Do all women in America hate white men now?

Whenever I go on Twitter I see all these zoomer chicks talking about how bad white men are and they are evil and wrong all of the time. Pretty extreme stuff and no one seems to ever talk back. Asking zoomer Americans at least, do women in America hate you this much? Are they this mean irl?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Learn your place wh1te boy

Do you not have school tomorrow, browncel?

>believes in reincarnation
>afraid of going to hell

I dont think thats how buddhism works?

Who cares about America?

>zoomer women
>black women in her late 20s
>Pajeet who makes this thread constantly
Kill yourself

Women are just that retarded

Unless it’s coming from a politician, all twitter posts should be a banable offense

You forgot your memeflag retard

They mostly talk about us americans.
And believe me, yes, it is THAT bad...

Mods do your job. Range ban this faggot.

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Sorry, lady in pic, you can't reincarnate into another spiritual race. Them's the breaks.

I love being the villain, suits me well.


What's with people just making up their own religions?

a large number of women are like this. I cannot speak for the whole country, because every state is different in many ways.
However, I can firmly say that the number is very, very high.

Whites get to be the villain without even antagonizing vast majority of the world in recent years.

Now imagine just how evil whites will be when they snap, and start snapping the necks of every degenerate, thot, jew, black, and Mexibro as revenge.

They're a fucking ticking time bomb, but they're too pussy to defend themselves over stupid reasons like "muh racism" and don't want to lose what VERY little the world let's them have.

user the mods have been gone for years
when will you see

> Imagine thinking reincarnation is a good thing.
Unfortunately I believe in reincarnation. I have to; it's the most logical explanation of how outstanding karma is best reckoned: in other lives (eg. why do evil people prosper?) They don't, they get reincarnated as cockroaches and leeches.

But reincarnation is a terrible thing. Do you really want to respawn into an acceleratingly hellish world ruled by kikes?

I absolutely want out of this.
And you can.
Virtuous people do not get reincarnated, they go to higher realms where kikes do not exist. Higher realms where they can increase their virtue and make it to heaven. That is what you should want. Not reincarnation.

Fuck off faggot. You're a little bitch if you care what young girls think, if you give them attention then they just do it more, and if you come here to bitch about it like a teenage girl then you should unironically kill yourself you underage piece of worthless trash

white women are a lost cause
anime waifus are the future

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He should kill himself. But he won't because he's a gutless fucking retard. These shitty spam threads is all the little faggot lives for.

That’s sad user. It must be awful to deal with this, which state you live in?

They hate us cuz they anus

Women cream themselves for bad/evil men.

It's not so bad after I moved to (rural) Illinois, however, having lived in several different states, the city areas are usually worse. I'd say it's because each woman has hundreds of different people each day that they could see validation from. It's not so much on a romantic level, but they pester you with their petty shit. As a white man, I have had women come to me, to tell me that they enjoy dating black men. Not in any sort of bullying sense, but as if it were some grand secret that they needed to let me in on, that I needed to validate them on. While not exactly constant, having something like this happen weekly is enough to drive you totally insane.
>inb4 ironic
I'm not joking.

>they enjoy dating black men.
Wtf holy shit the mutt meme is true. They really do love black guys over there

Good job retard. You gave the shill exactly what he wanted. I'm sure he will jerk his little dick to that.

The mutt meme is half true.
>le 56%
56% of the populace is actually white. Not bad all things considered, if every other person you come across is a white person. Again, it varies from place to place in the US though. There are some women worth saving, just few and far between, and really not sure what to do with their lives. They can tell the collapsing country just as well as we can, and where does that leave them? No family unit, no long term goals that can be achieved. They just end up depressed, and the smart ones isolate inawoods.
who cares?

The mutt meme is where an American user always mentions BBC at some point irrelevant of whether it was asked for

Gee I don't know. Maybe people who don't want the same copy pasted bullshit on the board 5 times a day for years. Stupid niggers like you killed this board

He's going to spam it whether or not you fling insults at me

not all of them but i'd say 6/10 prefer black bois

>I don't understand religion, the tweet

Who gives a shit what nigger sluts think? If it wasn't for the white man, they'd be living in trash.

women say the opposite of what they mean. that sheboon woudl gladly take WHITE COCK but she knows she cant get any. sour grapes etc.

know that feel.
misato it is for me despite she's literally a daddy issue's drunken roastie.
probably because asuka is a raging cunt and rei is just kinda meh.

