@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>TrumpAd: Biden stands up for China 4/9/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 4/9/20
>Women for Trump Empower Hour! 4/9/20
>HUDSec SleepyBen on 960ThePatriot 4/9/20
>HUDSec SleepyBen on Fox11LA 4/9/20
>HUDSec SleepyBen on FoxNews 4/9/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin on CNBC 4/9/20
>DefSec Esper/JCSChair ArmyGen Milley/SEAC Colon-Lopez @VTH 4/9/20
>ActDHSSec Wolf on FoxNews 4/9/20
>NECDir Kudlow outside WH 4/9/20
>NECDir Kudlow @FBN VTH 4/9/20
>EnSec Brouillette on Bloomberg 4/9/20
>SG Adams on F&F 4/9/20
>CMSAdm Verma on FoxNews 4/9/20
>FEDChair Powell @Brookings Inst on Corona-chan&Econ 4/9/20
>ThiccSarah on F&F 4/9/20
>Pentagon Press Brief (DepDefSec Norquist/JCSViceChair AFGen Hyten) 4/9/20
>StateDeptVideo: Safe Return of Americans Stuck Abroad 4/9/20
>WHVideo: FLotUS Melania: Face Masks 4/9/20

OP pastebin:

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Other urls found in this thread:


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If you need money then get a job. Right wing whites work and niggers want welfare. Welfare and this debt are bad for the country and working people. Those who choose not to work are welcome to starve.

If you want to MAGA then you must want to work, if you are white you must want to work, if you are not white or MAGA you must want to do nothing and receive welfare.

Attached: getajob.jpg (659x1170, 139.57K)

Thanks for baking m8

i got it


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Contraception is treason! Sex is for making children!

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Bee shitholes regardless, I guess.

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This shit is just getting ridiculous now, we're reaching levels of we wuzzing that shouldn't even be possible

Reminder to ignore the sextuple nigger an-trap's advice. It's as bad as "Just go apply in person" like alll the boomers suggest

Thanks Portubro! Checked btw.

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Go apply for a job in person and don't not apply for a job and take welfare. Welfare is not white or MAGA.

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Please do try to find a new job, but please remember that posting on Yas Forums is not a real job. A real job like plumbing and welding now.

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> 34pbt antrap last bread
>not spam

>Trump is responsible for mass graves in America now
>Pedes think that this talking tangerine still has a chance at being re-elected in November

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>This faceberg boomer-tier retard shit

Attached: 1586527538447.png (1161x765, 567.17K)

Thanks user, it's yours.

It's 5 years old.

Attached: 80603330_p0.png (1300x1835, 3.1M)

>still no proof you're employed
>posting habits suggest otherwise as does the obvious autism diagnosis

General MacArthur wouldn't do some pussy ass "trade war" with China, he would carpet bomb those bastards

Stay invisible from tthe peter "strozik vent truck" if you know whats good for you.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-07_07-47-12.png (699x806, 386.96K)

Did Trump call some black sports dude a 'FAGGOT' a few years ago? Friend keeps telling me this but I can't find anything on youtube

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And what about when there is not enough work?
This is the point you consistently fail to address, and it is the most crucial one of all.
Surprise surprise, people don’t actually sit down and die just because you tell them to! They storm the bastille, and you have food riots breaking out.
Desperate people do desperate things; and to sit in your ivory tower and think that this in no way will effect you is dangerous naïveté that ignores centuries of historical precedent.

Why does the antichrist have padoru boobies?

>Apply in person
As if managers do any hiring these days. It's all HR departments and computers now. Neither of which work.

They were alright with it when Obama did the same shit.

That was a shill trap, damn it.

I am employed and I advocate for being employed and not being not employed. If I were unemployed it would make no sense that I would advocate for being employed or starving. You are wrong and stupid. It sounds like you are not employed. If you are unemployed then go get a job.

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Pfffft a wageslave saying work is good

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All these polls with Biden having a massive lead sample Democrats by at least a +8 margin over Republicans. Does anyone know what the actual party distribution was in the 2016 election? Was it similar to these polls?

It's his job to post here when he's not off distributing drugs for niggers to sell on the streets.
It just umus.

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Dude just be a farm nigger how is unemployment real lmao


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What astronaut was he talking about. Please tell me it was Peggy Whitson.

I don't really believe Worst Korea or China's numbers at all. China has some absolute bullshit going on their trend line too

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Did I ever ask you if you were a fan of jollibee? How are they weathering the coronocaypse?

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> It's as bad as "Just go apply in person"
That's unironically good advice right now, with delivery and grocery stores hurting for people to move things from point A to point B

Pic somewhat related.

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It's really not far off from the vast majority of people who get their history from Hollywood.

/filter/i early filter often

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Isn't that like miracle-cure numbers?

>just get a job bro

>virological cure for 973/1061 patients in 10 days
sounds good

Meet the New VP Frontrunner:

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Got any tips for someone still in college who will have to deal with the HR department when he gets done?

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Was this the big news trump said we should expect today?

>i like this implicit
>>no ur da real commie
>we should bring back labor camps

How does one sex twerk when disabled?

Also fuck bros, the rich patreon furry artis money is tempting

4k infected 221 dead
Killed the economy over absolutely fucking nothing

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Never trust anything chinese.

