The west accusing China of trying to gain control of international organizations

>the west accusing China of trying to gain control of international organizations

Isn't this what the US has been doing for a long time? Doesn't the USA occupy many more leading positions and has more employees in international organizations? So why does Yas Forums turn a blind eye when the USA does it?

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Yes and that's why we should be able to spot this easily. As much as I hate our position as the world daddy, China would destroy us all if it takes over that power. Don't act like it's not true.

I want to fuck that trap so hard

When we occupy them they still perform the original function unlike the WHO which is actively making shit worse. All commies must burn.

Historically, China has been a far more peaceful power. Even when China was strong, it did not try to invade the entire rest of the world, unlike the USA.

jews and jew puppets always project

Is penis good for you?

WHO warned about the risk of human-to-human transmission of COVID19 as early as January 10 in its note of guidance. Americans sat on their ass and did nothing.

China will giddily develop an AI to enslave all of humanity. At least when it happens, I can take solace in the fact that retards like you will suffer along with the rest of us.

Lol. The state of you. China has not been historically peaceful.

Where did you get this picture of my gf (male)?

because we are the good goys you fuckwit

USA doesn't have a history of doing things like the "great leap forward".

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US controlling international orgs is how its supposed to work. We underwrite the security for the world order, we provide the reserve currency; we write the rules of the game. If the chinks want to change that by controlling s. china sea, by building military ports in indo-pacific, by using world court (international inst) to say we need to leave diego garcia... yea, we have a problem. They undermine our oder by infiltrating these institutions.
Luckily, we dont care what these institutions say, because they were built to serve us anyway. If they are junk, we'll make our own regional order and contain china. Its already happening so keep up.

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OP thinks like a cat

>believing CCP propaganda
>see flag
Ah yes.

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China downplayed the virus as far back as november. Their lies put the world at risk.

they didn't try because they never had the power or technological capability to do so. Pitiful.

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This is false.

Novel coronavirus is a virus unseen and unknown by mankind. China was the first to stand the test and responded with effective measures. How about the US?

>the jews accusing China of trying to gain control of international (((organizations)))

This person is a rare case of tranny that doesn't pass but is still cute.

This shit started in November. Who ignored what needed to be done cause sucking Chinas dick comes first for them. They are run by a literal revolutionary communist without medical experience.

Uncle Sam is a better option than General Tsao.

Ask Taiwan and HK about that.

Just the power dynamic shifting, like it does when empires collapse. Soon enough the US will be building all our electronics for cheap and recycle all our trash.

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Mao has entered the chat

Is that before or after the New Algerian Caliphate?

China covered up the existence of the virus for months than killed the doctor who blew the whistle. Taiwan was the earliest to tell the truth pointing out that some kind of airborne shit was happening in Wu Han. Fuck China.

Why do you want to create a false dichotomy. We say "X is bad", then along comes group B doing "X" and you think we shouldn't say anything because group A is already doing X?
We know the US does this, but your doing it also doesn't fix things.
Two Wongs don't make a white.

They didn't though. They happily let it spread across the world because of propaganda reasons.

Cannot tell if your a Chinese Shill with a VPN or Chinese anchor baby. At any rate, China is soulless shell of whatever it once was and that saying something coming from a corporate slave.

Because, this pussy.

Taiwan and Hong Kong were both the victims of foreign imperialism, occupied by Japan and Britain.

If the US actually fades Europe and especially France is in for a rough time.

There won't be room for any caliphate of any type in a chinese centric world. Just see how they treat their muslims.

They let it spread for economic reasons. If they were getting fucked they wanted everyone to get fucked.

>occupied by Japan and Britain.
Most recently by the US

Why is it always the same leaf and frog that shill for the chinks? Is the CCP so low on budget that they can only afford 2 VPNs?

“Effective measures”. Like jailing anyone ( DOCTORS ) who tried to raise concern. Lmao you are quite literally legally retarded if you believe China has this under control. Holy shit.

China has had the most effective response by far.

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Taiwan is the only real surviving China.

And it turns out they liked that more than being a part of China. What is your point exactly?

