Remember when the nothing burger fags said that this was just a flu...

Remember when the nothing burger fags said that this was just a flu? and then the moved to that it would just kill boomers? And then the virus started killing people of all ages? And now the death rate is accelerating so much that they are forming catacomb to keep up with the bodies?

Good times.

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sorry for the shitty spelling i am retarded.

Americans should demand the regime change because their leadership is failing them. If this would be happening in any other country - US media propaganda machine would be pushing that this is the proof that their government is illegitimate and can't represent the nation, but since its in USA - business as usual.

Why they don't just line up all the sick Americans, put them in a nice line near to the edge of Grand Canyon and give them freedom in the form of a clear shot to the head?

Weird how a few thousand dead bodies is too many for New Yorks crematoriums to burn, i wonder how long it would take to burn 6,000,000 bodies?

Those are geofoam blocks used to stabilize weak ground. You retards are such faggots. That island was condemned because of hazardous material used in the early 1900s.


Shut the fuck up fat

It shows

I was lied to about the 6 gorillion? You mean seeing bergs, steins and ...*mans everywhere, are feeding me lies. Is America a slave factory for....omg

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We are literally getting $1200 trumpbux each. No one wants to change anything Petor

>stock markets breaks records every day
>bodies being dumped in mass graves at the same time

All my simp colleagues told me that they spent thousands on the stock market because this is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Just think about it, this is going to crash so hard.

>just a flu

No. Don't call it a flu. The flu killed 80,000 people last year in the USA. This probably won't manage 30k -- even with them misdiagnosing everything. The flu is what St. Nothingburger's Disease wishes it was

650 corona cases in my area and only 4 deaths, that not even 1% (one percent)

>sorry to inform you but your grandma just became geofoam
>that’ll be $3,999 plus tip

If you want to be free, if you want your children to be free, you will ignore these quarantines and carry on as normally as you can. #defythequarantine and stop hiding from ghosts.

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Remember this is only the first wave. Viruses come in three waves, the second one is the worst.

>We are literally getting $1200 trumpbux
First off no has gotten it second off you are going to have to pay it back in 2021

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If the Rothschilds use this quarantine to eliminate every credulous schizoposting troofer, I will lick the boot forever in gratitude.

This is a potters field for NYC on Hart Island. The footage is taken out of context, because this process happens year-round with all of the city’s unclaimed bodies.

Mutts still not smart enough to cremate bodies en mass. Even chinks dab on them about this.

> muh mass graves hysteria
Whatever happened with that Iran corona mass grave that can been seen from space?
The Daily Mail told me this, so it must be a fact. But I never heard any follow up story, or saw any actual pictures of piles of dead people.

What's the go with that? Why didn't Iran say anything about this? There was supposed to have been a shoah going on over there last month.

I would like to know more, Federation Jews.

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Ok Dr. Rothbergsilvershekle

When have you not licked their boot, fag?

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Rare german humour

mods delete these shill threads

>Those are geofoam blocks used to stabilize weak ground.
I hate all those shills so fucking much.

current meme is that corona is not real and it's all NWO acceleration

and you put them with geared out Corona'Away Suit?

I support this.

I've been doing as much defying as possible before the national guard comes in and starts checking ID's at checkpoints.

this is all bullshit. 400 people a day die in NYC every day. From what little data I can find non covid deaths dow.. They could rent a refrigerated tractor trailer and park it next to the mourge.

mass incompitence or lies
pick one or both

If it were actually that bad, wouldn’t they burn the bodies? Y’know, to get rid of the evil disease and all that.

don't tell me what to do, faggot.

I would like to do some EVP sessions on Hart Island. How many years have they been burying new yorkers on this island?

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thanks for the laugh, kraut. it helped dislodge some nasty phlegm from deep in my chest. i will be dead soon but at least i can still chuckle sensibly.

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During ebola they didnt think incineration would kill it. probably to due with that

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Doctors are killing the covid infected.

>The first wave has passed

Release the second and third wave at once.

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imagine trying to justify mass graves in peace time

Who the fuck is okay with having their family member thrown into some "mass grave"?

Nobody. This shit is fake and gay.

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actuall during Ebola the hospital incinerators had been shut down by Obama because of global warming carbon bad bullshit.
I think they planted the ebola surviving incineration story to give Obama cover. I searched the fuck out if it and cant find the original story, only articles about burning bodies not killing ebola.

there a 100,000 homeless in NYC braniac.

They've been burying poor/ unwanted/unclaimed/ niggers in that place for 200 yrs
156k dead in just New York 2018
Were the fuck you think all those bodies went.

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Its nothing you faggot, kills less than the flu

Did you even watch the video, faggot?
>pic related

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where you think?

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Here you go. New York death data
156k died all causes 2018

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I remember when the mutts said that Europe was stupid because we "couldn't stop a flu".
Now have fun.

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Okay, genius, what else can be done with 1000s of bodies of unknown people or people with no known next of kin? Pile them up in central park? Throw them into the hudson river? I'm all ears here.

Some dirt nap , some shake n bake

And now all those deaths this year will be considered covid deaths.

kek gave me a laugh

now THIS is shilling

It's just the flu bro, stop being such a faggot.
Good times.

The demographic that’s being killed by this is the elderly and immunodeficient. For everyone else it is just a harsh version of the flu that the MSM is overhyping in an attempt to smear conservatives. Like Bill mahr put it, they’d rather watch the economy tank and American people die if it proves themselves right.

New York is getting what it’s liberal population voted for, mass graves and death. They should just think of this as AOCs and Bernie Sanders final solution or late term abortions and maybe they wouldn’t be so mad.

this Cdc chart shows nobody dying from flu and pneumonia. I just think if, say, only 100 people a day are dying of non corona instead of the 420 norm they may be overstating deaths by 300.

On the 23rd of march a cdc memo was sent telling doctors to not waste test kits on the dead just mark them down as corona related.

Plus a million older minority workers in the city laid off and not able to file unemployment claims cause the system broke probably caused heart attacks.

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one guy is standing there with jeans a shirt and a hat on
why put an empty casket on the top if the stack?
2 guys manhandling box with 200lb person in it
spacers put on last row to maintain equal spacing between rows, common thing to use when forming concrete
stack of form boards to the right

must be a mass grave guise! usa sucks!


the most compelling proof is that americans don't fit inside something that tiny

The Reuters news article with the photos mentioned that NYC was experiencing a spike in deaths BEFORE the corona hit.

>why are they burying pine boxes
>the FEMA coffins were plastic
>America has an obesity epidemic
>boxes are all the same fucking size
>and looks like two men at a time are carrying them off the forklift

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why do they need a forklift to move foam around?

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Forty keks

WTF i want vaccine and to be chipped now.

like they have a say in the matter lmao, if there's a lack of space what do you think is gonna happen?

This is so fucked up...


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