>mfw coughed dry blood and burning and pressure feeling on chest and throat wont go away
I can still breath fine tho, how many days untill i heal or die considering I've been a week like this and fever is low around 37 degrees
Mfw coughed dry blood and burning and pressure feeling on chest and throat wont go away
Biggest indicator is cd4 cd8 count
Coughed dry blood? Did it come out like confetti? You already dead.
yes like tiny tiny pieces of confetti, i still feel fine tho, what's gonna happen next?
not the size of a confetti tho, is 1/100 the size
sorry luigi
are you a healthy non smoker?
Faggot's dying and he comes to 4chins for attention. Slowest, most meaningless life and death ever.
i dont smoke
you'rere saying there's a place where cool people go to die
We'll never forgetti you, m8.
Is that King Crimson's ancestor?
37 degrees is not a fever ravioli
Is Italy still in full lockdown, is there a light at the end of the tunnel?
yes still in lockdown, we had an epidemiologist saying we're almost halfway to reach herd immunity, they counted 10 million calls from people with similar symptoms to covid19 that werent tested and are getting treated with azithromycin, assuming there's another 10 million who are asymptomatic and didn't call their doctors, we're around 20 million we need 40 to reach herd immunity for our population
Im dry coughing too spaghetti user, im feeling tightness in chest for now 12 days i think, havent had temperature or shortness of breath yet so i hope for best.
Im in my house alone.
You can’t catch a virus pastafag
You have to stop sucking govt cock
Coronaquences will never be the same
Great, you have Bovine19. Welcome to your herd.
Sound like what my wife had with the Wuhan flu. Fever was continuous and she had a headache. Didn't have shortness of breath until about week after the fever appeared.
I'm calling this bullshit larp.
Post tissue with the blood you coughed, the thermometer indicating your temperature and the timestamp.
Ointment applied till further notice.
Probably allergies
most of those phone calls are not real corona cases.i bet my phone call was.
about a month ago i had this terrible throat ache and i called my doctor, he immediately said it was corona without even hearing all the symptoms. i didn't have fever, cough, vomit, diahrrea or anything. it lasted about three weeks, and after taking antibiotics and analgesics i found out that was a stomatitis of sorts, basically i had aphtae all over my throat. that fucking moron had made my parents almost faint. after this lockdown ends i'm gonna split his head in half
throat ache alone is not covid tho , the chest pain is the most notorious symptom, i doubt they're counting everyone with a throat ache
19 day average time til recovery or death....
>12 days
are you counting since the first symptom or 12 days of chest tightness, i have 15 days since i started coughing 7 days since the chest pain
Inflamation could have caused stomatitis which forms due to thick saliva hanging out on tissue too long with bacteria multiplying and causing inflamation, most common in corner angle of lips.
Afte too are cause by body immune system. He could have been right, corona does cause your bodies immune system to overreact
Its very possible that you had corona virus.
>getting treated with azithromycin
Really nigger? Antibiotics for a virus
Same here, i had it 12 days and only after 6-7 days i started coughing little by litle. Now i have chest pain and coughing bits of mucus, feeling little bit tired all the time.
I dont have fever or other symptoms though, just this chest tightness more and more.
I dont know what to do now, i dont want to get into quarantine for something else and then catch real corona.
azithromycin has antiviral properties and a co bacterial infection is very common
>taking a larp seriously
At least I hope you applied the salvia newfren.
Anti inflammatory properties you dumb nigger. Do a quick google search before you post.
Relax, he’s a dumb bozgor gypsy living in Romania
fuck you
Based man is based. Corona cant take down based man.
Okay Romeo, keep me posted. How much vitamin c you on?
i think we're in late stage at this point we either get better or we're getting tubed and by then it'll be 80% chances of dying
You forgot the tissue with blood and the thermometer indicating your temperature.
I have antibiotics in my medicine cabinet too.
Ointment still applied.
nah dude i have a very psychosomatic response to stress. i have often things like afte, dandruff, pimples etc. i do cure myself for those, and i bet that stomatits was just caused by an acid gastroesophageal reflux. if i had corona then my parents would've shown syptoms as well, it's very unrealistic for the both of them to be asymptomatic
>tfw been taking 5g oral liposomal every 4h for a month
>wife's been taking 11g
>coofing occasionally, cold sweat in sleep occasionally, fever on & off but mostly ok & occasional shortness of breath
after a month of this it finally seems our intestines have had enough of being constantly doused in acid
Not Romeo but i took 3 lemons every second day from when i saw that burgers post about vit. C helping, made thread last week or so i think.
Didnt help me much though, i mean didnt make much difference so far cause stuff is getting slightly worse.
>I can still breath fine tho, how many days untill i heal or die considering I've been a week like this and fever is low around 37 degrees
you're good slay some pussy and french kiss her
>Im in my house alone.
That's badass.
going to try ivermectin+zpac+zinc+quercetin+grapefruit once we turn on the uvc lights today and be done with this fucking virus
Don't know if it's a meme but it isn't harmful either.
Ingest some vitamin c and zinc regularly.
Thing is that my parents and older asthmatic brother dont have too at all, but still im feeling like shit for days coughing. I thought i was the one with stronger immunity seriosly, he was always ill with flu every season while i skipped it.
Now this.
If things persist i will go test my self fuck it.
This. Im more affraid of my lungs getting destroyed like in sarcoidosis going through it so i end up gasping for air every time a strech my leg out for rest of life only to get killed in old age by common flu. That would be terrible.
Hope for best spaghetti anons.
No plaquenil ?
Iv kicked out my parents and bro minute i started coughing, i was and still am very worried about my asthmatic brother, more than me.
I go now wish you all the best anons in coming days.
You have tuberculosis, you spaghettifag. Been giving Nigerians blowjobs?
keep up the shitposting serbian bro, make a thread with results if you get tested I'll be bumping you
>Coughing blood.
>Country that doesn't give BCG.
It's literally tuberculosis, they're calling it "novel coronavirus" to cover up for the fact that they didn't innoculate you against this 100 year old illness.
No plaquenil ?
Your lungs are fucked.
You're fine goy. Go to sleep.
maybe some people get it i dont know my doctor didn't say anything about it probably afraid of giving me a heartaches since I've been more than a week with the symptoms and feeling weak, i was told to take the antibiotic for 5 days and if i get worse i should call directly the emergency number
Are you sure you don't have a bad case of GERD? Stomatch enzymes can dissolve tissue in the upper respiratory tract and cause bleeding and irritation (coughing).
Should have gave you plaquenil.
>you're saying there's a place where cool people go to die
here u go bro
it is for me, my normal temp is 36.2
Covid literally is Tuberculosis.
>Symptoms and sequelae inconsistent with viral pneumonia, consistent with TB.
>Best treatment is anti-paludic+anti-biotic combo, use of anti-virals is heavily discouraged with no explanation.
>"Covid" exosomes identical to TB exosomes.
>"Covid" has a preference for A and B blood types while having a much harder time infecting O blood types, just like TB.
>Countries without BCG programs reporting more severa cases, more deaths and less recoveries.
They're just calling it a "novel coronavirus" because admitting it's TB would be disastrous to entire governments and globalism in general, it would decimate the trust of the peoples of the first world on their leaders because they dismissed TB as a third world affliction for over a century and adamantly refused to innoculate their populations despite also openly calling for the free access of millions of people from the third world who can easily carry the bacteria into their nations, if it comes out this is TB it will usher in decades of hypernationalism and put globalism in a coma.
That's known here as a febricula (Slight fever), you don't actually have a fever unless you go above 38, above 41 it's called hyperpyrexia.