In light of the Banned London Real Vid, watch this too b4 is gone!
I wonder how many shills this brings out of the woodwork.
In light of the Banned London Real Vid, watch this too b4 is gone!
I wonder how many shills this brings out of the woodwork.
you glowniggers keep spamming this (((david kike))) shit, but can you actually give me a tldr
watch the first vid here, you have the time.
I'm not taking advice from the guy that says lizards run the government
You dont have to, you can just listen and decide what you agree with and what you dont. You dont have to be onboard with absolutely everything someone does to know they are right about some things.
Posting an unironic schizo
Take your meds OP. Your loved ones surely are concerned for you.
That's actually a man.
I guess he really is on to something, otherwise why would they shut down all his vids?
is this the part where we find out he is actually Jesus?
>eye bags
damn dude
Yes this is true, but most retards will never understand this.
Is the London Real video (the most recent one) available anywhere.... was able to watch part of it on vimeo before it got deleted.
you say in two sentenses what that shit is about, i dont have time
When they delete a video it's always to hide some shit. So I havent seen the video but there is probably some important shit discussed in it.
don't hate the poster, hate the attention it gets.
>5G is happening
>corona virus disease is happening
>I know 5G causes corona virus disease
>but how can it cause the problem when corona virus is a virus involved in this disease?
>I know, there is no virus, 5G does everything
Synopsis u faggot
What the fuck is this shit all about
he says 5g causes corona
that's bullshit
just bounce the 5g maps off of the corona virus maps and you will see what I mean.
They may in fact be putting in 5G to monitor people and to control people more closely, but 5G giving airborne aids?
I don't think so.
>look, mom. i posted it again :DDDDD
Yea 5G may be causing cancer long term but not covid19.
Icke is a royal
yes, this too
according to Yas Forums, every famous woman is a man. can you tell me any that aren't as you're an expert?
reptilians aren't lizards.
They’re creating Fear Cages?
if you say that people with one leg are all peadophiles and people start attacking them, does that mean you are correct?
this, always this
this is the same strawman argument the MSM give after silencing him. He doesnt say this.
>In light of the Banned London Real Vid
Gib link pl0x
He says the 5g lowers immune system defenses and so that corona kills more, not that the 5g causes corona
Thank you. I used to listen to him and be active on his forum about 6 years ago
>no medical evidence
There is plenty of evidence that microwaves cause cancer.
You keep shouting 5G causes covid19, they'll prove you wrong, you'll look like a fool and they'll roll it, that's how you lose the argument.
I met him once in Glastonbury. He will happily talk at you for about 20 minutes if you let him and it's like a stream of conciousness tying all conspiracy theorys together.
>be me
>start listening to the dude
>look up what he thinks about bitcoin
>he calls a tulip mania
The dude is either a scam, controlled opposition or hasn't updated his site.
Saged till he does.
I was in tune with him back then, i have had some problems and now I am just a nihilist, will be nice to catch up on what he is doing.
>>no medical evidence
>There is plenty of evidence that microwaves cause cancer.
Those are two different things... I was posting about something completely different.. EM hypersensitivity and fear cages would be a separate effect.
you're talking out of your ass like Icke
There's just too much stuff to believe, none of it substantiated. The internet is a massive rabbit hole of people making more and more outlandish claims. You don't need any evidence at all, some people will believe it regardless.
Does anyone have the video of the doctor explaining how the test is bullshit and most anyone with a huge list of ailments can test "positive"? Dude said that even having a shitty meal can produce the exosomes, they are looking at such a high amplification that they basically can find it anywhere.
Is David Icke a catholic?
That's the point of the thread. He's got an opinion on everything, Barely any of it thought out. He throws so much shit against the wall some of it will stick.
get me some sauce on that bitch
reminder that shills hate icke because icke has named the jew
Seriously my Slovarino? It's Marilyn Monroe.
>Banned London Real Vid
did they ban the real london vid? I dl'd it immediately
You can find some of these banned videos at
That's exactly what the government wants you to (((not))) do.
No one needs to look at banned Icke videos because the frequency of 5G and the frequency of O2 are clearly close. (((They))) are killing us.
I knew a man who had his ear glued to his mobile for business reasons. he developed brain cancer and died. His whole family knows it was due to his mobile use. Also, for S&Gs I took my RF meter around my house and checked all the appliances. My microwave was still registering high numbers from 4 feet away
Hang yourself you low energy cuck, you are the problem of this world, always waiting with your open soi mouth waiting to get spoon fed.
mfw Nigerian 5G towers
Upload it to bitchute bro