USburger here

USburger here,
My employer is ending Work-From-Home at the height of the pandemic.
I work in an office with 100 other people. I have heart problems and my spouse is high risk in 4 different categories.
If I quit I will be ineligible for unemployment benefits. If they fire me for misconduct (working from home still) i will also be ineligible for unemployment.
Is there anything to do?
Is America doomed?

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Quit being a pussy. It's just the flu unless you deserve to be culled

Coof on everything and everyone then stare them down

thank you for your reply i will consider dying instead

Get rekt burger

That's what you and your misses gets for being fat cunts

>If I quit I will be ineligible for unemployment benefits. If they fire me for misconduct (working from home still) i will also be ineligible for unemployment.
>Is there anything to do?
Both of those are false
All you need to do for your neetbux is self-declare kung flu the reason you are currently unemployed.
>t. electrician getting regular unemployment + $600/wk

fall down some stairs or something
you fat cunt

My plan is to continue to work form home. If they call me and fire me I will have it recorded.

SO I just file for unemployment and say it was related to COVID and thats it?

Ill further add that (in my case) the jobsite was packed full of sniffling coughing people when they called me back. I left because of 2 reasons: my elderly father i care for and 2 my wife has severe epilepsy and intibating her for a vemtilator is super risky
I dont care about 'its just a flu bro' or 'hurrrr you care about boomers, yer dum!!!1'

Your weak genome must be purged for the empire of man

Damn you and your kin really are locusts

>SO I just file for unemployment and say it was related to COVID and thats it?
Yep. Thats it. If they fire you and your family is immunocomprimised, you could potentially sue them. Im not a lawyer, but it seems like if you want to go full semite, you could in this situation

Call in sick every day until they fire you. Just make sure you call every day, if you're a no call no show they can say you voluntarily quit. Collect unemployment/Trumpbux. Get a new job, start exercising, quit eating sugar, stop drinking alcohol.


says the faggot memeflag
stay mad, shitdick

>anything to do
Yeah go to work you fucking pussy
>if I quit no gibs
>muh heart
Natural selection fatty. Should have worried about that as you were eating your Big Mac
>all the fields lads

I will meme this employer to the fucking ground

Don't listen to this guy it all depends on what state you live in. My state is a "right to work" state which means they literally don't even have to have a reason to let you go and you still won't get unemployment


Ask me how I know you're from reddit

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Do something that violates code of conduct without saying any expletives or making threats.

Here’s what I did. I wrote in my review whoever was doing the it hiring has made numerous bad hires since I’ve been there knowing I’d have to go talk to them and held my ground. To me it was a conflict of interest they also handle complaints about themselves.

It helped the main lady about ran me off the road after I helped a guy push his broke down truck out of the road. She’d had it out for me ever since then because I rolled up next to her and called her a fucking retard. So maybe something outside of work can help facilitate things.

My favorite part about it is the day they let me go with a nice severance they just happened to hire 2 new talent acquisition specialists. My review had to go above them and I’m almost positive they were bringing in their own replacements. The MO of that company is to use someone for a few years until they have to pay a real salary. Plus they started hiring unintelligible shitskins. With any luck the company won’t make it through corona

You forgot this one.

go to fucking work you fucking pussy

how are your store prices?

Wrong. If you're fired, you get unemployment. If you quit, you get unemployment. Go be a nigger and get unemployment.

Death of the weak (eugenics) is the ultimate kindness for future generations. Sorry bro, nature is a cruel mistress.

Assuming you have employer life insurance, your family will thank you for your sacrifice.

thanks for the (You) childfucker.

Don't fear the reaper

Lel. America is fucked. The meme has now become a reality. Vote Trump again.

ebin corguna virus

Enough food for 2 for a month.

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sounds like a beer
please don't tell me this is a six pack (330ml each) for 9.50

There are no essential Canadians. Enjoy your forever vacation. I bet the Chang’s up there are going to work.

RN here. I don't feel sorry for you.

Jarlsberg is cheese
>hating the based broccoli

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It's not real.

Your fat ass and your fat ass wife should die for the good of humanity. Also, if you have fat ass kids with your fucked up genetics you should kill them and the kill yourself

learn to code Boomer

jarlsburg is a mid to upper tier Swiss cheese sold by the wedge.

French receipt. I hope all québécois die from Carina so the superior Canadians can dominate up there forever.

Tell them you want to work from home. Ask a doctor to write you a note. If that didn't work talk to a lawyer. You can sue them for wrongful termination. It's just a long shitty process though.

Seething about what? Being a medical worker in NY and having a job to go to? No I prefer to work. About you being a faggot québécois? Yeah fewer of you fuckers on the beach in November wearing banana hammocks the better.


>If they fire me for misconduct (working from home still) i will also be ineligible for unemployment.

It's literally the common cold idiot. Stop listening the the lugenpresse.

just make a big lawsuit threat. go find a lawyer and have him draft a letter or email to send to your manager and HR. 99.99% of the time employers chicken out especially if they know they are in the wrong. they arent going to risk a legal suit which would bring bad publicity

Uh oh, people getting infected again.

mix lidocaine and baby powder + laxatives and sell it for the price of cocaine

>live in the US
>get rekt
sorry bro

The media said it was the common cold in January. You're literally repeating an outdated media narrative.

I am working too because I pick a job that is not a useless one.

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>If I quit I will be ineligible for unemployment benefits. If they fire me for misconduct (working from home still) i will also be ineligible for unemployment.
You actually can't be fired for this during the pandemic, they set up a law for it. If you do, you can sue the shit out of them when courts re-open (and will probably be able to get unemployment anyway)

OP who the fuck do you work for? Name them? I work for a Fortune 500 company and we are all WFH until at least June.

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try not being a fat pig next time

This. Go find the biggest kike nosed lawyer. They drool over employer negligence

>name them
>doesn't name his

Get a Doctors note, you retard.

Did you hear that boys, OP has a heart condition and her spouse is in FOUR DIFFERENT RISK CATEGORIES! That's it, time to end up the economy so OP doesn't catch a fucking cold! Let's wall everybody up in their houses so OP doesn't have to work. Hey OP, have you tried not being fat?

What a pussy lol no wonder you’re fucking fat.

>if I quit I will be ineligible for unemployment

KYS you weak pussy faggot.

I’m not in the city you faggot. I can practically spit on a Canadian from my back yard.

I'm not the one slandering the greatest nation on the history of the planet like OP. There is no better place to be living right now than the USA. We've got plenty of gold and guns and beef.

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wear masks (+goggle) and convince your co-workers to do so too.
if you can, live separate from your wife. separate meals, separate rooms, separate bathrooms, never meet her while epidemic rages

>Me this
>Me that
God I blame NPC crybabies like you for what is happening
>Muh health
>Muh money
>Muh job
>Muh untermensch family

Virgineetcel here Yas Forums warned you how fragile this system of yours is especially medical and insurance bullshit.
You had your chance to escape that seppo hole
Sorry not sorry

Idagf about a fucking mutt, I am in a isolated community in the north with a based provincial prime minister.
Enjoy your nigger aids

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>mild hypertension and normal heart rate
>heart problems
You're just making shit up so you can be a lazy faggot and stay home.

Oh. I’m sorry. You’re a red skin. Wish there was a charcoal animal emoji way to tell you to not drink today.