My true problem with trump and most conservatives is they dont seem to understand that every hardworking person who contributes to society should be able to cover their own living expenses. Ive got student loans and thats my own deal, i can figure that out. But theres gotta be a point where even the most staunch conservative recognizes that "the rent is too damn high," to quote one of my favorite political clips. Like the people i know who make 15-17 an hour and get overtime STILL struggle to make it. And when you go on indeed most jobs that dont require some kind of degree or trade knowledge will pay bout 12-15. The rent is too high, car insurance is too high, healthcare is too high, food expenses are too high, gas... was too high lmao. Are you starting to see a pattern here?
Also someone gonna obviously counter this with "well your work is only worth what people are willing to pay for." Which i think is a fatally flawed premise to begin with and outright reject it. The closest unit of measurement i could imagine one would use is time spent (most likely counted by hours)
> The rent is too high, car insurance is too high, healthcare is too high, food expenses are too high, gas... was too high lmao. Are you starting to see a pattern here? Yeah nigga, you are shit at capitalism. Learn how to spend and save wisely.
Thomas Jenkins
No. Recognizing that a system only benefits narcissists and those with sociopathic tendencies and that that system needs to go, as well as helping pther people understand why is my responsibility. It is society's responsibility to improve upon its own systems. And if you dont thijk the system has been approved youre either a completely unempathetic person or a literal retard
Adam Bell
>should be able to cover their own living expenses
No. Your living expenses are your business. If you can't afford it, cut costs. Get a roommate, work a 2nd job, get more marketable skills, etc. You're not owed a certain standard of living.
Consider the opposite - suppose the government owes you a certain "standard of living." That's going to vary widely for most people, and people would never be satisfied. People would then complain that their government housing is too small or is high crime or maintenance is too slow or it's not overlooking Central Park in NYC, etc.
No, high costs are needed to force people to make correct economic decisions. If price were no object, everyone would be living in NYC high rises. Who would be living in desolate Wyoming doing oil work?
> But theres gotta be a point where even the most staunch conservative recognizes that "the rent is too damn high,"
See above. Move. Get a roommate. Live with parents. Those aren't fun choices, but high prices may make them valid and worthwhile choices for you.
Oliver Price
So 70% of americans live paycheck to paycheck. Now whats most likely? None of them have any money control abilities or is it that the system fucks any person starting out that doesnt come from an upper middle class family. How's the boot taste?
Hunter Diaz
We literally evolved to provide housing and the needs for living with other for about 200,000 years before the agricultural revolution 12000 years ago. And even sikce yhen their has always been a push in many societies towards social welfare. Face it, to provide necessary resources for others is far more natural to our species than the opposite.
Brandon Gomez
Why have you used a picture of Liam Gallagher?
He is a self made millionaire and one of the Gallagher brothers from the band Oasis. You just come across as a seething, lazy and entitled piece of shit.. “I’m owed more money, bwahhhh bwahhhh”
>food expenses are too high I thought food is dirt-cheap in Murica. You certainly don't want to see our food prices.
Henry Reed
70% of Americans need to lift themselves up by the bootstraps. Complaining about the system does nothing for self improvement. Unempathetic person. That’s me. Don’t give a fuck about your manufacturered misery.
A system oriented to appease the loser will only breed losers. This is what you want for America? Losers?
Jason Diaz
it is this nigga stupid
Nathan Lee
>Ive got student loans Stopped reading. Faggot.
Asher Perry
Liam Gallagher and OP are both welfare queens.
Robert Wilson
Waaaah why can’t I get rich the system is broken
America has the highest economic mobility in the world; 80% of American millionaires are first-generation.
Brody Stewart
What do you think is the cause of high rent and low wages you BRAINLET? (protip: uncontrolled immigration)
Connor Scott
the market is imbalanced because of so called "free trade" with china who doesn't play by the same rules. An economy is a delicate ecosystem that should be protected, and not be circumvented by boomer middlemen looking to make a quick buck selling their host nation out.
