Socialism works

Wealth redistribution creates more economic activity, which makes the economy grow faster.

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yaaang gaaaang

No it doesn't believe me

Whoever wrote that is an idiot.


The only efficient means of wealth distribution is the free market, every other means of wealth distribution is a platform for embezzlement and corruption.

Just stop, you dumb fucking kike. Get over Bernie is out of the race and will probably be dead before 2024.

The real root is that poor people are usually dumb. If you give them money they will blow it on whatever, drugs, booze, iphones, etc. with little regard for the future.
If you give money to rich people, usually smart, they will hold it in times of uncertainty or turmoil because all investments look poor. They want to maximize ROI and know delayed gratification is the key to that.

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Incentives matter.

The problem comes when people realize they will get that free money indefinitely without working and your entire workforce sits on their couch and your entire nation crumbles. Bonus points if you executed all those pesky individuals who actually value hard work, so your entire country now has to fight over a handful of potatoes.

>a guy said a thing, socialism works everybody

surprised there aren't any clapping emojis.

image having the mindset of a teenager.

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the economy grows until people realize you don't have to do shit and still get money. then it all goes to shit

Yang bux now.

>muh incorruptible free market

You fuckers really are obsessed with maintaining feudalism for some dumb damn reason.

he's unironically correct, also this isn't "socialism" it's just wealth redistribution. We already have limited welfare policies which is the only reason capitalism hasn't been a complete failure, and UBI would fix most of the problems we currently have. But Boomers keep pushing their failed "trickle down economics" theory
How? He's right. Boomers push trickle down economics even though everybody knows it doesn't work, then in the pandemic they finally admit that doing literally the exact opposite is what actually helps the economy.

>give poor people enough money to live on, and because they are poor they spend it straight away
>now they have enough to live on they're no longer poor
> they stop spending money

Yes, let's just let a very tiny subset of society control ALL of the money, because they're cowardly and won't take any unnecessary risks.

Absolutely nothing can go wrong!

the only reason the US isn't just as bad is because we have welfare policies. Take away food stamps, medicaid, social security, public education, etc and see where we'd be.
Also nobody is advocating for Venezuala-style socialism. Venezuala was not a rich country that implemented limited UBI so your meme is a retarded strawman shared by people who don't understand basic economics.

Because automation totally doesn't exist and all goods are still built by individual labor.

>giving money to goyim

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Consumption without production is unsustainable.

Tell that to the Venezuelans!

What this guy is saying is poors have poor money management skills. Fuck this guy.

The same frree market that is now begging government all across the globe for monetary help because they've run the habit of privatizing gains and socializing losses for 20+ years now?

national socialism obvious works tard

We are seeing the contrary result, happening in major metro cities where mainly black people are dying from this outbreak.

If these blacks have such poor health where they are guaranteed the most amenities and access through wealth redistribution of tax revenue....where is that money going? Where are there food markets to combat good deserts? They have free healthcare in many respects, with hospitals all over major cities, yet they are the ones dropping like flies, as this is one of many examples showing socialism fails.

As a hungarian, who WAS living in an actual socialism... How aout no. Go to Venezuela, and enjoy the equity. GTFO with your parasitic way of life. Socilism only works, until the government runs out of other people's money. And all the working people realize: There is not worth working at all as all of the wealt will go to the parasites. There was a reason to build the iron courtain around the eastern block. No sane working class folk wanted to live under socilist rules.Any actual worker could ear WAY more money at the free market than the centralized govt left him with.
I am a railroad worker. I do not want socialism, because it's way better for me at the bottom of a capitalist society than at the middle of socialist shithole.

>Socialism works
For people that actually work it doesn't.
How to you think us essential workers feel watching our Gov hand out $2,000 to every non essential and us people keeping everything running get nothing but taxed through our asses?

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Venezuela also had those things.

Then people stopped producing, so they bought everything which was fine until they saw the slightest setback (oil not being $100/barrel) and tried to continue with hyperinflation.

It also doesn't work for those who don't work.

If only there was a 3rd way

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giving people who are suddenly out of work by the millions money will obviously ease an economic crisis. this is however a temporary bandaid, not a permanent thing.

cringe, you retards are green party tier

you know how i know to ignore everything you just said?

buying weed, 40oz malts, rims for their car and flat screen teevees doesnt raise one above the poverty line.

Socialism is the foundation of human society.

What? He doesn't get it. Poor people are retarded and instantly waste their money because they have no money management skills. This shows that no matter how much money you give them they will STAY POOR! How is he too stupid to get that?

You can join them by not instantly blowing your paycheck.

Is that comic satire or was it actually made by an idiot who doesn't understand economics at all? And doesn't even understand why socialism failed where it did? And none of you understand what we're actually talking about (wealth redistribution like UBI) has nothing to do with USSR or Venezuala or any of that so I have to assume you are trolling because otherwise you are really really fucking stupid.
lol you are so full of shit, what happened in Venezuala isn't remotely comparable to what people are advocating for in the US but keep propping up that strawman because you know there are enough brainlets to believe it.

