Why do Jews like Buddhism?

Why do Jews like Buddhism?

I'm sick of reading books about buddhism only to find out it was written by (((them))). We should genocide all jewish buddhists and make sure their grubby hands dont touch buddhism and stop them jewing buddhism. Buddhism for whites only.

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Jews invade all religions. They understand it as a source of control.

kikes being kikes, cant stop subverting people

If your interested in Buddhism then check out Allan Watts. You can download his books for free and he's got a bunch of speeches on YouTube. And he's a gentile.

Do you mind sharing some books titles?

Because it is there way of interjecting themselves to mold the message. Hinduism and the Aryan Vedas are the source of buddhist thought.

Allan is a Zen Master. What OP came across is what Mark Epstein refered too as the Jewbu. It just so happened that during the 60s and 70s a bunch of jewish psychiatrists and medical doctors in the US developed interest in Buddism for what they claim is therapeutic reasons. We talking intellectual atheist ass american jews.

i dunno
all i know is Buddha was fat

Anything that keeps you away from Christ, Jews like.
Anything that makes Christ a prophet, a holy man but not God and denies his divinity, the Jews sponsor.

>Why do Jews like Buddhism?
It's not Christianity

Anything to drive whites away from Christ. They're also in charge of Satanism and Atheism.

They like everything except good Bible-believing Christians. Will joiin them all together for NWO one world religion.

you posted a a jew LARPing as a hindu not a buddhist

Hermann Oldenberg
Vinaya Texts. These contain the monastic code for Buddhas disciples and many interesting stories, often the full story where chunks are found in the Nikayas later.
He was a german scholar in 1800s.
Can anyone tell me if he was a jew?
Also, his last name happens to be the name of an old town in Germany named Oldenburg. Any scholars of German history anons?


That isn't Buddha. What you're thinking of is Budai which is some deified Chinese monk.

they go where the money is. effeminate, disconnected liberal faggots in california wanted muh eccentric far-eastern mysticism, so jews provided it to them, in a nicely subverted form. and they made a shit ton of money off of it. how much do you want to bet they were heavily invested into yoga pants in 1999? i don't even blame jews, those niggers can't help but get rich off the golem, so many of them are just so goddamn stupid.

>I'm sick of reading books about buddhism only to find out it was written by (((them))). We should genocide all jewish buddhists and make sure their grubby hands dont touch buddhism and stop them jewing buddhism. Buddhism for whites only.
They control the narrative by writing these books. The frame the subject in their image.

fuck you Christ cuck atheism has a proud history long before jews left their desert sandbox

The response called for by both outlooks is actually quite similar, i. e. Extreme restraint, generosity, ethics, honesty... Hermann was a Christian scholar but also made the massive effort to learn an Eastern dead language and converted to Buddhism. Buddha is much more to the point and leaves out the unnecessary.


Western Buddhism is just douchey atheism, and the Venn diagram for Jews and douchey atheists is almost a perfect circle.
We meme the curly hair and the Amish hats but those Jews are most respectable and least destructive. It's the godless Fellow White People who are the problem.

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When I was a kid, my dad had VHS tapes of some Alan Watts lectures. The man ranks up with Fred Rogers and Bob Ross for comfy times.
An absolute must watch for children, in my opinion.

>Buddhism for whites only
buddhism is for poos what the fuck are you on about

there's a subtle difference between ancient strains of atheism that confronted obviously fake pantheons of artistically inspired gods and the modern atheism you're equating it with, which is just a jewish plot to weaken another jewish plot, christianity, and further untether the modern creatura from history, fedora brainlet.

at some point everyone will realize that absolutely everything is to one degree or another a plot by international finance to control people. especially when things seem diametrically opposed like atheism or Scientism and christianity. it's all controlled dialectic, and you're all sad puppets on a stage.

Buddhism is for the East.
Stoicism for the West.
Marcus Aurelius was able to keep a Stoics/Buddhist like mind set even will all the temptations and vices afforded to him being the literal ruler of the world at the time.
Marcus Aurelius - Motivational quotes [Stoicism] Part 2

Poos are mostly Hindu.
Furthermore it appears there was a Caucasian presence in ancient Northern India according to historians.

They don't. The "satanist" ones like to use Buddhism as an excuse, they do evil but claim they can just meditate and get "enlightened". Fucking wrong.

Look at a lot of the "satanist" cults that get exposed and you will find they love those boddhisatva statues.

