We´re the middle children of history. No purpose or place. We have no Great war. No Great Depression...

We´re the middle children of history. No purpose or place. We have no Great war. No Great Depression. Our Great War is a spirtual war... our Great Depression is our lives...

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The next great depression will be with us shortly

that's nice user, now go back to work

There is a war for you mind child: the last, great war is being fought right now.

We achieve psychic liberation or the kike breeding plan keeps us as barely non animals while leaving us totally un-prepared for the next cosmic test of our species.

Look at all the zoomies not recognizing this quote from one of the last anti-materialistic hollywood films.

What's the reference

Surf the kali yuga and wipe out and fucking die. Enjoy your seconds of life

Fight club

Ironic isn't it? We live in the most comfortable period in human history yet humanity has never been more depressed. It's probably because people were too busy just trying to survive to get something as modern as depression.

Fight Club.

Anti materialism is for faggots, you're not going to conquer the world by pretending there's other realities nobody can see unless they're under the influence of hallucinogenic drugs or in a trance state, and that only allegedly because i've never done any of that myself.

You're not supposed to mention that

comfortable in terms of food /eletricity/housing
not comfortable in terms of increased anxiety levels around "diverse" society.

>We have no Great war. No Great Depression. Our Great War is a spirtual war... our Great Depression is our lives...
Corona and the economic meltdown says otherwise

>We live in the most comfortable period in human history
that was America from 1945 to 2001
things are not comfy now

It's because of a lack of a sense of certainty, practically everyone was religious before 1960. Even the Nazis were pseudo-religious.


> No Great Depression
literally in the first quarter of an event of that magnitude


keep crying you little bitch

>No Great Depression.

Being pro-White is retarded, do you really want to be around ugly dumb violent Whites just because they're 100% European? and you're goddamn right i'm trying to cause division, you neo-nazi faggots are an anti-intellectual scurge that needs to be purged.

>Our Great War is a spiritual war
All warfare is spiritual whether you believe it or not

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>born too late for real gfs
>born too early for virtual gfs

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Chad doesn't give a fuck, it's very rare you see a Chad that actually has a functional brain and that ACTUALLY knows about philosophy. The bimbo meme is fucking true.

Oh shit, it's really happening this time ain't it

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>be last chance for ancient race to survive
>only group of mankind to ever truly practice civility, uphold justice, master natural laws and create beauty channeled directly through the inspiration of a creator God
>being exterminated by hideous malformed rat-like tribe who possess more cunning but less virtue and inspiration
>literally a battle for the good or evil future of mankind
>we have no purpose though

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I remember my first time watching fight club. you know you have to be 18 to post on this board right?

And family or spiritual purpose

We just have to move into the ethnoscastle in Germany and build Gundam

That painting is retarded, that shit never happened and i'm pretty sure Revelations doesn't say that will happen. Most of history is trash.

Your ancestors and my ancestors were fucking trash. Almost everyone's ancestors were trash, and the ones that weren't are still unimpressive and merely set the foundation for other men to try to figure out what the fuck is going on.

All art is pretentious trash even the well-made one. It's all vanity under the sun.

Fuck you, Germans don't want Italians in Germany. What ethno anything? faggot.

Then do something about it, oh right you wont, because you are a little, whiny, beta bitch who should literally hang for being a fucking waste of oxygen. Weak people piss me off

cry me a river

it was consumerism, not materialism

Please tell me more, I'm interested

Fuck Hitler.

Next time explain to me why anyone should follow you, Adolf. You're a philosophical midget.



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thnk you tyler

Why should he?

Physically impossible.

Do you hate everything? You need to get laid bruv

>do you really want to be around ugly dumb violent Whites just because they're 100% European?
No, I want everyone to live by National Socialist ideals. It is not anti-intellectual to want to promote Beauty. Yes non-whites are ugly and lack morals or ideals without being taught them. Japan is maybe an exception.

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I’m interested...

We must simply gather engineers and innovators to create the world’s first functioning Gundam. We will need to devise secret missions in mechs to obtain uranium.

because he obviously has a problem with it??? braindead shitskin.

The coward generation. Will being inundated and transformed, culture and lands stolen, not one stood up and said "stop". We will be in history records all right, rightfully portrayed as curs

Wanna save the world by posting online?

You're a retard if you think she wouldn't get on her knees in 5 seconds if Mandingo showed her his cock. Fuck you and fuck the whores you morons keep posting.

Nuclear powered Mobile Suits. We’ll fly through the meteor fields mining for fuel and fight off space bandits in the next season

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You're probably the same type of normalfag that has to list off the name of every celebrity you see on tv. You faggots that think consuming and being aware of media is the end all be all of wisdom.

>the mad guayan is here
have a few drinks and relax buddy

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Everyone on this board can make history, just pick a chainsaw next time.

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The red pill: depression is a luxury

who hurt you? was it your mom? a girl you loved once?
Have you ever been in love?
Are you overweight or malnourished? Get some exercise

I'm in but only if they're piloted by qt redheads

Revenge the asiatic yellow herd. US tuned up millions of japs Chinese koreans vietnamese cambodians laotians arabs Afghans from 1945- 2020.
They must pay again.

