Literally who is even benefitting from the corona virus situation...

Literally who is even benefitting from the corona virus situation? It started off with countries shooting themselves in the foot, I thought okay they're just being overly cautious, now one country after another are shooting themselves in the fucking head and keep acting like that's the right thing to do. Who is behind this?

We now know that the true death rate is low (see Korea, Germany), why is everyone still acting like this is some apocalyptic scenario? Literally why are we destroying society?

I just don't understand. Not even the Jews will benefit if the whole economy goes to shit for 5 years.

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Members of the Global Commission on Drug Policy:[8]

Louise Arbour, former High Commissioner for Human Rights, Canada
Pavel Bém (Czech Republic) former Mayor of Prague, member of the Parliament, Czech Republic
Richard Branson (United Kingdom), entrepreneur, advocate for social causes, founder of the Virgin Group, co-founder of The Elders
Fernando Henrique Cardoso (Brazil), former President of Brazil (former chair)
Maria Cattaui (Switzerland), former Secretary-General of the International Chamber of Commerce
Helen Clark, former Prime Minister of New Zealand and Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Nick Clegg (United Kingdom), former Deputy Prime Minister
Ruth Dreifuss (Switzerland), former President of Switzerland and Minister of Home Affairs (chair in 2016[1])
Mohamed ElBaradei (Egypt 'in exile'), former Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency from 1997–2009 and Nobel Peace Prize laureate
Geoff Gallop (Australia), former Premier of Western Australia
César Gaviria (Colombia), former President of Colombia
Anand Grover (India), former United Nations Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health
Michel Kazatchkine (France), UN Secretary-General's Special Envoy on HIV/AIDS in Eastern Europe and Central Asia and former executive director of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

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People in Canada who were non-essential workers. I work at a grocery store taking risk of dying and I am getting paid less then people who sit at home and get government gibs. In Canada you get $2k per month and it maxes out at $8k. There is little to no verification either to get this money. Theres also a flurry of other money people are getting. I know a guy who got laid off that already made $5k off this virus.

Aleksander Kwaśniewski (Poland), former President of Poland[9]l
Ricardo Lagos (Chile), former President of Chile
Kgalema Motlanthe (South Africa), former President of South Africa
Olusegun Obasanjo (Nigeria), former President of Nigeria
George Papandreou (Greece), former Prime Minister of Greece
José Ramos-Horta, former Prime Minister and President of Timor-Leste
Jorge Sampaio (Portugal), former President of Portugal
Juan Manuel Santos (Colombia), former President of Colombia
George P. Shultz (United States), former Secretary of State (honorary chair)
Javier Solana (Spain), former European Union High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy
Cassam Uteem (Mauritius), former President of Mauritius
Mario Vargas Llosa (Peru), writer and public intellectual, Nobel Prize laureate
Paul Volcker (United States), former Chairman of the Federal Reserve and of the Economic Recovery Advisory Board
Ernesto Zedillo (Mexico), former President of Mexico

>Literally who is even benefitting from the corona virus situation?
The guys who want to instate communism. First voices are already pretty loud in Europe.

Setting up a global economy to stabilize the world economy when it all goes to shit?
A test to see just how obedient people have become to them?


not to mention forcing people to accept universal basic income by putting millions out of work and countless small buusiness' bankrupt. Also automation of workforce for alot of jobs

I don't think this is the right way to accomplish that, I've already heard more people talking about how the pandemic made them realise that globalism has failed us and each country should be prepared to fend for themselves from now on

globalism is what will "save" the day at the end. You've been hearing it from alot of people because youre in an echo chamber.
Think about it. They have managed to basically send every human to their room wiithout any protest.
Think about all the business' that will be forced to close after this and think about the size a business must be to weather the storm? Think about all the bank loans business owners will need to take out once this is over to start over? Think of all the loans for car and home repayments people who have been out of work for several months will need to take out.
Once this is over, they will own just about everybody. And thats when the perfect solution will appear and everybody will clamour for it.