Levi Myers
>system only benefits narcissists and those with sociopathic tendencies Yeah unlike communism and socialism which are literally based on theft
James Clark
Hi pretend working person. I'm an actual working person fantasizing about going all BernieBro on a gathering of prominent Democrats (never happen of course, Democrats know how much working people hate them amd have top security). Democrats took a huge amount of my post-obligation income away recently. I pay my bills but I can't buy Easter baskets. They did this with their bogus UAW strike which effectively furloughed me for several months -- even when we came back online, it wasn't at the same level -- and by ordering the closure of businesses which don't need to be closed for WuFlu.
Austin James
So have you finally woken up to end the Fed yet or are you still thinking printing the money endlessly gives you more purchasing power? You niggers are so fucking dumb you’ll complain that your money isn’t worth anything and then somehow assume destroying the currency will reverse the trend. I don’t understand if you’re that dumb or that brainwashed.
Jack Flores
/thread also fuck boomers
Gavin Cooper
Stop living above your means then faggot. Don't BS me with "bare essentials". The fact is most people want the new car, the expensive data plan, the new phone, the take away food etc. How about taking some self responsibility.
Christian Ramirez
That's good kiddo, that's what soup kitchens are for
Grayson Russell
>My true problem with trump and most conservatives is they dont seem to understand that every hardworking person who contributes to society should be able to cover their own living expenses.
Maybe they would be able to do that if they weren't taxed so heavily to pay for Laqueefa's gibs and Tyrone's bastard children.
The whole system consists of billions of selfish individuals, so in order to thrive, you have to equip yourself to be able to do something in exchange. Children and the handicapped are generally incapable of equipping themselves beyond a certain point, so we collectively agree that they should be supported. But normal healthy people don't have an excuse.
You have to ask yourself: how did everyone who makes more money than me manage to do so? Some are smarter. Some got lucky. Some got a handout from parents. But what about everyone else? Not everyone is smarter, luckier, or more spoiled than I am, so how did they do it?
Josiah Parker
The Chinese make good slaves though. America benefits from outsourcing. Think about it. We get all the cars, TVs, phones, and clothes, while those countries only get our paper fiat money. We get the hardware, they get the paperware
Sebastian Rivera
Republicans are trying to bring the rent down and make you richer, they need you rich because as the party of the rich that’s how they get votes. Democrats are trying to force the rent up and need you poor because as the party of the poor that’s how they get votes. Do better research, don’t be a sheep
Benjamin Walker
Provide sources. Also those self made millionaires still could come from more wealth than most people so your argument is not convincing at all
Samuel Wright
They’re not smart. They’re just fucking parrots.
Brayden Hernandez
>The closest unit of measurement i could imagine one would use is time spent (most likely counted by hours) I just spent 10 hours masturbating, where do I collect my check for 10 hours of labor?
Julian Hughes
Just from personal experience I would say that something like 90% of people have absolutely no money control. They could be making 10k a month and still live paycheck to paycheck somehow.
Brayden White
Dont tell me you actually think taxes are theft? Do you also think your existence in any given country is a form of squatting or do you pick and choose to take things from the wrong (but convincing if youre a room temp iq fag) perspective
Aaron Price
Unfortunately we’ve been breeding losers for a while, what we’re home ownership and saving rates in the 50s when we had conservative society and minimal welfare?
Sebastian Martinez
There is more than one way to provide welfare than just printing money you fucking retard
Justin Flores
I literally drove a used 1000 dollar car sharing a room with people, eating ramen and working 35-40 hours a week and still barely got by. Piss off
Landon Smith
Back when we lived in tribes that were basically extended family we helped each other. We still do, most of us would help a family member. But I don't give a shit about you.
Jordan Collins
Just because the system works for some doesnt mean its the best system possible. Thats literal nigger think
Parker Moore
Food is significantly cheaper here and better regulated than most countries, while it isn’t better regulated than in the EU it is significantly cheaper and while it isn’t cheaper (not actually that much more expensive though) than PRC it is more plentiful and regulated so you know you aren’t eating gutter oil.
