What do you mean there's a 10-day waiting period, what kind of horseshit is this?

What do you mean there's a 10-day waiting period, what kind of horseshit is this?

Attached: Guns.png (700x600, 300.54K)

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=virus-panicked blue state gun law buyers


turns out the world isnt all that nice

Nice link, you dumb nigger.

I hope all the nogunz cuck voters get looted mugged and raped by niggers

>you wanted it
>you bought it
>you GOT IT!

Fucking tards. I hope they all perish!

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Hope in one hand, shit in your other hand...see which happens first.

Are you not able to use a search engine?
google.com/search?q=virus-panicked blue state gun law buyers

I think the headline says it all. Stupid no gunz don’t into laws.

>google.com/search?q=virus-panicked blue state gun law buyers
>You have never seen so many barrels pointed at sales staff and other customers.
Thank God my parents taught me better than that, I have done a lot of dumb noob shit when buying guns, but I never muzzle swept a gunshop owner or dry-fired a weapon I've handled.

I am glad they aren't able to arm themselves. Last thing we want is liberals able to defend themselves when the niggers and spics they love chimp out and start going house to house looting for food, meanwhile the republican is sitting on a throne made of ammo cans watching and laughing as the shit world the liberals built burns around them

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The one bright spot of the incoming boogaloo is that all of these naive liberals and leftists will be the first to go.

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>be me, live in New York state
>I have a cuck neighbor that asked me about purchasing an AR last week
>Explained to him what the safe act did to ARs
>Explained that people like him voted for those people
>Explain that he could build an AR with all the normal features but it would be illegal
>He realizes the policies he put in place will put his family in danger
>He decides to go to local gun store to buy any gun. All rifles are sold out
>Can't get a pistol because no pistol permit
>Asks me to borrow a gun.
>Explain to him if I loaned him a gun that would be a felony.

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Whoa there take it easy Mel.

You voted for it.

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>posting screenshots without archived links

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Imagine living in a state where you can't just go get a gun whenever you please

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fuck cali
Wanted to buy old snub nose revolvers for a collection but had to wait 4 weeks for the most benign gun in existance. Cant even buy a colt detective special since its not approved even though I can buy a smith and wesson 500 wtf

You did the right thing user, let your faggot neighbor live in fear that he should have realized years ago. It's not your fault he's slow to learn.

>How liberals think buying a gun is like

Attached: 1577173315994.webm (922x500, 2.99M)

Nice, I hope they get what they deserve for being a bunch of anti-gun retards

Search engines are infected with Rona. It's gone digital.

Even the first gun I bought in my midwest state (a shotgun) I was in and out in half an hour with the gun and ammo. Feels good.

I dry fire them all the time. How else are you supposed to know if you'll like the trigger. Its not like you should ever actually buy from a gun shop when there are always better prices online.

Lol this same shit as happened to me twice already

I might have to watch this movie tonight

thats exactly how it was in the 80s. you could buy a machine gun on a whim and have it same day

Call any OP a nigger if they don't provide a link. They know the ideal format.
>pic of headline
>short summary of article
>question to provoke discussion

They're just being lazy and deserve a sage.

>Tfw you live in Texas and can get a gun on your lunch break.

I'm not as prepared as I would like to be, only have two and a half mags of 5.56 for an ar pistol that doesn't even have a sling. But I have a concealed carry and a full size pistol, a .22, and a mosin with about 50 rounds total for each gun except for the .22

My concern is if supply chains begin fail for the grocery stores. That is when people get hungry and when normal people will turn into animals.

Probably weak and lanky passive aggressive simps like you get your head caved in happens first. In minecraft. I really actually do hope this shit causes total disorder so you shit skins and white boys get what's coming to you

Fucking idiots get what they deserve.

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>What do you mean there's a 10-day waiting period, what kind of horseshit is this?

They have been told for years that anyone can just walk in to a shop and buy a baby killing machine gun.

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White soys*

Newfag nigger. It's his God damn job to post an archive link in the OP or he deserves all the mockery he gets for what is essentially a 1 post by this id slide thread

It's your job as OP to post the link nigger.

