Why a chip? Why not a ring or a bracelet/watch band?

Why a chip? Why not a ring or a bracelet/watch band?

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because it’s harder to take off a ring/bracelet/watch than a chip you can easily rip out

Ask these people, with names and a home.
Members of the Global Commission on Drug Policy:[8]

Louise Arbour, former High Commissioner for Human Rights, Canada
Pavel Bém (Czech Republic) former Mayor of Prague, member of the Parliament, Czech Republic
Richard Branson (United Kingdom), entrepreneur, advocate for social causes, founder of the Virgin Group, co-founder of The Elders
Fernando Henrique Cardoso (Brazil), former President of Brazil (former chair)
Maria Cattaui (Switzerland), former Secretary-General of the International Chamber of Commerce
Helen Clark, former Prime Minister of New Zealand and Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Nick Clegg (United Kingdom), former Deputy Prime Minister
Ruth Dreifuss (Switzerland), former President of Switzerland and Minister of Home Affairs (chair in 2016[1])
Mohamed ElBaradei (Egypt 'in exile'), former Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency from 1997–2009 and Nobel Peace Prize laureate
Geoff Gallop (Australia), former Premier of Western Australia
César Gaviria (Colombia), former President of Colombia
Anand Grover (India), former United Nations Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health
Michel Kazatchkine (France), UN Secretary-General's Special Envoy on HIV/AIDS in Eastern Europe and Central Asia and former executive director of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

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How about a scroll?

Aleksander Kwaśniewski (Poland), former President of Poland[9]l
Ricardo Lagos (Chile), former President of Chile
Kgalema Motlanthe (South Africa), former President of South Africa
Olusegun Obasanjo (Nigeria), former President of Nigeria
George Papandreou (Greece), former Prime Minister of Greece
José Ramos-Horta, former Prime Minister and President of Timor-Leste
Jorge Sampaio (Portugal), former President of Portugal
Juan Manuel Santos (Colombia), former President of Colombia
George P. Shultz (United States), former Secretary of State (honorary chair)
Javier Solana (Spain), former European Union High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy
Cassam Uteem (Mauritius), former President of Mauritius
Mario Vargas Llosa (Peru), writer and public intellectual, Nobel Prize laureate
Paul Volcker (United States), former Chairman of the Federal Reserve and of the Economic Recovery Advisory Board
Ernesto Zedillo (Mexico), former President of Mexico

it should be obvious that a chip is harder to take out

Cos u can lose it silly

Only if we can go back to wearing togas will I carry a scroll around.

Because you might take off your bracelet/watch band. Bill Gates wouldn't like that.

You mean people could just take a band off, but a chip first you have to actually locate it which would probably require x raying your entire hand and then the painful procedure of taking it out

imagine doing this by yourself, i'm sure some people will try but 99% won't be able to bear doing it

because that chip will contain cyanide or some other drugs, they can release in moderation to control you or the full dose to eliminate you.

Just drink a bunch of whiskey and dig it out with a sterilized craft knife.

i've spoken to about 40 people about this over the past couple of weeks. friends, coworkers, etc. not a single person is going to get the vaccine if it includes a "digital certificate." I'm in jew york, too. you'd think they'd all be desperate for a vaccine. even the normies don't want it

chips are unironically more cyberpunk and could more easily be sold to the zoomers and millenials

What the fuck are you talking about

This but you need to at least know where abouts it is no good just digging at random places

They will get it when you can't do anything unless they read your digital certificate and make sure you were vaccinated.

>Why a chip? Why not a ring or a bracelet/watch band?
Because it hurts to take it out and most are comfy happy go lucky morons that can't be bothered to take it out once it's in.
They'll show infected hands of people who took it out by themselves to scare these idiots and they will have to go to the doctor to take it out meaning get registered and pay.

You can take a watch off. They want to track us, it gives them insight into our spending habits. Yet more market research, as if this is the most important thing in the history of the world. They could try making great products instead, but no, that would require effort.
Fuck off with your microchips, and fuck off with your bugs for dinner.