Christopher Jackson
Have you met 70% of Americans? I have and we shouldn't be wasting anymore public resources on them than we already are
Charles Ward
Not one damn republican ive ever met was worried with lowering the cost of living. You guys act like im trying to throw away the free market and demand richness for everyone. No. Living expenses are too high and the way we currently calculate the value of someones work is inherently flawed
Logan Reed
one of my earliest friends was poor. Its 10 years later and he is still poor, and all his decisions in life foster him still being poor I work in It support, even through this times I have a remote job on a shitty computer and paid $25 to do it, even when the logins are down i moved to a cheaper part of town, I invested, I understand what life costs are and don't fallinto the trap of "lifestyle inflation" thats the word that you start to spend more when you make more money instead of saving it for later most people don't do that and yes, if you are poor you don't "need" to live in new york and have that nice job you can life in arkansas and have a non nice job but having $200 more a week to save for later
Cooper Price
The current system isnt just corporate socialism? Dude were more economically socialist than china wtf are you talking bout?
Xavier Mitchell
But the labor jobs are a resource in themselves. What are we going to do with a high unemployment rate? I know most conservatives don’t take that serious but they should. High unemployment rates are a large, and potentially a nation wrecking, problem. What are all those bored unemployed and angry people going to do all day?
Matthew Adams
>My true problem with trump and most conservatives is they dont seem to understand that every hardworking person who contributes to society should be able to cover their own living expenses that's exactly why we got to import more immigrants
Cooper Diaz
Your thinking is too short-sighted. Manufacturing jobs in the US and Canada--as they have been in the past--provide citizens with honest, consistent work and a paycheque to provide for their families. The cost of your shitbox TV might be slightly higher using American labour, but it'll last 5x as long as anything pumped out by the chinese, and you will be supporting fellow Americans who now have jobs to go to every day. That is of course assuming factories are run as they have been in the past where laborers are paid a living wage and are granted healthcare coverage as well. Which in this argument, we'll assume they are.
Removing manufacturing from china and other third world countries back into our local markets would be a net win for everyone that matters
Lucas Perry
If only there was a shortage of labor being flooded into the market which would inflate the pay of the current citizens due to less supply. Hmmm if only
Christopher Smith
So what do you propose is done about that, absolutely nothing? Nah fuck that. I dont care. My hypothetical system would be more legitimate and if you still cant get by with it, then thats very sad.
Sebastian Green
the living costs are high because they know you want certain kind of luxuries, like good connection to your work, fast internet, save part of town these things add up and so you pay for the "luxury" wanting to have a middle class life even you aren't middle class most people are poorfags and just don't want accept that and adjust their lifestyles
Nathaniel Brooks
Thanks for all your hard work. That time spent is certainly more valuable than performing open heart surgery to save a fathers life and allow him to be with his family for 40 more years.
Don’t forget to chop that cock off when you’re done with it.
Gavin Campbell
This nigga bout to tell you that baristas and micky ds grill cooks are “workers”.
Wyatt Reed
Do you not take your meds because you’re in denial of being a schizo or you just forgot?
Connor Phillips
Stop wasting money on shit you don't need. >inb4 but muh starbucks, avocado toast, unlimited data, premium internet and cable package, and energy drinks are a necessity
Jayden Clark
I agree that the market is being exploited by the rich, it is the same situation as the gilded age or the Weimar. The good news is this can only go so far before there is reform or violent change of political leadership, history has proven this in republics every time. The good news is that Trump or his successor might be that radical political change. Either way the left is definitely more controlled by the corporate interests than the current admin and liberal zoomers/millennials are too stupid to see it.
Matthew Phillips
Where in the fuck do you think they are getting the money for this shit you stupid fucking nigger?
Daniel Williams
>Laqueefa's gibs and Tyrone's bastard children True, but that's a drop in the bucket compared to the pricetag for Shlomo's wars.
I agree that there is enough money going to government handouts, but the money is being spent frivolously. We need some oversight on expenditures to ensure it is spent appropriately and I think conservatives are the ones calling for this more than Democrats. Just my 2 cents on the matter.
