The left still cannot meme even if their lives depended on it

The left still cannot meme even if their lives depended on it

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OP btfo

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Why is the E in red. This is like the worst possible way to make that joke parse

Roland Grumph btfo

I like to think I'm a fairly clever, and quick witted guy. This retarded shit took me a minute.
Either I'm a fucking idiot now, or they still really suck at this shit?

When can we kill these seditious traitors, and usurping commie terrorists, lads?

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a jew telling us not to vote for Trump because he is a jew..

The jew cries out in pain as he hits himself and drags himself into a fake oven to take picture to prove the Holohoax

Always a great idea to put your opponents name in your retarded unfunny bumper sticker

They know Yas Forums hates jews so they say Trump is one so >we would hate him

It's not a difficult joke. They just fucked it up. Why not make BYE red and DON white. Right now it basically reads byEdon


Once again proving their enthusiasm for the candidate is far surpassed by their impotent rage at Trump.
Can't win like that.

Get in boxcar

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You have finally realized that Trump will be reelected and there is nothing you can do about it, at least.

>tries to prove OP is wrong
>ends up proving OP right

The funny part is that the Dems don't even have a real candidate yet. They can't use Ridin' with Biden because they know that he's going to be replaced.

Joe Biden fucks kids

No, fair, it's clever word play. He'll still fucking lose by a landslide if they can't delay Biden's senile debates indefinitely or Bernie might shit the bed for the DNC anyway.

Remember Love Trumps Hate


Remember Drumph?

That's what I saw. So I AM a clever and quick witted guy?

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its astounding how many people dont get this yet

Who's Edon?

Just when you thought 2020 wouldn’t be as salty.

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Probably should make bye white and don red, as the color coating implies white=good thing, red=bad thing

I am bracing for 2016 part 2: Bernie endorses Joe Biden

>tfw no neurotic lonely cougar mommy

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Broke: killing your enemies because they are ZOG puppets and traitors
Woke: killing your enemies because they posted cringe

It’s astounding how many retards still believe in the zog 2 party system after DECADES of proof. Bush Clinton Obama Reagan nixon carter trump they’re all paid for by the same rich JEWS
Democracy is an illusion given to goyim so they don’t rebel

Why is the "E" red?

What was the original meme of this? Can't remember

it doesn't even fucking rhyme. why are they like this?

Because the left can't mEmE.

It's kinda clever.

Stay mad. 4 more years

>sorry about Bernard, no refunds though

Got a solution or are you just here to demoralize?

>ptg shill

They get the E from REEEEEE

This bitch probably looks like a Faces of Meth poster after four years of psychological damage.

Biden won't even be on the ballot on November.

Hahahaha waste of money!

it was potentially clever


I don't get it. Why BYE? Is Biden leaving? Is he ded? I thought they wanted us to think he was healthy. Why would they put that on a sticker?


you're not wrong they're priming up to shoe horn cummo at the last minute

>bye don

Hold up are you saying white people aren't bad?
>Your subderminal ID connected to the Internet of Things emits a high level electric shock
> 0.005 M$ Goy Points deducted from your account

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That's pretty clever

>Vehicle last seen heading towards the Canadian border

Arent they burying bodies in holes in new york?
How the fuck is the guy who runs the state that is doing worse than all the others their best candidate?

Checkmate bigots

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Where else do you bury a body?

I guess they are also trying to say biden 2020 with the e like that so it sounds like you are saying same thing bye don and biden 2020.
It’s still very bad.

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Normally in a cemetery. Which is more involved than just digging a hole in a field.
Although its popular to cremate people and stuff too.

It’s like a positive affirmation for these people. Like if they keep saying it maybe it Comes true.

> Parkhomenko
Always fucking khokhol

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That’s what I interpreted it as. Bye Biden : like he’s dropping out, senile or dead.

It's supposed to be Bye Don as in bye donald trump.
The random red e throws it off.

Fucking kek! That shit is weapons-grade cringe!

I know they tried to meme it like Biden’s logo (red stripes of the flag) but they fucked it up badly.

>Bumper stickers
Is there any more trashy and stupid vehicle decoration?

>I'm a fucking idiot
it's this one

Because it means biden 2020 at same time. It’s still lame. It says bye Don and biden phonetically at the same time. If you look at biden 2020 logo it has the e in a special way.

By Don? Are they implying Trump was responsible for the car being made?

By Edon! 2020 is ours!

They are trying really hard to be clever but they clearly dont have one person in the democrat party that understands the basic rules of marketing.

People absorb this stuff subconsciously so the most important thing is to send direct unambiguous message.
They put Trumps name in their own slogan twice now. Remember 'Love Trumps hate' from last time?
Its no wonder Trump spent a fraction of what they spent on marketting and destroyed them. They are advertising for him half the time.

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The stripes of the flag - not just a confusing red e.


Imagine trying to push this meme even as Jews flee Trump's GOP.

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Not really just overdone in some countries and depends highly on the content. But it’s an either you are ok with it or hate it kind for some.

Parkhomenko - more ukrop diaspora ultra rich socialists that whine about Ukraine all day but would never consider moving back

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But Trump's not leaving til Jan 2025, the left really can't meme.

Election night must have been wild at her place

>Get all teary eyes and emotional over the bodies being buried
>Blame the lack of leadership that caused the deaths
>Claim that you have some plan in place to do better than what the current administration did
>-Campaign slogan-
>Crowd cheers
>MSN reports and plays the clip a bazillion times and make talking point about how horrible things are and how you can fix it

Gotta play the game right

on the contrary

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Biden’s kid fucks Ukraine


I can't wait for a reprise of Hillary's "Hey all you fucking Mexicans, I'm just like your abuela so drop your chalupas for a half a second and vote for me!"


these people, there's a million of them..very boastful, proudly, joyfully wish daily..death, car wrecks, poisoning on Trump..I would think he'd have someone taking notes of names, location, family, friends, assistants of these people to slowly purge these fine folks from our country..if he hasn't, he should start that list Minecraft of course

What’s the E supposed to be?

Shit I forgot we havent even got to that part yet.

Whenever the Democrats try pandering to mexicans or blacks by mimicking them its always dangerously close to mockery. I mean if someone tried that on me I would be insulted.
With Bidens late stage dementia hes probably going to cross that line no matter how much they coach him.

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Took me a minute trying to figure out who is Edon and what did he make

You've never heard of SpaceY?