>J-J-just wait bros, next week will be the worst!
>global economy in tatters
>globalism takes a huge hit as people and countries realize the absurdity of massive supply chains
>happening fags rekt
sounds like a happening to me
I don't mind if people stop dying, I just want the hoax to continue regardless.
I was making like $250 a week as a part time worker/full time.
Now I'm not even leaving my house, getting all my schoolwork done at home, and collecting nearly a grand a week in unemployment with the CARES act.
Just a few more months of this and I'll be set.
part time worker/full time student**
I can't wait until everythng reopens you boomers all die
>J-J-just wait bros, exponential growth just hasn't kicked in yet which you're too dumb to understand. Once exponential growth kicks in you'll see.
>Dow, S&P retrace nearly half of COVID-19 related selloff
>>global economy in tatters
just wait till all the religioustards decide to cluster for easter
It's over... Even the Spanish flu plagued the world for two fucking years, the WuFlu can't even outlast spring
>just wait it's going to happen soon!
Do you hear that?
The sound of inflated death tolls on the breeze...
>billions of people under an unprecedented lockdown to contain the virus successfully contains said virus
there's still time, please go lick some handrails and die from this you brainlets
It’s almost like shutting everything down works.
Mind explaining the “arino” thing to Some newfag?
The models that were all proven wrong took into account the social distancing, dumbass. You happening fags are beyond pathetic telling people to just wait another week since the beginning of March.
>omg our quarentine strategy worked
>this is proof that the virus isn't that bad
how BIG RETARD ENERGY are you user?
This. I was on the Coronachan hype 2 weeks ago and now with all the media shilling, WHO shilling, and government bullshit its clearly fake and gay.
You realize all the models took into account social distancing which later proved to be wrong? You brainlets need to go jump off a bridge so your genetics aren't passed down to future generations
yeah yeah yeah and the virus is racist we get it. its sooo bad in sweden where there are 0 quarantine laws, much worse than nyc lmao
>th-th-there's still time
Just wait two more weeks, kid. When you see exponential growth and 40% death rate combined with reinfections then you'll start to fear the airborne AIDS pandemic. I haven't left my house in 6 months and I am fully stocked on masks and TP. It's happening time.
I think what you are typing is THE happening, the fact we just signed away all of our lives to the government over nothing
Its not worth saving. Burn it all down
>just a flu bro
Exactly this, I would think. The virus was window dressing. The authoritarian power grabs going on world wide is the real meat.
Oh no the drastic measure we took are paying dividends. Oh noooooo
>t...t...two more weeks guise and it’ll really get bad I swear
This two more weeks shit is getting old. You faggots said this two weeks ago. And two weeks before that.
>Oh no, only 200 people died, but China bad not reporting 1 dead in January
>baw baw
So what model do you have that shows quarantine was a bad idea? Show your work please
No, lurk more nigger.
i want to hug this man
Panic more stupid mericans, happening is over here now.
Only niggers, oldfags and mongoloids that avoided natural selection dies, nothing of value was lost.
The average Joe thinks all that is fine so long as it protects him from corona. I've had several arguments with my friends back in the US over this. They were thrilled to give up their rights in the face of a fear-mongered threat. Doesn't even matter that there is a virus, their reaction, along with the reaction of most of the people in America, shows that they are gullible and easy targets for any authoritarian to abuse. A shame really.
oh shut the fuck up lolberg retard
That's impossible to prove without data from an area that didn't quarantine. All we can say is the original projections, which influenced all the mandatory quarantine policies, assumed that the Coronahoax was much more contagious than it actually is.
fucking not happening again. I'm starting to believe the
Nothing Ever Happens
>GUYS GUYS GUYS it may not be happening NOW but IT DID HAPPEN
This is the one that cvgtards are going to run with now.
>>Dow, S&P retrace nearly half of COVID-19 related selloff
>as half the workforce is either in lockdown or furloughed
makes sense
Just the infantilization of Yas Forums nothing to see here.
bros, what the FUCK is happenign>?!?
your graph literally made me laugh out loud
it's got a practically vertical slope and you just level it off for no reason
full kek
still sticking to my guns, 5.2 million dead in the US, most by the end of may, that line is just gonna go up and up and up until we cannot count the dead anymore
>image I posted has sample size of around 50,000
>image you posted has sample size of around 1,000
>what are statistics
>1000 isnt a big enough sample size
>global economy in tatters
>don’t give a hoot because I’m getting $1,200 from trump and gonna immediately buy am AR and some bullets
All a matter of perspective faggot
So, because Americans aren't total fuckwits and actually listened to the doctors and scientists, and ignored Chump and his chimps, there's no happening? I guarantee you that if social distancing stops, there will be massive deaths. Fuck off Chang, your country is fucked, just look what happened yesterday.
