What's the point of accelerationism?

What's the point of accelerationism?

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but why?

Some people just want to see the world burn

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To accelerate the current situation/conflict so you can get straight into action

It is a left wing ploy to get people to accept shit.

To try and convince politically dissaffected youths to vote for your left wing establishment candidate.

Crash the state.
No more army.
No more police.

Same reason why a hardcore drug addict has to go through withdrawal before returning to normal and getting his life back on track. Don't want to live in this globo homo kike epoch forever.

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People who think they'd do well in a zombie apocalypse want to figure out a social apocalypse is even rougher.

So you can get acclimated to your prison cell before everyone else.

Only realistic way to end neo-liberal clownworld is to make it choke on its own hubris. Then we can balkanize and try something else.

If things are going to get worse before they get better might as well make things worse faster so the better times come back sooner.

That's the idea anyway.

The only way to fix the problems of the world are to start over. Retard

Persuading dumb people to do things with massively leveraged negative consequences.

>neo liberal clownworld

a kiked meme

hurr durr You win by loosing
gib shekels now

it's based on the false assumption that politics are like pendulum and by hitting the worst leftist point it will start swinging to the right by itself
in reality leftist policies lead to a dark age for centuries if they are not fought back
absolute degeneracy and decline of civilization
and in the worst possible way not the cool anarchism kind
think Hunger Games

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If our social and economic structure collapses, liberals and degenerates won't have their strength anymore.

listen to the reddit spacing memeflag, goys. he's one of you.

Hello there newfren, remember to lurk a lot more and use 4plebs to look for archived threads.

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there's nothing clownworld about the freemarket tho

To face what have to be faced before you get too old for action, and to see poetic justice unfold on those who contributed to this mess before they die in blissful ignorance.


Avoid Calhoun mice syndrome by culling the "beautiful" faggots and child-aborter women before the white race self-extincts

maybe. but some of it is realising that there will be repercussions for talking about the situation as it is ( white genocide ) such as media looking at pro-white propaganda and twisting it and then using it against the less politically correct within the establishment

it's not too hard to determine which person is "accelerating" in order to be more acceptable to the tyrants, and which are saying "i'm doing the right thing regadless of how what i'm doing may be wrongfully interpreted, or used as political fodder"

Okay MIGA boomer

Accelerationist retards were eternally BTFO by a printer lmao and they'll keep getting btfo forever

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>What's the point of accelerationism?
To skip the slow boil phase of the collapse of society. Those in power in the political and corporate systems want a slow boil so they can push the policies they want while working the people to their deaths

Accelerationism allows those in society to force the hands of those around them and those in power so as to not allow the slow creep of bad policy to be implemented. Chaos is the main tool of accelerationism. Shake up the system and watch the reaction

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>plebbit spacing
>"d-don't accelerate nothing goym, leave it as it is"
Every single time...

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the everyday language of jesus was hebrew; therefore whatever you're talking about is something good

The old tree is rotten. Chop it down, and in the new sunlight shining upon the forest floor, a sappling rises from the decomposing remains.

I don't think you really know what clownworld means, as you imply how neoliberalism is the pillar for a freemarket.

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I never used reddit

Also letting jews win is not accelerating
it's cuckery

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It's not hard.

It's just that 90% of the "accelerstionists" are cryptojews appealing to dissaffected youths and the other 10% are the dissaffected youths with 95-105 IQ whi bought into the meme.

Richard Spencer has been called a glownigger for 4 years when he magically popped out of the ground.

same reason that white girls fuck black men. pointless self-destruction aimed to spite those who they perceive to have harmed them: parental figures, authority, etc.

the language of Jesus was Aramatic !

Hebrew is a meme language

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All these people advocate for accelrationism are the same people crying they have to social distance and they cant handle not going to dave and busters every day.
The second their internet breaks and they cant play call of duty online while eating tendies they will fall apart.

How many months have these fags spent training or in the woods, what supplies do they have? They will be the first to die in a societal collapse.




>Also letting jews win is not accelerating
This is actually right, letting jews win is not accelerating. So what could be the real meaning of accelerationism? as an example...this board has served as a great way to expose the anglojudaic elites conspiring against the free world since 9/11, since then they have been adapting to new ways to slander anyone involved into conspiracy theories, thus accelerating the inevitable exposure of the truth. One of their tacticts consists in disinfo and creating ambibalent meanings for concepts, such as the real meaning of accelerationism.

You don't get it. You're not supposed to trash white countries only, you're supposed to fuck things up for everybody.
The point is to lose the least

Hahahahah this kek

It's the only non-centrist ideology that makes any sense whatsoever, there is simply no way for an "ism" to take over the United States of America without first breaking down society and building it up again. My personal reasons for believing in this are that I think human beings aren't capable of choosing a good system themselves, the system has to be chosen through a fight so the best one will win, and also I think that we're all entitled to have a chance for a battle in our lives and young guys in the 21st century have so far been cheated out of their's and instead just sit around jerking off all day.

