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Kek, clown market. In fact fedniggers fucked me personally, cause they ruined my shorts.

>the duality of man

>shorting during the largest stimulus package in history instead of just buying Gold

Same here. They couldn’t let the market go down so the little guys could have a chance at making some money. Fuck this stupid game. 20 million unemployed waiting for a pathetic little 1200 dollar check while big corporations get trillions of fucking dollars and bailed out by taxpayers AGAIN. FUCK THIS SHITHOLE

The response is unprecedented. Anyway I'm still up, but I could have been +500% without magic fed trillions.

I understand why people are on the buying spree, but it jyst doesnt feel right. Maybe we'll see another crash before the year turns. Probably depends on how long the lockdowns will last.

It's over. The damage has ready been done. These jobs that were on a slim margin are now going away and are never coming back. Oh well. Walmart will always be here. It got me through the last recession. What's another decade gonna do for me here?!

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never mind all the deaths the market is up

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The economy is fake and gay, elites get to know this stuff in advance so they can get rich and make it look legit.

>hurrr don't think long-term effects, pull at heartstrings ONLY and keep us shut down forever

Exactly, none of it feels right. Like the bottom could fall out at any second. Wild swings in the market all day. And the fact that it is only green because of the money printer. I’m waiting until Q2 earnings. If it’s green still when those horrific earnings reports come out then the only option is to buy or wait for the next crash

>dead niggers and old people

The deaths are down, the hospitalizations are down, the projected number of deaths went from 250k to 60k. Everyone is dooming and glooming so I understand injecting some good news. I'm not even a fan of Trump but you niggers are forcing it.

> shorting after a 10 % plunge

user I...

The shorter a period of time the more volatile the stock market appears. Daily / weekly swings are the norm. How new are you?

I see lots of jobs returning to the States and other countries from China, though that might just be wishful thinking.

The problem is, everyone already expects terrible reports. I think that there are two most likely triggers for second crash.
1. Chain loan defaultino + corporate debt levels are 2x that of the ones before 2008 crash. Fed and govt will do everything to stop that however.
2. Unexpected development in corona pandemic, like a massive and more deadly second wave in the fall.

Fake tweet from the future.

The plunge was 35% from ath, and most of my shorts were far away from the bottom. Got too greedy tho

El oh el. Nope. They've moved next door to India.

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Up to 2 million deaths were priced into the first panic sell off because that’s what the (((experts and media))) we’re pushing.

Stock market is in full delusion mode

This is the perfect opportunity guys. This is the first time in history where an economic crash is known to be coming with 100% certainty and the stock market hasn’t already crashed with it.

Any of you crying when it falls, later on, won’t get any sympathy. Idiots part with their money.

Because none of it is real, Biggest bubble ever just got even bigger. The crash is gonna be absolutely glorious.

It could still possibly happen, when you consider whole world. Problem is only a fraction of thos deaths will be confirmed. Think of India and africa for example. But i dont think that markets care for poor people dying that much.

Its not, its just common sense. If you print enough money inflation dictates the price of stocks has to rise.
Its only a retard economy if Stock indices started rising above commodities

>it’s over

No, it’s just beginning. Everything is on hold now. The government realizes what a colossal mistake it was to crash the economy in order to save non-productive geriatrics. Now the threat of coronavirus will be used as a pretext for keeping people locked inside so a plan can be devised on how to soften the blow of a collapse. With the same breath, the predictions are that the virus will peak on Sunday, 4 weeks after most lockdowns, but lockdowns might continue until June, 7 weeks after the peak.

Everything is up in the air. 30% of the US economy is gone. Not temporarily; it’s gone, and won’t be back for years. Unemployment is at 10%, but considering the economy is based around people selling things to each other, it’s going to go higher as fewer people have money to move around.

It’s only been 4 weeks and look at the damage that’s happened. Officially, lock downs are going to last 3 more weeks at a minimum.

The worst part is a bugaloo isn’t a real thing and never will be. It will just be commie blocks and government-supplied canned soup.

People are buying because there was a huge discount and they are optimistic about the medium and long term future. Maybe they are right,time will tell. Usd is appreciating vs most currencies btw.
I did short usd/chf however.

When do I buy puts, bro?

Hold onto those shorts/puts boys. Every bear market has dead cat bounces on the way down. I am down 50k because of Jpow and the fucking Fed money printer. I have puts on SPY for July and January I am going to make enough to buy a farm in cash.

Count those shekels and rub your hands, Jewboy.

