/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3100

► Detected: 1,623,187 (+19,535) ► Died: 97,237 (+1,545) ► Day: 92 (-11:38:43)

— 4.5 billion people under lockdown —
— 214 countries and territories infected —
— 5.3x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 62 vaccines and 244 treatments announced —
— 3,242 strains have been sequenced —


Most "comorbidities" are just diabetes and hypertension

Blacks are 30% in Chicago but 72% of the deaths

Coronavirus is now 1st cause of death in the US

NHS officials say Muslims are hardest hit in the UK

Blacks are 32% in Louisiana but 70% of the deaths

Virus can travel 8 meters, stay in air for hours, says MIT

High cytokine in blood of critical patients

25 year old nurse dies in Iran

Under 2 year old in Morocco dies of coronavirus

16 year old without health conditions dies in France

China province outbreak 52 times worse than admitted

China tells local authorities to stop reporting cases

Biggest slums in Brazil see first coronavirus deaths

NYC official says deaths at home have multiplied by 10

Engineered SARS-related bat coronavirus caused polemic over risks

09:57: 495 new cases and 3 new deaths in Belarus
09:54: 136 new cases in Qatar
09:51: 1,972 new cases and 122 new deaths in Iran
09:43: 118 new cases and 3 new deaths in Malaysia
09:36: 3,800 new cases and 396 new deaths in Spain
09:35: 637 new cases and 70 new deaths in Italy


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he has a point

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I'm seriously not a nothingburger fag but I truly think it's over guys. The NYC website shows a clear decline. I really want to be wrong or have a second wave come but I think this is it. The worst part is how smug my nothingburger friend is going to be after this.

Any user In Miami who can tell me how bad it is?
Are people panicking?

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it seems to be decreasing. The happening is already beyond over.

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When is this shit going to be over?

The ride never ends

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That's fucking retarded
Bad/Bad=1 You absolute moron.

it's only just beginning

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Corona-chan love u user.

>Bad/Bad = Bad
hmm yes, certainly

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WHO recap update
>WHO recap update
WHO recap update

If tedros and cunts aren't late again the recap should be done before I have to go to work so yuros don't have to watch it to get the gist of it in a timely manner
sorry the past few times it was always late

For the harpooners sand doomers that want it all to burn.



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Guys, a quick unrelated question
Which one is correct in British English?
>she is the girl who I bought flowers for
>she is the girl whom I bought flowers for

Watch as no one here proves him wrong and still claim they are correct.
The unbreakable schizo happooner cycle.

how`s bojo?

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why do you even care about miami? such a shithole with nigcubans and niggers

>You are the simp that beta orbits.

BASED south korea the only country that is going to survive this

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She's the neutral gender who I bought flowers for.

Welp boys, looks like this happening is over
>economy already back up
>numbers declining significantly
>an increased level of hapooners reeee-ing
Looks like you schizophrenics need to get back on your meds and off these threads lmao

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Literally no reason to believe it will end any time 2020. No coronavirus has ever been vaccinated and it's too resilient/contagious to get rid of. Will probably last several years like every other pandemic.


>Coronavirus cases cannot be overstated
>Coronavirus deaths cannot be understated

>she is the girl whomst I bought flowers for

It's ogre.
>until the lockdowns end

Attached: corona-graph-mine-deaths-us.png (720x720, 63.63K)

We're already past the peak.

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But does this mean they’re sick or just tested positive?

By sick I mean symptoms

big if true

Who isn’t even necessary.
She’s the girl I brought flowers for.

>'t is the fair maiden whomst've I procured these flowers

This has to be modernised

>This is the skank whom I let wrangle my pecker

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Who is this Muppet? He goes on like a fucking idiot.

Moar knees pleeeeze

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Listen faggots
>flu kills 250,000 a year
>Measles kills 500,000 a year
>hepatitis b kills 800,000 a year
>hiv/aids kills a million a year
>noro virus kills 50,000 a year
>ebola kills 10,000 a year
>car crashes kill two million a year
>murder and war kills 5 million a year
>coconuts kill 100,000 a year
>falling off ladders kills 40,000 a year
>DIY accidents kill 15000 a year
>Niggers murder 600,000 a year
>botched transsexual surgeries kill 500 a year
>food poisoning kills 6 million a year
>erectile dysfunction kills 20,000 a year
>lightning strikes kill 500 a year (double if it strikes twice)
>Medical malpractice in the US claims 250k lives a year alone
>diarrhea kills 1.8 million A YEAR
Total nothing burger

Faggot can't even into cursory algebra.

Ayy that be the bitch I got flowers

>This is the thot that I support on onlyfans.