Also HK being a victim of all that prosperity is hilarious. Just think they could have starved with the commies instead.

We've been through worse, and we'll always have the Russian buffer.

That is at home they dont care about you getting jihad'd.

Probably a CCP guy that lives in Canada. They send agents to monitor their exchange students and such.

ella hollywood is peak trap

>effective measures
You're right about that, but imagine if those measures were implemented anywhere else. You would give yourself an aneurysm about the inhumanity of it. I get that your wife's boyfriend is probably monitoring your internet time and what you post, but honestly, please, for the sake of Canada, use your brain.

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>China has been a far more peaceful power.
This is bullshit. This is bullshit that you were taught by Chinese professors in university, but it is purest bullshit.
In the 1950s, as the threat of nuclear war grew larger, the Soviets adopted a model of peaceful coexistence with the west. China felt this was revisionist and a betrayal of the revolution, and that's where the Sino-Soviet split came from.
Mao's third world movement of the 1960s was China exporting their Communist International and Cultural Revolution all over the world. Mao was pretty much openly expanding and operating in Vietnam, South East Asia and Africa, and China funded or fomented the 1968 revolutions in the west. It wasn't until Mao died and the Chinese got their asses kicked by Vietnam in 1979 that they even pretended to not be expansionist.
>Mao Tse-tung's successors have slowly dismantled China's once-ambitious program to provide revolutionary leadership and technical aid to the Third World, and are concentrating their energies and rhetoric instead on improving the standard of living at home.
>A decade ago, Chinese engineers and workers were busily completing a railway that Western analysts feared would not only link Tanzania and Zambia but also extend communist influence and subversion deep into southern Africa. At the same time, China was pouring large amounts of help and money into Vietnam's ultimately successful war against American forces.
>Today, in Deng Xiaoping's China, it is difficult to find anyone who will defend, much less praise, either of those efforts. Help to Vietnam "was Chairman Mao's most serious error," a student at Beida University told a recent visitor, adding later in the conversation that "China is too poor to help all those African countries, too."

Is that the girl from Sabrina?

They lie about their numbers.

literally nobody likes chinks

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>>the west accusing China of trying to gain control of international organizations
>Isn't this what the US has been doing for a long time? Doesn't the USA occupy many more leading positions and has more employees in international organizations? So why does Yas Forums turn a blind eye when the USA does it?

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Im not worried about a chinese land invasion im worried your country is going to fall apart because of muslim colonization.

it doesn't matter you fucking retard. Its obviously better if we have global hegemony than soulless chink insects



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>w-what about _____?!?
No shithead, theres no worming out of this. China fucked up majorly and told everyone things were fine just fine and you were a racist if you questioned glorious leader. All while instructing their various agents to case their host countries for masks and other supplies.

Get used to the world seeing you chinks as subhuman scum.


You act as if you were the good guys in the Vietnam war, when in reality you went to the opposite side of the planet to kill people over ideological differences. Without Chinese support, all of Vietnam was in danger of falling to the USA and your cronies.

Ella Hollywood has a big dick.

USA made the orgs and funded them for decades while remaining unbiased and uncontrolled then China tries to buy them out and use their influence for personal gains

>You act as if you were the good guys in the Vietnam war,
No I don't, see Don't accuse me of something I didn't do that has nothing to do with the facts I'm referencing. I'm not the strawman you invented in your head, you slant-eyed buck-toothed faggot chink.

indeed, yet the USA is the lesser of the evils for Occidental countries

At this point we're essentially a Chinese territory.

But let's get something straight:
The idea of the nice and polite and Canadian is a nothing but a meme. You average Canadian buys into that image so hard because that is literally the only identity we have and will rabidly defend it. But if you actually speak to a Canadian, you're going to quickly find that we're smug, annoying, hyper passive aggressive, vapid, and have this bizarre inferiority complex about the USA for whatever reason.

I know the pic attached is suppose to be Yas Forums humor, but you all have no idea how accurate it is.