Also, the "witch trials" like the Salem witch trial and others were engineered by the Jesuits who control what we call Jews. This was done to control the colonists, weed out and destroy the moral and smart ones and bring all the retarded, evil shitbags under the thumb of obedience.

Who did they target as "witches"? The Gaelic. Irish, Welsh, the original peoples of the isles with wisdom and connections to the ancient culture. And what was the Gaelic word for enlightenment? "Bodhi". As in Bodhidharma, the Buddha. He was well known in the old world and the Jesuit pedophile idolators tried to erase that history, along with the original, full tales of Christ.

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Anything that takes you away from Christ does the bidding of Satan.

Jews like anything that isn't Christianity.

mr krabs cant be a jew because shellfish isnt kosher

Typical cheap Chinese counterfeit.

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he most certainly wasn't. While I am nowhere near an expert on Buddhist theology, one of the core tenants of Buddhism is its advocacy of moderation. Consequently, gluttony is regarded as sinful, very much so.

Jews infiltrate everything. Isn't that Hare Krishna shit just some kikes LARPing as Hindus?

the buddha statue in my room is fat

This stems from the confusion of Hinduism with Buddhism
For the Hindus, people have the knowledge that they have a true nature, but people are misguided on what they take as their true nature. This is why the Hindus say that people are already enlightened, they just do not know about it... The true nature of people is not the 5 senses or their objects, it is the mind, the cosmos, or later their deification of this, ie their Brahma or their Buddha, and when people realize this they are enlightened. The way to realize this is by relying on material objects which purify their minds, like sounds, logic, mantras, little beads, amulets.

Then people ask the usual question ''why the cosmos produce things which do not know that they are the cosmos?'' ie ''why are people not born directly enlightened? instead of being born unenlightened which produces lots of suffering?''
So far the Hindus have no answer to this ''question of evil''. The Hindus keep replying ''people do not know their true nature'' and that's their answer...

Mahayana is hinduism where they replaced brahma with their new idea of buddhanature. Things have a true nature this nature is just the primordial mind or the mind of a buddha.

in Buddhism, people do not have a true nature, people are not the cosmos, people are not Brahma, people are not Buddha, people are not their mind, people are not born already enlightened. In Buddhism there is only craving for pretty things and pretty ideas [ie the idea of having ''a true nature''] and lack of craving for pretty things and pretty ideas. People get enlightened when they stop craving for those. The way to get enlightened is to purify the mind, however not with objects like the Hindus do, but with the mind itself, ie all the time checking [with the mind] the behavior of the mind and then viewing the mind as it really is, ie is anicca, dukkha anatta, which triggers dispassion, which triggers liberation which triggers knowledge that dukkha is ended.

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An alcoholic who promoted LSD use.

Because their view of G_d is similar. 'All is One' more or less. Regardless of what the neckbeards on this site say, look into Kabbalah. It's an interesting system

Buddha just gives instructions on how to do things the right way, like if you are a Christian, you be a Christian properly and do good.

>Tibetan Buddhists knew Christ was coming.
>There are Tibetan Buddhist priests who have encountered Christ during death experiences.
>Not near death, but full death and they came back despite being dead at hospital, no brain activity, heartbeat or breathing.

Lying Jew. What about Zoidberg?

im not a jew im a romanian

Because Jews and other Abrahamists compete for the flock for their religious organisations.

A Judaism and Buddhism are like McDonalds and SushiWorld: they may both sell food, but it's completely different kinds of food, aimed at different types and classes of customers so they don't actively compete for the same share of the market.

But Judaism and Christianity are like McDonalds and Burger King: not just they both use the same word "burger" to describe their main dish, but they are frequented by exactly the same type of people, so they need to actively compete with one another to not let the opponent get the bigger share of their customers.

That's why Abrahamic religions are all mortal enemies of one another.

my religion is best because it worships traps

>Why do Jews like Buddhism?
because their whole religion is based on destroying rome and Christianity at all costs?

