>Welcome to the unit user, this is Ash she's gonna be your battle buddy and help you get your shit squared away
What do?
Welcome to the unit user, this is Ash she's gonna be your battle buddy and help you get your shit squared away
Hand in my resignation.
Based Nether.
Not worry whatsoever because I’m a nasty POG who doesn’t even know how to maintain my rifle, let alone see a lick of combat.
>go to fugg in a portaloo with her
>procede to take her pants off
>see benis
>it wasn't a her all along
Tell her to get the fuck out of the way, so the men can talk!
God I wish that fag got fragged.
ITT: literal faggots
You can’t just quit the army retard
Son the Army don't make mistakes.
Id never even humour the idea of being a soldier in a combat unit with any females.
Tell her I'm not fucking carrying her load because she's too weak-ass to do it herself, I'll leave her behind if she cocks up. Tough love.
Your not gonna make it...
I've got good news for you then
Checked and ketchum
>What do?
Would kick some ass with her, of course.
Then have wild sex afterwards and then repeat, until dead.
Explain that I've been doing rotations in the sandbox since ash was in middle school and then drop her on her fucking face to push until I'm tired.
this but unironically
to be fair they both look like dweebs
Shot Ash in the back by next firefight otherwise she shots you
>Son the Army don't make mistakes.
They make mistakes all the time Schlomo.
give "her" the nickname catchcum.
Oh kek.
It's not rape if she's willing.
Now you hate furries and females? Gosh user you got problems
War with China can't come soon enough. Send all these trannies, fags, and women to the front line first.
Let me guess, this was taken after she got out and claimed sexual assault and got a 100% rating from the VA!
>cocks up
He certainly can do that.
Yiff in hell faggot.
You can if you're psychologically unable to perform your duties.
Let "her" try and prove that she can keep up, and when she can't request a transfer for one of us.
Is this a genuine tomboy?
do you think this jump picture is also from after she got out?
>claimed sexual assault
That is unusually specific thing to assume, have you been accused of it?
It's a girl.
>What do?
Nothing, I can't even get drafted lol.
It's a tranny. Also bet after 6 months in deployment in some sandy shithole that offer of a blowjob from "her" wouldn't sound that bad.
Do you not know what the word tomboy means?
wtf is a battle buddy?
It's a fuck buddy.
Tranny detected
Is this the timeline where real life and cartoons align?
>girl in uniform
>this board
>A battle buddy is a partner assigned to a soldier in the United States Army. Each battle buddy is expected to assist his or her partner both in and out of combat.
Remember that the US Army also assigns Sergeants to lead squads.
Y..you too
Thats a tranny.
So what is the difference between a battle buddy and a regular soldier in your unit?
>a girl who enjoys rough, noisy activities traditionally associated with boys.
you are specifically assigned to one another
i never join the zog army
Holy fuck her name is ash ketchum?
Nice rifle optic. I've always wanted an acog, my scope is a cheap piece of crap that keeps wobbling and I keep having to re zero it in.
I thought all soldiers within the smallest unit are 'assigned to each other' but okay.
Of course you can.
You just say: "I cannot do this anymore, sir. I cannot deal with this psychologically."
Off to the shrink ... tell that guy some keywords that get you discharged... byebye army.
No professional army is stupid enough to forcefully employ people who are suspected of mental instability. It would be a receipe for distater.
looks like a jump pic, 100mph tape over the rino mount to keep it from tangling the lines.
The card says "alex ketchum"
but still
real aggressive toothpaste here
Yes you have the squad and the fireteam, but even within that people will be paired up and have to do shit in a all manner of tasks beyond the units function
Battle buddy and fuck buddy noice