And small tits. Trannies with no boobs are gross

Come to /his/ and get schooled then, Chang, because you don't know shit about your own mongrelized people's history. China expanded and subjugated up to every mountain range and coastline they could and China has always held the top several records for most brutal death tolls in war. And now you "peaceful" Chi-coms continue draining the worlds fisheries, driving species extinction, gifting the world with batsoup virus pandemic, cheating and lying to everyone they do business with.

Are you China's neighbor? Congratulations! You prize is:
> Vietnam: You get to be invaded by China right after you end a devastating war with USA! Whoo! And even after you beat them off, Chinks will be raiding your border forever to steal women to solve their gender imbalance haha
> Philippines: Oh, these are your territorial waters? Sorry, dropped my artificial island here bro
> Russia: We'll get that northern land back laowai, just you wait
> Korea: Hope you don't mind half of your entire nation being our dedicated feudal buffer state
> Tibet: Hahahahahahhahahahahahahahhaahaha

Wow how grateful they should all be to live next to the peaceful and freedom loving Chinese!

And now WE don't even get to have a white northern neighbor anymore thanks to fucking China. Nah, instead we have a Chinese fentanyl crisis flowing over the southern border as payback for the opium war which we had almost nothing to do with. Choke on boiled dog dick.

Forgot the image in my haste.

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There's no "should" that means anything at all. Those who are able to control will end up on top. Everything else will arrange itself to accommodate that. I'd strongly prefer that the USA be in charge rather than soulless insects, but I worry about whether they're too corrupt and soft now to do the things necessary to continue in that roll. Especially since many of their own elites are loyal to globohomo now rather than their own nation. That's one division the chinks don't have to worry about.

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Historically, "falling to USA and their cronies" is one of the best thing that can happen to a country.
Unless of course you want to act like a retard and struggle.

No, the US CREATED those organizations and provides the majority of primary funding for many of them.

Not really. If the USA and their cronies hadn't been funding and defending Russia and the Trans-Siberian railway, the Bolsheviks would have lost.

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The US is an imperialist power which constantly exploits other countries for resources.

What a cute girl. What’s he.....oh

China care less about human rights than USA does. People probably care out of self preservation, especially if they're not Chinese or American.

I can’t tell if you’re as fucking retarded as your responses would suggest, or if you’re trolling the shit outta these people.

Either way, you’re a massive faggot.

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White people literally invaded every continent on the planet, plundered resources, enslaved and exterminated entire races. Your country is literally built on the tears of black slaves and the corpses of Native Americans. Trying to imply China's past coming anywhere close to the west's brutal history is disingenuous.

Been reading the century-old books again and imagining they're relevant, have we? China is the rising imperial power now. Try to keep up.

And now they do

What did WHO say on January 14?

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>1 post by this ID
I know I'm wrong for this, but no. You're confusing USA with International Capitalists, who by the way are the same people who fund your socialist revolutions because creating this false dichotomy is how they seize control of your mind. See By propping up controlled villains like the Soviet Union and China, they turn the peoples' attention to the most immediate enemy and not the puppet master. This doesn't mean China is somehow not a threat, but arguing that "it's really the US who is bad" is missing the whole boat.
Reject Globalists' false dichotomy, but at the same time, fuck China and you sympathetic commie bastards.

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Just by admitting China only invades it's neighbors, you show that the West is more violent and expansionist. China was a regional power until 15 years ago, historically had many internal divisions. Meanwhile the West colonized countries 5000 miles from home and genocide the natives

I don't think jews are America's cronies, buddy... The politicians they pocket, yeah, the average person like you or me? Straight up enemy.

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I didn't know China shared a border with Africa.
China has been funding revolution and infrastructure projects there since the 1960s. Literally no different than CIA/State Department in Africa and South America. No Different At All.

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>care less about human rights than USA does
That's kind of the problem

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billion people death toll through-out China's entire existence.

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It's called SARS you fucking chang.

only because the Russians aren't in control of their hemisphere of the world. It is kind of getting bad. Russia needs to step up and not allow gooks to ruin white hegemony and control of the globe.

This, I for one welcome our American overlards

would marry

The soullessness of CCP is well documented.

History goes back farther than 1960 amerilard