Newfags are the jews of Yas Forums

If you weren't here before 2006 then you have no business being here.
None of you have any clue what Yas Forums is and all this normie filth you post here is totally alien to real Yas Forums culture.
When we take over the world all of you will get the gas along with the kikes and shitskins.

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How will you tell that im a newfag redditor when i dont have an account?

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I haven't been here before 2006.

Is this a copypasta?

>then you have no business being here.
Listen here jack, how do I open a webpage?

If you think a newfag refers to someone who is new, you are a nu-fag and can fuckoff

>If you weren't here before 2006
Fuck of Pedo go back to one of your other honeypot Chan sites.

That's literally what it means you retard.
Just because you've been here since 2009 or 2016 that doesn't make you an "oldfag".
Yas Forums ceased being what it originally was in 2006 to 2008.

Imaging being such a failure of a man that you create in your mind a sense of belonging to an anonymous board. The absolute state of user.

exactly, newfags can fuck off
i joined in 2016 to help trump win against libtards

No it doesn't, you're showing your nu-ness

/po/ was the result of Stormfags that turned Yas Forums from a Anarchic Anime Imageboard, to a Authoritarian White Nationalist Imageboard.

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You will always be a newfag

You probably weren't even here back when Yas Forums had the boards listed on the left of the page

I prefer radicalized newfags to oldfags. Oldfags shitpost while the world goes to shit around them. Newfags drop redpills. Oldfags don’t take anything seriously. Newfags discuss the JQ.
It the nu-fags that you have to be worried about. They are in /ptg/. But I’ll take an angry newfag over a pacified oldfag shitposter any day.

Kek, I miss m00t

aw man I've only been here since 2008

It's cute how the dogs who bark the loudest don't actually know what a newfag is

That was the good old days
Yas Forums is the only reason I even come here anymore because the site has gone to shit so much it makes 2008 seem desirable but even this board is pretty trash these days.

I was here just as Persona 3 FES was released on PS2 and got spammed on Yas Forums. Does that count as oldfag?

>... when Yas Forums had the boards listed on the left of the page
holy shit I forgot about that! You just gave me a wave of ytmnd flavored nostalgia

t. 2004 Yas Forums crew reporting

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Always makes me chuckle that Yas Forums is still here but moot is kill.
We won faggit.

I'm nothing but a cancerous faggot phone poster now. My laptop died around 2014 with all my 4chins image folders and I never got it fixed.

No. I'm a much beloved poster here.

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It was pretty shit in 2006. There was lots of cp, "POST SINKS", cat threads and greentexts all over. It became way better after that "coolface/trollface/rageface" comics ended. Jesus that lasted a long while, must have been 2-3 years in a row with a ton of those comics, and that frog. I sort of liked those tho.

Like, imagine running around using terms you don't even know the meaning behind because you're such a smoothbrain you assume 'new' must mean you are new here, certainly couldn't mean anything else.

Nope, not at all. Silly nufags

I'll play, how long is your dick OP, hint the answer is not "7".

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Look faggot if this is not a LARP and you really want old Yas Forums back. You know your pushing this shot on the wrong fucking board don't you. Old Yas Forums wasn't Yas Forums, it Yas Forums.
If you could excise the cancer that killed Yas Forums and make Yas Forums good again (Yas Forums was never good) then maybe I'd give a shit.

>That's literally what it means you retard.

2 years lurking is still mandatory. lurk moar.

I was always on the internet so I knew about this place and the culture from the start. Still an eternal newfag. I don't even like anime.
I don't know any other place that feels like the old internet so this is all I have left.
The people who I thought were like me are all trannies now and the most reasonable people are uneducated rednecks.
All the promise the internet had is long gone and "education" doesn't exist anymore.

Me too. I think it was 04.

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Does it even still exist?

If it weren't for newfags, this board would have 1 pph

Yes, it’s trapped in time though.

good times, many keks and faps were had

Newfag= 2008-2020

Newfags were fags from newgrounds. Not new people to Yas Forums.


I got here in 2008 though i knew about Yas Forums as early as 2005. My retard brain didnt like the format until 2008 lol

I played the absolute fuck out of orgasm girl when I was a desperate teenage coomer.

What was that frog comic named? Do you remember? The one that was like a description of a student that didn't wash himself, only fapped and did disgusting things?

