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>muh gee dee pee
When will you 56%'er mutts realise there's much more to a country than wealth. I'd rather live in a poorer white country than a rich multicultural one.

this chart shows purchasing power you stupid bong.


Also this

But you have neither :(

I'd rather be dirty poor here in the Czech'em than dirty poor in the US.


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>pls be angry
>pls notice me

GDP is a poor measure of social well-being.

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typical burger education
fucking retard




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I've worked in America for a long time. I'm from the heart of Europe.. Never have seen so many poor people in my life. It is every, The Denny's crowd, cheap bars.. you can see the low income people everywhere. In Europe it is mostly in some areas where the losers gather. But you have to search for them (except the hobos)

you live in a multicultural shithole though

spending power is lower because a lot of money goes directly to the state.

Cope. "middle class" euros live in old decrepit huts without ac, burgers in actual trailer houses have it better

Im a European who came to the states as a child. I’ve been back many times. I thought this too for a long time but I had a realization. It’s the buildings. Poor American mostly live in small towns an hour or more so away from any major metro. And lots of major metros in America are built pretty shitty as far as aesthetics go. But even a poor retard in a rural town makes more as a Walmart greeter than a college education office worker in Barcelona.
Barcelona just looks a lot prettier and has more social gathering things that allow for difusión of culture and youth stuff

>consumption measures wealth
good goy

>implying it doesn’t

We can sit here and debate on the definitions of thing all day but it still stands. How Americans choose to use that wealth and purchasing power is more important than assuming it doesn’t mean wealth.

poor little white bong

>the part that matters is lower

>much more to a country than wealth
Yeah, we don't have a royal family of child molesters giving child catching licenses to pakistani slavers. Not that we are much different, we just haven't given up our guns and balls entirely.

No hospital bills, no bills for docs like dentists, no bills for medicine
getting shekels from the state when you retire
shekels if you get disabled and cant work anymore
Shekels if you get and your kids put you into an elderly home

without sandniggers and jews the system would be better and taxes way lower :(
still better than the US. You pay less taxes => more purchasing power

bonus: our shitty doctors are from east europe and way better than your affirmative action Negro doc

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>CONSOOM = Better
PPP isn't a particularly good measure though.
Back in 2009 the PPP rates by the International Comparison Program had do be redone for 2011, because they mistakenly had assumed global poverty had been reduced, instead of a systematic reduction in the prices of consumption goods in the third world (Yay purchasing power go up!).
Neither genuine growth, nor lasting poverty reduction was happened.
By not really measuring the PPP against market exchange rates measures of inequality as is, "ConservativeThot" mask underlying trends of poverty.

Also PPPs do not refer clearly to any 'achievement concept'. Rather, they kind of just aggregate information on quantities consumed and prevailing prices of a wide variety of commodities to produce wide measures of the “average” price level in each country. So PPPs reflect quantities and prices that have no relevance to absolute poverty assessment.
Also Traps aren't gay if they're cute.

Purchasing power does not translate to purchasing itself if the person has any intelligence. I have the power to purchase many things and yet I save and invest.

Coping europoors in their micro shanty houses with no land with no guns lmao

The fuck are they whining about then?

>Also Traps aren't gay if they're cute.

>still better than the US. You pay less taxes => more purchasing power
>I'm too dumb to decide how to spend my own money, I need the government to do it for me!

We're still getting ripped off.

I was basically going to say this but I was thinking of going deep into it.
And traps are gay but that ok, get some cute bubble butt hairless boypussy man. I know I want to


You again? The last time you posted with a German VPN. What happened, too poor to pay for it?

>explaining my cope is cope!
actual cope

Spoilt materialistic consoomers. Any missed opportunity to own the twentieth pair of sneakers is a sign of systemic oppression. Any three year old Apple product not replaced is a call for full communism.

Nope. You just buy dumb shit and/or have chosen to live in an overpriced meme city.

>wtf I'm able to afford too much stuff!! I wish the government would tax me harder :/
Remove yourself from the gene pool

lol kill yourself cuck boi

Not my opinion. He asked why (they) complain. I don’t complain.

Taxes should be lower, you are correct.

>I don’t complain.
Then you're still a turbo cuck.

We’re a lot richer, we just accept to pay a lot of taxes to get universal healthcare, free colleges, unemployment benefits etc... .

>we're much richer, except we're not
Lmao cope

See this, Goy? Stop complaining.

Better be glad you can afford all those burgers, chlorine chicken and corn syrup lemonades.

No, your just a little bitch. Get your shit straight or suck it up.

at least you beat canada

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>be american

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No you’re not

>your just a little bitch.
>being ok with the status quo
Definition of turbo cuck

It's the other way around. Articles like this are how poor Americans cope with being poor and rich Americans eagerly feed them those lies so they don't get any ideas about changing something about it.

>(((Quality of life index)))
Literal jewery to trick goyim in accepting Marxist slavery

>t. Domestic Europoor
There's a reason animals kept in cages in zoos live longer than those in the wild.

This shit has been posted countless times. This is taken as American households vs European individuals.
Amerimutts thinks they're rich and free is the biggest modern meme.

>The poorest 20% of the US are richer than most European nations.
No shit, Sherlock. Any country that isn't part of northern or central Europe is shit poor. Even the niggest of nogs are living like kangz compared to a dentist in Kazakhstan, a Romanian lawyer, or a fucking Albanian intellectual, kek.

>literally just coping by imagining some scenario where the data doesn't matter

Your entire healthcare system is super jewed.

Yea the gov has fucked it into a mess. Get a job and it's not really a huge deal though

Dude, you have the highest expenditure of healthcare in the world and one of the least efficient, and the majority of expenditure is non-taxed assuming insurance companies as "private" companies. Pretending that a government can't allocate funds appropriately is kiked as hell.

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But you're the only one with unrealistic medical costs in the world.

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Your masters have indoctrinated you well if you feel too much shame about your own poverty to question the status quo.

>Your entire healthcare system is super jewed.
Yup, from education and licensing to insurance and billing; multiple layers of jewing enforced by goverment. In the last decade there have been lots of coincidental deaths of practitioners of unapproved medicine.