Honestly it's a breath of fresh air to use their gun laws against them. For years people like my neighbor thought I was a wack job


Article is bullshit. I looked at yelp reviews. The newest one is 3 months old.

Don't let that guy borrow a gun

He sounds like the type who would sell it at a gun buyback program after watching a episode of Ellen.

Nagara ag agnara na a gara nagara

>first sentence is "I was chatting"
Wow, it's worthless.

ID: (((ifNutgrr)))


The media brain washed the population

Good job user. Hopefully he redirects that anger and frustration at the polls when he realizes how much he screwed himself.

They actually believe you can walk into a gun store on any corner and walk out with an armload of machine guns, because that's what Democrats have told them all their lives to get their votes and money.

That uzi wouldnt be full auto in that year irl and no gun shop in the history of gunshops leaves a bunch of ammo on the counter like that

Well that's every state. My background checks fail. They claim I was conviced of a crime in california. I've never even been to california.

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its free on youtube

>laws are only for dumb racist whites, not ME!

looks like you werent alive in the 80s.

Or he'd shoot himself in the foot and then turn user in for the crime of helping him arm himself.

One plus will be all the cheap guns flooding the market in about 6 months.

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>you could buy a machine gun

I'll take "what is the NFA" for $100 Alex

kek. Basically the EXACT same thing happened to me. So many normies are getting redpilled as a result of this shit it's amazing. I think we actually are approaching some Great Turning.

I wonder who could be behind this post

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>gun shop in the history of gunshops leaves a bunch of ammo on the counter like that
Up until about 2010 in red state America this shit was still kosher as fuck.

>Asks me to borrow a gun
>”Hahahahahahahahahahahaahahaha, fuck you, buddy.”

>Not Buying Before the Apocalypse
Why don't they just call the police if something happens ?

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Haven't read the article but is it saying the people are review bombing the shops on Yelp? Cause if so the shop could be having Yelp remove the reviews.

no fag


I work at a gun store. In a pretty nice area too. Typically we have rednecks and hunters in the store. Our reloading section is nice, so a few Competition shooters too.
We’ve seen an up tick in yuppies, beaners, niggers, and pearl clutchers coming in.
I had one lady asking for something to beat “heavy body armor, just in case” I pacified her fear by saying anyone with armor already has more than you, they won’t bother you. Sold her a 12ga keltec with 20slugs.
My reloaders are pissed because retards keep buying the bullets for reloading without realizing they aren’t completed rounds. I’ve had one guy bring in his “new gun” with a 9mm bullet, casing, very little powder, no primer, “rounds” loaded into his gun(obviously jammed)
He made them with pliers

Do you aim the gun at the clerk and other people to dry fire them?

It's a breach of gun buying etiquette. Don't be that guy.
>How else are you supposed to know if you'll like the trigger.
You get the gun, and if you don't like the trigger, you tweak the trigger.
>Its not like you should ever actually buy from a gun shop when there are always better prices online.
And who's going to be your FFL, after you pissed off all your friendly local gun shops by dry firing their merchandise? The fuck is actually wrong with you, you totally sound like That Guy.

This while article reeks of "and then everyone clapper". You all are idiots for falling for it

>demand policies they don't understand
Demotards in a nutshell

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ar stands for assault rifle

>>Can't get a pistol because no pistol permit
>>Asks me to borrow a gun.
>>Explain to him if I loaned him a gun that would be a felony.

Aw yes, this gives me some satisfaction

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>no link

Just put a bullet in your neighbor head

I went to a gun auction a couple weeks before the Corona-chan lockdowns started. About 400 guns on racks and tables, and an estimated 30,000 rounds of ammo also stacked around on tables. It was a beautiful thing.


Archive link archive.is/Be6Ko
Was kind of fun read nothing go wow thats hysterically funny but you know.

5.56 is far too powerful a firearms round to be owned by the private citizen

Why? Some Puerto Rican will do it for me. Probably rape his family as well.