Happoneers are reeing because no mountains of bodies
Normies are reeing because no resumption of normal life in sight.

There is more to the world than just nyc or even the us.

economy hasn't recovered at all, and the numbers will go right back up when the lockdowns end

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Post more Earth-chan, she cute

He's /our nothingburger/

You're only one who took it seriously, should have added an inb4

the hidden boss

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Kek, even Mill Bitchell thinks Italians aren't white

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For whom I bought flowers. Don't end sentences with prepositions. "Whom" is for objects (such as recipients in a giving verb clause)

>Hungary-Austrian empire returns with Hungary in the power seat

He's getting nervous cases are increasing in Miami KEK

The Swine Flu pandemic took 1 year

>she is the girl for whom I have bought flowers
never end a sentence in a preposition especially if you're going to use dative modalities for words such as "whom"

>I whome'st've bought her flowers for her

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The more extroverted cultures are getting hit the hardest. Us Big Dick Autist cultures are doing fine.

Meant for

What will Russia do if they go down and Russian people think of it as a Chinese fuckup?

The physical manifestation of absolute peak boomer

Numbers coming in and DC is back in the big boys club, let's see if NY cucks them back out when they spike the national average in an hour or so.

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I don't know what either of those flags are

watching simpletons like him and many of you try to make sense of anything more complex than jerking off or eating is really a treat

Still find it hilarious the amount of deaths from diarrhea

>she is the girl for whom I bought flowers

He represents the values and thoughts of normalfaggots.

imagine the smell

All he cares about is BIG GREEN LINE GO UP.
I think he is willfully in denial. Someone close to him has to die for him to understand the gravity of the situation.

>quarantine implemented
>businesses shut down
>people softly forced and encouraged to stay inside and away from others
>this has been in effect for a month now
>just about enough time for the virus to show symptoms

I’d say the actions taken were effective and the harpooning was averted thanks to actions of masses of people. This wouldntve even been that big an issue if traveling was halted in January.

Hes in good spirits

Based Bill Palazzo

>she's the girl i bought flowers for
>she the girl i got flowers for
>got her flowers

I doubt anything has changed for Finland. Italians must be going crazy because they haven't kissed a random stranger in over a month.

Are you guys practicing social distancing in this thread?


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Nuke the usa because deadman switch is aimed at them

Got it, thanks guys
Nod respectfully towards you

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I hope Miami is razed within the next few months.

Turned out to be a giant nothingburger. Why did we destroy our economies for this?

What is burden of proof?

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wait 2 more years bro

Based, fuck amerimutts.

Imagine if Trump weren't a cuck and actually closed the borders and shut the country down for the Super Bowl. Then the rest of the world would be shitting bricks and we'd be sitting pretty, but of course the President of the United States of America can't be afforded to have that kind of keen judgment or foresight.

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>bad/bad equals bad
>bad/bad actually equals one

burger education back at it again

I think tested postive not sick. The problem with that is, the moment your immun system is under load you might relapse into it (see herpes as an example). That could become very problematic.

you realise most of these numbers are completely made up right?

URSS gives nuclear program to China, Until found Mao don't care about thermonuclear war and kill hundreds of millions chineses, then URSS nuclear team run away China and China scientifics continue Chink nuclear program.

Russian people already expect worst thing from China.

where are the annual holocoaster deaths

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From thread >The past 48 hours or so have seen a huge revelation: COVID-19 causes prolonged and progressive hypoxia (starving your body of oxygen) by binding to the heme groups in hemoglobin in your red blood cells. People are simply desaturating (losing o2 in their blood), and that’s what eventually leads to organ failures that kill them, not any form of ARDS or pneumonia. All the damage to the lungs you see in CT scans are from the release of oxidative iron from the hemes, this overwhelms the natural defenses against pulmonary oxidative stress and causes that nice, always-bilateral ground glass opacity in the lungs. Patients returning for re-hospitalization days or weeks after recovery suffering from apparent delayed post-hypoxic leukoencephalopathy strengthen the notion COVID-19 patients are suffering from hypoxia despite no signs of respiratory ‘tire out’ or fatigue.
Might explain why Boris was put into ECMO, instead of a ventilator.

No matter where I look that never is answered. I find that lack of critical detail very odd.

fucking based

My house is my social distancing.
I never walk out.

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Russian infrastructure is unironically better than USA's

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That's actually hilarious.

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Got some news for you mate, all numbers are made up.

>NJ 232
Early numbers today and we're off to a great start. NY is going to push us over 1k by noon.

no need to win

just nuke the whole continent


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