Communist government of Poland will use the police to fine people who go visit their families on Easter...

Communist government of Poland will use the police to fine people who go visit their families on Easter. I think this is it. There will be bloodshed.

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“If by means of governmental authority, a state leads the people to ruin, then rebellion is not only the right, but the duty of every member of that people” Thomas Jefferson, probably.
Rise up!

Doubt. Polacks are too cucked and wimped for that.
Every fucking time I call to arms, they wimp out.
All are tough in mouth, talk how bad it is, how much change is needed.
No one, not even a single soul speaks after that moment, they don't speak about it anymore.
Also they keep crying about politics, first they cry about one party, so they vote on second main party, then they cry about this second one, and vote on the first main party about they were crying before.
It's like constant circle of NPCs who can't go outside of script.

>PiS are catholic Extremists!
>PiS hates easter!
Kaczynski just keeps generating butthurt from impotent inferiors

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I went to protest ACTA2 and there were mpre police than protesters on the spot. Fuck poles and their communist government.

Good. I hope Poolandites murder the shit out of each other—useless fucking trash.

Also went to one. It was sucha waste of my time. And police meh, maybe 2 or 3 cars. So on 200+ people there were around 10 cops.

Commies in Poland had militia, not police.

I wish they were still around so we could unleash the ZOMO on nonwhites and other leftists

They changed the name. Same people are still on top...

Spierdalaj do wykopu.

>Polish flag
>Fuck poles
I wonder who's behind that post.

Daily remainder that Yas Forums is a board of PIS


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This. PiS is just practicing national socialism. The only people that get butthurt over our government are libcucks and lolbertarians.

Stonoga was right

In Russia they renamed their "militia" to "police" about 10 years ago but they still have "police" divisions who participate in military activities. You can't change this by changing the name, they would have to completely rebuild their system if they wanted to create a civilian police force like in western countries.

Enjoy your police beating for breathing, fag.

Oh yes I will enjoy the police beating retard normalfags like you.

Nigga, you are next. Fucking low IQ poles...

You'd wish, self-hating faggot. Your ancap/neoliberal fantasies will never happen.

You human trash. Your beloved PiS itself will fuck you over and your family. This nation needs to end.

My nation will not end you filthy fucking jew. However your post-communist era is definitely ending.


based communists , fuck idealism

Kaczyńscy, Tusk and Korwin were installed in Poland by CIA to rule this cattle nation for the rest of time through their meme parties. There is only one party in Poland and it's antipolish.

unironically poles.
Some of them actually hate their country and their nation - especially the youth, they're the most degenerated ones, since they don't even know why they hate it, they just do it because it's cool.

Beggars are not choosers.

Out of all political groups, PiS is the best alternative and is closest to national-socialism. They are far from antipolish.
>muh CIA
Way better than EU, Russia, China.

>and is closest to national-socialism
This is bad faggot.
They are all controled by USA. Half of polish government isn't even polish for fucks sake! Their mission is to destroy this fucking hellhole and send it to Jews/Germans/Russians, depending which party has the majority atm.

>national socialism is bad
You have to go back.

>closest to National-Socialism
>far from antipolish
>CIA way better than EU, Russia, China
You'll have to try harder, I almost believed you actually think like this.

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Kaczyński and his jewish buddies are shit substitute for Hitler. They are fucking communists and you polish bydlo still believe they are right wing after giving gibs to everyone after stealing that money from taxpayers first and raping the constitution. That's why this retarded nation is doomed.

Plot twist, Kaczyński hates god and has no children.

>muh CIA
>Way better than EU, Russia, China.
woah, almost fell for it

National socialism is based

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Those "gibs" as you call them are going to Polish families.
>this retarded nation
If you hate Poland so much then gtfo.

You braindead shit stain.
This money is being stolen from one families and transfered to others while fucking politicians steal a large cut. Do you barfs know what taxes are?

I was born here. You leave or die.

This is serious. We have a potential source of infinite energy right here. Just have to figure out how to extract it

Ten thread jest dowodem dlaczego ten narod jest pelen pierdolonych zwierzat i nigdy niczego nie osiagniecie. Sciagam moja dupe tutaj zeby mi dzieci rodzila i nie chce juz kurwa miec nic wspolnego z wami, wy tepe kurwy.

