What went wrong?

>world's greatest nation
>common foods items in the supermarket have low nutrition and are filled with poison

how do we fix America's food industry? everything is loaded with sugar and sawdust and chemicals

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i dont care. if you dont like it buy something else.

Enact nutrition standards for foods eligible for food stamp program. They do the same thing with the WIC program.


we have to feed the nonwhites, for some reason.


You can probs vape this shit

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Then don’t buy them?

lol the only people who buy 'Drink' like that are poor blacks.

tampico punch is insanely delicious

it's tastes like fruit snacks in liquid form. very candy-like.

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They have low nutrition because of our drive to produce as much of it as possible. This is also making us fat.

But the fatties who do buy them are hurting the rest of us.

Accept it and take the fat pill

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my body mass? im skinny. i actually have one of those in the house right now. Not as good as the real brand cheetos though

supply oriented by demand.
quit buying junk you fucking retard

>drinking literal oil

this. its just supply and demand, people love buying that stuff. Healthy options are already available. We don't need more government controlling shit.

REEE OP is a faggot and sucks cocks. He can not get enough of them.

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i was trying to describe tampico's flavor. and all i can come up with: dinosaur fruit snacks

it tastes exactly like dinosaur fruit snacks

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>doesnt drink blue raspberry fruit beverage

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Thats right goy as long as the (((market))) is making shekels who cares if your countrymen are fat sacks of diabeetus who shit themselves in walmart?

that's more of a laziness problem these people don't exercise. I understand you don't mind government controlling everything because you live in a monarchy, but we don't.

Yes goy, let the (((free market))) feed your children sugary fattening foods so they make nice cattle.

Fucking OP.


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The thumbnail looked like blue bleach but it’s not bleach?

In the old days niggers would just get sugar, kol aid, and water and mix it all up in a pitcher. Now they get it pre-mixed in a milk jug.

Have it so people have to buy real foods, or limit the amount of junk they can buy with food stamps.

Right. You can live on glycol 0% juice "beverage" and chlorinated hormone loaded chicken fried in hfcs, but dude just go jogging, lmao. Ffs.

to be fair this was during cheese week

literally poison in a jug
lmao I fucking love what sights I am beholden in this time and space I have been incarnated into
people actually put this into their bodies. things are going to get a lot worse; we haven't even peaked yet. CONSOOOOOOM

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murka was a wrong thing from the start
a mash up of different nationals who cant keep their culture so they end up cultureless and rely only on race
then they mash up even on race and become completely without roots, and thus easily swayed, brainwashed and manipulated
aka perfect kike golem slave cattle

Das waciss yo

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if your brain can't stratify what is good and what is bad for you, then your brain is probably calcified like a rock from all the onions and flouride you've consumed over your life time
but keep thinking a peach is somehow an equivalent to cheese balls and coca cola lmao

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The fucks that shite got to do with cheese? Cheese comes from cows, not out a vat from some industrial chemical plant.

Niggers and Spics are given like $600 a month for EBT. Someone makes a product they spend their welfare on. The diabetes shortens black lives. I dont see the problem.

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The longer you look at it, the worse it gets

Only thing I agree with the left on...

>Healthy options are already available.

They are much much more expensive than the unhealthy options

This is just what they do with the seasonal section inbetween holidays.

the point hes making is that any food can sounds 'processed' and awful if you extrapolate its chemical ingredients.

How is this thread still active?

What's your point?

First off I don't eat peaches, but hey look at all of those amino acids and methylation groups. Healthy as fuck desu

These people don't seem to understand that literally everything in US in terms of food that is mass produced is filled with hormones and preservatives. The only healthy options are from local farmers markets generally. But they are expensive to shop at.

You're not that smart are you?

Banana has way too much sugar. It's now more of a luxury, but still healthier than any artificial crap out there

It says “value” on the jug. 1984-tier

lol, you think 22g of added sugar per 8 fluid ounces is bad? most sodas are well over 30g, with some getting up to 50g. a big part of the reason our health insurance is so expensive is because of the affect the sugar lobby had on this country.

Any more ameriskanskis posting in this thread MUST post their BMI or they are schizos

I've been drinking this polish carrot orange juice I found at walmart. Tasty, but sugary so I keep the amount small.