Whatever. You want to feed the nigger loving loser's racial fetish, knock yourself out.

American women have always been mentally fucked.
They should have never been allowed to vote along with their African and homosexual friends.

Buddhism does have hells though. The Bardo Thodal has purgative hells as a better outcome than reincarnation, which is considered the worst.

>As a white man, I have had women come to me, to tell me that they enjoy dating black men. Not in any sort of bullying sense, but as if it were some grand secret that they needed to let me in on, that I needed to validate them on
if that were me, i'd just reply with "eww!...well have fun with that" and try to low-key shame them.
mates gf has got a mate who went voluntering in africe, i said to her the only "voluntering" she will be doing is with her pussy to smelly aids niggers.
she told me to shut up, and funnily enough, once her friend came back, she went out her way to get herself a black bf here.
mates gf never apologised or said ur right, i just openly laugh at her now anytime she tries to be holier than thou on anything kek.

He stopped posting in the thread after so it's already a step up.
you know, you've made me take a look back at myself to wonder if I've been too aggressive on the website in general. Wonder if I've been overdoing it. at the end of the day, shit is probably fucked either way, but now that the economy is starting to collapse, I think Yas Forums can recover. How can shitheads be paid to post on the website if currency means nothing, after all?

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You're wrong. You were replying to him. He's a phoneposter. He has made thousands of these threads. Always about race, women, and America. Always.

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Is reincarnation or heaven/hell. There's an inconsistency here.

It's intentionally demoralizing. Like the shill shit that gets posted here except you get banned on Twitter for calling them faggotass niggerkikes. Ignore and move on, faggotass niggerkike.

I try to keep strictly to very strong shaming. General calling them disgusting and saying that I didn't want to associate with them anymore did the trick. The problem is that when you witness the situation and things like it every week, it really starts to drive you down, like a tent peg being driven into the ground.
I'm saying he left after he got his (You)s and probably finished fapping. The threads are going to be posted anyways. The mods will not act. It doesn't matter at the end of the day how many replies I give him, because he will continue to post them for years to come.
You could try to have some genuine conversation now in a thread that is probably cleaner than the rest of the board.

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I’m still here you didn’t respond to my comment duh


I don't understand why people keep calling her a roastie. The only men we know she slept with or attempted to sleep with are Ryoji and Shinji.

Just because she has an on/off relationship with her chad boyfriend doesn't mean she's a slut.

>Whenever I go on Twitter
Found your problem

okay now leave

>zommer chick
>nigger animal

Not the same OP s a g e

Stop going shit that pisses of other races.

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Being born a white male in America is like winning the lottery jackpot.

The mods could get rid of this spamming tard any given hour on any given day by range banning him. They simply choose not to. OP is a deranged and pathetic little freak to have been doing this for so long. He'll most likely kill himself one of these day and that will be the end of these garbage threads.

>People should be allowed to be racist as long as others can mention that they are racist

Id be happy with that to be honest.

Lots of religions and philosophies posit reincarnation, it's not just buddhists and hindus.

>the mods
you cannot prove to me that the 'mods' isn't just one guy who checks to make sure what the AI flags as inappropriate is deleted without error, and hasn't been for nearly a year now.

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Id be interested to know the names of them and what the rules are.

I imagines its like a computer game where you have a set amount of lives where you can respawn and when they run out you go to hell? Unless you beat the final boss then you go to heaven?

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misato is best girl because you know she'll always be great, regardless of wether you're in a dangerous tactical operation, trying to make important military decisions, in bed, or simply having a drink.

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Wow pic

These fucking mouth breathers.
>ReInCArNATioN aND heLl ArE sAME reLiGIoN

>Conceptions created by people who believed in reincarnation

>wh1te boy

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