Presidents are known for aging horribly due to the stress of the job

>presidents are known for aging horribly due to the stress of the job
>Trump still looks and acts exactly like he did four years ago — hair still golden blond, skin relatively wrinkle-free for a 73-year-old man, as energetic as ever, etc.
>all this despite undergoing having to deal with constant abuse by the media, an impeachment trial, and a global pandemic

How does he do it, bros?

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When you have zionists doing all the work for you, im sure it takes the pressure off.

>golden blond

We call it 'robotoid red'

>How does he do it, bros?
Clean living and the love of a good woman

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It's the IDGAF attitude. When you don't care what others think about every little thing you do there's a lot of potential stress removed.

By staying off the 'dreenokrome

Because he isn’t trying to preserve globohomo

He’s trying to save America

Instead of being draining it’s invigorating

>He’s trying to save America

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>no substance abuse
>professional boss man his whole career
>celebrity and self made fortune that doesn’t require him to sell out to anyone

He’s a free man

>shill nye Reddit tier meme

> obese
> tanning bed
> scalp reduction
> dementia

>there’s more than two genders

i think trump just love this kind of shit. when he tweets to respond to his haters people think that its because he was angry or seething but i think he does it for fun

America is globohomo

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>>presidents are known for aging horribly due to the stress of the job
>>Trump still looks and acts exactly like he did four years ago — hair still golden blond, skin relatively wrinkle-free for a 73-year-old man, as energetic as ever, etc.
>>all this despite undergoing having to deal with constant abuse by the media, an impeachment trial, and a global pandemic
>How does he do it, bros?

Real Red Pill Plus

he's the only POTUS that knew the (((truths))) before taking office

>America is globohomo

Was junior was.

The circuit breaker has been tripped

1766 worldwide in progress

Yeah... that’s why the former “presidents” spent al their time stressing about maintaining it


The lack of substance abuse is a big part of it, I think. Even with his notoriously poor fast-food diet, Trump still looks healthy.

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Because he's the son of Jesus Christ.

I think a good part of it is just the timing of it. Eight years is a long time, and people age a lot going from mid 50s to early 60s, 40s to 50s.

But Trump is like an alien. We've never seen anybody like him, and we never will again. He's had more shit thrown at him than any other human being in the history of the planet. Only other person coming close is Brett Kavanaugh during the two-week period where people were desperate to bring him down and no accusation was too outlandish to be front-page news. Two weeks of ceaseless, unfair attacks and Kavanaugh just about had a breakdown, biting back tears in public. Trump's been dealing with all that and more, day in day out, for the better part of five years and he seems totally unaffected.

It's just fucking insane. Pulls out his phone, reads that the Pope is talking shit about him, blasts off a tweet slamming the Pope, and digs into a hamburger while millions of people are losing their minds saying the worst, nastiest shit about him. Been accused of everything from treason and fraud all the way down to rape, assault, and incest with his daughter. Talk show host does a bit where the ghost of his father shows up to talk crap about him, how much of a disappointment he is, and it isn't even noteworthy enough to be noticed. Seriously, enjoy this. They'll never be another person like Trump. He's like the embodiment of utter shamelessness.

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uh, he was a hard working businessman prior to taking office not some do nothing faggot. stress is not something new to him.


>8 year difference

he didn't even age that much, still looks good for his age

Nigga hes a big amphetamine junkie.

Lol fr he does tons of cocaine

This he’s a bigger man than almost anyone who’s ever held public office

Most people wouldn’t be able to take the ridicule

Trump looks like fucking STRAIGHT ASS just exactly as he looks right now. A stupid, ugly, fat, boomer, cunt with a shitty smirk and an emptys skull.


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Trump looks way bad in my opinion and his advisors hate him enough not to tell him. Suspect due to his diet containing foods known to age you faster, like vegs and starches. He would slim down dramatically if stopped eating bread and flour products and went on a high fat and low protein only diet including cream, pork, fatty beef like 75perc ground beef for his burgers, and so on. If he went extreme like shawn baker he would lose wrinkling, excess fat, paunch, etc.

