NASA to turn moon craters into radio telescopes

What do you guys think of this?

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I think it’s great! While we’re at it, we can also add some extracurricular hardware to the installation ;)

The moon is fake dumbass

How do we get the signal down to earth?

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What about space debris and asteroids
The moon has no atmosphere so they won't burn up

can we use it to open a subspace rift by using the main deflector dish to emit an inverse tachyon pulse?

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American Moon:

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Based and crater pilled.

receiver/transmitter array

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holy shit dude the moon just flew over my house!

radio waves dumbass

I met that dyke her whole schtik is telling you how big and cool iss is lmfao

Neat idea

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I think its just a study to develop new technology which doesn't mean that this will happen, since they need to land on the Far side of the Moon while they can't land on the Moon at all and even if they will land - they will be landing on the South Pole no earlier than in 2024

But from where?
They need relay satellites or a transmission line on the moons surface to the visible side.

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The thing that sucks about the Moon is that your have to share your wife.


they must be getting ready to receive a monster check from the us taxpayer and making up some bullshit they say they are doing and going to pocket the cash for another vacation home for a select few.

Building it on Minmus would be easier

From the back of the moon?
I thought the radio silence there was the reason to build it there?

there are over 500 satellites supposedly orbiting the moon

great idea, can I work there?

Look! Another amazing project that NASA creates! And that it will never be implemented, for some reason obviously unrelated to the number of women that will be allocated to work on it.

This is not a small amount of data.
You need a permanent high-speed connection.

>Chinks land on far side of the moon.
Far side of the moon suddenly becomes important.

satellites orbiting the moon receive signal from this setup then continue their orbit until in range of satellites orbiting earth to transmit the data

But does minmus have circular craters?

it is transmitted in chunks, yes it is a very slow process

Top flash is reflection from optics

he hooked his pocket with his pinky??

So you relay the signal, bounce it off a satelitte or polar relay station, see: Independence Day

>will participate in an “innovative and sustainable program” headed by the United States to “lead the return of humans to the Moon for long-term exploration and utilization, followed by human missions to Mars and other destinations.” Successful long-term exploration and scientific discovery of the Moon, Mars, and other celestial bodies will require partnership with commercial entities to recover and use resources, including water and certain minerals, in outer space.

Hey, remember the Space Force!

That's fucking badass but wouldn't they need electricity? How the hell are they going to get electricity from the moon?

And since no atmosphere what about defence from the sun waves.

>we admit that we can't get to the moon but we'll build satellites on the moon
Is NASA this retarded

With no atmosphere to stop asteroids which pummel the surface constantly hence the pockmarked surface? I'm calling bullshit here.

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It's called the new moon.

This is retarded, why not just build it in space since you're lifting all the materials from Earth anyway?

The craters already are radio telescopes. They just want to make sure to have the story out before some curious astronomy afficionado gazes into the right spot, after all there's a lot of attention going to the Moon during these days.
>inverse tachyon pulse
Holy molly! we don't know much about tachyons yet, and you already want to have them inversed!? what would they do?

Abolish FISA first!

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Can't wait for all the stronk Latinx womyn at NASA to design and build this, lol

Pointless money pit.
>would require men on the ground to set up
>massive amounts of material to set up
>requires maintenance
>would require several rockets to get everything there
>radio waves has the easiest time of coming through the earths atmoshphere unobstructed meaning the difference in results would be negligible between space and on earth

>what would they do?
Travel slower than light obviously.

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asteroids rarely drop on surface of the moon, what you see craters are results of billions of years of bombardment, relics, nothing recent there

Do you think ayy lmaos have bases on the dark side of the moon?

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Including the giant dish the crater would naturally provide?
And where are you gonna park it so signals from earth don't interfere?

I think you a clinically retarded if you believe anything those Satanists tell you.

>When you don't understand physics, but you want to try to prove something with it.

You dont have to transmit the signal from the same location as the telescope...

>giant dish
That shit's free in zero-G, any shape you want.
>where are you gonna park it
Wherever you want. Could put it in geosync around the moon if you really have a hard-on for a pointless moon antenna.

