Fuck Women

Be me
> over 40 man
> engineer career
> house
> have money
> kids grown up
I love women but i resent that I have to treat them like training puppies because they are just fucking retarded

You may not realize it when you are younger because you're a fucking idiot, yourself.

Women never advance intellectually or emotional beyond puberty. They have no concept of sacrifice, team effort or appreciation. They have been allowed to DEVOLVE from man's perfect domestication and now they are shit.

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You date the wrong women.

But how do I get them to love me?

I've met a few single independant women above 40, smart, good social skills, no drama, but you can see inside they're resentful about being alone and having no one to care for them.

He wants the caliber of woman that he has nothing to offer to.

No shit I noticed that before I became 20.
Who the fuck needs so many years to see it?

Youre probably just one of those autistic, boring engineer types that women want nothing more from than security.

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women don't love, that's man emotion, women gets attached to, just like you can to gift your late gran gave you. the moment you realize that women is just simply incapable of returning your emotions to her is the moment you become better human beeing

>t. dated 3 women and thinks they're all the same
My brother's wife (girlfriend at the time) worked 2 jobs and supported him through his schooling while he was unemployed and in a very intensive accelerated curriculum. But I mean women are all emotionally immature and selfish right?!

>t. simp

>not all women

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>the wrong women.

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Your brother's a faggot.

>women above 40

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>He wants the caliber of woman that he has nothing to offer to.
the incel is strong in you

>may not realize it when your younger

Lol good one. 7th grade I realized when were fucking stupid, not just girls my age but all women and I have yet to be proven wrong in almost 15 years

sweet spot for middle aged women dating: divorced more than 3 years and has a teenage kid.

These women spend a lot of time and energy with their only kid. They are all they have, and when that kid hits 14-16 and doesn’t want to be mommy’s little baby any more the women need someone to take care of. They need someone who relies on them like their kid did.

Men look forward to their kids not being so needy, but women hate it. So find a mid 40’s woman and occupy her mind. Ask her what she’s into and talk about her interest and her kids and yada yada. Then they’ll fuck your brains out. But don’t marry them.

If you are dating pic related, yes that looks like shit

You sound ugly and boring....

I mean if having a nice big house and 2 beautiful children while he makes about 6 figures a year makes him a faggot, then you can sign me up too!

they are so good, but they are alone.
Something is not right....

yes. date one wiht a dick

You're also a faggot.

that's because American women are retarded.. too much negro / mutt admixture combined with Mcdonalds grease in their veins..

Unlike Asian women...

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so there was a reason why she supported him...

Thanks man. I live the gayest life with an intelligent woman that loves and supports me while you're some angry incel-type that shitposts about women on Yas Forums all day hahaha im the faggot here not you

>a mid 40’s woman
"Just find a woman that has none of the qualities you value in the opposite sex"

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well yeah people do things for reasons ,you retard. If my brother was just a homeless drug addict why would any intelligent woman want him? Or some boring, misogynistic engineer like in the OP.


I made a point. You insulted. Who does reek of insecurity here? kek

I guess it's part of being in a traditional couples society. So like the successful manager office lady is single and earns like 5x more than all the other women, and yet is sorrounded by her secretary and other lower income workers, and they all talk about having to take care of their kids, and how their husbands fixed their sink or bought them KFC for dinner to surprise them, and how their junkie kid graduated high school and is now joining the military or some shit. And they just go back to their empty apartment to drink some wine and masturbate their dog or clean the cat's sandbox, no one to yell to, no one to blame for your mistakes, no one to brag about how much more money you make compared to those slaves at the office that are wasting their lives rising children.

>caring about current year women
I see them as a fucking disappointment

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>supports me
Low test beta boi

this is sickening
But pol is full of zoomie faggots

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there are older women here who go to the library here to pick up homeless bums and have sex with them.

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kill yourself faggot

most women are retarded, it's true.

now do jews

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>Fear, uncertainty, and doubt (often shortened to FUD) is a disinformation strategy used in sales, marketing, public relations, politics, cults, and propaganda. FUD is generally a strategy to influence perception by disseminating negative and dubious or false information and a manifestation of the appeal to fear.
These threads and articles are demoralizing propaganda. Don’t believe the kike lie.