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based response

Christ is metaphorical for a life of Truth and Restraint, fool. Brianlets like you turn it into bigotry. Christ was actually probably what they call a Sotapanna in the Dhamma. Meaning he was a low level saint, and teaching about escaping Death came out through that context, and what a coinkidink, snuffed out by Judah and Jews. Even God was a student of Buddha, and probably also gained Sainthood (seeing Nibbana), causing the new covenant, which is why he goes from a warlord alien suddenly to everlasting love. Jesus is there to bitchslap down the rebels of that tribe who still mess with and spiritually racketteer us humans.

i dont see the difference.... you both live in barrel wagons, sell trinkets, and steal

>Christ is metaphorical for a life of Truth and Restraint,
you are the brainlet jew

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romanians dont steal thats a stereotype
all canadians are gay

albeit theravadin


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Because its for western pseuds that like to feel spiritual without any true demands on the self. Jews get to help you larp and tell you your drug use and sloth is actually a door to profoundness. What's not for them to love.


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Yep Juddhists suck.

where did you get all your treasures from than gypsy?


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>I'm sick of reading books about buddhism only to find out it was written by (((them)))

Was written way before the kikes came into picture

if by treasures you mean my gaming laptop and phone then 36 payments

nice adl propaganda lol
too bad you are on Yas Forums and everyone has read spinoza and knows what you kikes are doing visa vis pantheism and your noahide law bs lol
Probably would work on plebbit tho

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aryans are hindus and hindus are niggers...
so cope more about your low iq psyops failing again moshe

>everyone has read spinoza
i havent read anything because reading is for faggots

Buddhism is unironically a based religion. I am not saying we should all convert but I have no problem if white people want to become buddhists. Way better than any abrahamic shit that's for sure

36 payments of foreskins?
steep price... you must have a lot of blood on your hands

Jews are using muslims to destroy civilization. Buddhists are a barrier, so naturally jews must subvert.

I meant people moshe, you obviously werent included

romanians are the ultimate form of humans

im not sure about that, but your faculty for self delusion does seem to be super human

CHAD TAOIST vs virgin buddhist

>Why do Jews like Buddhism?

They don't like Buddhism... They like the meme version of Buddhism they've created to justify their shallow, materialistic lifestyles. Actual Buddhism prohibits drinking, drugs, sexual immorality, egotism, selfishness, materialism, etc.

Meme-buddhism, on the other hand, says "live in the present moment" (i.e. enjoy yourself), and stifle your conscience through mindless meditative exercises. Nobody ever promotes real buddhism. Everybody promotes meme-buddhism.

its unironically a meme religion

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The Buddah is a very relatable figure for some reason. The stories I hear about him are always enjoyable.

all religions are meme religions

>Nobody ever promotes real buddhism. Everybody promotes meme-buddhism
because they are the same.
you are just describing the two sides of the same annihilation death cult

no fuck this chink shit, buddhism at least has ancient aryan influences, some even say the Buddha was a blue-eyed Sogdian

you only say that because of your low gypsy iq
you dont even know what a meme is gypsy ;)

How so ?

I know exactly what you mean. The best antidote is to avoid books by lay people; there are books by monks that are great, and without all the jewey compromise and "interpretation" and subversion. The two links below are a start.


>some even say the Buddha was a blue-eyed Sogdian
are they the same kind of people that believe in aliens and that the moshiac is coming back this week?

gypsies are not real romanians

because its a weaponized theosophy of a religion that we have few sources for
you just dont understand the battle going on for the soul of the world, or you do and you are a bad faith discord tranny

I'm not saying that I endorse either one. I'm just saying that the pop-Buddhism everyone seems to love so much is custom-tailored to their shallowness and narcissism. It calls for zero sacrifice, or self-denial. It makes no distinction between flesh and spirit. It takes you exactly as you are, blows smoke up your ass about some vague notion of divinity, and makes no demands except that you have a blast doing whatever it is that you feel like.

Of all the buddhist material out there, literally 0.0% of it comes from the actual Buddha. His followers didn't even write anything down until 500, five fucking hundred, years after he died.

The religion of "Buddhism" is a cargo cult of the original, true teachings of the Buddha. The teachings are real and valuable but the religion around it is a lot of garbage.

Sutta Nipata and Dhammapada are closest to the real Buddha.

Tibetan Lojong is also pretty good though.

yes its an aesthetic... a purse for lack of a better term
that is only the top of a rabbit hole that leads to destruction of your soul
have you read thomas mertons works on Buddhism?

Maybe they will subvert them into doing stuff like this...

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athiests are just the birdbath brains of the scheme, thinking they know the way out of it, but are actually just part of the muh beliefs issue.

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this... exactly
most of it was written by weird european jews who were really into socialism, magic and other shit

I haven't. I'll check it out.