/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3099

► Detected: 1,622,088 (+18,436) ► Died: 97,192 (+1,500) ► Day: 92 (-12:20:55)

— 4.5 billion people under lockdown —
— 214 countries and territories infected —
— 5.3x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 62 vaccines and 244 treatments announced —
— 3,221 strains have been sequenced —


NHS officials say Muslims are hardest hit in the UK

Blacks are 32% in Louisiana but 70% of the deaths

Virus infects T lymphocytes, simultaneous coinfection possible

Jews are the hardest hit by coronavirus in New York

More Somalis are dying in Sweden than any other group

18 year old teenager has died in Britain

Korean CDC suspects reactivation is a reality

"Recovered" men show half the normal levels of testosterone

27 year old in Britain dies without previous conditions

Testicular damage

NYC official admits they are undercounting deaths

Infected in India only discovered post-mortem

Olympics for 2020 cancelled, postponed until 2021

Germany "lost" 2,000 samples before testing them

Czech Republic buys Chinese rapid tests, 80% fail

09:57: 495 new cases and 3 new deaths in Belarus
09:54: 136 new cases in Qatar
09:51: 1,972 new cases and 122 new deaths in Iran
09:43: 118 new cases and 3 new deaths in Malaysia
09:36: 3,800 new cases and 396 new deaths in Spain
09:35: 637 new cases and 70 new deaths in Italy


Attached: CVG.jpg (656x500, 222.18K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Another 950 bongoloids dead

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Imagine she invites you over to her house to try some DeLiCiOuS BAT SOUP that she cooked especially just for you.

What do you do?

Attached: 4.png (640x799, 1.46M)

Only around:
2,000 dead in Germany
3,000 dead in Iran
3,000 dead in China

40,000 will die in USA
Explain this.

Fake hospitals

Attached: Fake Virus Multi 1.png (1844x960, 1.96M)


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Fake viruses

Attached: Fake Virus 12.jpg (720x1560, 586.69K)

Attached: berdabros.jpg (320x320, 19.47K)

Faked testing methods

Attached: Fake Virus 4.jpg (775x1024, 180.32K)

Okay, I'm tired.
She can stop now...

Attached: ntr template.jpg (960x768, 411.57K)


Faked death certificate

Attached: Fake Virus 14.jpg (1038x1385, 385.25K)

When I say "But her" you say "Emails"

But her

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Singapore still exploding in cases. Yup, were fucked

Attached: 1575138494454.png (166x166, 36.18K)

any day now

Attached: jim3.jpg (445x295, 16.53K)

We know what's really going on

Attached: 20200409_164924.jpg (1080x1986, 876.58K)

CCP gets faster and faster with their bots.

Fake deaths

Attached: Fake Virus 15.jpg (790x692, 99.38K)

Can't fool me guys

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I know I speak for colage edukated democrats when I say how lucky we are to have Bill Gates, a philanthropist who wants to depopulate the world, working on a vaccine to save humanity. And how cool is it that we will be tattooed with invisible digital certificates where we can be scanned just like livestock allowing only those that receive his vaccine take part in society? Bill Gates is a saviour which is why he always votes Blue and you should too!

Attached: WhoBastards.jpg (1166x7183, 2.04M)

Coronavirus extends people's average lifespan!

Attached: Coronavirus Deaths in Australia.png (2278x1846, 371.7K)

Fake death stats

Attached: Fake Virus 18.jpg (901x654, 147.28K)

So like i thought, this virus is merking maladaptive mixed race mongrels.
>british muslims
>african americans
Pretty clear trend.

Attached: unite.jpg (306x310, 25.52K)


Attached: dronerino.png (680x409, 90.31K)

Hospitals lying

Attached: Fake Virus 17.png (594x311, 46.42K)

Threadly reminder that the ride never ends

Attached: Itsover.png (454x454, 248.54K)

Brace yourselves
Immunity passport
>immunity passport
Immunity passport
>immunity passport
Immunity passport
>immunity passport
Immunity passport
>immunity passport
Immunity passport
>immunity passport
Immunity passport
>immunity passport

Brazil is next
Then superpower 2020

Attached: 1586401264052.png (350x421, 114.88K)

You are fucked

Are we seriously going back to whites immune?

Toлькo paди этoгo мoмeнтa и жил.

>immunity passports
>when most people never develop immunity
What a great idea!



Take your meds, psycho schizos. Nothing's gonna happen.

poor austria

What the fuck is that?

They must be making gook moot a fair bit of dosh
Look at that posting frequency
No way was captcha involved in that posting

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what hoaxers don’t understand is that they’re already nigger cattle without freedom

I said it more than 2 months ago - Singapoor and Ladyboiland are lying more than China & Japan combined. Remember the 2500+ "pneumonias" in hospitals in Ladyboiland in February ? Yeah sure..
Things are getting interesting by the minute.


