Face masks

Are we in agreement that unless that person is working in a hospital or something like that it's pointless to wear a mask and its the telltale sign of a moron?

Attached: 2020-04_GQ_Face-Masks_3x2-7.jpg (1280x853, 70K)

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I like to wear the mask though.

You got it, Jack.

Attached: SmokinJoe.gif (500x220, 1001.49K)

>jelly nomask

For me it's Marissa

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Cloth masks can't protect you against the virus.

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> living in surveillance bongland
> not wearing a face mask at all times

I refuse to wear that fucking mask and look like a faggot

KYS nosenigger.

Retard, the virus comes in droplets which even a shit mask will absorb quite well.

No. Masks will protect you, just not as much as a full hazmat suit.


You get a fine in Lombardy if you're around without a mask, and in all of Italy if you're a store clerk working without it

Dramatically reduces spread if you're infected ;)

It limits the amount of virus they could spread. Considering a fuckload of cases are asymptomatic, if everybody going outside constantly wore masks then we would see a massive decrease in active critical cases. You humongous moron.

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I have a sponge mask, but you can slip a n95 filter in a sleeve on it

Why should I care?
If Im not suffering, then only niggers are

i wear my gasmask with filters everyday to flex on stupid niggers like you who failed to pre prep- in December and January.

Yas Forums seen this coming before all them mass media and retards.

sorry, not sorry, i got 12+ filters and masks for myself and stacks of toilet paper, guns, ammo and beans nigger. the only retard and faggot here is you OP. If anyone is "shaming" people because of them trying to protect themselves, others and family, you should unironically get corona and / or the rope, because you're acting like a sour grapes greedy kike, or dumb normie.

Basically, you didn't prep, and you want everyone else to suffer like you because you got zero or barely any masks for yourself.

Asia has long developed a flu-mask culture, and especially after the SARS outbreak. And it's helped them a lot mitigate the worst effects of this. Even shitty simple cloth masks and bandanas help, especially with young healthy people preventing the spread to old faggots and the immunocompromised niggers.

No, they work. The idea that they are useless is another lie by the WHO.

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Imagine not taking the opportunity to wear ridiculous masks while telling all the normies without a mask they need to find some because it's happening. Personally, I bought a shemagh for all my employees and now we roll around like a bunch of jihadis. I'm having alot of fun with coronachan

I like the idea of everyone else wearing a mask. It reduces the risk of me getting Corona while others have an increased chance due to the fact that they are stupid and adjust their mask all the time and touch their faces.

employ me

Based leaf. To bad you don’t have guns to stop people like me who will come take all the supplies fags like you gathered for me

w would they care who i was if i put on a mask?

So paper surgical mask works but if I made a 3 layer cloth mask it wouldn’t? Pardon?

>Are we in agreement that you're a dumb nigger?
yes, yes we are
>1 post by this ID
>extremely low quality bait

That's what I've been saying to my family for the past couple months and these retards cant get it

No one cared who I was until I put on the mask

What a fag

That's a dude

Yes. I own stock in facial recognition companies. Normalizing the wearing of face masks is retarded and antisocial, plus the masks don't work. If you wear a mask in public you deserve to get punched.

You don't need two billion masks just for doctors


>Between January 24 and February 29, the National Customs in China inspected and released 2.46 billion pieces of epidemic prevention and control materials, including 2.02 billion masks and 25.38 million items of protective clothing. The official report also states the value of these supplies was worth 8.2 billion yuan (approximately $2 billion).

>One of the groups in Australia which sprang into action was the Poly Group, a Chinese government-run global conglomerate which started off as a front company for the Chinese People’s Liberation Army but has since moved into businesses including arms dealing and property development

if everyone wears a mask, the likeliness of THEM spreading it if they are asymptomatic decreases

its not about protecting from the virus, its about not letting the virus out of your own body if u have it

These types of masks protect others when you are infected yourself. They should also provide some protection against droplet infection from others. We have reason to believe that the virus to a certain extent is also present as aerosol against which the mask offer no protection.

Wearing a mask is definitely better than not wearing one.

Precautionary principle. Airborne spread.

You’re an idiot. It’s what everyone should’ve been doing since day one: wearing a mask, observing good hygiene, skipping handshakes and otherwise going on with life as usual. Fuck all this shutdown shit and fuck chink shills.

Isn't some protection better than none?

>KYS nosenigger.
>No. Masks will protect you, just not as much as a full hazmat suit.

Rate my mask

Attached: kkk.jpg (2000x1607, 217.79K)

>Why yes, I wear a respirator in public to reduce my exposure to COVID-19 and scare normies, how could you tell?

Attached: gigachad mask.jpg (391x464, 91.66K)

Point is though, even lame masks keep droplets from coughs and sneezes IN, so if everyone wears one, you create herd protection.

Exactly. This is why most of america is doing fine and all the britbongs like op are dying.

Lmao get rekt faggot

Wearing a mask or cloth is a great way to prevent yourself from spreading covid if you already have it, which you could without even knowning it. It's simply conscientious to do so.

Gr8 B8 M8

Why are Germans such establishment (((experts))) cock-sucking faggots? Is it their desire to follow the rules at all costs and avoid independent thought?

Because fucking Yas Forums has been MONTHS ahead of (((experts))) because we can analyze the info on our own without needing "an official recommendation from mommy government".

Of course.

If everyone started wearing masks back in late January we never would have need to shut down the economy even if it took forcing people to use their own makeshift masks. If everyone wears one you massively reduce the amount of viral particles being spread.

Shitty remake
The zeitgeist is still chad laughing at dying covid americans

not a doctor so I wouldn't know, sorry.. but here's the materials used in level 1 surgical mask.

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No you seething masklet. Enjoy your pneumonia.

fuck off shill



Canada has lots of guns, stupid. It’s Europr that gave them up and went nogunz.

Show me your face. If i ever see you in person i will ice pick the living SHIT out of your spine. Just hit you with such ferocity with such a sharp instrument in such a vital area you will litterally die in a pool of your own godforsaken dogshit right then and there. Then i will jump on the heads of your children, not because i want to, but because your ignorance of my manliness forced me to do so. Just CRUNCH CRUNCH as your ugly wife cries into a tissue, pathetic loser. DIE CUNT

Trap faggot.



Mask are mostly to reduce YOU spreading shit - not for you protection you fockwits


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Err no they don't because they absorb the moisture moron
Fucking normies who never worked in hazardous environments I swear

Only if we can wear adidas track suits with our shemaghs russiabro

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This. I bought 40mm filters for my military gas mask in january and several boxes ffp3 masks. Also bought stocks in 4 companies would make muh "covid 19" rapid tests, while retards were stocking on toilet paper and pasta. Also cash out with 100.000 benefits, should have waited a bit more...

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No. Not wearing a mask is the sign of a moron, stripped of his common sense by blind adherence to Scientism.

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>reduce the chance of the virus jumping to you by a smidge
>reduce the chance of the virus jumping from you to others by quite a lot
Why wouldn't you do this?

Fuck you plod and your cameras.



enjoy that herd immunity retard

They were always morons, you're only caring about them now that they put on the mask.

Not the US at least, not sure which country you're referencing? Medicare covers the Chinese virus, you're not even billed for an ambulance ride.

14 out of 88