I'm not a muslim, but I'll marry one and raise my daughter as one

Western degeneracy is too much. Women are whoring on Tinder and TikTok. This is why I'll settle with a muslim hijabi women. They are traditional, virgins and think they'll go to hell if they cheat.
There are plenty of muslim women who look white or have blue eyed and blonde hair. See Chechnya, Syria, Lebanon, Bosnia etc.

And if I raise my daughter as one, she'll end up like the muslim hijabi women too. I'll make her wear a hijab, send her to mosque school etc.

Pic related: afghani child

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>muh western degeneracy
hey there akmed, islam is the most degenerate religion there is

Muslim women are huge sluts you retard.
Same with non-Muslim middle eastern women though, to be fair.
Arabs are psychotic but so are pashtuns and other various brown people. All you're doing is inviting more brown shenanigans into the west so it can collapse quicker.

>I'm not a muslim

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OG kurdish or persians are the real aryans and they're muslims. Not the arabized ones you gotta find the OG kurds in or parts of northern iraq they're blonde/gingerish with blue eyes

instead of being a traitor why not commit suicide?

gas yourself

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>I'm not a muslim
The jig is up Moroccan. Go tend to your goat...I mean daughter.

Take the islampill or enjoy your 9 years old transgender son, cucked anglo.

The jew fears white sharia.

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>I'm not a muslim, but I'll marry one and raise my daughter as one.

every muslim woman I know is anal whore

>He thinks all muslim women are pure virgins who would never fuck outside of marriage

You don't know jackshit about muslims.

>t. had an affair w/ a hijabi muslim from Syria

>larps as a non-muslim
>expects me to listen to whatever he says now he has been exposed
Fuck off Ahmed. You lie and subvert just like kikes. Kys.

>mosque school

>the only way to prevent degeneracy is to betray my race
No you're just too much of a pussy to be the leader of your family.

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This is retarded beyond words.

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Your going to sell your daughter off at 6yrs old to some inbread paki? Fuck is wrong with you.

Lmao Muslim women aren't allowed to marry outside their religion. Nice try, Fritz.

But this applies to most of Yas Forums though. This board loves race mixing with minority women, they enjoy going "oh my god I love non-white women tee hee!" like a bunch of little girls.

barf, satan is proud and laughing

Hey if you are looking for an Afghani woman with pic related features, you have to look for a Nuristani or a Pashtun in general.

>marry outside their religion

they sure as hell do not mind fugging outside their religion tho

I'll just pretend to be one.

Forgot to mention I'm a Moroccan agnost, not a whitoid homosexual.

Cobra Gypsies .. only one I respect.
Everyone else is failing hard down there, hard.

OP has officially never stepped outside and seen that white men and women are still marrying and having children. OP fell for the divide and conquer agenda. OP doesn't deserve to have his genes passed on.



Hello, fellow moroccan. Lebes?

YES!!! YOU ARE RIGHT!!! All woman, 100% of women whore themselves on tinder and tiktok

Finally, an intellectual tells us the truth!

And them some fag will ask: "Is it possible that it's not really all women, but rather a very tiny minority of them, but since you haven't left your room in decades and only live through the internet, dedicating your life to seeking whores through tinder and tiktok, you really don't have a very good statistical outlook on reality?"

The answer, of course:

> you are a person of the jewish faith and you are also an undercover agent of some american governmental intelligence agency!

Although the wording is probably different

Ps. It doesn't take a genius to realize that OP is quite obviously a pedophile.

>you haven't left your room in decades
Enjoy your lockdown, kek.

Everyone knows all women are whores. Not only social media shows this, but also statistics.

Based. OP has obviously not gone outside in quite some time and seen that men and women are still marrying and having babies. The overwhelming majority of women will not racemix and seek a normal, traditional life. These people only see what the media wants them to see.

Yes, I would like to marry an underage girl who has optimally reached their beauty peak and hasn't been exposed to sexual degeneracy, how could you know?

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>Moroccan agnostic
Agnosticism and atheism is for faggots and nihilists. Believe in something.

Wow, you are an actual moron.

It's okay, Amerimutt. You probably have some Moroccan/Berber heritage as well. Salam alaikoum, lebes akhi.

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I'm larping so hard that my larping, became something divine and religious. I accidentally reached some form of Sufi enlightment!

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Why not marry and raise as one?

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If >your enemy's enemy is your friend.
Then why not >your enemy's religion's enemy's religion is your religion

You understand?

The western civilization is based mostly on Aristotle v Plato . Christianism had a huge effect in the west , but the basis remained the same , as these ideas were refuted in the age of enlightenment. Please read Nicomachean Ethics and the Republic . And after that decide what is to be virtuous and what is better for society .

All that goes out the fucking window when she gets access to internet

Luckily Islam is a primitive religion and we'll live like Ted Kaczynski.

I have no quarrel with Islam, nor Sufism. Allow Muslims to preserve themselves within their own regions of the world. It is faggots like you that are completely and totally unaware of what is occurring in daily life in Norminium. You have fallen for the agenda which divides men and women and persuades them into thinking they should be against each other. You don't deserve a nice, traditional wife, because you are not a traditional person.

No, it's because no-one else will have you, and the rest is a cope.

would be cool if you did a backflip off a mosquito nest

very weak character

That's why 99% of your women are on Tiktok with a cleavage or on Tinder daily. And that your birth rates are decreasing extremely every year.

>They are traditional, virgins and think they'll go to hell if they cheat.
That why they have to threaten them with death in order to make them behave like that?

nigger, most dutch are niggers

Yes, the less religious women will be dealt with by sharia law. Problem, kafir?

>I'm not a muslim, but I'll marry one and rape my daughter as one

fixed that for you user


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Nigga u gay ur never going to even touch puss puss

Sage this fucking thread and send it down to the deepest chasms of Tartarus. Now am I convinced that OP is in fact a zog shill.

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Unironically based. Islam is the only appropriate religion for the white race, as the Führer himself pointed out.

True. A bunch of porn-addicted MGTOWs, calling women shitskin whores then turning around and jerking off to "ebony goddesses" and "AZN waifus"
>Yas Forums is one person
this place isn't nearly populated enough to not think there is an abundance of cross-over between the posts you see here. I guarantee if we weren't all anonymous and our IDs stuck from thread to thread we would see users for who they really are.

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Like I told you. There are two type hijabi women.

1: Religious is important, fears Allah
2: Not that religious, fears parents or sharia law.

What is your cure for this degeneracy then?

>Meme flag kike can't withhold anti-islamic outburst, even if it is ludicrously false.

Jews. Will. All. Die.

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No, there are two:
1: the ones in muslim countries.
2: the ones in non-muslim countries.
The moment the threat of death is gone, all that "traditionalism" is also gone.

>this place isn't nearly populated enough
theres a million posters on here.

Baseert en rooipilt


>every muslim I know is an anal whore

Which is exactly 0 you incel faggot.

Muslim girls are the biggest whores. That’s why they are chaperoned at all times. Once they break loose, the go on a fucking spree that lasts for decades. Of course, if they can’t get away, they settle for buttsex from the guy next door.