White girls dance to song with lyrics from Koran

>white girls dance to song with lyrics from Koran
>Muslims lose their fucking shit



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Better than dancing with niggers.


make the Koran dance challenge a thing

Based muslims. Retarded thots commiting heresy and defiling holy scripture should be punished.

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why the fuck was he watching vids of young teenagers dancing in the first place?


typical muslim youth. shows his inflated muscles to feed his inflated ego. I bet he found these bitches while he was searching for fap material.

Something goes seriously wrong in their upbringing.

Are you gay?

'Cancel' in Muslim means something else.

Do you not?

that sand nigger looks like he hasn't stepped inside a mosque since he was 8 yrs old

Pls Remote,is Offensive und haram

>sand nigger
>not a pedo

Pick one

Stop giving thots attention.

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At this point i dont care much anymore, let the muslims install shariah in the west and when they're gone because there's no more gibs we can keep the system and call it germanic shariah

Aside from niggers, muslims are the most easily triggered people on the planet.

Hopefully these muzzies are the ones that start putting these whores in their place since their parents and white people in general aren’t doing anything about it

no I dont watch children dancing

>holy scripture
It’s toilet paper at best

Holy fuck that was funny.

Besides the raging sandniggers, would the virtue signalling white faggots care if it was a bible verse?

>Muslims saying they are put-off by white women instead of raping them
why are we mad about this?

t. Abdel bin goatbangin

Why don't we just report this asshole for harassment and doxing people?

so many muslim thots in the comments dressed in whore outfits talking about disrepecting muh religion.

holy shit if these cunts got even 1% of real islam they would be fucked.

I can smell your roast beef from here

They like them young.

>so this white tiktoker
>Looks up his account
>Actual JIDF kike larping as Palestinian Muslim while watching Tik Toks and calling people "White"
Nice find user

Degenerate vermin like you will be first against the wall

Had it been any thot who isn't white doing some tiktok with christianity, white christians would be applauding them everywhere. With this in mind, read the anons praising the shitskins for calling out these thots and ponder if their IQ is room temperature or lower

Couldn't they had picked something better to listen to at least? Thats a pretty terrible recitation. Here you go.


Ok roastie

Do you even have to ask? The people who spend the most money on e-thots are Indians and Arabs with huge amounts of money and nothing to do with it but pay strange women to do things.

Cancel her? Why not stone her too!!!

Imagine being a full grown ass man and caring about what teenagers do on an app

We are used to mocking Christianity.
But other than that: Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.
Romans 12:19

Christianity is for cucks and faggots. Islam is based.

Nessa is 18 homo

Ex muslim here. The girls are dumb but muslims are the most sensitive creatures I’ve met.

Sounds to me like you got cucked and subverted out of your own culture, mutt.

This is seriously so disrespectful. These whores should be killed.

Time to cancel her head off her shoulders. Jihad against tik tok thots

this. Its pretty sad

Checked and agree.

This. Bumperino.
>Oh no! Not my heckin koranerino!

lmao islamic sub-human scum

Yousef? More like Youseethe lmao

I'd help stone them.
If you know what I mean ;)
and by that I mean make fun of them for being retarded.

Muslim fragility is real. I welcome the degredation of their religion, maybe they'll think twice about migrating to white lands

you missed the allahwave threads 2 years ago


While Christianism is a cuckified religion people will eventually become smarter being Christians

Islam on the other hand is a full war religion, this is why most Islamic countries are shithole, that religion wasn't made to have geniuses but to raise soldiers

Both of them are shit compared to the Ancient Pantheon

Fuck Muslims. His pinned tweet disrespects Jews. I don't like either but fuck their hypocrisy.

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Korans are made to take big shits on. Faggot

God these double digit IQ twitter niggers and roasties in the comments drive me insane.

Its impossible to disrespect something that doesn't have or deserve any respect.

Are you up to it? #QuranAVirusChallenge

Attached: QuranAVirusChallenge.png (625x752, 304.62K)

>Islam on the other hand is a full war religion, this is why most Islamic countries are shithole, that religion wasn't made to have geniuses but to raise soldiers
Their soldiers are shit, though.

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unironically kys pedo

How have none of you noticed this post


>I love the smell of jihad in the morning.

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