Зaчeм? Жизнь пpeкpacнa.

Attached: ewbf.jpg (600x600, 44.28K)

Fuck. Yes

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-04-10 at 8.59.22 AM.png (1066x336, 83.85K)

Attached: coofing simulation coronavirus.webm (1658x1080, 2.02M)

This chart has been debunked. There is a big lag before data comes in.

It's MAGAtards. China is cozying up to all of our governments as a result of this being a crisis; the crisis is benefitting them. All of the equipment our medical staff are using is Chinese. We'd be completely fucked if they weren't supplying us right now.

Threadly reminder that OP is a Jew who bought gold stocks early.

All his “research” is sensationalist, out of date crap. We all know the virus itself isn’t even that scary now. The problem is a public health administration problem. Which can be managed.

>but muhhhhhh scary webm’s!!!!!!

Why are there no more scary webms?

Attached: OP, the faggot.png (812x97, 10.41K)

oh wow another thread from the argie faggot with nothing else going in his life. has anything happened in the last half hour bro? you must be so excited about this!! please keep us informed it is genuinely riveting stuff finding out what MSM have said in the last few minutes and watching people who usually don't trust them at all suddenly lap up everything they're saying. Yas Forums is a fucking mess

ты в Укpaинe пpocтo нe был


Were playing Plague inc. irl

SARS-CoV-2 titers in wastewater are higher than expected from clinically confirmed cases

Happening turbo

I just check the NYC data and the top of the curve has already passed. I just wanted something to happen for once but I guess it's over. Our only hope is that they reopen too fast and we see a second wave.

It's real, but it's just statistical lag.

Attached: Pneumonia deaths.gif (600x350, 2.13M)

Washington coming to in weak today, fixing to get cucked out of the big boys club.

Attached: 2432.jpg (918x370, 83.58K)

1% of NY is infected. They literally can't contain it anymore

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Where did i say that? Northern europeans are less susceptible, that is clear. I would think black-as-coal pure africans are less as well, certainly compared to the mongrelised african-american breed

still, you have it or you do not travel.

Its not the water, its people shit in the water.

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Бyдтo Poccия чeм-тo oтличaeтcя oт Укpaины.
У вac тaм мoжнo вooбщe пaнoвaть, ecли пoлyчaeшь в дoллapaх зп.

TLDR of this book?

You still haven't answered the arguments and sources in (and your previous comment had a very random reference). You aren't a bot, are you?

Attached: virus_blockage.jpg (212x462, 25.67K)

I love you, Corona-chan!
Take my power.

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So fecal oral transmission confirmed?

Even those of us who aren't melanin rich are cattle without freedom sideways germany. But yes, you are correct.

What immunity? The six month antibodies that won't do shit?
I swear these technocrats are getting crazy stupid by the day. None of what they say aligns with the medical data.
What the fuck happened? It used to be technocrats, like the rand corporation, could actually build awesome shit. Now I just see idiots spouting nonsense

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Good luck champ.

Attached: quarentine again.png (449x401, 172.66K)

nah it’s clearly ccp spamming to rile up guillible americans against their government
>virus is fake dude ching chang go outside


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i.e. it's still deadly, just less deadly


Oi, seems like you didn't hear anything about the faulty/infected equipment they shipped? Netherland, Ireland, Finland, Italy, also Austria. All got faulty equipment. And we sent them tons and tons of our equipment (European equipment!) for free, when they had their crisis.

Will they reach the 1K goal?

Attached: 86525815060.jpg (962x882, 228.44K)

>fuck yes
Post pic without Affleck plox


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The statisticians are new coomers of Australian society.



israeli shit, but it is accurated

The truth.

That was already confirmed by Yas Forums scientists in January.

Has been super confirmed for at least 3 weeks user. You didn't hear about the fecal gas plumes?


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That's the best bit - only essential workers need to travel.

I don't wanna die mother of fuckin god.

It's a coronavirus, the t-cells naturally disappear with time.
So yeah, immunity passport and the vaccine are a fantastic shit that you would have to renew every few months.
No one is going to do that.

Attached: BA .jpg (566x850, 65.9K)

>nah it’s clearly ccp spamming to rile up guillible americans against their government
What? 16 million unemployed and US government is just giving trillions to boost the stonk market and protect CEOs, and handing fucking Blackrock the keys to the FED (in effect).
Americans should be overthrowing their government: it is the most corrupt, evil and psychotic government on the face of the earth.

