Yas Forums is literallly the most influential website of all time

Just wait and see, in decades or several years later people will regard Yas Forums as one of the most influential website of all time, and people will also regard the chan-culture/imageboard culture as one of the most influential internet culture of all time. This site in general invented almost all of the internet sub-cultures or made other sub-cultures/movements popular (such as furry, MLP fandom, anime, Yas Forums culture and all other sub-cultures), invented 99% of all memes we have on the internet, making all these weird fetishes/porn (futa, loli, shota, traps) famous and popular amongst other popular sites on the internet. This site also made people like Chris Chan, other people famous. I think every board on Yas Forums are pretty influential. Yas Forums forever changed the internet and the society forever, the internet will not be the same like our current time if it wasn't for Yas Forums. Yas Forums itruly is a meme factory, an internet sub-cultre factory and pretty much factory for almost everything on the internet. Yas Forums truly is a powerful influence machine of the internet nobody are that powerful and influential website as Yas Forums.

This site truly have one of the most unique, most amazing culture i've ever seen on the internet. This site literally contributed and acomplish the internet more than any websites. We wouldn't have memes on the internet if it wasn't for Yas Forums, MLP fandom wouldn't be a thing if it wasn't for Yas Forums, white nationalism woudn't be popular, neither wouldn't redpilling the majority of the society if it wasn't for Yas Forums. If I want to make a top 100 list of the most influential website of all time, I would literally put Yas Forums as number 1 because it is one the most influential website of all time. No websites are that influential as Yas Forums. No internet cultures are that influential as chan culture/imageboard culture.

This site will be remembered as one the most influential website of all time.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Since now Yas Forums has already becoming on of the most influential board of this site, now all of the boards are literallly one of us, hell even more mainstream sites as Reddit, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, partially of them are one of us. White nationalism and right-wing politics became more popular since the 2016 election, all these white nationalism/right-wing poltics, redpill term, white genocide, cultural marxism take it the roots from Stormfront, we wouldn't have thing such as cuck, redpill, white genocide and other terms if it wasn't for Yas Forums. You could say that SF had repilled us and we redpilled the rest of the boards and rest of the internet.

>Error: Comment too long (2599/2000).
Seriously fuck gookmoot for limiting the comment. This text was supposed to be on my thread, but I got it at least.

Based post


Based and thinktankpilled
Shills uncontestable suicide watch

>pissing in an ocean of piss

I agree on everything. Based and redpilled.

Yas Forums is a cesspool

fuck off leaf

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I agree but normies need to fuck off and die

fuck you plus sign

Nah. Google is.

>Mad leaf
Not even surprised, leaf is essentially a memeflag at this point. Leafs have their moments but 9 times out of 10 it's a shill post or something so fucking retarded you lose iq points for reading it.

Fucking mods keep deleting important threads and leave shit threads like this. Self serving faggots.

Best News source on the internet. My only beef with them is they love chics with dicks.

/f/ making big strides

kys dumb neutral medkit

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Image boards are the true hive mind of humanity achieved through internet. Our consciousnes is expanding. Information is moving and truth is revealing itself.

May god show his wrath on the evil!! And if he doesnt, we might aswell pick up our axes and do it ourselves.

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Just because is popular, doesn't necessarily mean it's the most influential. I think Yas Forums is more influential than Google, especially all these internet culture we have in the 2000s and the 2010s.

Yas Forums is this civilizations collective shadow
Do you know what happens when you don't integrate your shadow but instead always try to suppress it? It will manifest itself
>According to Jung, the shadow sometimes overwhelms a person's actions; for example, when the conscious mind is shocked, confused, or paralyzed by indecision. 'A man who is possessed by his shadow is always standing in his own light and falling into his own traps ... living below his own level':[20] hence, in terms of the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, 'it must be Jekyll, the conscious personality, who integrates the shadow ... and not vice versa. Otherwise the conscious becomes the slave of the autonomous shadow'.[21]

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We called in fucking air strikes in Syria from our comfy homes half way across the world of that isn’t a show of how group think and effort is effective can influence real world outcomes...the most known unknowns

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I just googled what MLP fandom is, and I know furry from some obvious glowniggers pretending to be insiders.
Yas Forums is the best thing we get, but it's influence is nonexistent

Yas Forums
>like the bottom of the drain, everything eventually winds up here

And it was all a mistake. Now this place is overrun with normalfags.

