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why would you make me watch the whole thing instead of linking to the time faggot?
does he say
>there was only one drug ACT
and then cooper keeps saying
does this retarded nigger not even know the name of the drug that saved his life?
You cain't do dat
Wit cell bones
He's unironically calling for segregated hospitals because niggers only trust other niggers. I'm okay with this.
When they demand black only spaces they not demanding segregation. They will still insist on being allowed everywhere else while also having an exclusive space.
>basketball american
I will never get tired of this
this nigger is retarded
>we wunt drs who look like us!
>He's unironically calling for segregated hospitals because niggers only trust other niggers.
it's probably mostly already like this 2bh. i wouldnt let a nigger doctor or nurse touch me with their schooling requirements.
>A Gay man, an Indian guy, and a Black guy are leading America's largest network.
fucking BASED. Yas Forums utterly BLOWN THE FUCK OUT.
to be fair, I’d rather have a white doctor as well. More trust involved.
I’m not surprised other races are the same
Anderson Cooper is not black.
so magic johnson basically had to either be doing drugs or bottoming to get HIV, right? i know there's a microscopic possibility he got it from a woman but wtf women would he be sleeping with that have HIV and then against all odds transmit it to him?
This :/
Not watching it
The problem is that they will never recognize your right to insist on that. They will demand their own system while also forcing you to put up with them.
They won't go to the other places. That's why they don't leave the hood.
Even better was Anderson hipped him to that he was lying and needed to change the story
>Den da koktale came rite behind dat.
You know it was hydroxchloraquine + zinc that cured him right?
It’s almost impossible to get it from a woman. He didn’t get it from sharing drug needles, he is rich not a hobo. He can afford his own drugs
So yes, he (as is disproportionately popular among blacks) likely got fucked by men. Most gay black men have aids. That’s not an exaggeration
44% of trans niggers have aids. I found that statistic incredible but it's been consistent across various independent studies to the point of being indisputable.
>we da biggiss company in de whirl.
>all da black sed we can get it, its not a black dissease
>HIV an AIDS is a minoroty dissease, we needz to move to white suburb
Arent they embarrassed for him arent they embarrased to be having to interview him?
How has andersen pooper not pulled a Christine Chubbuck yet?
>fruity voice
>turbofaggot son
>goes by “Magic”
I’ve always suspected he was a downlow fag.
This is magic Johnsons son, EJ Johnson. Say something nice about xir.
Current and progressive!
Stunning and brave.
>A few thousand niggers die from the Chinese virus
OMG!!! Racial disparities are to blame for niggers dying
>200,000+ nigger babies are aborted every year in the US alone
The media will do everything in their goddamn power politicize and radicalize any situation
Isn't the law in Ohio only black people can get abortions?
>largest network
are you actually retarded?
Literally built for
We should talk about rape disparity between black men and white women.
Blacks are smarter than whites. Wonder how many black nurses let whites die on the sly and boast about it afterwards with their sistas.
Imagine being smarter than someone and your entire people's are oppressed by them
Niggers mad as hell on the sly
>Corona be rayciss and shieeet
Your son is a tranny because you gave him aids with your pedo magic
Did anyone forget this is the CPP News Network?
You have had so many Journalists in the past coming forward saying CNN buried a story in return for taking cash from an outside party.
Who do you think is paying them to keep the lights on right now?
Lost me at cnn
At least blacks are smart enough to have basic ethnic solidarity and not chimp out when jews accuse them of racism
Look at this and tell me pajeets aren't caucasian? Gupta here looks legitimately like a darker skinned white guy
You want to be around your kind go back to apefreaka then nigger no one wants your kind in their countries. This nigger can afford it too but he'll never go because his black aids having ass is too comfy in america
>Ethnic solidarity
>Nigger's biggest threat: other niggers
Pick one
>leading the CIA's largest network.
ftfy newpoo
Because you don't know anything about India.
The Aryan Indians live in the North and look like Wypipo because they share many of our genes from the Aryan invasions of India.
The Darker poos live in the south, and are from a branch of people called 'Dravidians' who originate from melanesia and migrated upwards.
There are MANY more Dravidian descended poos than there are Aryan Poos.
Wrong. They don’t leave the hood cuz other niggers drag them down and keep them there, plus they’re too poor to live anywhere else due to stupid life decisions. They absolutely use any free gibs made available to them by whites. They want safe spaces for me, not for thee
>doesn't know the difference between TV shows and media networks
CNN is owned by Warner Media which Dwarves 21st century Fox in size.
it's a faggot freak nigger and should be summarily executed in the new world
please research the Donohue-Levitt hypothesis
We should talk about the HUGE number of single moms in (about 75%) the black community and the effect that has on poverty, criminality, and educational achievement.
Friendly reminder that the Fox News anchors you boomer faggots worship are being paid by the same media conglomerate trying to brainwash the nations youth into embracing degeneracy.
The only difference between Tucker Carlson and Brie Larson is one sits at a desk as they read the script they're given.
“This virus is Rayciss!” Take it up with God.
I used to be an atheist but a nigger-killing racist virus could turn me into a believer
>Fox News anchors
Faggots are made, not born. Guarantee Magic put his aids wand in that kid while he was growing up.
Neither of those peeps is an anchor. 1 is a guest the other is a reporter.
>America's largest network
Actually no, stats say they trust white doctors far more than their own.