>fat 70 year old does tons of anohetimines and coke

He’d be dead have you met coke heads? They don’t look good. They get heart problems at 30


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Lol stay mad bitch

This but unironically.

This. Those kids from the tunnels? They werent so much set free as set free from this life.

Keep LOSING rightwing faggot!

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Skipping intelligence briefings to go on golfing trips probably does wonders in reducing stress.

you go, girl!

The Presidency is a step down in stress level from his old job.
Previous presidents were always low-stress jobs like Senators or Governors.

Whoa hahaha

Settle down there, hoss.

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Depends if he gets a second term. Because that’s when the aging really hits hard

>this is the end of trump! The left will win!

Oh sweetie, you poor thing

Faggot bitch Trump has squandered more than a quarter of a BILLION dollars of YOUR TAXES to play golf on HIS OWN GOLF COURSES.

Fuck Trump for fucking ever. Scumbag fucking slimy selfish rapey cunt.

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Trump is infamous for being a pathological teetotaler.

>it's not rigged, you're just losing

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You have to go back to lebbit

He’d had all his “work” done before taking office.
It’s not his real hair or face, and he literally paints it orange.
He looked like a retiree before he took office, he can’t get much worse.

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Do you even have the internet?

Found the kike

Fake ass Bitch Trump. Loser, faggot, weakling, coward, supreme asshole.

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No he isn't.

How in the fuck .... it looks like the actual shape of his face/skull changed, and not just like he lost weight. His face is actually narrower and longer in 2016.

>what is stress tolerance

You can go be a weak faggot traitor for Trump in Russia. Seriously, get the fuck out before we haul your ass out or here.

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It's either different camera perspectives/settings or the image has been stretched in the left one

>8 ad hominem attacks in one bad meme


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So far it's looking more like 1984

Dude only sleeps like 4-5 hours each day as well, idk how he has the energy, even more energy than most people in their 20s


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>How does he do it, bros?

Trump has the IDGAF attitude. Very low stress, he doesn't worry about anything.

literally shaking

He's still the president

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speed and cosmetics

>turned whiter

if he is anything like me it is by not giving a literal shit about anything

>6 posts
Feel the bern, bitch

I consider him among the greatest honorable men in modern history. In a short time he has done a phenomenal amount of actions to improve American life and put this country on a better standing.

>Doesn’t know anything about amphetamines
>meme flag

God Emporers are immortal

This level of deranged crying really brings warmth into my soul. Please, continue.

ESTPs are wired different. We're able to focus on our goals, and block out criticism while simultaneously roasting everyone.

>global news
you are mentally handicapped.

How has no one posted that image yet.

Honestly I think he enjoys it.


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Would trust our President before any of the so-called news sources you show who lost all their credibility 3 years ago.

All these complaints only show him as a real man, a real American man, to admire, and not a pussy.

Seethe harder shill!!!

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We do not judge men as we judge women, by their appearance, leaf.

How the fuck is Kanye almost at eye level Trump is 6'3 and kanye is 5'8

honestly this is the best explanation
Norman Vincent Peale wrote about the phenomenon
when men diligently do good and godly work, they never get tired, they never get old, and they never lose their mind

>How does he do it, bros?

Eating Meat. And the enjoyment of seeing the left Seething and squirming.

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Taking adderall for productivity isn’t the same as being a meth head, and it’s nowhere near as damaging in the long term as alcohol and tobacco. Trump is doing great because he doesn’t drink.

because he's a psychopath/ truly based and gives zero fucks... about anything.

It's sunshine of the spotless mind. He has no fucking clue as to how complicated the job really is and how to do it, so he just fucks around and tries to make money.

Too dumb to detect stress

When a Balloon gets wrinkles???, He gained 100lbs since 2017