And the zombie stock market shuffles ahead!

And the zombie stock market shuffles ahead!

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truly amazing.

Get ready for a ‘29 style crash.
2-3 weeks.
Elites will lose their clothes.

You misspelled Peasant

It will recover like ever, no financial happening in our lifetime

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6.6 million new jobless claims and the market goes up. Everyone should quit working. Imagine what that would do for the Dow.

lol. have you ever known an "elite" to lose everything in a crash?

it's your pension and your 401k that disappears. the elites somehow survive

Yup, the Fed will reprint the GDP before letting stonks go down.

Unlikely. You do understand short positions, right?

Hmmm... no. Looking at your flag, no, there is no way you understand basic market fundamentals. Nevermind.

>burger flippers are jobless
>let's burn the whole economy down to reflect that
fucking bogans stop posting ever

It’s just a textbook bear market rally/bull trap.

Why the fuck would anyone pay taxes at this point? Fed can just print trillions out of thin air and keep the bubble inflated...Big leftist corporations get huge bailouts and the Goyim get 1,200 bucks. We are truly slaves living under the illusion that we are free

not to mention the government now thinks they can suspend the constitution and our rights in any fake emergency

so the world doesn't need burger flippers? why work those jobs then? just sit at home, let the government throw gibs at you and watch the dow arrow go up


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Why do they even need people anymore? Mass global unemployment and stock markets are just 10 percent off all time highs.

It will all be over.

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I was thinking that too my friend. But do you really think you can beat the FED in this situation? The answer is NO you can't. We will go for another bull run before a collapse. Rates are zero. Trillions being pumped in, and the virus is has a low kill rate. The market wanted to collapse back in march, but Trump and his printers ain't going to let it go down anymore. So much for free market. I voted for him, but he is fucking over future generations so he can get re-elected

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Yas Forums bears getting bogged live.


I know it's always been bad.
They've shifted their shitting on the constitution into overdrive since 9/11.

Big line go up?

Idiots, they have multiple Wuhans and spread in rural areas, dozens of thousands of new cases every day, 2k death every day, but hey "oh, wow, we got not so many cases today than yesterday, it must be flattened curve, we got it under control, open up everything!"

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I just went all in on Boeing. Am I gonna make it bros?

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Stock market is measured against $, but $ will have to crash. Exchanging it for papers will mean little.

Red numbers turn green when money printer go “brrrrrrr”


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>virus is has a low kill rate.
So what? It is infectious still, can kill politicians elites, and economists alike with simple people.

we deserve the financial karma that will result from all this fiscal and monetary smoke and mirrors

you're deluded if you think they'll let the markets crash. it's all propped up

They've already gotten bailed out genius

The market is going to come roaring back, faggots. Don’t listen to bearcucks with their doomsday predictions. I sincerely hope you all bought the dip.

>And the zombie stock market shuffles ahead!

This green since the 2k+ boost on the DOW is the cult of Moloch buying up cheap clay ahead of collapsing the market entirely.


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return to normal and despair has already happened

>Elites will lose their clothes.

That's not how it works.

It’s going to go back down over the next few weeks. There is some more panic yet to come as there will be a raft of bankruptcies coming up. Then the Dow will go up to new highs. This is because people will need somewhere to park capital after selling European bonds once confidence in government collapses. Europe is about to get BTFO like nothing in history making WW2 look like a walk in the park. In a few weeks you will all be unemployed and lining up to get sacks of flour and powdered milk from the government.

>fucking over future generations
I keep seeing this from people who can't give up libertarian priors, but I just can't wrap my head around it.

Why do you think these actions will impact future generations? How much more evidence do you need that money is fake and gay? Not only will these trillions of dollars have no impact on a future generation, they'll have no impact on April 2021 - a year from now.

These are all just numbers on a screen. There is no such thing as a free market.

I went all in on SPXS in anticipation of next week.

You’re a fucking retard. The Constitution has been moot the moment non Anglos were made equal citizens and then enacting anti gun legislation was just pissing on its grave. You think the NFA and importing the entire third world is fine but making you stay at home because of a virus is what shits on the Constitution? You’re a niggerloving boomer.

>he panicked sold again

You never learn do you huh retard? But don't worry I am sure you will have plenty of time recovering from your immense butt hurt with all that toilet paper you also panic bought too huh?

I hope so.
Market needs to crash and burn with no survivors.

Yup. Hope all the retards make a run on TP again.

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non-essential jobs literally don't matter

>Market needs to crash and burn with no survivors.
It has crossed my mind that this whole fake pandemic was just a mechanism to reset a massively bloated world economy that's based on approximately nothing.

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Elites have already pulled out of the markets and are sitting on huge piles of physical assets like gold and cash. When the crash does happen they are going to swoop in and buy up everything for literal pennies.

Incredibly bullish

Sure, they’re not essential. But if you want a society where people can do something besides sit at home and stare at dry wall, there are going to be people with less essential or even non essential jobs.

