Dutch "people" stealing other people's taxes
It's amazing how the dutch are always the 1st slaves of the ((( ))). Their country will be somalia-turkey-suriname-morroco in a decade, but they don´t care, they only care about some $
Thanks for paying for my NEETbucks cucks.
Dutch are the Jews of Europe
The Netherlands is where England sent its retards and jews before it invented Australia.
Holland hate thread?
nooooo not the heckin taxerinos t-t-that's unethical
True, so what are you gonna do about it?
we have plenty of niggers to lend you. enjoy
posting a nig on the pic with your flag? aren´t you ashamed of that? you guys have felt so much
continue to pay for my internet connection mario
You guys have been stealing my taxes for years now.
Top kek. Highly doubt they will make it since they have to go through Germany first who will take them in. Samething with the Calais niggers who wanted to got to England, but ended up here. They went back to Calais to try again.
More like you pay to be replaced by nigs and arabs
No, I'm not a brainlet.
>imagine being so butthurt about the netherlands you find coping yt videos and spams them on Yas Forums
the only niggers we have here are italians
you think they'll go on foot retardo? what are planes made for? they'll swarm you, and while your overlords will get richer because of us, you'll get enriched because of them. and do you want to know the irony in all of this? you will still thank them, simp
>says the faggot that sells a mansion of a tulip bulb
you don't really know how money works, Van Der Fag
International agreements curtail to what extent brand fees can be channeled this way, this is the same for internal rates, same for how profits can be shifted. There are also US regulations limiting how low a paid tax can before you have to make up the difference, which is the majority of the companies doing this. But I'll get to the heart of the matter. You are all so lazy a tyrant that anyone or anything must not only serve you but must sit still as you dole out the orders. There is a good reason France is seeing the most avoidance, and it is because their taxation structure is that bad.
>Italy has been shitshow of terrible economy mangement with 120% of GDP deficit for at least 2 decades
>Euro-Crisis hits and countries like Greece need to borrow money with the promise of reforming the system.
>Italy refuses to reform and contious spending like they have unlimited cash.
>Corona forces a lockdown
>Yeah, our entire economy has been ruined by Corona please give us unlimited money without interest to pay all our debts, it's solidarity you know, this has not been caused by our economic policies.
>Dutch people question the relevance of corona as the cause of chronic economic problems
>Practially Nazi's
Lmao. Youre gonna pay for those plane tickets mario? With all the money you didnt get from us?
The irony is that you cant do shit against a tiny country like us and thats why your ass is so sandblasted.
Nice proxy mutt.
work moar cry less mario. Time for France to annex italia once more.
There is a Dutch family close to where I live
Should I kill them?
Are they black or sand colored?
Imagine try to deny reality and instead chimp out on europeans, like a lil kike he is
you're flexing on us, little faggot? you can't even sleep well fearing that the sea will retake its land. niggers will inevitably come to you. all that "prosperity" you so claim to have will attract them like flies on shit. and you don't even have industries, either. you just parasite germany, who parasites on europe. when we'll leave nobody will feed you, and all you'll have left will be angry niggers with no gibs
So what did we do wrong?
Cry louder nignog
Yup it's no secret that the Netherlands is one of the largest tax havens of the world. Quite comfy to be Dutch knowing that I'm cared for cradle through grave.
this is a peace loving board that condones no such things. if you want to do it, do it in minecraft
full france in 5 years
hey ahmed - shouldn't you hate us more - leave the poor Nederlands out of it and concentrate all your hate on us
So I should kill em
5 years? lmao they're already there see and since they have a much smaller population the whole replacement process will go a lot faster too.
Dutch make profit, they create EU, but still Dutch aren't Dutch. Some shitskins making money in Netherlands and depositing in international dollar banks, ok. Where's the Dutch food, shoes and people?
>call southern european niggers
>act like a real nigger
kek. the absolute state of those swamp jews
>3 biggest cities
lmao nice try schlomo, but coming from a (((memeflag))) thats not surprising
yeah sure, hey be sure to threaten us with the same broomsticks you use to train your "soldiers" ahahahah
To add, what is up with the methodology? Sure, employees and assets are to some level indicative of profits, but it depends really a lot what kind of business you are running. To say that there must be a profit because you have a bottling plant in Serbia because the plant is expensive is 100% fucked moralizing.