You'd rather have those people fucking starve? How deep does your greed go you fucking jew?
>You leave or die.
We'll see about that. If you delusional lolbertarian cucks will try making a coup you will be surprised.
Rent free, nawet za granicą masz ból dupy o nasz kraj xD

You woke up today?
Testo miał rację.

to spierdalaj.
Tułaj się tam po obczyźnie razem z tą twoją "dupą"

Friendly reminder that Poles don't care about others freedom until their own freedom is taken. Even nationalists I know support PiS actions so nothing will change.
Tymczasem ja latam po lesie wyjebane na zakazy, państwo i zdegenerowaną policje

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>You'd rather have those people fucking starve?
Yes, fuck niggers.

One of many reasons to hate poles.

Tak, bo ten smrod czuje nawet 1000km dalej.

Nawet nie wiesz jak bardzo boli miec polskie nazwisko po ojcu

NatSoc is not Marxist, unlike Podatki i (Marks)Socjalizm party

what about the ONR though, it's tricky to pin down whether there's still some life left in the movement or if it's just another organization parading on marches with trophy "nationalistic negroes"

Boli Cie ze twoje baby zawsze wybiora kogos z perspektywami i eurosami zamiast Ciebie ?

They are tiki-torches cowns.

here we have a westernized pole - resenting his past and salivating at the sight of the progressive west.

If you think your own people are niggers I have nothing else to say to you. You are a fucking traitor and should get out of this country as soon as possible. Nobody is forcing you staying here, oikophobe.
To sobie kurwa zmień nazwisko, zrzeknij się Polskiego obywatelstwa jebany kosmopolito i płać sobie podatki na swoich belgijskich murzynów i arabów.
>Every country having taxes is Marxist
You libertarians are brain-damaged.

>>Ten thread jest dowodem dlaczego ten narod jest pelen pierdolonych zwierzat i nigdy niczego nie osiagniecie. Sciagam moja dupe tutaj zeby mi dzieci rodzila i nie chce juz kurwa miec nic wspolnego z wami, wy tepe kurwy.
>Holly fuck, Nnooo, don't be like that, pls stay with us. If you go away we will be doomed...
Kurwa co za pajac.

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Jeśli ktoś wybiera na podstawie eurasów to nie należy do żadnego narodu tylko jest wierny samemu sobie.
Tutaj można znaleźć albo plugawe materialistki, albo Polki.

You are north korea tier brainwashed.

>If you think your own people are niggers I have nothing else to say to you.

how so?

Neen, hier hebde een Vlaming die pools kan praten.

En ja, ik heb het goed hier. Moet jij mss minder naar die kankerlijers op tvp luisteren ?

Discussion with beliver of PiSlam leads to nothing, they're utterly stupid. Don't waste your time. He'll realize that he's wrong very soon - when we'll reach station called "Venezuela".

"Every fucking time I call to arms, they wimp out".


Larpuj więcej, jebany fedora wearing podczłowieku. Co za pajac :'D

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>he is brainwashed because he doesn't hate his own country
You are a delusional.
I don't give a fuck about your wanna-be Ron Paul idol that sucks corporate cocks.

a nie oglądam syfu w telewizji.
W takim razie jesteś mieszany, tak?
Bardzo cię boli ta "skaza", musisz naprawdę nienawidzić zacofanej Polski

>fuck idealism

>You'd rather have those people fucking starve?
There shouldn't be any gibs, neither at state level nor from EU.

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Nie mam obywatelstwa robakowego.

A nazwiska nie mozna zmienic bez dobrego powodu.

How long have you kurwinists talked about "muh venezuela"? When will it happen? Will you tell me to "just wait"? You're fucking predicting your doom scenario for 5 years now you delusional lolbertarian.

Noz buc kompletny.
Ja mam dosc tego Londonistanu i bym z checia wroicil do Polski.

Well people don't want to starve, they will just vote for somebody that will care about their interests. Have you ever thought of that? Have you considered that this is why PiS is the ruling party? How did your meme-thinking work out for your meme-party? You better stop thinking like a edgy teenager or Konfederacja won't be in the parliament again.

Just wait a little bit. I wonder who's going to pay for your 500+ if everyone with IQ > 60 will leave this communist shithole?