Is the corona virus hysteria the dumbest thing in our lifetime?

>Young people have literally the same chance of dying as being hit by a truck
>Total deaths have gone DOWN since corona virus panic started

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It's a fucking flu and people are closing the world

Boomers burying us all in mountains of debt so they can save themselves. Really eye opening how God aweful these people are

it's about the boomers
they are selfish as can be
each get max 1 child, which has to pay for all the old fucks
"What you cannot support 10 boomers on your own"
>imports wave after wave of subhuman shitskins

boomers what can I say

its been almost a month now you would think WEEKS of contact would produce some results right? who the fuck is calling the shots here

Angry little zoomers who are mad they can't see their friends anymore since mommy will yelll at them. Ahh poor little babies upset. Dumb fucking children.
Literally fuck off faggots.

OH WAGIE! Mr. Goldberg is calling he needs you to come into the infected office to pay for his new Porsche. And me? I need my neetbux CHOP CHOP!

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Yes, coffee is good for you because it detoxifies the liver and is high in antioxidants.

>Is the corona virus hysteria the dumbest thing in our lifetime?
It's the dumbest thing so far.

It is, and women are reacting as with the dry law

Average age of people who died from coronavirus in Ireland is 84. Do you know what the average life expectancy in Ireland is? 81. This is fucking insanity. My future is being stolen so a few grandmas can live for another two years.

You've only been alive for 13 years buddy. Stfu.


When the wall hits hard and youre not even 25

3 million deaths
100-250 k deaths
60k deaths

The expected deaths keep dropping and we.have already lowered the bar to less.deaths that the anual flu

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I don’t want my grandparents to die and you don’t know the long term effects of corona...

All these 20 something cucks still sucking moms teat

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Huh? This bitch is beautiful

we got no immunity to it and so everyone gets infected at gatherings and a couple always die for one reason or another. also if you are fat and diebetic it will kill you at any age, a 27 year old was killed, a mother and her two daughters were killed. whole familes wiped out by this thing. it's no joke.

>Total deaths have gone DOWN since corona virus panic started

What are the reliable sources to prove this?

Get the chink flu and not die, just be infirm by 5% lung capacity until the day you die of old age you pathetic little fucking internet faggot cock sucker.

yeah it's pretty stupid but you can't just tell the public "oh we're going to keep everything chugging while a bunch of you just die where you stand". If there's any motivator in people it's the fear of death.

The number of expected fatalities is dropping daily

Its all about the (((control)))

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u have no future, fucking faggot, look in the mirror, that is the face of idiots.

Of course Deaths have gone down because of the measures that have been put in place you gosh darn fucking idiots

no its trump

Stop being fat and diabetic then, nobody who deserves to live is fat and diabetic

Its the dumbest happening in history.

do you have links to show this, i keep trying to explain this BS to people and they fight it tooth and nail

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Pedo alert

Shes beautiful, in her prime.

It really is the dumbest thing, but because pretty much all mainstream 'institutions' like governments, corporations, media are on board - it will remain officially as a 'real thing' somehow, I guess. It's hard to believe all of this is happening. I'm only in my thirties but this is really the most histrionic things have gotten. I'm guessing the fact that viruses are 'invisible' and the whole fear and ignorance around how viruses spread, etc is a big player in this - but it's just insane. Even the Satanic Ritual Abuse shit was limited to local governments and police, and maybe only to a limited degree federal agencies - nothing 'universal' like this.

just wait for the next couple weeks. the big news from the dems will be how trump miss handled the epidemic. he overstated the problem and caused the economy to crash by making people stay home and social distance.

Orange Man Bad... liberal logic


Stop posting hideous jews pls

Hey retard the expectation was.100-250k deaths if we social distanced.

>oh no I have to take a break from work for a few weeks I'm going to die!
>oh no I can't go to the bar/gym/sport for a week I'm gonna die

Wagies and normies are pathetic

im not fat and diabetic. in fact I had a sore throat a week ago after going to walmart and buying some gum, that might have been the coronavirus for all I know.

>Is the corona virus hysteria the dumbest thing in our lifetime?
We imported 2 Million Sandniggers because Leftards thought it would help the economy. So in short - no, not even close.