Literally the only way to fix it is universal healthcare. Until the government has to pay out of their own pockets to fix our health problems, they will never have an incentive to keep us healthy in the first place. In fact, currently there is economic incentive for the government to kill us at exactly 62 years old.

Those type of (((phoods))) are exclusively purchased by Beautiful, Diverse Americans Of Color™
And they usually use Phood Stamps to purchase said delicacies.
So the taxpayer is underwriting the cost of their obesity, 'beetus, heart disease and Covid.

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>Artificially flavored raspberry fruit beverage
>Imma grip n sip

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You realize fruit is bad for you too right? They’re mostly sugar with a small amount of fiber and hardly any nutrients besides some vitamin C in most cases

Yeah. Were the same, prepackaged convienance shite. Noone can cook anymore and proper butchers, fishmongers etc are disappearing.

>fruit is bad for you
American education
Say something about an all carnivore diet i dare you

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oi sunshoine ye got a loicense for cheese?

Vegans are mentally ill

No ones talking about vegans you schizo take your meds

>They are much much more expensive than the unhealthy options
Cabbage, carrots, apples and lettuce are all dirt cheap.
So are brown rice and black beans and chicken.
Beautiful, Diverse Americans Of Color™ can't be bothered to, you know, COOK. So they purchase prepackaged (((phood))) and get fat.

I know this from experience. I used to teach nutrition and organic gardening to inner city yoof. They don't give a fuck about lettuce, they want their flamin' hot cheetos and taqis. They CHOOSE diabetes. End of story.

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>fruit is bad for you

But bananas keep me regular. You can eat them too.

Also fructose is different to the refined sugars in processed crap.


Gotta get rid of Corporate farms and kill the Bureau of Land Management.

i thought of this when i was in highschool a decade ago, sorta as a joke, and then when i started looking into it, things started clicking in place. school lunches in the US? the corn and sugar lobby messing with our entire agriculture industry? diabetes and obesity related heart problems adding an INSANE amount of costs to our healthcare industry (and remember, all costs applied to citizens are profit for the industry, especially if it's a condition that can only be treated). there's even more but i don't have time to go into it this morning.

although, not every socialized healthcare government cares about their citizens health equally. the UK is a pretty good example of that.

You ever have elk steak bro? I'm like 10x more aggressive after I eat one

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>0% Jews

>be me
>go to grocery store right after panic buying starts
>no meat
>no paper towels
>no tp
>canned goods all gone
>less water than normal
>bread, cakes, pastries, pasta, pasta sauce: low
>produce: filled to the brim, nothing is sold out

Do any of you faggots eat salads? Squash, green beans, asparagus, fruit? What about tomatoes, potatoes, dried beans or carrots? The problem isn’t OP pic related, it’s people being too lazy to cook and prepare their own food. Ffs, even now, when you pretty much HAVE to cook, people still only cook meat on the grill and boil pasta, two of the easiest methods for high energy food prep you can do. Make a fucking salad, cook some veggies, boil some beans. Take a little time to cultivate flavor.

You fix it by growing your own. If everyone grew their own fruits and vegetables or maybe raised a few chickens you would have nothing to worry about. This makes too much sense which is why states are trying to deem gardening supplies and nurseries as non essentials. They dont want you being self sufficient. Its all part of the agenda 21/30 plan.

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The best thing I did for my 3 kids was since they were born never buy sodas, and tell them how disgusting and bad high fructose corn syrup and sugar is.

My kids only drink water, or hand pressed juice their mom makes.

I literally only drink water or coffee. Sometimes strawberry smoothies my wife makes.

Lol, vegan cope. You’re probably one of those retards who buys products with “organic evaporated cane juice” instead of sugar thinking it’s healthier even though it’s the exact same thing.
Fruit isn’t healthy. It’s just sugar. Garbage macros, garbage micros.

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>chimpouts make all grocers leave black neighborhoods
>only shitty convenience stores and bodegas remain
>muh food deserts
>enact law, no more purple drank with food stamps
>blacks all die off en masse
I'm writing your name in for president.

hey it's a picture of me!