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US intelligence has proven that the chinks are lying. Been out there for quite a few days too.

Fuck off schizo, stop spamming your tinfoil hat shit here.

were fucked bro. Bring lots of KY for when they bend you over the table

The South African President Jacob Zuma used to fix his glasses like that all the time. kek

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You can go to TOR and get the names of all the people who work for the company that pays Yas Forums employees.

GOOD NEWS user, but not really. It has come to my very attention that at this moment there are the unMAGA, nonwhite, nonworking, welfarelovers right here.

I don't have to remind you that white, right wing, MAGA people work and earn a living instead of taking handouts like a nigger.

Yes, go get a job

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Air war yes tho he was leery about ground campaigns in Asia ironically

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>dumb bitch who blocks using HCQ to cure people
>then backtracks less than 24 hours after being made to look like an idiot

Reminds me of the feminist Finnish PM who hired a criminal Chink to buy PPE from China, they had a FinnAir flight to pick it all up only to find out it was all broken and defective. Then like a woman, she started blaming others for her incompetence. President of Finland gave that whore a backhand

What level of woke is this? Damn those Nazi SJWs using diversity to destroy the left!

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That's really good news for Trump but you prolly wont hear too much about it other than here.

If you don't have a job, It's probably time to KYS.

I'm not into pegging!

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Which one was better, anons: The State of Vietnam (ruled by a based Emperor) or the first Republic of Vietnam ruled by Can Lao, the far-right Catholic supremacist party?

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Should China take over America to handle this Virus situation properly?

>we fukkin with stars n shit

PH hit hard too? I thought you guys were doing pretty okay. Not a fan of jollibee? What are people's reactions there? More china hating?

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> Also fuck bros, the rich patreon furry artis money is tempting
TOP JEJ, I don't know if the money is worth it
> pic related
Seems like hell on earth

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-08 As Coronavirus Spreads, Artists Are Coping With Waifus and Fursona Art.png (760x1038, 442.96K)

>just get a job bro

>And what about when there is not enough work?
then society doesn't need you? become necessary or starve. i have no interest in perpetuating the existence of people who are even admitting they are useless
>we're revolt and then you'll be sorry!
yes yes i hear this line all the time, the bark is far worse than the bite. it's an empty threat: there will be no revolt. you're welcome to try and prove me wrong, but i have the sneaking suspicion that i'm not
unless you're gonna tell me 19th century and prior britain was communist, this is what i am suggesting. if you can't find work and can't support yourself, i suggest a simple act of the government providing you with a job doing something menial for the bare minimum necessary to survive

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They're all dying. They definitely didn't get this virus under control, Christmas na didn't start doing anything about it till the begining of April. They JUST last week started locking down cities.

State of Vietnam, by far. Reforming the monarchy to be traditional and right wing would have been better. The American puppet state alienated so so many people.

I dont care, the fact their cuisine mixed with france's is enough.

Ruled by an emperor because fuck catholics, protestantism is the way.

China can’t even stop its citizens eating everything that moves.

5G causing the virus is dumb.

'Quantum tattoos', look into Bill Gates Quantum tattoos with attached vaccines. These can be read and written to using 5G, that will be a real tech coming.

Attached: 5.png (1142x1346, 3.56M)

Confirmed, US made bio-weapon with poison-like delivery triggered by 5g signals. Thanks shill.

Don't be mean. Maybe she's right.

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This is like that Aussie who shills here from Chapo TrapHouse who thinks that CNN is “Conservative” they think that the Koch brothers are the true “right wing” and people who aren’t Bernie Sanders left wing are “Chuds.” They think half of Trump voters are rich and the other half are poor rednecks. They also care about diversity while bragging about how white they’re. Really a crazy group of people

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The white right wing thing to do would be to go obtain employment instead of taking welfare, yes. Just get a job.

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This guy is making a strange realization.

National Socialism is Intersectional Feminism for boys.
Intersectional Feminism is National Socialism for girls.

Both are in fact authoritarian left positions, or as I've come to call it the CTRL-left. CTRL-left functions precisely as the ALT-right, except now the fascism is on the other foot.

do you know a democrat who isnt a fascist? This is the power of the CTRL-Left.

So corona is viral malaria and the COVFeFe principle is real?!

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China didn't even put containment measures in place till April 2nd. They haven't done anything to stop this virus, their response is shitty and cucked don't believe anything they say.


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Can they reopen the gyms yet?

>feminist Finnish PM
I thought she was actually decent, no? A lot of Yas Forums seemed to ash both her and NZ PM, but I've heard they've done good work for their nations.

Didn't Trump play some ball back in the day? .. bit of a tradition

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I really baffles me that people believe there is no way a very capitalist society could not detain and make work people who refuse to contribute. That and debtors prisons were criticized by left wing, not right wing, as being too capitalist. The gulag system seems to be the only thing people understand.

> don't believe anything they say.
This but unironically

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Yes, because nooses were only ever used to kill niggers.

>fucktard fedora filtered immediately
>any nigger retard who's so bored they choose to engage him should only do so to encourage him to kill himself ASAP
>every time

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>doesn't understand liabilities
buys liabilities all day long in his liabilities accounts.
Some poeple want money now but its not free.

Fake Nazi account.

You Can See New York City’s Mass Graves From Space

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