I think that if I dont get a pussy within the next 2 years I will go insane.
The pain starts to chip away any feelings I ever had and the thought of killing people becomes less like a thought and more like a wish.
Tried dating apps, all of them. The only matches I get are whores and single moms.
Whores cant even fucking hold up a single conversation so they always write "yes, no, maybe"
Single moms are just fucking depressing. I wish I was the one who jizzed inside one of them.
I think I would have staid.

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Shut the fuck up.

That's fucking retarded you sound like a stupid whore. Shut the fuck up FAGGOT.

The evidence for this being the only reality there is is overwhelming, you're cowardly fucks. The Earth is probably flat with a dome. Revelations explains what is probably going to happen.

Cut your fucking hair, hippie. In real close quarters combat long hair gets you killed. Fuck you and fuck Evola. I take a shit on your beauty.

>our Great Depression is our lives...

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Keep going, Allah fills men with suffering so they can overflow with overcoming.

I was actually thinking about the one that killed bernie but she's ok too I guess

One thing doesn't nessesarily follow the other you braindead fucking retard. I'm better than you.

Fuck you.

My ancestors probably conspired to murder Jesus. I'm not Italian but i could maybe pass for one.


that pic looks like me.
gen-X ?

Allah is probably a corruption of The Bible god and that's about it, Islam came 400+ years after The Bible was written.

You race mixers already have a society built around your interests. What if not everyone wants that? White Nationalism is full stop the most discriminated against ideology in the world by the powers that be. This is built on lies about the Third Reich, among other things.

It's not that there are other realities, but that we can only perceive and understand a tiny portion of reality, and everything that we know or do is completely defined by our perspective. Psychedelics can allow you to temporarily suspend those mental barriers while also disabling all sorts of filtering mechanisms for the visual cortex. I'm not saying it's for everyone, but I think it's something that many people should try at least once. There's a reason the Mysteries of Eleusis were such a big hit, the psychedelic experience changes you. For me it gave an obsession with mathematics, I feel compelled to learn more as if it is the holy word of God himself.

fight club's for narcissists you knob

No need to worry the crazy historical shit will be with us shortly

This entire board has been overrun by zoomers

A touch of narcissism is a good thing nowadays

A touch of narcissism isnt such a bad thing nowadays

I shit on your head, boomer

Our goal is to reclaim back our society.
Heil Hitler

Ive always thought that depression is essentially boredom, you have no meaning, no struggle to survive and so your brain essentially just gives up.

I don't give a fuck about your faggot Third Reich. They were retards, their ideology is trash. Almost everyone in the past was trash.

Nice fucking theory you retarded faggot, or maybe hallucinogenic drugs merely temporarily change your brain chemistry and force you to see weird shit. Maybe while you're in this state of mouth-breathing helplessness in which anyone could just come and rape you and take your shit, demons fuck with you. Maybe they tell you lies.

Whisper in your ear.

Mathemmatics is fucking trash gobbleddygook occult nonsense, you effeminate fucks willalways be content with "muh beauty" like the whores that you are. The truth is not revealed to you.

What's the truth? it's all bad. That's the truth.

Go do some fucking landscaping or decorate some rich fucks house. Retards.

This is the only reality there is. You're fucking hippie trash.



Who gives a fuck.

Mo ego mo dolla? What's your thinking?

Yes, but why do the English make the best music?

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If you're a faggot you're wrong period. God doesn't give a fuck about beauty, obey or die forever.

The rest is a side mission.

>No Great Depression
the fuck you think is coming in the next months?

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They literally don't.

Music is for faggots anyway.

Better idea.... get over it u incel cuck. Work for a better life

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Autumn and winter in the southern hemisphere. Why the fuck did you felt the need to post some whore in lingerie? fucking retard.

Pay a prostitute you mouth-breathing fuck.

Being as angry and aggressive as you are convinces none to join your side. Calm down man, just breathe.

Shut the fuck up faggot.

You’re not invited to the ethnostate anymore. We’ll with replace you with based Japanese innovators

if this is how you feel, you've already been defeated in the current on going war.

>We have no Great war
US in the midst of longest war right now and no end in sight
>No Great Depression
If 2008 wasn't enough for you. I got great news

He’s sliding the thread because it’s based and he’s a Jew Kike

>why do you need to post some whore in lingerie?
Confirmed faggot

There will never be an ethnostate, the concept of a 100% European ethnostate is for retarded ugly naive fucks that come from peasant stock like you.

No you stupid fuck, maybe i'm not a sodomite like you. Maybe i'm not interested in randomly seeing some whore in lingerie, maybe women and faggots like you should be banned from having access to the internet.

Maybe he should post a video of a thot fisting her cunt too, why not? why the fuck not, retard?

To be fair many peoples problem go beyond the nigger problem

It’ll be just like the Navajo nation with less casinos, child rape and cannibalism. In fact none of those things.

You're partly right...narcissism allows you to place your needs above the needs of others leaving you less vulnerable to the kind of social pressures that are fucking us up. Fragility and obedience will make you popular but not successful.
The phrase nice guys finish last has never been truer both on a personal and societal level

Thanks for the reminder Tyler Durden

We have the most important war.
Economic freedom. Via Bitcoin.