You need to wash all butt plugs for at least 20 seconds with soap and warm water.


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>coofnado powers
This is going to be an Avenger soon isn't it

>muhh econimic collapse!!!

>b-butt dead cat bound
For days? Fuck off.

Are you retarded? What inflation?

are you
>over 80 years old
>a doctor or nurse with high levels of exposure
>severely ill already
if no, then you aren't dying from this shit

forgot pic

Attached: kek.png (650x454, 32.7K)

Delusional bulltard

Why do they need mass graves when it's just the flu?

Stop insulting our niggers, faggot.

Why though, why not just burn them, burn them all?

Are you retarded?

Russia will nuke China

How much of these threads are NEETs wishfully hoping for an end?


Remeber guys, its just 3.6 roentgen. Not great, not terrible. Now go back to work

Too many cookies

more than enough reasons i agree but discrediting the virus is clearly ccp shit
>also thanking china for their med equipment
it’s like thanking your rapist for using a condom


The sectors that are allowed to operate include:

1. Automotive (limited to complete-build up (CBU) export units, equipment and components, and after-sales service (maintenance)

2. Machinery and equipment

3. Aerospace

4. Construction and construction-related services, including:

projects with G1-G2 contractors as main contractors
projects with minimum 90% physical completion
tunnelling works
maintenance works
sloping works
emergency works stipulated in contract agreements
maintenance, cleaning and drying of stagnant waters, spraying of insecticides in construction sites
other works that could be dangerous if not completed
building projects with IBS score of 70 and above
construction of accommodation facilities for workers, such as centralised employee quarters or employee camps
professional services involved with construction industry including architects, town planning, surveyor, material surveyor, project manager, facility manager and others
professional services involved with construction industry including architecture, town planning, surveyor, material surveyor, project management, facility management and others

5. Social health services including registered traditional healthcare services (limited to registered Traditional and Complementary Medicine)

6. Hardware stores, electrical and electronic appliances, and stores selling spectacles

7. Barber shops (haircuts only)

8. Full laundry services (self service not allowed)

What worries me is either A I am going crazy, B they are going crazy, or C they think people are so stupid they can just lie about the immunity bullshit and people will accept it.
None of these situations are good

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Because they havn't evolved to the point where they know viruses are still contagious in the body until the body is burned crispy

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all of it
>highly infectious disease hits one of the densest populations on earth, all at the same time, a population full of old and unhealthy people, well over half the population gets infected so everybody who is going to die from it all dies roughly at the same time


muh human rights(?

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Most Americans don't even understand whats going on at the federal level. They are far too pleased with tax returns and the 1200 they are getting. Most of my social media is clogged with people talking about what they are going to waste it on.
>lol I'm going to buy anime figures
>lol, I can final get a switch to play animal crossing
>all vodka lol
>looks like my smoking habit will be funded for a while haha
>the girl I follow on only fans is really going to appreciate this gift hehe
Americans are retarded. Please let us burn

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Buy everything, especially banks that aren't heavilly into energy lending, ebnergy and travel are fucked.

Yeah, everything's normal here. Are YOU retarded? Not getting that this is only the beginne

Too costly, and they usually bury unnamed corpses on Hart Island anyways.

Attached: 1584285344380.png (710x510, 257.81K)

Before 04/01 the rate of change of daily deaths were quite high. Since then they have cut them. Last week Trump and Media were talking about how bad things were. We extended the social distancing program through the end of April. This week they did a 180 and are stating that the worst may be behind us.
There's proof of lying of numbers in our country and others as well.
>NY official says morgues are full
>NY official admits they are undercounting deaths
>NY official says deaths at home have multiplied by 10
>NY official says they will use parks for burials
>US underreports amount of deaths, investigation confirms
>US forcing us to test less

Attached: us1.jpg (245x605, 58.58K)

RIP to my NEET Life

May Coronachan smite the stupid incompetent government for this rash decision to open up the economy.

You could had waited two more weeks and it will be low enough for most sectors to resume their operations but you just had to botched a month's worth of lockdown all for money

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aye waggy shills are salty today.

July-September 2019 USA - "mysterious" pneumonia related to vaping :
August-September 2019 USA - BSL-4 MILITARY facility GETS closed due to breach of containment protocols :

Power level not even nine thousand in New York yet. youtu.be/YmWPrI4i-NA

Attached: flat,1000x1000,075,f.jpg (452x395, 26.61K)

>25 a day on an island that has been used for mass burials of the homeless and unwanted for years now
Literally nothing.

This is more propaganda being recycled around the world. These drone photos\video were on ABC (Australia) as the top story today.

