>What do Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative. Join AfD or IB or Einprozent; counter subversion. Get Yas Forums. Spread flyers and stickers, physically remove leftist Agitprop! Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.
Nach Ostern und wenn das Wetter hoffentlich so schön bleibt gehe ich raus und frage ein paar Mädels ob ich ihnen Die Füsse massieren darf. Wünscht mir Glück Freunde.
Jace Morris
Ich drück dir die Daumen, Bergjüdli. welcome back fren
Well, I know some people who are worried too. But most don't see what we are up against. But maybe thats just the area I live in.
Gavin Ross
Wenn du Paar mal Erfolg hattest, dann geh zum nächsten Level über: frag sie ob du auf ihre Füße wichsen darfst. Wenn die nein sagen machs trotzdem. Ultimativer alpha chad move.
Andrew Morales
Frag sie halt gleich, ob du ihre Braps schnüffeln darfst.
Sebastian Russell
Nein danke. Auf sowas stehe ich nicht.
Cooper Clark
All those zeroes on the end of the big numbers got normalized the last three decades. No Normie get's the amoint of currency-inflation just happening excelerated like a mink with a burning tail.
Oliver Adams
Zumindest würde er dann unsere Fäden in Ruhe lassen, wenn er im Gefängnis ist.
Tnx fren, will read trough the whole stuff once again in less deteriorated state, as for now too intoxicated for quality evaluation. ;)
Jacob Peterson
RIP Schwaben
Jaxon Collins
They don't get it because they don't stop and think about it for more than 5 seconds. But who can blame them? Being forced to wageslave each day makes you numb. That is probably the point of most jobs anyways. Beschäftigungstherapie
Vergiss es. Wir sind davon nicht bedroht. Wenn du dir den Artikel durchliest stellst auch fest, dass die Banken keine Zwangsversteigerungen wollen. Wird wohl kein zweiter Immobilienwühltisch wie in 2008.
Isaac Morgan
Yes, it's literally slavery. They are supposed to say in cults that "sure, you are free to go at anytime" but then what are you supposed to do? Where do you go? Will your family be safe? Etc.
Please stop Posting this ugly thing. I do anything you want but please just stop with this ugly muttmongrel demon.
Lucas Hall
Have you seen this already? They are preparing new narrative. If the fuckers start babbling about double template shifts I know they should actually pay me money.
>Kein Wort auch darüber, dass angeblich schon vor geraumer Zeit in der betroffenen Provinz Experimente mit der Züchtung von Viren stattgefunden haben sollen. Sind diese Informationen zutreffend oder lediglich eine Verschwörungstheorie, die den Chinesen den Schwarzen Peter zuschieben soll? Träfen sie zu, dann ließen sie nur einen einzigen Schluss zu: Rotchina forschte an Biowaffen – und vertrat dabei offensichtlich eine rassistische Grundposition. Denn Biowaffen machen nur Sinn, wenn sie die eigene Bevölkerung verschonen – was wiederum nur möglich wäre, wenn eine Biowaffe ausschließlich bestimmte „Menschenrassen“ träfe.
>Banken keine Zwangsversteigerungen wollen kann immobilien als Bank als Sicherheit vorhalten? andererseits eh egal. EZB akzeptiert nun ja auch junkbonds
Michael Peterson
Nah, less into real estate and more into political implications. :3
You did this disgusting feetposting all the time. When doing the deed my gril put her legs on my shoulders during hook position and when her feet came close to me during repositioning all that shit you posted gave me brainfreeze messing up my erection. Had to improvise for a short time so she didn't notice it. Thanks you dirty Schmierlappen.
Connor Sullivan
Saw you all around the board this morning, seems like you are becoming a legend on here. :D
What a terrible article. Middle class boomer moaning. :) >Denn Biowaffen machen nur Sinn, wenn sie die eigene Bevölkerung verschonen – was wiederum nur möglich wäre, wenn eine Biowaffe ausschließlich bestimmte „Menschenrassen“ träfe. Preferable but not necessary. You can weaponize a rather harmless disease and if the opponents gets hurt more than you, you'll win. It allows you to weaken and distract the opponents and conquer strategic positions.
Does anyone have that quote from Hitler thats like
"if you didnt appear in yesterdays news that means you didnt do anything of importance because if you did the jews would be whining about it"
cant find anything on (((google)))
Levi Ross
>die eigene Bevölkerung verschonen Kinda looks like it. Homogeneous Germany (compared to the other mutt nations) seems to be doing alright. Nignogs, medifags and shitskins falling like flies. I wonder what will happen during Ramadan this month.
That looks like my ex when I said I want kids in the future one day.
Caleb Gonzalez
alles klar dann geb ich mir erstmal ne zink tablette
Robert Ortiz
>if you didnt appear in yesterdays news that means you didnt do anything of importance because if you did the jews would be whining about it t. Literally Hitler
Landon Mitchell
I think that may have been rockwell. Im not sure either.
Theoretically yes (the official ones, that is). But they can still meet within their extended family/clan and circles of friends. Which many certainly will do.