The original projections assumed that nothing was done. That after doing things the rates lowered means that the measures worked, not that the measures were pointless.
what i learned from all this is that 40% of swedish households have only 1 single person living in it LOL WTF
And all we have to do is stay under house arrest for the next year while a vaccine is under development, I'm sure THAT in and of itself won't cause any problems
Our data says opposite things, and the sample size for my data is larger. Therefore, my data is more important.
Fun fact: Japan has no mandatory closures. The government does not have the right to force businesses to close or citizens to stay at home. All they can do is make requests. It is up to the individuals to decide whether to comply or not.
Compare that to America, 'Land of the Free', where mandatory stay-at-home orders and forced closures of businesses are common.
Hate all you want,but it is clear by their actions which nation actually values liberty.
False. The projections that fauci just gave last week of 100-240k deaths assumed social distancing. We're now at 60k projected deaths and the number keeps dropping daily
Source, nigger
40% of swedes are single and live alone and 25% of them aren't swedish, they're foreign born. what a fucking nightmare. almost 1/2 the population is single and 1/4 aren't even swedish.
No it doesnt, our data compliments eachother. Death rates are "low" as long ICUs and hospital beds are free, without those even a big chunk of 20-30 year olds die
fuck off faggot
>All we can say is the original projections, which influenced all the mandatory quarantine policies
This did not all start last week faggot.
I wish I could be his son. My father is a cock sucking faggot so we would both know similar pain.
maybe cuz the whole country of sweden has asmuch inhabitants as jyc, fucking pooland
ok weebshit, no one fucking cares
China has over 14 million dead, at least 50000 in Wuhan alone, with China having at least 20 cities that size (cell and urn data). Riddle me that, shitbird.
No it doesn’t. You need a control group to even begin to study it, and you need repeated trials to begin to conclude something.
>Living through the biggest worldwide happening in history
>Look! Nothings going to happen
Shilling 101
Fed’s Seizing Masks, Protection Gear, Giving it to Kushner Owned Companies and, of course Israeli Army
President Jared taking care of his base.
>nearly every fucking non-grocery retail store in America is closed
>"The economy is great! "
>Joe Biden saved the US from certain demise
can't wait to hear all about it
So... How much happening has to happen before we can say that it's happening?
There isn't a test for covid and doctors are labelling any fat diabetic or asthmatic as dying from "covid" and here you all are pouring over these numbers which are completely meaningless. Each hospital can pick and choose how many all cause mortalities they want to attribute to "covid".
Getting really sick and tired of this sham and I know I'm not the only one.
This is why aliens recently voted not to make contact and include the human race in the United Intergalactic Federation of Sentient Species
Until the inflation hits.
Yas Forums is filled with mentally retarded zoomers, that's all.
it was called sarcasm, fucking whatever you are
There is nothing wrong with authoritarianism fucking liberal
>dude they're just reshuffeling numbers
>there is no excess death rate
lmao, even the UK isnt counting all their dead to avoid more panic
Amerimutts like when big stronk government makes """hard""" decisions to protect us.
*proceeds to kill 100k mudslimes to protect us freedumbs*
Your fag dad is probably more of a man than this cuck
Those shit is a bat virus. Thank God it ain’t fucking airborne Rabies.
Oy vey, I agree. It isn't happening. Better get back to work goyi---I mean anons, looks like this coronavirus is a nothingburger. We don't want society to collapse for NOTHING do we? Think of your poor bank that depends on you for mortgage payments, or the credit card companies who need to make interest off of you. Think of the less fortunate - landlords, unable to pay off the loans they themselves took in order to lease space to others! Think of all the vices and distractions we can't take part in right now, from sportsball to getting drunk in the bar listening to popular music and watching 34 year old post-wall whores twerk their ass cheeks!! STOP THE MADNESS! GET BACK TO WORK!!!
This is now a China love thread. China managed to control the outbreak in the whole world.
Just wait, people are dying in the streets, this is just the beginning
Imagine being so retarded you take out loans and use credit instead of saving and paying for things with cash
This, but unironically. American pigs want to scare people, this virus was made by Americans.
>muh excess death rate despite the extreme lockdown measures
What website is that?
Thats nice but since the virus is still there wouldnt that mean that going back to our daily lives just make it spike up again?
Im sure every country will keep doing this, quarantine a week to a month, spike back up, quarantine again etc until total economic collapse.
Yes goyi---Ahh I mean user! Cash is great, I suggest you keep using and holding on to cash as much as possible. Don't worry, it will always stay the same value no matter what! Our friends who run the federal reserve will see to that!!
We didn’t even lock down. Everyone still went to the grocery store and spent tons of time outside.