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Couple seconds of microwave radiation would be enough to fry any chip


Someone had a mommy with a drinking problem.

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Based and EM radiation inducing excess currentpilled.

Because obvious reasons, you fucking slave

Why not go back to Israel? Or Africa?

I was born in Arizona.

Many jews and nigs are.

i lost

Going to lead to a lot people slitting their wrists.

Jews, maybe, but the nigs are from California.

It's not a chip per se. Nano bots. Chances are you won't know you're getting it

Please, this has nothing to do with your conspiracy theories! This is clearly one solution to pandemics. A solution with many other applications that could improve the lives of billions and pull them out of the misery and suffering that your conspiracy theories and superstitions have never been able to solve.

It is mind boggling how in the 21st century, all of you – who have access to technology and clearly know how to use it, are recklessly coming to your crazed superstitious conclusions about simple technologies!

Calm down. Bill Gates is a visionary, and his much needed humanitarian work has nothing to do with your superstitions.

We are in the middle of a global pandemic. It is not the time to be caught up in selfish prejudices and superstitions, but rather a time to think how one’s actions could literally save the lives of others. Hysteria, panic – and I thought I’d never be listing this – superstition, are the worst possible states of mind one can devolve into.

It is a time that perhaps everyone was a bit more like Bill Gates, and tried to think of others.

What are you an Apple shill or something, that just invites competition. Under the skin with a patented vaccine treatment is where the money's at.

Why not an armband with your religious affiliation?

Because having a GPS in an electronic device means you can leave it somewhere and cannot be tracked. The goal is to make the tracker part of your body so the globalist cabal can find you anywhere on Earth, forever. You'll never escape them, then.

Makes sense if you anagram California you get Africa Lion. They is kangz

This, they should solve taking it off by rigging it with explosives. It's better that way, who in the fuck would prefer a chip under his skin.

Apparently Swedes
2018, we're fucked boys

Mexicans have driven blacks out of california, they got colonized all over again. Poor kangs.

I unironically believe this.

Heh, It was a rhetorical question. Thought it was obvious. Yeah, I know about that guinea pigs country, they test all the social engineering that they want implemented everywhere, like feminism (only women in charge), lgbt, multi culturalism etc. I'd bet they'd accept chipping straight into asshole if the "expects" recommended it.

why not a cattle iron?

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how about a bullet?

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Why not a device that can listen to you, record you, and track every place you've been to?

Hey, I have one of those!

Or a smart contract chainlink blockchain signature for each patient for records

For over a billion individuals worldwide, accessing basic good and services is difficult, if not impossible, due to a lack of recognized identification. With “good” digital identity, individuals could use credentials issued from a variety of different institutions in order to gain access to a variety of different services, while preserving privacy and security and maintaining control over their information.

>This post and that flag

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Checked and kekd. Get fucked chipfags

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marketing and sales are honestly the most parasitic and useless profession's there is.
consist solely of tricking people into buying useless shit they don't need.
truly shines a light on how much of a clown world we live in with how high their pay is.

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Now this is interesting. Look at their provided standards.

No Fries! Cheeps!

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No chips, no rings, no bracelet/watch bands, nothing.

Fuck anyone who promotes or accepts this.

JFC how old are you?

Exactly This.
Disney Land has a Bracelet.


And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
(Revelation 13:11-18 KJV)

Because it's DULL you twit, it'll hurt more!

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Because it could be fraud.
Also its racist to have voter ID

This. Even atheists know about the mark of the beast prophecy.


I'm actually optimistic normal people might actually start a revolt if these fucks carry through on a mandated chip. Lots of religious folk who will freak out about mark of the beast, and everybody else will freak out about privacy and cheer on the religious folk as they start fucking shit up and possibly follow along.

anyone have that mommy politician picture i think shes from Slovakia or something and shes getting her forehead scanned and it says ID2020 on it??

How about chips ONLY for undocumented immigrants?

bill gates wants to fuck you in the ass

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