Also, accelerationism isn't really a positive take on what should happen so much as an analysis of what will happen. I can't recall any of us calling for any serious moves to make it happen faster, except for the suggestion of taking our money out of the banks to trigger a run.

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Accelerationism is a meme, we can't crash anymore.

Cranking up the heat too early so the frog jumps out of the pot.

To make edgy teens feel cool on the internet

the merchant hides in the confusion
these undefined terms are nothing new
Fascism has completely different meanings depending on who you ask

when you lose the kikes win
they've been at this way longer than anyone else
and they know full well to take advantage of the chaos
more importantly they have all the resources to do so

if you want to hunt kikes
or expose them publically you don't need societal collapse (everyone chimping out)
economic one is welcome however since the system will only get better without the scam that is the modern economic system

Balkanization is the only solution I have any faith in, the United States is divided in way more ways than people here understand and that should be accommodated by a natural re-formation of the current country into smaller independent or semi-independent countries so people can find one that better fits their identity and style.

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If you give your enemy everything they want, you win.

Sow the seeds of chaos to bring about a new order that you are in control of once the old one collapses. It's basically the same strategy used by Palpatine and Lenin to seize power.

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Okay user, you have convinced me then. I really don't like being called a jew, when I'm talking about exposing the jew. So what do you suggest? what is your response to all the anons who have been kiked into believing accelerationism is okay?

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>we can't crash anymore.

...said the Russian in 1914

>we can't crash anymore.

...said the Yugoslav in 1990

>we can't crash anymore.

...said the Syrian in 2010

>we can't crash anymore.

...said the Somali in 1988

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To give rise for revolutionary conditions.

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This isn't about hunting kikes. In fact, given their level of power, hunting them is unfeasible. You must learn to live with the kikes like with fire. Dumb animals fear the fire, you must learn how to utilize the fire to your benefit. But you are already on fire, so how do you put it out?

Snuff the fire, and hope to survive the snuffing. A fire can only burn on combustible materials, and straight bare humans aren't combustible by themselves. In the same spirit, kikes can only thrive as parasites on a rich society. Take away the richness and they will not be able to survive. Survive the planet-wide poverty, and you will be allowed to build yourself a society with safeguards against infestation by kikes.

The apocalypse was a parable. Paradise will be founded on Earth by the survivors of the great jewish cataclysm

>What's the point of accelerationism?
its how lefties try to get people not to vote so they can elect their cuck representatives and make the whole world into sweden.

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Its the little pathetic nazi last resort, as they are completly fucking irrelevant

We won culturally, economically and military. Accelerationism will not do shit, the main political forces are economical, who cares about some fag who shoots a mosque here and there

No no no, you guys are wrong. The jews want to destroy society, so keeping society stable is the way to own them. Read this:

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starting a boogaloo will leave the few red pilled people into a targeted minority

you don't win by starting a fight or even fighting
you win by preparing for it
red pill as many people as you can
numbers matter
and be vocal make them know they are not alone

once we get to that point
then getting rid of the kikes will be a lot easier
also make sure every right winger / red pilled person is armed

>who cares about some fag who shoots a mosque here and there
that's not accelerationism. That's literally what kikes want you to believe accelerationism means. Either way, Tarrant did screw the optics (mossad or not) and got NZ closer to a totalitarian police state, kiwis are getting slowly pissed.

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>The jews want to destroy society, so keeping society stable is the way to own them.

Except destroying society destroys their power base and basically anyone is free to act against them without fear of significant retaliation.

>implying you live in one

Make everything as worse as possible to force then inevitable

the synagogue shooters brought empathy to the kikes

Tarrant started a fire which red pilled a lot of people
the best part was the reaction the muslims had and the burning of the french cathedral
those can be rebuild but it showed the left wingers that they are not safe
and they can't just think they are so great and untouchable but they also share the real world with real life evil people
Showing the evil of muslims is a great stepping point to show the evil of the kikes.
Most leftists are sheltered kids that have never experienced evil, but thanks to the muslims now they know such things exist

without being in total freefall normalfags will not unlatch from government's cock
it's not done till all the sportsball fans flip and start grabbing shit from their toolsheds and trying to integrate it with politicians

The original posts are in the archive from last summer.
Accelerationism is the art of using your enemies own strength and momentum against him. We are weak, they are strong.
I made up accelerationism while sitting watching my dogs play football at work last year. That was me, made it up, coined the word. I can’t do all the typing to repeat it all right now I have to go but the idea is to get our enemies to defeat themselves.
It has all changed because of the corona virus anyway, in the first spam of the plan I told you how time was not in their side - well corona is what they have done because of that... probably. I wish I could explain further but I can’t just now I’m in a rush to get some shopping done while the supermarket is still open. Must dash.

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PVP mode

Leaf shilling for a kike psy-op, not surprised

Its really a trick used by the opposite side to make you act against your own interests.

There are 2 definitions of accelerationism

cars burning, economy collapsing etc.

Fags molesting children, leftists policies everywhere, socialism / communism

it's the second kind that worries me
especially when people say that they will vote for Bernie or Tulsy Gabbard
because hurr durr accelerationism