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your brother was either very lucky to have a woman provide for him like that and not leave him
Not a lot of men have that luxury

Truth is demoralizing
> my based black man is muh fren

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Lets be fair here user
When you deal with so many disappointments and setbacks you tend to lose hope
Not to mention that women are so cunty and picky these days and they are getting fat

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fuck chinks.

god what a fucking faggot. so are you

>Unlike Asian women...
Not interested in stick figures and ugly faces

Society is best off with women as virgins until marriage.

Society is best off with men working hard with other men to progress society in science, technology, and research in general.

Society is best off with women as the fair teachers and leaders of children. Not of men.

Society does not benefit from women's studies. It does not benefit from diversity. Why? Because those things are done for their own sake, not the benefit of others.

We are shooting ourselves in our feet--and all because ugly, snake men want to fuck obnoxious women and licking their academic and professional vaginas is the only way they can slither in.

But why just complain? Why is there not decent, rational discussion and action being taken to improve the world? Are you just as guilty as those you hate?

>I love women but i resent that I have to treat them like training puppies because they are just fucking retarded
>love women,hate puppies
Got it, so you actually don't love women.

>They have no concept of sacrifice,
Let's see you pop something the size of a bowling ball out of your genitals, get your perineum split, and face the ever-present possibility you'll die in the process, to make a new person. Then tell me about sac
>team effort
Someone's never been to a quilting bee. I mean, I haven't either, but I would. If I knew how to sew.
You don't know what appreciation is until you've had a man tell you the recipe you tried was really good and you should make it again, or have him randomly stroke your neck and tell you you're pretty.

...wait, did you mean "receiving appreciation", or "giving appreciation"? I kinda get the feeling now you meant the second, in which case, um...let's change the subject, do you like Terraria? I'm working on a new base, I'm building it in the form of a big ass skull. I'll call it "Fort Calavera". All the furniture will be bone furniture I'll craft with the bone welder from the dungeon.

>pop something
Be sure to take your post partum meds lest you MURDER YOUR INFANT, ya crazy whore

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Women brains don't fully develop until age 25. That's what I've heard. Haven't verified myself but makes sense. Their frontal lobes are still developing and stuff.

>wall of text
you are married right?

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>engineer career
What kind of train do you drive?
Does it burn the coal?

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I hate that I agree with a fucking leaf on this, but he's right.

It's 99.5% of women that are shit. Not 100%. You need to go to the right places and meet the right women.

Get off tinder, it's literally the bottom of the barrel. Stop thinking with your cock.

>He doesn't fly a 18-wheeler

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What the fuck is that?

>out of your genitals
what is c-section

They never progress physically or mentally beyond a 12 year old.

>Doing the ONE JOB I am built for and have proprietary painkillers for is haaaaaaaaaaaard
And this is why roasties are getting replaced.
Bots > thots.
All these 25-45 year old afterthots looking at least double their age after being launched at the WALL like a goddamned siege weapon.

No, that's men. Females quit at age 12.

>progress physically
Thats where youre wrong

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Y-yeah? Well you be sure to take *all* your meds, so you don't MURDER YOUR WIFE, TWO CHILDREN, AND THEN BLOW YOUR HEAD OFF, you lunatic bastard.

Don't act like that's an everyday thing, women killing their children is always a big national news story, so you think it happens a lot. Meanwhile, men just familiciding their households is so much more common, it rarely gets past the local news. It's called "availability bias".

Instead of settling for a post wall 40 year old milf, just fuck with 21-25 year old women with no kids.

>launched at the WALL

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Turd in a wig
What happens when a dog takes a shit on an unhoovered carpet. Must miss the wife.

>Fuck Women
yes. thats the idea.

Chris Benoit did nothing wrong

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cum inside her

Pump and dump.

I'm very very very good at darts. Only fuck women from out of town

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Dr. Who is literally worse than that gay cartoon in every way.
>le longest running sci-fi show
>60yrs of garbage