Most of the stimulus goes to individuals and $1,200 is for single filers earning less then $75,000 a year. Most stocks traded are public utilities and manufacturers. The unemployment is because of non essential businesses being shut down. There is not a bailout occurring and you’re underestimating the stimulus while posting under a nigger memeflag. Subhuman. Bernie is finished. Fuck off to reddit

>Usd is appreciating vs most currencies btw.
Doesn't mean anything when they're all printing like retards too

Faggot bum. I hate you more then almost any other poster Wal-Shart user. Reminder to go fuck yourself

Yeah I plan on holding that. I put stop losses so that at worst I'll take out my initial investment,but I do count on a second meltdown.

Does he not know what the really big bounce is?

>Everything is on hold now.
There is no "holding" when it comes to the sink-or-swim nature of the economy. Debts are being racked up in some way or another, unless all payments and tax Bill's are suspended or have some discount.

>It’s only been 4 weeks and look at the damage that’s happened. Officially, lock downs are going to last 3 more weeks at a minimum.
It will last as long as Jews in the banking sector will want to shift the blame off them, and directly onto Coronavirus.

>The worst part is a bugaloo isn’t a real thing and never will be. It will just be commie blocks and government-supplied canned soup.
The last time anything could have been done was the 1960s. Now we live in a surveillance state where that isn't possible. Oh well.

That stimulus check will be Black Friday 2: electric boogaloo. Niggers and spics will be buying all the ps4s, TVs, and beats headphones when Trumpbux comes around

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I don't understand this. How is the market going up when the outlook is totally dire?
Millions of new people on unemployment every week. Millions of jobs gone. Millions of people not paying rent or mortgages. Global trade will be way down. Oil is down. IMF just came out and said at they expect negative per capita income growth in basically every country in the world. Way more capital flight from markets than even during the 2008 crash. Governments blowing trillions just to keep things afloat.
I don't think things have even been this mega fucked before and it doesn't look good for the medium or long term. Are people just buying into the markets because of the discount? Retarded optimism?

I love you too, man.

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Statistically irrelevant.

>Are people just buying into the markets because of the discount? Retarded optimism?
Pretty much. There were some good stonk with 50% discount. If you plan to hold that for years...

this. CDC changed their estimate down from millions a month ago to 60k now. And that’s 60k dead by AUGUST

I was going to wait until we wake up to the long-term consequences of this and things really go to hell before I put some money in. This can't possibly be the bottom but I'm starting to feel the FOMO and maybe should invest now. What should I do? Wait or buy into the madness?

I am waiting, but you shouldnt take advices from randos on 4chinz

Everybody's waiting. Gotta be one step ahead

My gut says wait too. It's going to take years to unfuck this one.

Bottom's in, buy spy.

The US economy has been bullshit and cheap money since the early 1990s.
Most people are too foolish to understand that.

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Correct. The economy is rigged and the COVID-19 is just an excuse to slow down the economy.

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maybe we'll see a massive fucking crash next week after the bodies start piling up more

What bodies? government is now predicting only 60k dead by August. That’s not happening numbers that’s flu numbers

>us dollar is high compared to ours
>all my online sales are in USD
>my garden took winter well
Feeeeeels good.

We’ll see a crash when corporations start to report dismal earnings and bankruptcies increase. Earnings releases will be about a month from now for Q1 and won’t be terrible because the lockdowns started about halfway into the quarter. It’s Q2 release in July-August that we’ll see big drops in earnings. Mass cuts of dividends will be a trigger as well, probably happening between April to Dec. The market can continue to delude themselves until those things happen, which is inevitable and certain at this point.

ruined my shorts too, but now you have to hold them. they will pay here soon

If your professional money manager converted to cash before the crash would you still pay him a 2% commission on your cash?

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>The government realizes what a colossal mistake it was to crash the economy in order to save non-productive geriatrics
lol, Trump got fooled into wading into this quicksand, and they tanked the economy

16m were fired but probably like 50m are taking pay cuts or have been cut to part time work. No ones talking about that.

I know the feel breh. Might be sour grapes, but no way the market should be moving the way it has been.

blackrock can literally tell the treasury/fed to buy stocks and bonds your shorts are forfeit basically

Lmfao shorts who got lucky thought they were smart to keep shorting the market.
You are a fucking retard get that into your little head and just buy the index, goy.

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>american flag
>wasted GETs
Every single time.

My strategy ,because I use a tax free investment account so I cant buy puts, is to put a buy stop above the high of the candle of the the previous low on SDS which is a 2x leveraged spy inverse etf and just follow this correction all the way down on SDS it's basically a trailing entry. When the new bubble they are inflating right now pops my entry will be guaranteed.