Trips. See China and Wuhan's celebration.
>This has been the experience of countries like China, South Korea, and New Zealand. They all adopted similar tough measures after a surge in infections. But it will take some time. I spoke to Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand yesterday on the phone. New Zealand has implemented a stringent lock down. She told me that when they did this, it was only on Day 11 that they started to see new cases coming down. So we have to be patient, but we also have to be resolute.
Why is Taiwan and Hong Kong not mentioned?
>Capitalism has failed New Zealanders, let me signal for more Muslim refugees and play along with Brenton Mossad.

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I say the fiat printers profit big, its an economic biowar if you like.
Guess we'll know after some weeks, after the normalisation, as Yuri would said.
On the other side you have the petrodollar vs gas match going down by Putin and propped up by the zionists and its all but finished.
Whos gonna pay for all this entertainment in the end are we plebes with our money and rights

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By force or by consent.

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Simplest answer is nobody. Nobody benefits from this. The economy was already global, we already are slaves on the chain. People are treating this seriously because the illnare overwhelming hospitals, and piles of dead bodies not only are a threat from a pandemic point of view, but from a political collapse point of view. There may well be riots and civil wars in places like Italy or Iran where the virus hit extremely hard.

Maybe there's a bigger problem that they don't want to disclose just yet, or maybe ever

Banks only stand to profit if they survive this, and there's overall a decrease in sales/purchases with credit cards.

If anything, this is a threat to their existence too. There could easily be bank runs if the economy keeps getting worse.

Right now the setup is forcing us to willingly consent.

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I honestly think the opposite of what you're thinking will happen. All the big globalist companies will come out of this fine, whereas the small (non Jewish owned) ones will get fucked. I also suspect a lot of Chinese people are purchasing the ultra cheap stocks, giving them more say in western companies.

in the short term. but when the money runs out the people will have no choice but to run to the banks or the government for help.

only 20k cases and 500 deaths tis but a nothing burger comrade

Sorry I misread, we are on the same page.

hospitals are nowhere near overwhelmed in most places though, #flattenthecurve and similar slogans might have been relevant in italy but not in many other countries

Cause if everyone gets infected at once, the hospitals can't handle it.

What the fuck flag is this?

That only works as long as there's confidence in the government and value to the dollar.

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It kills small and middle businesses and the only key survivor are some key industry that rebuy the whole market, gaining more power by grabing it from small businnesses. Every crisis benefits the banks too because government have to borrow more and more and MORE. Where do you think our national debt comes from?

Laos, its in between Thailand and Vietnam. ALl our borders are closed and bars and clubs shut down. No groups of more then 10 people and police walking around at night telling follks to git. Overall not so bad though, in daytime business as usual just no tourists. Which we cannot live without for more than a few months since no one has savings here. The government told us just buy facemasks and raise some chickens.
>government suddenly swoops in and offers you money.

The entire American nation just bailed out all the banks who were just waiting and stalling for another finanical crisis.

Anyone can benefit off of a depression if they have enough money and put it in the right places

They downplayed it at first so that they could move assets around to profit off of it instead of taking losses, since they genuinely didn’t know how bad it could get and they know that society isn’t set up in a way to deal with it thanks to their greed, and now that they’re ready they’re shilling it as hard as possible to make as much gains as they can

It was relevant in preventing hospitals not be overrun with people. Every measure taken has been to slow down the expenditure of resources such that hospitals do not get filled to capacity.

>Not even the Jews will benefit if the whole economy goes to shit for 5 years.

Are you an idiot? All that matters is that it eventually starts going back up. All losses mean is that power is cheaper to buy. Everything is cheaper to buy

That sucks, I just went to Walmart and spent $700 on food and random bullshit just to get out of the house. What's the national dish in Laos?

It benefits everybody who doesn't like the anti-globalist movement, and especially those who don't like Donald Trump

They screeched for years that Trump would crash the economy and start WW3. Instead the US had a booming economy and multiple other countries/principalities were starting to have their own nation-first revolts (France comes to mind as a perfect example).

The fact that Trump and other anti-globalists have been effectively proven right by reality is a threat to globalist agenda. So they're using mainstream media to spread fear and panic and trying to incite as much chaos as possible. And whatever level of success they attain at this they will blame on DJT and other anti-globalists, and they'll use MSM as a loudspeaker.