They don´t care, like old style ((( ))) they only care about some muh gdp and $ infighting.
>seething arabs
Says the country that is literally acting like a ((( ))), only cares about money and on d&c, meanwhile is being ethnically replaced by non euros.
>nooooooo not le hecking taxerino
coming from a mutt thats rare
We probably have the most right wing politicians in western europe who are against mass migration. Can’t say the same with other countries.
Well I guess you niggers shouldn't be paying taxes then.
What are you gonna do about this hmm? Exit the EU?
I fucking dare you, tajinnigger.
>calls other arabs
>literally his own country is half arab and turkish
but muh $
Sell them some tulpenbollen
Dude. Just don't. Just don't embarrass us with those kike loving traitors.
Hope you're somehow not from the US.
Even your own "right wing politician" Wilders is a mongrel, probably like you, he is literally part indonesian, you dumb fuck, you guys a joke.
>yeah shoot me, i dare you!
you don't even know what's at stake
The Dutch is where the US went when they got bullied by the brits.
We were part of unironically creating the US how it is now, including letting you copy our declaration of indepence when is nearly a 1:1 translation.
To get on topic again,
poorfags should get out of the EU so bigdick countries can actually grow instead of giving 50% of our tax money to shittier shitalian countries that can't even understand basic economics.
Go work until your 70 east-european lazy fucks like the rest of the proper west, then we'll talk.
We have occupied paris and berlin, maybe next it will be amsterdam(on the way to london ofc)
Show flag nigger
It’s the truth though. Even if he is. He is more based compared ti other countries. Says much.
Show flag di maio
Get in that Fiat and drive off into the sovereign sunset of an independent nation.
The EU MUST be dissolved for the benefit of all European nations.
>both leaders of the nationalist parties are indo mutts and one of them is a zionist too
is that geert wilders?
we italians are NOT white
>shitalian elects anti-eu money
>in crisis, shitalian suddenly, after bashing the EU, want EU money
Literally no one cares about shitaly. You are useless to the union. It will take us maybe 3 or 4 years of "economic crisis" far less than the Brits caused because of how worthless shitaly really is.
You are nothing more than a buncha niggas chimping out right now.
no this time we're using dry pasta to attack you mehmet! fear German superiority !!!!
Italians are, you i doubt of course.
Well he makes every non white go seething
>you're flexing on us, little faggot? you can't even sleep well fearing that the sea will retake its land.
How much spaghetti have you snorted?
They only thing I remotly fear about is the collapse of Germany. I couldn't give a rats ass about the Mediterranean.
I do feel bad how we treat you with the migrant situation but they way you keep bitching about money is the same as a woman. Its pathetic.
>bitching about money
You are the one bitching out mehmet, and you can´t even understand the subject.
>half of image is not even close to white
yeah except muh based minorities of course. civic nationalism will lead you to the same end result as leftism only slower.
memeflag - mehmet is reserved for germans and italians - and swedes - nederlanders are called ahmed or rhajiid
go jew somewhere else!
Yes you kikes are about to teach. What's gonna be next Burundi?
I feel sorry for you lot and the Spaniards but as long as we're cucking the French and the Germans we're not gonna stop. Fuck them.
how does a hollander serve a guest tomato soup?
hot water in a red bowl
More like you will endup in a union with germany, sweden and millions of immigrants that you have from africa and turks. What a combo, fags, immigrants, turks.
just fix your economy lol
mario! everyone knows that's a fellow italian behind that memeflag
half indonesian geert wilders is even more shitskin than the average shititalian
I'm not italian, sorry
He is actually dutch. The Indonesian side of him are just dutch diaspora.
Then sell the tomatoes to earn money from guests.
>nation whose entire existence depends on the EU
>wants the EU dissolved
>What is mutally beneficial cooperation Alex?
Life has many options Mario.