Alright OP. find someone with the corona virus. Infect yourself and all of your friends and family. Come back, make the thread again and post the results.

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Not a source
That's only for the US, not the entire world

Umm no thanks
Cross eyed
Bushy eyebrows
Fucked up hairline
Crooked jaw
Bags under eyes
And thats just the face

Thanks for posting Bro - I'll be using this when I'm back in work on Tuesday to wind up the hysterical bitches that I work with.

2016 orange man bad he's a.dictator
2020 bad he wasn't enough of a dictator

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What kind of shithole jew-infested parody of a nation doesn't have multiple generations living in the same home

>50% of crippling your lungs
>this is ok
Fuck off

hey lemme guess, you're a fucking chink?

I'm sorry your balls won't drop till your 30 kido

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Same here. Average lifespan 82.5. Check out the ages of the dead:

4 billion people are in lockdown not doing shit. No wonder less people are dying. If we stop the lockdown the normal amount of people dying will continue and additionally millions will die from corona. I don't understand how this forum have already come to a conclusion about this virus when it has just began. Literally all the experts in the world are telling us to stop fucking around and sit inside.

Go felate your pets leaf I'm no slope.
I bet.your.fingers.smell like.preschoolers

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m8, you're retarded, this girl is one of the most famous models in the world

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Just when we were almost off the hook for the burden of boomers
They decide to create the worlds worst economic collapse, as they cling on to a few last bitter years of life

The boomers can shut down the world in one last desperate attempt to avoid death but it won't stop the inevitable. Imagine how much worse hell will be once they're finally there.

(((experts))) and that's not even true, a bunch of "experts" are shilling for herd immunity

we were having mass gatherings up to 4 weeks ago and this shit had been spreading since October 2019. The vast majority of us would walk this shit off and in many cases without even knowing we had it. We are destroying our own lives and handing everything over to the government to take care of for the sake of a few 85 year old cancer patients who at their last birthday probably wished for it to be their last

Wrong, they smell like your mum. Somewhere between mold and burger grease.

And worse yet my cock smells like your dad's mouth

Get back to work goy, I'm going to illegally occupy your country and need someone to pay their taxes to do so

When was this taken? a few years ago, she was ok here, but has no tits so -2 on the 0-10 scale.
But back to my original post, she looks like a mess now has hot the wall hard

taylor hill looks bug eyed without tons of eye shadow.......

It's terrible, old people wrecking the economy again.
>save the old people who are soon to be leeches if they arent already leeching or crash the world economy
Thanks. Dont get mad when we are chucking old people corpses into pits because we have no money for decent funerals lmao.

Rich people over 50 are the ones who are rightfully scared. Those are the people who hold most top political, corporate, religious, and military positions in the world. And they can't save themselves from dying from this disease. If it only killed poor people there wouldn't be any lockdowns.

lol ok mr male model, if you think she looks ugly lets see what your face looks like.....

low IQ post

>she's pretty because she's famous
>not because of her asymmetric face, comical oversized nigger lips, man jaw and forehead/brows, zero (0) tits, and broad shoulders

An American who can’t even spell diabetic, color me surprised!

the irony of 2 incel tier guys criticising a beautiful MODEL's looks, "muh wall"......

i agree I think we should use common sense and ppe and end all lockdowns but the democrats got other plans.

>50% to 80% of test-positive persons remain completely symptom-free, over 90% of test-positive persons develop at most mild or moderate symptoms. It is therefore not resonable to speak of a fundamental „lack of immunity“ in the population.

Completely illegal to call state of emergency and remove human rights over this scientifically proven to be same-as-flu-virus, in fact less deadly and also no more infectious either.

>The often shown exponential curves of „corona cases“ are misleading, since the number of tests also increases exponentially. In most countries, the ratio of positive tests to total tests either remains constant between 5% to 15% or increases only very slowly.

>Contrary to original assumptions, the WHO determined at the end of March that there is no evidence of aerosol dispersal of the virus. A leading German virologist also found no aerosol and no smear infections in a pilot study.

i wasn't criticising her i think she's attractive. i was criticising you for thinking the aussie posters look are relevant at all to the conversation.

all memeflags are from israel
funny enough mannish looking women are the type of "women" you israelis are into

You are posting from mandatory vaccine law countries