Nick fuentes

what do we think of him pol?

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I don't think of him

OK at first. Don’t care amymore

I only listened to an hour video of him covering the idubbz simp stuff. It was amusing but this guy is clearly an evangelical cuck who probably tithes more than 10% for good boy points

That every single person who posts these shitty D&C threads is a retard and these threads fill up with concern trolls really fast and sage

He fucks boys dressed as cats. He needs to be hanging from a tree.

He’s a gay spic

He is a degenerte charlatenm that the shills and brainwashed zoomers LOVE. His father is aliteral kike and he lives in his moms basment making BANK off Zoomer Mutts who worship him
>Muh Optics
Fucks horse dildo sucking catbois
>Muh demographics
offers ZERO solutions and just perpetuates Global policies
>muh fake conservatism like KIRK are worse
>Dont mention 9/11 goy bad optics
>dont mention pizzagate goy its CRINGE

>this is Yas Forums
>your shareblue buzzwords failed Schizo trans nigger cubicle employee scum

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gay like every e-celeb

Hes a gud boi.

The best american political vehicle and brand for the rightwing by miles

At best he's an opportunist, at worst he's a fed, either way anyone who supports this manlet is a retard.

>think of him
i dont. stop shilling this spic faggot.

Nick "The Faggot" Fuentes.

Huge head, tiny shoulders, short body, he's just an elite piece of shit they all have the same body type, but this one has a slight case of nanism to it.

Stop shilling this faggot.

his future

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Leader of our movement

lol you lie

its another daily mexican anchor babies thread

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The last white hope, Mr Mexican himself

His politics are pretty based but he’s clearly a faggot

everyone says I'm gay but no one mentions how i spent 6 fucking hours trying to convert the catboy to christianity.

He's all right, a little thin-skinned and prone to drama and infighting, but he's done some good stuff.

He's an obnoxious prick that sits in his moms house picking fights with everyone.

He's pretty based and far better optics than wignats, which is why wignats hate him.


just annoying


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I still have no idea who this faggot is.

Both him and Richard Spencer are gay. Spencer is just more flamboyant with his faggotry. I think TRS is pretty good overall.



I think he is going to be around long enough to make a difference

Neither of them are gay, shill.

Only in your fantasies do these two fuck each other in the ass until they cum.

He is right about optics. Wignattery is manufactured by the feds. Very few people are this retarded. He has done possibly irreparable damage to his credibility by doubling tripling and quadrupling down on the corona hoax even as the narrative collapses in real time. It is obviously a fake crisis to destroy the economy. It already has we just dont know it yet.

Based. Best political commentary out there.

He's a cool guy but his takes have gotten kinda stale
Also the persistent anti-accelerationism is kinda annoying considering how misinformed he probably is

nickjfuentes on dlive, watch for yourself. go to replays, pick one, and fast forward 45 minutes


nick is BASED!


sure bro

This is a data mining thread .

The nigger loving is too much. All he listens to is ooga booga yuh yuh type shit, only praises rappers, only pushes city living

Ya you can get a blade of grass to give better arguments than Nick "modern male sexuality Fuentes".

Like other said, kinda stale and boring right now. Maybe it's because his show covers daily stuff and there's not much going on right now.
I'm also worried he's kinda giving civnat takes lately

He is a statist.
That means that he is for enslavement.
Once i heard him say that "Government KNOWS best".
Yea, fuck that.

End of thread. Well put

Definetly better than the previous versions of alt-lite, I dont know very much about him but his ideas seem to be Pat Buchanan with zoomer memes and irony

>wall being built
>presidential election months away
>not a lot going on, bro

Mossad is not sending their best.

He's intelligent and I think is generally good for the movement, but there are some issues that maybe come from him being young and, despite what he may say, very little experience with the real world. I totally understand economic nationalism, but when it comes to economics he's illiterate and just slurs anything to do with markets as "libertarian." He also has shockingly lukewarm takes when it comes to government authority for someone who is a self-described Paleoconservative. He's entertaining to watch, but it feels like a LARP past a certain point.

Haven't seen the wall thing.
The presidential election is really boring.
All I was saying is that with this quarantine and corona stuff we're all just reading death numbers day after day and that's boring lol. Why do you have to imply some schizo shit? This board is unbereable lately

Closet homosexual

based but also cringe
his whining about being celibate and him not having sex before marriage is a massive cope, maybe to hide whatever the fuck happened with him and the catboy
his political views are generally decent though and I think (and to some extent hope) that he'll have a larger positive impact on US politics

Everytime he talks about economics, he makes clear enough that he supports markets and competition. Which is logical.
He rails against libertarianism and that's great. This is 2020, we have to move on from that meme ideology.

Should just get off the Blumpf train already.

Good ideas, funny, too edgy to ever lead anything, catboy was a huge blunder should have disavowed it and swallowed his pride, for his sake hope everyone forgets about it, very correct that wignat is a honeypot at this point and should just be dropped, could maybe return to it once more people pick up on the JQ and the Overton window is shifted way further right.

I like him for all his flaws.

Faggot jew

At first he was cool with the groyper war then he had the gay dude on and made me kinda 50/50 on him, i dont really care but if his optics game works out thatl benifit us all

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>meme ideology
Nice flag ;). Look, I get where he (and where I'm guessing you) is coming from, but he intentionally misrepresents libertarianism. That fetal alcohol syndrome baby Charlie Kirk and his Koch brother masters care nothing for the free market. All they want is cheap labor, and people like Tom Woods and Dave Smith are opposed to this kind of open borders shit. All I'm really saying is Paleocons and right-libertarians (like Tom Woods and Dave Smith) are natural allies. Nick constantly talks about a big tent movement and then shits on everyone else who isn't in his specific crew. It's kind of petty.

I think user's point is that he's inconsistent on a lot of things.
He'll happily agree with paleolibertarians as much as he'll agree with natsocs because they're all part of "the dissident right". He desperately wants to be their guy, even though certain things like markets and the authority of the state they have almost polar opposite views, which Nick tries to reconcile with eachother to look cool and edgy despite that being impossible by nature of what they are
Pic related is a far better representative of the modern revolutionary nationalist/conservative movement (which needs a better label than (((alt-right)))).

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