What's the non-schizo explanation for this one?

germans aren't aliens.

> (OP) (You)
>The craters already are radio telescopes. They just want to make sure to have the story out before some curious astronomy afficionado gazes into the right spot, after all there's a lot of attention going to the Moon during these days.
Someone finally gets it

>sublight species

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yes you do fuckstick, transmit from the telescope into orbit, then back to earth via relay

Why do they keep uploading videos of fuckups? You'd think they'd have higher standards when trying to cover up the biggest conspiracy of all time.

>This is retarded, why not just build it in space

Sending a fuck ton of materials to build a dish in space.
Send some equipment to the moon and use a naturally formed crater that functions like a parabolic dish...

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hooked his pocket with his pinky? oh fuck? wheres that pinky been!?

Don't you know user, they've already done it.

not a good thing, you will find the secret nazis base here

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that hairspray gag always cracks me up

>What do you guys think of this?

That's a lot of money for scientists who still keep telling us we are alone in the universe.
Who are they communicating with ?

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Maybe then they'll finally realize that the "CBR" they're measuring here on earth is actually coming from the goddamned earth.

>Assembling a giant dish is free because zero g
It just materializes in space? Why not use the crater that's just sitting there already?


10,000 things wrong with this idea, the biggest of which is, "Why the fuck do we need this at all?"


3 satellites. Triangular polar orbit. Relay.
That way, every satellite is always in contact with the next in the relay.
God damn it, Don't they teach you kids anything at school anymore?

is this some retard's video where they say the low moon gravity makes their movements strange when compared to earth gravity, therefore they must be faking...kek

whoever made this should kill themselves and not populate the gene pool with their nigger tier intelligence.

Were the prophets entire reason for existing dabbing on this lady?

>asteroids rarely drop on surface of the moon, what you see craters are results of billions of years of bombardment, relics, nothing recent there
Not to mention that most of them happened during the Late Heavy Bombardment billions of years ago.

you're right. that money should go to israel.

No they won’t

Good explanation. Meds not even needed

go outside one night and watch it fly over you massive faggot

Because it's a lot harder to make when you're having to deal with gravity and landing all the materials via rocket? These should be obvious.

Watch Eric Dubays videos on YouTube

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imagine believing NASA

holy shit you're an unbelievable doofus,

they have loops on the floor they put there feet in so they can stay put...ffs cant tell if troll or chinese

maybe if you are a retard.
It's light reflecting of a wire though.

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What is this one trying to even prove?

Getting the materials for the dish off earth is easier?

sure thing steinberg

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You can do some crazy stuff on the moon because the gravity is so low, and you can do it with plain stainless steel not some expensive superalloy.

summoning the ayyees

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the prophets could tell she was a bitch, thats why they chose based sisko

bunch of solar panels or a radioisotope power plant


He tried to grab his friend's t-shirt and missed it. What's the big deal?


Polish astronaut admitting the earth is flat.

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Are looking for more niggers?

you so mad your shit people will never have the pride of conquering space


At least you are consistently retarded

1000% read ingo swann penetration

Schizos literally have no arguments they just bombard these vids and call you a shill

Tethers to hold themselves in place schizo dumbass.

Or maybe they're just trying to repair the ones already up there

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you realise we already launched satelites that measure it from space right

He hooked his little finger on his pocket.

Reminder: NPC's believe they went to the moon in a craft constructed with cardboard, scotch tape, gold colored foil and tent poles.

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so they are going to build dioramas inside the the hangar they landed?

What we are suppose to see in that shit ?

>what if there is a fuck up on live tv?
>oh fuck he got tangled
>why not just pretend nothing happened? People can't see our magic wires

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So why didn't microphone cable get wrapped up in it?

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man it must suck if even the slightest thing goes wrong

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If a 200lb man only weighs 30lbs on the moon then being able to spring up like that would be trivial.

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heh, now I know you're a troll... or 12, either way I laffed

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fiber optic cable to a moonbase and then astronaut sneakernet

for every retard replying i post a new one

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