Attached: 2020-04-10 23_49_03-.png (1657x908, 482.71K)

>NY more vacant ventilators and hospital beds
>also NY third day in a row of new record death toll

we're all praying for the end of the world, fuck this planet.


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soon on the foodchain. The shit made this shit endemic

How’re you boys holding up?

Guys answer me this,
Is Belarus kill?

>Oi, seems like you didn't hear anything about the faulty/infected equipment they shipped? Netherland, Ireland, Finland, Italy, also Austria.
Except that's not true at all. In Netherlands they specifically ordered stuff from a seller that was not State-sanctioned, and also which never advertised what they were selling as what it then was purported not to be. These are deliberately misleading reports that also make no sense (China is capitalising on US ineptitude to make itself valuable, and look reliable). I work connected to hospital here, we have masks and they are still in Chinese wrappings, and they are as advertised. Buying from unsanctioned 3rd party sellers is obviously not a good idea, duh.

>And we sent them tons and tons of our equipment (European equipment!) for free, when they had their crisis.
Yes, that was criminal negligence. Heads should roll for doing it, and also for not preparing.

>unnamed corpses

What the fuck, is it that bad that they're not signing these people in?

Every day the death prediction for the US gets lower and lower. It looks like irons getting higher to me. Why do they/the models keep lowering it?

Hospitalization are only """"down"""" because they count them as net hospitalizations. So hospitalized - dead. They're purposefully misleading the public

both can be true

Jud6from the reaction from the masses they aren't wrong, thinking that people are stupid.
Seriously, the normies buy the vaccine meme like you wouldn't believe. Some think it will be one in a lifetime vaccine.

I mean just look at Bill Mitchell's tweet in which he "feels" that corona-chan will lead to an "all virus vaccine" and eradication of the pathogens alltogether.
People are that stupid.

>this is only the beginning
You faggots have been saying that for months.

HCQ user that is why. In the newest french study only ~4% of infected who got the treatment progressed to the ICU. Now you really cant make this comparison but to give you a ball park in Florida 14% of people who were infected went to the ICU
So with proper drugs the number that will die decreases

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>C they think people are so stupid they can just lie about $(subject) and people will accept it.

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>ching chang it's our fault they sent us the shit they don't need

Are you that blind to communist propaganda?

Attached: 1585999408420.webm (368x640, 188.48K)

You seem to have intentionally done the opposite of what I have asked and as such I see myself forced to declare you a scoundrel and a swindler. I have procured the image in question in your stead, and therefore do not require any further assistance. Good day sir!

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Because they're only using that one model that is based off Chinese projections, ie hit the peak and then the number plummets directly to zero, so every day when they get a new number they update the peak and still don't account for plateaus or wind downs just a deadfall.

did you even read the article you absolute retard? what's bad about having some sort of certification that you are immune already?

Thanks for the info leaf

I wash them and leave them but because they are apples then the part you eat is always exposed even if you take care

Attached: 1586526995240.png (939x722, 274.3K)

>and a case of pneumonia
Hmm I wonder what causes that

Government social distancing measures working. It's not that difficult

Cpeднecтaтиcтичecкий yкpaинeц их и в pyкaх нe дepжaл.
Cpeди тeх, ктo нe имиигpaнт, зapплaтy, пoдхoдящyю для "пaнoвaния", пoлyчaют в ocнoвнoм тe, ктo ycтpoилcя пo блaтy, кoмy cвeзлo или ктo yж oчeнь cтapaлcя тaкoгo дoбитьcя.

It's not that terrible if stay at home and don't go out. Just accept the inevitable death but try your best to avoid it.

she fucks slowly

Attached: bahahahaha.png (728x465, 28.41K)

I'm just telling you that people who know what is going on are thankful for China right now. Without their actually being prepared and forward-thinking we'd all be completely fucked. Obviously we should not be relying on China, but the fact is we are

>median age of deaths in italy is 80 years old
literally just a boomerremover flu.
>j-just you wait 2 more weeks!
you can keep saying that until the next big HAPPENING!!11!! comes around and then you forget all about this shitty virus.

Because they don't want the public to panic. Imagine chimp outs in the US, there's nothing they are more afraid of. Literally

Oh thats why numbers are increasing. I thought it was because the cases in America were growing exponentially.

Now in a better size for better aprreciation...please?

That's my point they're clearing out near 1000 beds a day, the less admissions number is fine as a positive metric, but not vacancies since they're mostly not recovered discharges. But still (((they're))) reporting the increased capacity due to vacancies as a good sign.

you are right user-kun
i sold most of my gold to put more in stocks
see you on the moon

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Please Coronamommy, feed me cummies owo

Just came out yesterday so haven't read. RFK Jr has posted it on his social media accounts

>he bought the top