In the future when they model their present based on the abundant information from the present they'll be able to detangle your own personal contribution.
There will be a score screen for the most influential people in history and most of them will be anonymous.

People get a choice between shaking their spear or actually contributing. Shakespeare chose the latter.

I know this, why do you think I post Lums here? In 5yrs time she'll be everyone's waifu with me and 4chans help

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The superior leaf will be known as the most wise tribe ever to walk the earth

That was /sg/. Don't pretend you had anything to do with that.

i prefer half chan be a low key basket weaving forum that dislikes having dangerous antiquated
farm equipment around.

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No, we are the creators. From here it's pirated to Reddit. Then to Facebook, then finally to 9gag, eBaumsworld, newgrounds etc etc etc.

>neckbeard fascists masturbating to degenerate anime are the most influential group on the internet

We're the gay pedophile Greek city-state philosophers of the modern era

what? when did this happen? need sauce

Stop jerking yourself off new fag. You didn’t do a god damn thing except want to be a part of something. “Yea, I’m a 4channer, so what” I’ll be you say that sort of shit to people all the time.

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>tfw your shitpost is in a history book somewhere

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There's a central stalker-archive maintained by the hierarchy of virtue and their pet rapists. If Yas Forums gets lauded, it will be because the grand archive doesn't leak.

In fairness, I'm pretty sure I'm wrong to say they have pet rapists, since AFAIK I'm the organization's one and only victim. But they won't wind down just because of one victimized child, so... I guess it's just impossible to take down the last 0.01 of corruption. C'est la vie, no?

I am sure it is up there , top 10 at least, but I still think youtube and twitter is more influencing

i don't think ebaumsworld or newgrounds have any kind of substantial community anymore

>Since now Yas Forums has already becoming on of the most influential board of this site
trump promised we would become the super elite

that place is dead

Its not gay as long as you are the one doing the fucking user

Oh just wait until you find out the true purpose of Yas Forums...

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It's influential because people are lazy. Suppose you search "therapy for new coronavirus" on Google you are immediately provided almost entirely the MSM propaganda, Gilead and Bill Gates come to mind.
Most normies have no idea how to navigate Yas Forums to access such information, although better.

Its more like a clogged drain spewing shit into the bathroom that no one can ignore

I've been here from the very start, I've seen 3 self organizing systems of chaos emerge from here, anonymous, occupy and the alt-right, intelligence agencies envy us, they wish to copy us.

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Imagine being somewhat of an older fag and seeing normies talking about their "awesome memes", its infuriating.

Yas Forums as a whole faggot, divide and conquer doesn’t fuckin work with me.....it was the hacker known as /pol gtfo

Go back

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It was /sg/ alone.


twitter is the most influential site

It will vanish without a trace one day if we don't fight.


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twitter is a petri dish.

That documents reminds me of how a cybernetician would understand the human brain. You start with simple feedback loops and build up.

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>just wait and see just two more decades
you faggots keep saying this

op is still a faggot

I agree but nothing is stopping this place from becoming 100% pozzed. Way too many glowniggers and newniggers are here now. It's time to wait out the storm of disinfo instead of granting this board any significance. All the words you wrote will go into crediting the retarded elements that I spoke of. Not true Yas Forumsacks.

What? Trap porn?

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I still make money submitting content to eBaumsworld. Easiest Pre-paid Visa cards to make anywhere on the internet. Very good ROI.

>99% of Yas Forums threads are twitter screencaps
>twitter is a petri dish btw
rly made me think..

No, it is to awaken the one and only Jesus Christ!

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for the ancient greeks it was gayer to go down on a woman than it was to fuck a man

>Yas Forums created anime
OH NONONONONO, but seriously Yas Forums would not exist if 2chan or whatever this site was copied over wasn't made by some hard working japanese.

Based if true

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All I remember about them is that back in the day many web artists bitched about them stealing their content. People still use ebaums?

>Since now Yas Forums has already becoming on of the most influential board of this site
No lies detected.

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