Bull trap happened. We're in return to "normal" now

Why has this talking point never been brought up more on Yas Forums this "pandemic" could not have been more of a perfect excuse for the market to make some huge corrections like this. The market will never truly crash and it is tied to the same reason why there will never be a proper ww3

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>Elites will lose their clothes
elites are well prepared unlike the masses

you're a retard

You don't get it do you. Rich foreigners are going to buy up all those stocks dirt cheap and become majority owners of Americans companies. For example, the Saudis practically own American Airlines and who knows what the chinks are going to do. They might just downright own Apple soon. Time to wake up, there will be no happening the way you envision it. The markets will live on and the transfer of power has already begun. Once the COVID fiasco is over all of those Americans that try to return back to their factory jobs are going realize they've been replaced by machines. Those gig workers, fast food grunts, basically any low level animal nigger is going to realize their local mcdonalds is 95% automated with one manager overseeing the entire operation. It's over. Oh oh and guess what, UBI will finally be introduced....1k a month...that's it. 1k a month so the niggers don't riot. 1k a month to quell your sorrows. This country is fucked.

It's not going to last. The crash was just a correction that was long overdue. This is just a temporary overvaluation, it's going to go down again and by a lot.


Proof that the investor class (ya know, like all the zoomers here who live with mommy & daddy still but are financial geniuses) & the working class live on two different planets.

All this talk about Americans being non cucked and giving Europeans shit about not standing up to tyranny. This country is a fucking joke. Whenever you see an American flag shaming a European just take a moment to point and laugh at the mutt. This country deserves what it gets.

17 million unemployment claims in 3 weeks with millions more who weren’t able to file because websites crashed & phone lines were jammed with 8 hour plus call wait times.

>multiple Wuhans
Can you name them? There's the NYC metro area that accounts for over half of the cases and deaths in the entire country. That's it. And yes it is in rural areas, and it's not doing shit.


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I've been calling it the Frankenstein stock market but Zombie stock market fits better.

Seriously. Deaths are hitting new peaks every day with no slow down. Businesses no where near reopening. Best week since 1930's in the stock market lmao. What the fuck.

>the redpill is voting Republican
fuck off

turning this into republican vs democrat is so hilariously stupid

is the happening over bros?!

Also, when this is "over", do you think all those people will get their jobs back (or any jobs for that matter)?

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With no survivors.

So why is my government trying to pay off its debts and balance the budget if its all fake and gay? They should be lending money like your average US consumer and not give a fuck.

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>get told that 2M Americans are going to die
>massive economic lockdown ensues
>market loses 40% in a short period of time
>"well on second thought, perhaps 60K Americans will die"
>investors realize perhaps they overshot the bottom
>market bounces about 25%
>"wow gee I don't understand this stock market at all! It's supposed to keep going down!"
Big brains on Yas Forums.

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>giving Europeans shit about not standing up to tyranny
The desire to kowtow is ingrained in most western Europeans, as evidenced by basically everything they do. They were ruled by kings so long it's all they truly want. Laugh at me all you want, at least my people stood up for themselves one more time than yours ever did

>>multiple Wuhans

Sure, Seattle, NYC, Detroit, Chicago, New Orleans & Philadelphia is being watched carefully now. I live in rural SE Kansas and here there are several cases as there are in all the area counties in this 4-state area. There are many more cases than that but tests are nearly impossible to get. Joplin, Missouri finally got 200 tests a week or so ago and for a metro area population of 300,000 or so. Hundreds of people requested the test last week & 20 got them. So...fuck off stupid. It’s not a hoax and you over there in corncobville aren’t immune. This coming fall & winter will be the real killing season for rural America.

so eloquently put
I couldn't have worded it better if I tried..

based retard

Has business has literally halted with no resume in sight where I live in NY Long Island. Only down 10% from historic highs.

Trump is fucking himself, why would he do this? Delaying the inevitable just puts the crash closer to the election...

No shit, you fucking moron. Muttmericans are the biggest copeposters in the history of man. Muh guns and muh second amendment are so important and totally going to be used but they weren’t even used when the NFA was enacted, when nigger integration was pushed on America at gunpoint, when the Patriot Act was passed, and more recently at Virginia where armed “protestors” stood in a government made and mandated cuck cage and took pictures for their LARPing pages on BoomerBook. You know, ignore all that. The real problem that makes us cucked is not caring about meme numbers on a screen that change colors occasionally.

Yes, by far the worst.
You mean the same Seattle where the field hospital was removed after 9 days because there were no patients?
>Detroit, Chicago, New Orleans & Philadelphia
Nowhere near the same issues as NYC.
>This coming fall & winter will be the real killing season for rural America.
No it won't. You're making the same mistake the media and (((scientists))) are making, that you can look at how bad NYC is and extrapolate with a simple "divide by population." Doesn't work that way. NYC is unique.