
Something like this would solve literally every problem anyone is this country has.
The only people who oppose this would be people who secretly like the conflict and degradation of this society.

Attached: 521341B3-6F55-4EFD-A308-98A4B8FE59DE.jpg (940x591, 93.03K)

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This looks very interesting, I might use this, as a reference, to build a world for a story I'm writing.

Only if all Niggers HAVE to go to new afrika and it is illegal for them to venture out of it unless it is to the bayou.

But can black people visit the other countries? Niggers are hoodlum scum and it would be nice to vacate out to somewhere for a week or 2 on vacation.

What a shitty map holy fuck

You're map is stupid. Appalachia doesn't even cover the range.

>when u don't know where Appalachia is situated
it's the most based dude come on

What is the Greater Conch Republic called in their native Spanish?

Eastern Idaho and western Wyoming should be Deseret. Stretch it down to Mesa and Gilbert, AZ and Las Vegas.

>all of kentucky is Appalachia
fucking hell

Attached: 1586097421567.jpg (225x350, 26.64K)

>most of dixie is "new afrika"
I wonder where you're from

Attached: 1565563758379.png (396x385, 138.25K)

>correctly groups Western and Central New York with Ohio

Bait sage

Failry realistic tho the north east would dominate policy while california would projevt soft power and texas would hold its own

Everything between those three would be lawless wastelands of bandits

shit map

Half of that area in Cascadia is pretty much desert

I'd go with Deseret even if it meant I had to drink the koolaid. Mormons are heavily armed, very well prepared, and completely unhinged in their beliefs. If shit hit the fan I could definitely see them sending armed "missionaries" out to convert or conquer everything around them. The chances are pretty good that it will turn into a racially hemogenous enclave once the thin veneer of normality is peeled off of the LDS and the Prophet and the Apostles do what they actually want to do.

Attached: _nigger state.jpg (1061x797, 220.29K)

I don't like being that close to the negros with only the hillbillies as a blocker

>there can be only one
Divide and conquer slide thread

Attached: sage-against-the-machine-5935352.png (500x522, 134.73K)

>Cascadia = based
GWCPS = based
Deseret = degen
CR = nuke it
FT = based messkins
UCSW = Nuke
DPRB = knee grows
NA = knee grows
GCR = cocaine
App = REEE!! REEEE!!!
AIR = based

Attached: goblintrump.png (376x309, 125.51K)

CHECKERINO!!!! BASED double Heil! This board is full of newfags.

Attached: maxres (2).jpg (1120x744, 164.38K)

Can you give us back New England? It's only fair.

What are you going to do about it, then? You seem displeased with the newcomers of this board.

whatchadoin rabbi

I hate you Jew.
Fuck off

looks ok but only if Cascadia has a REAL wall with auto turrets and first strike nuclear capability.

Most blacks live there sorry...

No you all can fuck off

They are far from the majority though

Conch Master Race here pushing for a vote to wall off Miami and let the sea reclaim it

Whites can stay in New Africa, if living under black rule is preferable to them.

Since it would be pure anarchy ancaps may like it..granted it would be like South Africa and whites would be slaughtered

>Cut out the actual mountain range

Would whites be allowed in? I'm a girl and I wouldn't mind having my bachelorette party there lol

Agree.Save the people but destroy this Israeli Golem founded by freemasons.Here's another map.

Attached: 1502660836019.png (1280x853, 195.31K)

bruh you wont catch a nigger in the bayou retard, just tell them sasquatch lives there or anywhere and they wont go

Another option:Maximum Balkans scenario

Attached: 626bb7e242f37c63d825497f8b2cddf1.jpg (500x313, 42.83K)

actually thats not true?

Pro tip- eastern Washington And Oregon are going to murder those in Seattle and Portland so your maps wrong

>Greater Western Co-Prosperity Sphere

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Attached: No more homies wars.png (658x183, 11.13K)

This is absurdist and stupid, and the concept of it alone is a sign that whoever thinks this is possible is a emotional child or a foreigner.
America is indivisible. If one part splits, within less than 20 years time a Hegelian dialect will commence to reform the whole.

Then the whole reforms. Stronger.

Yes, let's give land to subhuman scum and become a bunch of irrelevant shitholes. Yes OP, you are so smart. We totally shouldn't eliminate those who brought about our problems in the first place.

God damn this is fucking retarded lol At least learn where Appalachia is before putting eastern TN, SW VA, western NC and northeast GA in New Afrika while western TN and KY are in Appalachia. Maine and NoVA in the same region? Fucking Cleveland in Appalachia? Split the Sawtooths in half from Cascadia? Has there ever been a worse map?

Balkanization is the old Soviet solution to a people who cannot agree on a national unity. Americans are far more national than any state. In fact most people in the US identify as Americans far more than they identify as Utahns or Alabamians. States are merely taxing jurisdictions

I think it's the Chinese.

Attached: IMG_4101.jpg (789x1024, 151.79K)

haha epic screencap bro

United Council of Socialist Workers in the central mid west? Some one needs to get out more.

Attached: chloe.jpg (533x611, 183.82K)

the problem with alot of these maps is they ignore natural barriers. state borders will probably be kept in most case, with natural barriers and city locations making any edits outside that.


Irish, you dumb fuck
Its Nigeria 2.0

The highest density of blacks is along the Mississippi and Louisiana border.

The Midwest is more like blue dog Democrat than socialist.

Thought this myself

>wont catch a nigger in the bayou retard
>entire state of Louisiana is bayou and niggers live there happily

Why is every spoon-lipped retard making a balkanization maps now? There's a new more embarrassing one everyday. Is it part of an official retard contest?

why the fuck did you choose this shit map for the topic of balkanisation ? what the fuck is this ? you should be embarrassed.

Yea.. about free texas. Were taking the whole state. Dont like it? Come and take it

The eternal leaf

The Appalachian territory was mapped by an actual retard that doesn’t seem to be aware of where the mountains actually are lol

You put Appalachia too far west.

Attached: appalachia.jpg (498x528, 114.08K)