Why do these brown countries think that they are white?

Why do these brown countries think that they are white?

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They're European, that's enough. (not Turkey lol)

they dont. its americans who think that.
one glance at pic related shows that they look exactly like the average refugee. but since mutts are race mixed themselves, they believe this is "white"

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why do you suck them off

no, I don't want to be put together with you nordshits

There are a few descendants of ancient Goths in Italy.

shes italian, fluoride flag

>not including France

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Unless you are autism there are hundreds of millions of people in the south and I ve seen people look both lighter and darker than that, we are not an army of clones or something.

In all those countries there are fully white people.
In all those countries there are mutts and people that would be full non white
This thread is dumb, now fuck off

Go fuck a surinamese tranny

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> British and French literally descended from Basques
Why are you pretending we aren't all glorious Meds except for the autistic Scandiniggers and Celts?

And her ancestors hundreds of years ago were goths you fucking moronic amerimutt

>you tan a different shade of orange that means youre black

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why did u completely skip france?

I went to Portgual and desu a lot of Portuguese look like Indians

Thread is about indigenous people not foreign immigrants

post your hand and ill post mine.

Why does the Netherlands think they are white? You are more Nafiri and Suriname by the day.

no shit. thats the AVERAGE. of course you do have browner and whiter people, but the AVERAGE is about this colour. black hair and brown eyes as well. doesnt mean there are exceptions. we also have brown eyed people in germany you know? but the average is blue eyed. thats how statistics works.

in any case, my point was that i cannot tell the differenc bewteeen the average southern european and a nafri refugee. thats not even a meme or banter, thats my honest truth.

post your hand please.

it should include fance(that are basically northern spaniards/shititalians), slvenia(northern balkanegroes) and moldova(northern ROMANIans)

I see Yas Forums is getting integrated to the /afoe/ community eh

Varg believes Turks are white but not Southern Europeans.

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Don't fall for the d&c kike.

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I can't understand, for /pol standard this is a beauty?
For me she is worst than nigger. Really BAD genetic.

Refugees are whiter than the portuguese.

is it really fair putting italians and turks in the same category

>everyone in europe is 100% the same race, we are all brothers and sister, same cultures, blood, race and everything, dont fall for the d&c kike

truth is the germans are as pink as any italian or spaniard, but they are physically much uglier. you are ugly, fat and and extremely boring.

People still falling for this obvious bait, is fucking retarded.

Anglo-Saxons look like THAT?

this picture is obviously fake, it makes us look whiter than what we are


italians should be in the same category as nigerians

north atlantid reporting in

Best eye genetic is brown-green.
Beatiful( for you) in nature dosen't mean good.

post your eye please

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i will if you'll post your hand, uggo

why are you talking with yourself?

French are a mix of different european tribes Mario, there is celtic and germanic blood too in the upper part of France. I don't know what you're trying to say since Italians can be considered "whites" even though the term is useless.

Atlanto Mediterranid joining. Hi, neighbor.
Thing is, specially with Portugal, most portuguese south from the Douro River are mutts and muslim rape babies, therefor mixed. The north of Portugal is A LOT different.

Why do these countries think that they are aryans?

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isto mas nao ironicamente

God I want to lock her up in my basement until her skin turns white as snow

don't mind him, he is just a typical terrone di merda trying to drag others down instead of defending himself.

This isn't what the pic shows user, that's why they all have different clothes and facial features. And fundamentally, they're all Caucasian, but there are branches indeed.

lol dont ever insult a TURKISH BVLL by referring to him as a wh*Toid unless you want your jaw broken

are we white? what do we think pol?

Why are you so salty that you'll have to ease restrictions on EMS lending so you can't ram the jewish agenda down everyone's throat anymore if they want to take out a loan?

it's your mother's basement, not yours, retard.

have you ever been to southern france?
basically northern shititalians LOL

i'm a northern shititalian
>instead of defending himself.
defending myself from what?

based southron bro

If Spain isn't white how come it managed to conquer an entire continent with a few hundred men and hold it for 400 years and currently has the second most important language in the world?

>Post my dick

Im white?

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You guys really don't know anything about America.

fat cock king

from being grouped in the same race together with turks and armenians.

Why are you downgrading yourself, are you dense ? What is the matter with southern France, it is because they're tanned ? I nuanced in my previous post, learn to read.

not true. Half of the people in the south are either immigrants that are enjoying their retirement or niggers that literally came from africa because gibraltar is less than a day's boat ride away. Indigenuous portuguese of the area have hints of muslim blood from 1200 years ago before they were uterlly btfo'd by the reconquista crista, some african blood because of slaves and obviously gibraltar but in terms of effects that has in skin color is noticeable, but minimal.
we aren't swedish in the sense we are as white as a fucking wall but we aren't colored like blacks or indians. More like a tan

They're gonna keep falling for it because they're stupid plebs. Until a real hierarchy can be established amongst racially aware nationalists in the meatspace there is no way to realistically curb their stupidity or the spread of stupid notions.

they hate the fact that Portugal, Spain, Italy and Greece literally built the world so they need something to feel superior


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In case someone needs a reference

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>T. Paleo Atlantid*

Because we are

daily reminder spain and portugal ruled the world for 300 years and you fags have either never had this much power or can't hit our numbers
fucking kek

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Thx user, but i svilupped peyrone disase and now is becoming to shrink.
Im so sad about it.....