Why havent you joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints aka mormons yet Yas Forums?

Why havent you joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints aka mormons yet Yas Forums?

Its litterally what Yas Forums seeks

-Whites helping whites
-You get a traditional 10/10 white wife
-Your career will boost because of help from members
-no degeneracy
-A happy life
-The actual true religion
you dont even need to believe it just pretend and go to church once a month

its not that hard

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I was born and raised mormon and in Utah. Get on my level user

so what brought you to Yas Forums?

BAR Mormon as well. Moving back to Utah this year

based user

hows your white loyal mormon wife?

Because it's fake, Joseph Smith was a lying conman.

she’s great we have a child and life is pretty sweet.


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Of all the religions on this shitty little earth, it’s the only one I’ve ever considered. Unfortunately I don’t believe in this kind of shit, because I’m not a fucking retard but the benefits of pretending seem to out-way the cons. I’m too fucking lazy to devote so much time to pretend though, unless someone entered my life and changed my life for the better.....religion can go pound sand.

Ex gf was a mormon. Absolutely mental, extreme child abuse and daddy issues, left religion for a year and denounced it then came back when she was lost.
Great tits, will post if someone gets double digits


Tits or GTFO

Verry few religious people are what the media portrays them as. It's how jews have made christianity look like shit. By portraying them all as psychos. Most of them just use it as a sense of comfort and community

Having a cursed IQ level

Just say no to magical underwear!

post em

Roll for tittys!

Born and raised Mormon, to elite Mormon senpai, parents dropped out of the Church when ten so I stopped going forever.
Tldr raised with the good family values and non of the dogmatic bs of the church. Get on my level Hyram.

Did it for my first 20 years. Fucked me up good.

They're also preppers

you don't believe he found those magical plates in his backyard?

>The actual true religion
thanks for the chuckle m8

>ou get a traditional 10/10 white wife

This is so false, mormon girls are ugly.

Can I have a do over? Sho meh dem titties!

At least on Yas Forums most seem to really believe that Jesus was the son of god

Based tempter dabbing on coomers

How come? Tell us more user

Because they don't have moutaches and sideburns like your women?

Bless me

>Mormon girls are ug-

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Whiskey bad
Beer bad
Coffee bad
Wine bad
Tea bad
SSRIs good
CIA very good (guess one of their biggest recruiting beds - the MTC)
Jews great

Fuck a bunch of wannabe Islamists too stupid to realize they're ripping off the worst of the Semetic religions.

Also Joseph Smith was a con-man, pederast and murderer.

Not everyone is into there women having facial hair Achmed.

Boys Salt Lake City (Remastered)

Hot as fuck and you get to pick three of them!


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come on

Right up until they use it to dominate and control their neighbors.

Religion is a cancer.

Winner winner chicken dinner
Will probs be banned but fuck it

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Everyone of those bitches was assigned a husband at ten. I bet every single one of them spent several years being molested by their grandfather too.

Fuck Mormons. Their religion is fucking disgusting.


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i got no beef with the mormons.

Gave me a huge family and my family always seemed broke.
Postponed school for a mission but my bishop didn't think I was worthy or capable
Had friends in HS but could never do what they did
Social anxiety would have been greatly helped had I started drinking earlier
Being raised a Mormon outside of Utah is a nightmare. Your dating pool is limited and social options suck if you wish to fit in with more than 3 kids in your ward your age.

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because they are retarded
truly genuinely re-tar-ded



Is Revelation 22:18 not clear enough for you?

"For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book"

Fuck I hate you heretics so much. You name yourselves after Jesus even while you deny Him. He is the eternal Son of the Father, not some mortal creation later ascended. He is God, creator, alpha and omega.
Your ridiculous false prophet is second only to Mohammed in how idiotic his contradictory revelations were and how stupid you have to be to believe him.

No one assigned me a wife. I'm in my 40s and single as fuck

not in mainstream Mormonism anymore but if you join one of those breakaway communities in some shitty little town like the one in Colorado City you get to have multiple young wives even if you're not young yourself

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enjoy outer darkness degenerate.

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join the single ward and get a mormon wife bro
also use mutual the mormon tinder app

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so THAT'S what's protected by that magical underwear!

I dislike Mormons but really I'm starting to despise evangelicals and other "real" christians. Fuck you you worship a dead Jew on a stick. You are no better than them

Haven't attended in 20 years. My beliefs have changed.

Fuuuuck... that sounds just like what one of my Mormon friends has gone through, same things, no joke. Sorry about that man.

crazy cult
weird practices
openly re approved polygamy
tied at the hip to deep state

Mormons will all burn in hell for eternity.


It's a better model of the afterlife but I like this better

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Those are gross nipples. Fucking pancakes.

Yeah we get it, Mormons rape kids. They're not so different from Jews, after all.



This. They take “no drugs” to a retarded level, coffee tables are even called hot chocolate tables in Utah. Nobody told them chocolate is an MAOI/stimulant/aphrodisiac or that it also has caffeine in it too. And of course pharmajew approved drugs are totally fine. I read an Erowid report once by a Mormon who ended up addicted to pain pills (codeine, hydro, oxy) because they were all over and his family didn’t think he was even doing drugs.

But dose said wife go atm??


Yeah a former BYU quarterback got addicted to pain pills. So much for trusting the drug dealers with MD attached to their name

Oh my God, that's it! OP, you fucking genius, you just gave me the solutions to all my problems! I'm going to join the LDS church.

-Whites helping whites
-I get a...6-7/10 white husband, I'll be honest, I don't rate higher than that.
-His career will be boosted because of help from other members
-no degeneracy
-Sharing recipes with the other wives
-A happy life
-If actual true religion, no one goes to Hell except apostates from Mormonism, basically, even gamblers, fornicators, and sorcerers make in into tier three Heaven. I'll get at least the silver medal in the afterlife.
-No chance of getting the bad end where God and Jesus castrate you in the afterlife if you weren't a good enough Mormon, I don't have any balls to lose
-I'll like going to church, all I'll have to do is socialize and smile and nod pleasantly, that's like my signature move!
You've convinced me, OP, I'm a Mormon girl now. As soon as I can I will join the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Where do I get the magic underwear? Not gonna lie, the modern version looks super-comfy.

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>tied at the hip to deep state

Based, I’d want my kids having those kind of connections to get into Ivy League schools and top jobs. Doesn’t justify the absolute retardation of Mormonism though.

If you’re going to pick a corrupt, misguided worldly institution as your religion, you might as well pick the one with consistent beliefs and 2000 years of history that owns fuck tons of land throughout western civilization. Seems like Mormons are just larping as the Catholic Church of the NWO.

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