be repeated, but only commemorated in the Lord's Supper. (Read Hebrews 7:27; 9:26-28; 10:10-14).
The celibacy of the priesthood was decreed by Pope Hildebrand, Boniface VII
Jesus imposed no such rule, nor did any of the apostles. On the contrary, St. Peter was a married man, and St. Paul says that bishops were to have wife and children. (Read 1st Timothy 3:2,5, and 12; Matthew 8:14-15).
>we can have one full meal and two small meals that, together, cannot constitute a full meal.
I do that anyway
Ok? So you'd agree with me, that dietary restrictions arnt taught in the bible for Christians. This retarded user basically said that there is no problem adding extra teachings outside of the bible.
Brazilians are dumb and retarded.
The church say to not eat anything today, but the priests are too much of a glutton to let is pass, so they change the rule in brazil to "only eat fish".
i dunno man, looks like a get rich quick scheme to me disguised as "apostolic history" and "tradition".
Why does the church need so much physical material wealth again if they preach humility?
The Rosary, or prayer beads was introduced by Peter the Hermit, in the year 1090. Copied from Hindus and Mohammedans
The counting of prayers is a pagan practice and is expressly condemned by Christ. (Matthew 6:5-13).
Confession of sin to the priest at least once a year was instituted by Pope Innocent III., in the Lateran Council
The Bible commands us to confess our sins direct to God. (Read Psalm 51:1-10; Luke 7:48; 15:21; 1st John 1:8-9).
The doctrine of 7 Sacraments affirmed
The Bible says that Christ instituted only two ordinances, Baptism and the Lord's Supper. (Read Matthew 28:19-20; 26:26-28).
jesus said "why do you say lord, lord, but refuse to do what i say?"
how about you read your bible in find out what jesus taught instead of blindly following a church that defies him
look at you, focusing on a worthless tradition of an antichrist church instead of actually following what jesus did command
try not to be a low iq monkey
>The Word of God forbids praying and teaching in an unknown tongue.
You not knowing Latin doesn't mean the language is unknown. You can learn it if you want.
>Jesus did not appoint Peter to the headship of the apostles and forbade any such notion.
Matthew 16:18
Came to say this
>be me
>uncle is a bishop
>he dispensed me and my family
>we ate some meat for lunch today
If people want to impose dietary restrictions on themselves who am I to say they're wrong? Just like they shouldn't impose dietary restrictions on me.
i celebrate passover and hannukah because these were observed by jesus himself. easter and christmas are pagan tradition and are anti christ blasphemy
Please read the Code of Canon Law before talking about what you don't understand.
>Cân. 1250 — Os dias e tempos de penitência na Igreja universal são todas as sextas-feiras do ano e o tempo da Quaresma.
>Cân. 1251 — Guarde-se a abstinência de carne ou de outro alimento segundo as determinações da Conferência episcopal, todas as sextas-feiras do ano, a não ser que coincidam com algum dia enumerado entre as solenidades; a abstinência e o jejum na quarta-feira de Cinzas e na sexta-feira da Paixão e Morte de Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo.
>Cân. 1252 — Estão obrigados à lei da abstinência os que completaram catorze anos de idade; à lei do jejum estão sujeitos todos os maiores de idade até terem começado os sessenta anos. Todavia os pastores de almas e os pais procurem que, mesmo aqueles que, por motivo de idade menor não estão obrigados à lei da abs-tinência e do jejum, sejam formados no sentido genuíno da penitência.
correct, sorry I misread what he was stating and he is in fact retarded as is this monkey ass brazilian nigger claiming you can't eat meat
It's difficult to talk to an idolater.
Try stop making the Bible into an idol and maybe then you start UNDERSTANDING it.
That's not real Latin.
That's bastard Latin.
Yes we are, Catholics aren't Christian
>i celebrate passover and hannukah
the protestant reveals his final form.
pointing to jesus is not idolatry you blaspheming imbecile
and its ironic because the catholic church is rife with idolatry, are you really so blind?