No le nostalgia for me gusta?

The reddit shills want us to disband with divide and conquer tactics. Many such cases.

Yas Forums didn't even exist. But Yas Forums was already cancerous and full of degenerates.

no, I only remember "the ones we do not name"

Then the new people started calling themselves oldfags.

Tell us about marble cake.

>Only 2003-2006 Yas Forums count
So, why are you posting in 2020? The "gold era" ended 14 years ago

I found it, it was bachelor frog.

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Boy's Club?

>Oldfags shitpost while the world goes to shit around them. Newfags drop redpills.
This is why I hate newfags. They shove their ebin "redpills" anywhere possible. It's fucking annoying.

I stumbled onto Yas Forums as a kid in '06 after seaching Google images for "ecchi." Does that count?

ah yes, the original neet meme

kys boomer.

Ok boomer

newfags trying to prove they're oldfags for internet points
nice slide thread though, 40%

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That perfectly describes it. I felt targeted in so many of those back then, I was pretty disgusting compared to now.

Ebs and flows it's good and bad at different times. If you had asked me if Yas Forums would ever be supplanted as the most popular board I would have said you were nuts but here we are.
I miss reNigger fucking picture captcha can suck a dick.
The Anonymous legion stuff was pretty comfy when it started aswell.

B-but God told me Yas Forums existed to make me realize I am Jesus Christ...

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OPs main hobby for the last 14 years at least has been browsing this autistic site

Jesus if I'm here for 14 years I'll be roping

You can't live as a child forever, sorry.
At one point, you need to grow up, for the sake of your local community if nothing else.

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>Pacified oldfag shitposter
Fuck off cunt, I'm not pacified I just do shit for the lulz. Nothing on this goddn site has been lulz worthy since the Tumblr raids

You'll be here in 14 years telling people that joined in 2020 are newfags. You'll never leave.

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dont make me remember

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This meme is true user. I have been shitposting on and off since the site started.

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Spammers like you piss me off more than niggers and kikes combined.

Wrong, that's why you freaks have your own r9k board, claiming everyone here has to be as much of a loser as you is cope on fundamental levels.

They killed it in 2016, and now they represent themselves as oldfags. The muppets killed the board for good.

if you dont remember snacks then you should leave

how come trannies get to post here then?

I care now more than I did then, back then I was a cumbrain and only cared about my hourly faps

yes, the site has evolved. its been crazy to see all the normie takes on the site.

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>1 post by this ID

Then post real shit, you little bitch...if not, then you don't belong here..with your slide shit

You haven't heard, it's the new liberal fad to have either a tranny or faggot child. you get more points for allowing it to be a tranny.

Yes user, This is now accepted in society.

Having no friends and being a virgin doesn't make you a loser. Isaac newton died a virgin and is responsible for the creation of calculus based classical physics which is the only reason why we have the comforts of the modern world today.

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It will never return again. Like tears in the rain.

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Let's admit it Yas Forums was shit until 2016 when the maga boys showed up. /ptg/ is the only place that still feels like old Yas Forums I'm pretty sure all the old fags just hide out there.

i dont care

Sort of the same with me, I wasn't really a coomer, but I smoked, drank lots of soda, only sat behind the pc screen, drank a lot, smoked weed. I don't do any of those things now. I have a great job, house and everything I'd ever need. I guess it's just a phase for some people. What I regret the most was the weed phase, it's so fucking pathetic. You become so much dumber than your potential, and just depressed in the end.

based and bloomerpilled

not sure about the cake but I do know we all just lost The Game

Oof and yikespilled

luker since 2005, youre all a bunch of newfags. gtfo and go to reddit with your nigger ass takes.

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I’ve been here since february 2019, more than a full year
Does that make me an oldfag?

That's the reason you're not successful.
The same as why the left can't meme.
If it can't be done for the lulz, it's not worth doing it, anyway.

Nigga I've been here since 1872

in 2006 my idlerpg level was higher than yours

blast it with piss

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Imagine feeling so bored and useless that you try to make yourself feel special by safeguarding a website. Delushun luv.

So like 5 people total then.
Please spare me, how did you survive Armageddon or were you posting crossword puzzle when he requested it late night.

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You get the rope along with brapfags