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You realize Venezuela would be a rich country if it weren’t for US sanctions right? It wasn’t gangsta Maduro stealing the wealth, it was the JewSA sanctions that did them in. The JewSA sanctions them to kill oil expensive so that they could become #1 oil producer with their bullshit shale.

how did it work in Venezuela?

>1 post by this ID

People stopped producing because the government attempting to control the lives of every citizen took away the incentive to do anything productive. If you don't own the house you live in and government could order you to move away at any notice, you have no incentive to take care of your house. If you work in government-owned collective fields with tools you don't own, you have no incentive to work anymore than you have to and you have no incentive to take good care of your tools.

Communism has nothing to do with welfare countries. Venezuela failed because it lacked the freedoms of a free democracy. It didnt fail because it ostensibly gave welfare to poor (it didnt).

>t. seething unemployed leaf oil worker

You mean we need to take money from smart people who try to optimize for the future and give it to people who live for today.
Rich people invest in businesses, factories, and products that employ all the people who can't think beyond a payday. Do you think they just put that money in their pillow?
Dumb people will just continue to blow their money on consumables and be left with nothing when it's gone.
You can't have those short sighted thinkers in charge of directing the communal bucks, or you will get every economic collapse that's ever been.
Granted, you also can't just let the rich people choose to take their money and leave to some cheap shithole. So we really should have a free market inside our country, but financial walls with every 2nd and 3rd world country where the money flees for cheap labor.

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hes right that poor people spend money and wealthier people dont
or are you talking about something else?


Why end animal testing?

Because taking from the productive and giving to the unproductive erases any incentive for the productive to produce. Once the productive stops producing you’re Venezuela.

Everybody wants free tacos but nobody wants to make them for free

Money is not absolute. It is an abstraction of your productivity in exchange for someone else's productivity. Dumping money to people not producing anything for any long amount of time will lead to inflation for any item with an inelastic supply. Digital items have an elastic supply. They cost almost nothing to make a new copy. But things like luxury items, high quality food (all food really), real estate, high quality hookers etc all have a limited supply. The ones willing to put the most productivity in to getting the item will get it while others will be left wanting. Meanwhile if money was invested into the supply of goods more of the things and service you actually want can be supplied.

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Nah, network administrator in leafland working at a server house for Comcast (which doesn’t offer services in Canada), but this way everytime a Comcast subscribe uses the internet it pings out of country and the feds have every right to intercept and read ur communications. Burgers are retarded.

Because there are better alternatives?

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Just use both.

In other words multinational corporations should not reap the benefits of both free market societies and dictatorships. Right now they are not doing anything productive, they are just creating a lot of useless trinkets like phones and try to make you buy a new one each year. They do it cheaply with slave labor provided by dictatorship, while beneftting from laws from a non-dictatorship.

Start penalizing companies who do this and we can kiss the negative effects of globalisation goodbye. If Apple really wants that chink workforce so bad, then it should move to China like the chinklovers they are. Abusing dictatorships to gain an edge against local suppliers should be stopped. Since companies have the responsibility for their shareholders, they cannot stop themselves so governments have to do it. We already pay their bills if companies fail so its only right that tax-payers have some say in their shenanigans when things are looking good.

the rich don't want the poor to see what they've been missing. they know once the poor get a taste of the life they've been living they will never give it up.

yeah just spend 500 billion every fucking month giving poor people 1,200

unironic agree. how has trickle down been working out? people don’t willingly give up their money or power though, we need to take it back

Socialism disincentivizes wealth creation through work but instead expansion of money supply, so maybe gdp goes up because of velocity but CPI goes up faster, any child should be able to realize that wealth comes from productivity


Americans deserve genocide

Better than handing that money to companies. Because consumers tend to spend that money consuming things from successful companies, so unsuccessful ones don't get this money and use it to pay shareholders to pretend they're doing "well".

In that way, Trump is a genious when it comes to a financial aid packages. Money both helps the poor and helps actually good companies.

Most of the most productive people in terms of taxation are meme-tier CEOs who make nothing of value, so you're retarded.

Because socialism doesn't mean free shit it means nationalizations of vital industries and a lower general standard of living for the benefit of the lowest common denominator. You are so fucking dumb you think socialism=free trips to the bahamas. Fucking mouthbreathing western commie consoomer imbecile.

Why do people act like this is the first stimulus package in American history? Bush and Obama both gave out stimulus packages during economic hard times.
Banks redistribute wealth via investment in loans to people and small businesses, people don't just have scrooge-mcduck style vaults.

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>1200 a month

Protip bernout, the actual poor nignogs on welfare are making 30-40k in free benefits a year. No one cares about you, the shmuck who makes 35k a year and considers yourself to be poor. You're not poor, you're just not rich but feel you should be unwarrantedly. Deal with it.

You hit the nail on the head, the reason most people are poor is because of their spending habits, while many people are just dealt a bad hand, a lot of people are poor because they are retarded with money.
>"Brandine I got me $12, fuck rent! To the titty bar!"

>give back to the people a fraction of the money they stole

Yes, but no.