Feminists get a taste of their own medicine

>Feminists get a taste of their own medicine
>Turns out they don't like it

Say it with me lads. Ready?


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he's gonna buy so many nintendo switches with that money

He’s gonna buy whores

Where can we get more judges like that one?

Someone redpill me on why he’s getting such a large share of her assets. We all know divorce courts are insanely biased against men, so something really crazy must have happened here.

Equality finally at work

Lmao this is great. Just further goes to show bitches don't like it when they actually have to take accountability.

She cheated on him with a nigger.

literally who

Isn't it parody?

we don't know what share he got. £140m is her total wealth. Maybe he got £10m, we don't know.

> cheated

implying it's not all part of the show


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includes future alimony payments

>140 million of her 190 million fortune (unsure if pounds or dollars)
That's completely insane unless it's meant to be lowered on appeal.

Adel did not age well,
she looks like Amy schumer now

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Nice laugh... how many men killed themselves though?

Dunno about you dude but £10m would set me for life

my guess is that it's actually equal, she just keeps the assets

This. He now has enough money to pay for a harem of 18 year old whores for the rest of his life.

the animal crossing bundle is $700 now thanks to corona hysteria, so he can only buy like 150~200k switches

What an absolute oinker. Doesn’t even have massive tits to compensate. Tragic.

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Parity is another word for having equal purchasing power

>we want all the benefits of equality, none of the drawbacks

I don't think you know how much 140 million lasts...

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Women have 80% of Americas purchasing power

what the fuck, I doubted you and then I googled it and she is totally fucking a nigger rapper named Skepta.

Yas Forums is always right. The court was right, she flushed her marriage down the shitter for a nigger rapper named Skepta

Lmao dumb bitch

Bitches get stitches.

Is it worth 10M worth it to have fucked Adele? Woof

yeah me too, but everyone is getting triggered because they think he's getting £120m or something ridiculous

He gave up his career and future for her, so naturally he has to be compensated for the potential money he would've made had he not given it up for her and the marriage.

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I mean, I’m guessing he will spend all that money in no time and she will still make it back and some more since she’s a celebrity.

It’s nice seeing a man get all that divorce money but remember if the system stays the same there will still be many more men who will get fucked over and maybe every once in a while you have a case like this one.

Of course it is, I've fucked fatties for free


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What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

he's the founder of life water. he already had money and has money

>Women is fat
>Writes songs about how men keep leaving her.
>Song blows up, become famous, and lands a loyal husband
>Fame gets the best of her, writes more songs, does coke, loses weight
>non-famous husband is boring decides to cheat like padt boyfriends she wrote songs about
>husband divorces her, and gets more than half of her money
>She gains the weight back, and writes a new song about her being broke
>No one cares, she offs herself, Corona is cured the next day, the world is better off.

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cocaine is a great weight-loss supplement.

>Someone redpill me on why he’s getting such a large share of her assets.

Assets earned during a marriage is assumed to be a team effort so regardless who has earned it, 50/50 minus stuff earned prior to marriage and I think personal gifts, inheritance, and injury settlement.

Remember Brittany and K Fed? Jessica Simpson also had to pay off her first husband. If you don't want men to get 'divorce raped', just tell them to marry a RICHER woman

She looks good, though. Might have to try cocaine.

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She looked a bit anxious in the first picture, but okay, second picture she's got the 1000 cock stare: dead eyes, way too much black eyeliner (especially under the eyes, fake lashes, fake eyebrows, maybe collagen injected in lips.

In pic one she could have slapped on less eye make up and be a hotter Molly Weasley type

This shit gonna get more and more common too as woman are starting to succeed more at life than men. Feminist dont take men dropping of society seriously and they push for women in all the high power positions. So what happens when men start divorcing all those high power women. And especially now, all the judges are gonna be more about equality instead of traditionalism.

Amber Herd destroyed a piece of Johhny Depp's finger and shit in his bed while constantly verbally abusing him. I wonder what this psychopath did to this poor bastard.

There is NO WAY that was written without knowing it would result in tons of hateclicks. They knew men would click, gloat and smile.


just here waiting for the Pepe edit

Equal rights.

And lefts.

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>tfw the only thing feminists do nowadays is complain about equality
she's fat, fat women sometimes have their Woman Card rejected

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based skepta

He *got* 140m, 190m is her total wealth

Adele got fucked by the big white wallet

Nevermind I got this

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She lost a ton of weight, that's when she cucked her man with the gross nigger

Weight loss works alot better when your obscenely rich and get skin removal and plastic surgery

>Gross nigger
Skepta is genuinely mo more attractive than anyone who posts on Yas Forums complaining about black people

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What the fuck is going on with her skull???


>t. Tranny

Divorce courts aren't actually biased in terms of how the law is written. The breadwinner has to compensate the stay-at-home partner for lost income from not having a career. It's just that usually that's a man and woman respectively; this is one of the odd examples otherwise.

On the plus side for her, she's gonna have a lot more to sing about lmao

women did not want equality, they wanted perferential treatment.

>lost income from not having a career
Did someone put a gun to your head and tell you to get married?
By that definition, felons deserve all the money they could have earned if they hadnt been locked up for their willingness to commit crimes