
>Boris Johnson must rest up, says PM's father

>EU agrees €500bn rescue package

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scenes when boris leaves hospital on easter sunday

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so close

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what's the best way to monetise my autism?

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lmao at that box size room. how can you live like that


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most people don't spend their entire lives in their room mate

>>EU agrees €500bn rescue package

im sure you will contribute out of solidarity with your european brothers

You lads are good; cheerp up.

Even Pube, ily

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Its 1st year uni accommodation most likely.

is that what is known as a "slag"?

Polish, sorry faggot.

>100k confirmed deaths
>CFR still 21% (26% outside of china)
>several countries are underreporting deaths, so the real total could be 300k+ by now.

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>That EU loan
Lol. Those shitty continentals are fucked forever.
Just like those spud niggers next door.

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kunesberg isn't a newsreader shes a journalist

I don't like the brown ones

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He brother took his own life mere months after she had a mulatto baby.
This is the wider fate of the white man.

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Post your big room in mummy and daddies house big lad.

take her please

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Remember your bog roll loicences lads.

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stop spamming your oneitis that got blacked by a wog

i'm a skelly. 10 stone

pube inspires me

Watching sovereign citizens get tased

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and where will you get the money from?

can someone please post the norf fc meme of a celtic lad offering to build hadrians wall for a roman?

u ok x

do i

oi m8 there's been reports you bought non essential items

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you're my idol

i'll survive, thank you for asking

Yesterday I watched some of a video about making wooden shingles for roofs on barns, you might like it too.

What about the women?

Non of your business Achmed.

since when did that faggot stop being a tranny?

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>Boris Johnson

Mhh, I will take a look, thanks lad

honk honk

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I sleep in a big bed with my wife

For Britain on suicide watch

it was all an epic ruse

That's right, big boss is a fucking mutt and so is that bitch of Eva. Only superior character in MGS is solid snake and otacon.

Apparently if someone has died because of a virus it's Boris fault or something.

great answer lol, time for a nice increase in national debt under Johnson's rule yippee!

Fish supper tonight boyos

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You are aware Britain is a financial safe haven. Investors are taking their money out of developing economies and bringing it home where it's safe. UK bonds are doing fantastically because of this.

Pizza actually.

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Pork for me.

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Dominic Raabinski will never be PM
It'll either be Boris for 10 years or 5 years then Keir Starmer

>british guy thinking men dressing up like women is an "epic ruse"
some things never change

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I'm enjoying the Belarus football. Nice to see the game played without nogs and faggotry.

Me too lol, nice!

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