Not another muh economy thread.

Wage cucks are working from home. Trucks are still running. Factories are still producing - Unless the virus breaks out in one, then they have to spend a fortune cleaning it. Which makes money for the cleaning companies... so, muh economy is still alive and well.

Oh, and the illegals are self deporting because they're afraid of getting sick.

So are ya Chinese or Japanese?

Kao Poon. But you kinda eat anything here. I have a dead bird I found in my fridge right now for later. $700USD is twice the average monthly salary here and thats only when tourists and everyone has jobs.

I doubt they'll ever do UBI because at this point it'd really only benefit working class people white people, everyone else is already subsidized. Replace UBI with some type of state control over the private sector & I'd agree.
They've enacted martial law lite because of this & nobody cares, even supposedly anti ZOG white nationalists are enthusiastically supporting this. Pretty much every marker of martial law has been implemented in some form while the media is saying this is the new normal, they're conditioning people to get used to this. They also did a planned demolition of the economy with this, hence all those CEOs stepping down & selling off all their shares right before they enacted the shut down.

Neither. And in Laos its mainly Koreans not Japanese. Koreans come all year around and make up bulk of tourism. Japs just come during uni breaks to get fucked up and take mushrooms, smoke weed and opium for a few days then go back to reality

Anyone and everyone that wants to get in on it and knows how to do it without incident.
Get yours, breh

Your access to clean produce and meat makes me jealous, everything here is tainted with hormones or pesticides, also basedbean oil/byproducts of some sort. You'll be okay friend, we'll all be okay.

>Not even the Jews will benefit if the whole economy goes to shit for 5 years
Oh my sweet summer child
There will be so much chaos that the people will BEG the state to take their rights in exchange for security

yah thats true. meat and veg is all locally grown and cheap as dirt from the marketplaces. Worst case plenty of fish and my well still has water. plus alot of fruit trees around and shit. Im not too worried about food in Laos, just the overall economy in the longterm since alot of towns rely HEAVILY on tourism.

but thanks i appreciate it.

>shooting themselves in the fucking head
how so ? which actions are you referring to ?

Where is this chaos? I see everyone going about their day like nothing is happening. Some are wearing masks. That's the only difference i see in this Deep State take over quarantine. lol. what a joke. The real panic fags are you homos thinking the National Guard and UN troops are coming to take your shitty knock off AR-15s.

All those temples look breddy gud. Worth travelling once to see? What's the tipping culture in Laos? I'm an idiot and love throwing money around on vacations, especially Asian countries. Last year I went to Vietnam and asked all the restaurant workers that served me what their rent/mortgage cost per month, and tipped that amount each time. If I'm going to be loud and obnoxious everywhere I go the least I could do is make it worth their time.

The Elders
Lakhdar Brahimi, former Foreign Minister of Algeria and United Nations envoy
Gro Harlem Brundtland, former Prime Minister of Norway and former Director-General of the World Health Organization
Hina Jilani, international human rights defender from Pakistan
Graça Machel (Co-Deputy Chair), former Education Minister of Mozambique, President of the Foundation for Community Development, widow of Samora Machel and widow of Nelson Mandela
Mary Robinson (Chair), former President of Ireland and former United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
Ernesto Zedillo, former President of Mexico
Ricardo Lagos, former President of Chile
Ban Ki-moon (Co-Deputy Chair), former Secretary-General of the United Nations
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, former President of Liberia, Nobel Peace Prize laureate
Juan Manuel Santos, former President of Colombia, Nobel Peace Prize laureate
Zeid Raad Al Hussein, former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
Elders Emeritus
Desmond Tutu, Archbishop Emeritus of Cape Town, former Archbishop Primate of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa and former Chair of South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Nobel Peace Prize laureate
Jimmy Carter, former President of the United States, Nobel Peace Prize laureate
Fernando Henrique Cardoso, former President of Brazil
Ela Bhatt, founder of the Self-Employed Women's Association of India
Martti Ahtisaari, former President of Finland, Nobel Peace Prize laureate[12]