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Blow it out your ass

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>i thought of this when i was in highschool a decade ago, sorta as a joke, and then when i started looking into it, things started clicking in place. school lunches in the US? the corn and sugar lobby messing with our entire agriculture industry? diabetes and obesity related heart problems adding an INSANE amount of costs to our healthcare industry (and remember, all costs applied to citizens are profit for the industry, especially if it's a condition that can only be treated). there's even more but i don't have time to go into it this morning.
Spot on. The (((Big-Ag to Pharma))) pipeline is well established.
>Subsidize shitty, cheap GMO crops that have long shelf life
>Pump out mass quantities of diabetes-inducing pabulum for dirt cheap
>People get addicted to high salt, fat and sugar
>Diabetes, Heart Disease, Hypertension and Cancer
>Profit for pharma
This is what happens when (((they))) control what you eat.

>Do any of you faggots eat salads? Squash, green beans, asparagus, fruit? What about tomatoes, potatoes, dried beans or carrots? The problem isn’t OP pic related, it’s people being too lazy to cook and prepare their own food. Ffs, even now, when you pretty much HAVE to cook, people still only cook meat on the grill and boil pasta, two of the easiest methods for high energy food prep you can do. Make a fucking salad, cook some veggies, boil some beans. Take a little time to cultivate flavor.
You're 1000% correct. Home cooked IS BETTER and more nutritious. I wish more people could understand the sublime pleasure of picking fresh kale, mint and lettuce and making your own salad. This should be extended to ALL food prep including baking your own bread from organic non-GMO, non wheat products (wheat is massively pozzed, do some research).
But people are TOO FUCKING LAZY.
Hopefully with the quarantine SOME people will get the clue and start actually cooking at home. Those who don't are destined for Wall-E world.

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>I have elk in the freezer
Homemade Elk Lasagna is the best!

That's a lot of balls...

>actually we don't need vitamin c if we don't eat carbs
>yeah and we don't need vitamin k either but the .0001 micrograms in kefir is adequate and k1 from plants isn't converted and doesn't stay in the body
>no natto contains s o y actually so it's not a good source of k2
>there's tons of folate in duck liver. I'll just eat that every day
>same with vitamin e. I'll just eat salmon every day
>we really don't need carbs to work out. we can just drink bulletproof coffee and smoke meth
>so glad I don't eat vegetables anymore. phytonutrients? lmao whatever. I'll eat like a tiger and die when I turn 15

project harder

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Literal nigger food. No one white drinks that shit.

>Cabbage, carrots, apples and lettuce
Of this list only cabbage has any nutritional value. Carrots and apples are just water and sugar with a tiny bit of fiber and lettuce is just water.
Don’t start with beta carotine. You can’t even absorb it if you don’t eat it with fat and even then you might not even convert it into actual vitamin A.
This is the problem with American nutrition. People think “healthy” just means plants despite the fact all the “unhealthy” things like Sugar and High Fructose CORN syrup are from plants.
They don’t talk about essential nutrients, prebiotics, catabolic/anabolic states, macronutrient profiles, metabolic flexibility etc.

The first thing most obese people should be told to do is just stop eating. Swapping Coca Cola for Orange juice won’t do anything

niggers love that blue and purple sugar drank desu

that looks like shit i pour into my car

Capitalism. Only support the best brands. More and more people choose more nutritious foods. Businesses are trying more than ever to get money by switching to non gmo options. Of course they try to jew you with tricks by doing shit like making labels green because green is seen as healthy and exotic friendly. Or putting all natural on label when the fda has no definition for all natural. Non gmo is the phrase you have to look for. The jew doesn't like absolutes because the law is strict with definitions so they will avoid it to scam you. Like how cage free eggs can come from factory farms that keep the windows open.

Check out cornocopiainstitute.com for a list of the best brands in the nation ethically and nutrition wise. They physically visit farms interview workers, and investigate ethical and nutritional claims by companies. At my local krogers all gmo free canned vegetables are gone but the shelf is completely full of normal canned vegetables.

It's easy

>look all brands of food item at store you shop.
>look at list on website
>choose most ethical brand available/affordable to you.

Boom you now voted for change with your money. Which is the most powerful way as a consumer to make change.