It's Portuguese.
what? that i try to follow jesus while you try to follow men in fish hats?
Jesus never told anyone to write anything down, and it is obvious that not everything taught by Jesus was recorded in writing. That's where tradition comes from, a practice exalted in the Bible, also.
...Easter is literally just the English word for Pascha, Passover. Every other country calls it Pascha
E perigoso?
>roman heretics
>caring about the bible
Good one.
>oy vey we don't have to follow Christianity to be Christians!
jesus commanded things, you trying to ignore what he said in favor of things that defy his words while claiming to follow him is asinine
I do not recognize your false pope, fake church, or pagan traditions. I respect only the word of the Lord.
so wait a minute you get blown the fuck out trying to force non Christian traditions onto Christians and then try to claim Jesus never told anyone to write anything down. classic monkey ass nigger retardation
I'll just fast until Sunday, kinda already messed it up by eating this morning.
the original christians celbrated passover, as the church became corrupted by rome and its empire the spring holiday of passover was merged with the pagan spring festivals. rabbits and eggs have nothing to do with jesus these are pagan, all the traditions of passover that jesus himself observed have been dropped from this unholy blasphemous holiday you know as easter
>It applies to all Fridays of the year, and all Lent, but specially for today, Good Friday.
>Instructions for today: we can have one full meal and two small meals that, together, cannot constitute a full meal.
I can't find anything about this in the gospel or New Testament as a whole. Help me out, friend.
>then try to claim Jesus never told anyone to write anything down
did He?
since you all ask for Biblical verses, I'm gonna do that.
Where in the Bible does Jesus tell the Apostles to write things down?
I'm SURE you know the Bible was put together by the Catholic Church, right?
None, but it's the only made up source of Jesus quotes, since it's the only book made up of his made up existence..
As retarded as thinking fish ISNT meat.
I just ate chicken tendies am I going to hell?
This isn't /christian/ dickhole.
jesus commanded his followers to spread his message to all peoples, writing it down is part of following this command
it is clear you despise jesus and what he actually said
nah, just declare chickens fish like the cathloics did with capybaras
>writing it down is part of following this command
in which verse?
Didn't the pope Give Spain the dominion over the Sea, and set this tradition in place to sell more fish?
I gave up religion for lent
>doesnt know that jesus told his followers to spread his message
i know cathloics hate jesus and the bible, but it just boggles my mind that you arent at least curious enough to read and find out what jesus actually said
no, i dont worship ishtar and yule or whatever you call them these days
holy fuck what the fuck do you think Jesus commanded his followers to spread if not his gospels moron?
Jesus telling those retards to write something down would be like Jesus telling them to put down their cell phones for one minute to listen. They couldnt write!
How much you would learn if you studied the Early Church Fathers...
>holy fuck what the fuck do you think Jesus commanded his followers to spread if not his gospels moron?
The oldest gospel was written about 50 years AFTER Christ's death.
There was no such thing as a "gospel" during the life of the Lord.
I can see it for today. For today it makes sense. Far FAR more sense than easter bunnies and eggs, which have place in fertility and no place in Christianity.
Doing it every week doesn't make any sense at all though.
>you need to find out what these blasphemous satan worshipers in fish hats said
>noooo dont point to what jesus said, ignore the words of the messiah, my fish hat men are more important
why are catholics so retardedly hypocritical?
if you hate jesus so much then why put him as a central figure of your church?
synagogue of satan comes to mind
Uh, why dude steak is awesome. Then again I don't believe in jesus. Some of the priests are cute tho.
I'm also wandered in here high, can you guys like, do some jesus magics to entertain my stoned self? Thankies~
jesus brought a message you moron, this is the gospel, jesus was the word of this gospel made flesh, read your bible, stop worshiping pedophiles who tell you to ignore jesus