If you are tipping a months rent you will easily make friends, though most Lao people are shy and wont accept that much. Just tip if service is good since alot of time Lao dont like work even if its their job and wwaiters will occasionally look annoyed when you order because they were playing a game on the phone. The country is the epitome of dont give a fuck in that sense.
Yeah the country is really underrated and the landscape is second to none.
A month rent for standard one bedroom apartment is roughly 90 USD which i think is too high a tip for any country


For reference 90 USD will get you between 9-3 prostitutes depending on your race and what you look like. or, 80 bottles whiskey. or 175 packets of ciggarettes. or food for a month and be able to eat out occasionally. thats a fortune here

9-3? Where do I get fresh girls there?

countries are willingly destroying their own economies right now and making their citizens' lives as inconvenient and restricted as physically possible

Western manufacturers benefit from domestic order surge

Banks benefit by getting to hide the debt crisis and currency collapse

Normies lose. Turns out your career as a hairdresses isn't essential Stacey, get whoring on fansonly

None of the girls are fresh really. Id say in my city roughly 60% of girls over 16 are prostitutes in one way or another. Most work only Korean and chinese crowds those ones are a bit fresher. The ones that work the White people are typically found in bars and clubs or outfront of them. Basically if a girl talks back to you or smiles she will do it for a price. I am not kidding, its often encouraged by the parents since you can either make 50,000kip a day waiting tables for 12 hours or 150,000 kip-300,000 or sometimes more depending on how drunk they are for an hours work.

>90 USD will get you between 9-3 prostitutes depending on your race and what you look like. or, 80 bottles whiskey. or 175 packets of ciggarettes. or food for a month and be able to eat out occasionally.
You already had me sold with the chronic your country has but this... this is really tempting. How safe are the tourist areas?

I live in a brothel haha, come by anytime. Ill sort you out. I have 20 or so younger sisters right now that have no jobs since no more koreans. They all went back to their farms until Corona passes and then they will come back

They're keeping everyone inside to install 5G

oh super safe desu. Theres many people around at all hours and most girls like having repeat customers. Avoid the ladyboys though, occasionally they will try and rob you and if you are toooooo drunk you will likely get laid but probably be missing all your money in the morning. aside from that kind of stuff no real violent crimes happen to foreigners.
The whiskey is super cheap. In Vang vieng most bars and hostels have a 1-2 hour happy hour where it unlimited free whiskey and vodka as much as can drink

Thanks for the rare flag

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Oh wow haha well share your town and I'll come soon, never been to Laos

yes here they are already telling people that they have to love 5G

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Whisper campaign.... silent killer

It's basically an attack on the USA's health "system". Chinks may have released it or it may be organic or whatever, but it is now being used by chinks as a propaganda piece and a biological attack on America. It doesn't matter if it is synthetic or not: it is still a biological weapon.

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Damn I never knew, thanks for the info bro. How illegal is weed there? Will I get sentenced to death for smoking a joint?

Vang Vieng. Ask around for a happy restaraunt. cant miss it. big sign out front saying happy menu available. I manage it. Dont partake in any of that stuff myself, but the tourists love it so decent money to be made. Except now obviously. shut down for a month. broke as shit haha.

he also lost his job..

i'm still working, $2000 a month is less than what i normally pull in, if you aren't like a fucking 18 year old you don't make more money being unemployed and the virus isn't a good thing for canadians

>who is even benefiting

80+ year old sick people that want to die anyway, they must be so grateful that the global economy is crushed because of them

No. I work in a happy restaraunt. Weed, mushrooms and Opium are largely sold openly in Happy restaurants and can smoke freely inside without any worry. But if caught smoking outside you will get 500 dollar fine, but no death sentence or anything. just a straight up fine

Ahh vang vieng. I miss that place. Stayed at the free whiskey hostel for a week in 2018 ad was obliterated every night. Dont know how they make money giving people unlimited free whiskey every night to stay there for $5usd

Its funny because it went from begging everyone to go to chinese restaurants, keeping those gaming summits open,
not closing the border to china & downplaying the virus to not offend the chinese to immediately shutting down everything & going full on schizo hysteria basically overnight.
>we're God's chosen people
Yes, I see that now. I never knew.