Isaac Young
Remove women from the workforce.
Gabriel Harris
Agreed. Humanity is shameful
Nolan Flores
Dude i work my ass off and never lived in the expensive part of town or had a nice car. Sometimes its just quite obvious that some people are fucked from the beginning. I would save money if i could but all of it goes to bills (and student loans which i actually cant complain about because i took them out.) But even those student loans are 115 a month so its not like not having em would make THAT much difference. I literally only buy food, gas, and about 100 bucks of weed a month. Thats it, no video games, no tvs, no guitars, literally no excess
Michael Edwards
2000% goy
Luis Foster
Adam Garcia
Never said it was the best system. I said it was the system.
Camden Ward
Surprisingly not
Anthony Ramirez
Still too dumb to see that printing endless amounts of money is THE real issue. K.
Noah Williams
Liam is fucking BIBLICAL
Come on you know
Bentley Johnson
>do a degree in trans art or lesbian dance theory >end up in 50k debt >can't get a job because of useless degree >REEEEEEE its all trumps fault!!!!!!!1111
Mason Howard
They help keep this society running so i have no idea how theyre not workers
Luis Walker
move. where I'm from you can pretty easily live on service job wages. I know several friends back home who support themselves just fine with positions like that.
Tyler Allen
Unironically neck yourself, even if you're just being an ironic retard.
Leo Ramirez
I literally buy none of those things. My food budget is 5-10 dollars a day. I drive a shit car with the bare minimum insurance. The only "unnecessary" thing i spend money on is bout 100 bucks worth of weed every month.
Connor Johnson
Is it though? It’s literally paper and it’s worth as much as the government says it’s worth. I’ve researched economics a lot and have come to the conclusion that it’s all bullshit, the strongest country basically does whatever it wants. For example our debt to China, what does that even actually mean? Really think about it, what recourse does any foreign body have against the US government?
Mason Butler
Stop listening to conservatives and trumpsters, they are too far gone and need to go with the few to make room for the many. America is not getting out of their oligarchic hellhole unless they go full frenchy on the elite.
Julian Collins
Hmmm gee idk. Its almost like we could make sure corps pay taxes and we cut the military budget
Jaxon Taylor
What’s your age and pay?
Leo Rodriguez
Fuck you and your racist anti-semitic dog whistles. You should be banned from this shitty site.
Xavier Lee
It really all boils down to three options: 1. live within your means 2. increase your means 3. control others ("fair wages" "price controls" etc) Folks who are unwilling to do either of the 1st 2 always end up going for the 3rd. Thats where the trouble begins.
Look where the French are now though. Getting fucked by their elite for cheap immigrant laborers who refuse to work.
Benjamin Foster
Op here. Tbh i actually do think this is a really good idea.
Kayden Diaz
Get a roommate or somebody who you can split rent/utilities with.
Julian Nelson
america was always like that. some people spend 40 years at that cashier in the deli and the only thing they can show off is a kid, a dog and never one day of travel outside the city but finding that kind of work that gives you at least $20/h with a possible scale to $30 is possible even as a poor fag if you stay close to minimum wage longer than five years you spend your time wrong pick and choose a lifestyle, location, occupation is not for everyone
Jose Phillips
Im not suggesting we print more money. There are other ways of aquiring said resource as it already exists. Tax the corps and drop the endless wars and youll have plenty
Nathaniel Ward
Or bring back manufacturing jobs from China and unionize if there are unfair working conditions. That worked great for a fathers and grandfathers.
Carson Thompson
Work in something usefull that needs a degree and you are paid well. Not weird jobs that teens can do without education get paid less. Not strange a usless/overrepresented education can't land a job. The only issue is having to pick an education when you're too young to fully grasp what it's about, leading to poor choices, and thus, poor people. I'm lucky my dad convinced me becoming a technician will be more worth it than a game designer.
Jose Gomez
Okay, fair enough, then move to a less expensive area of the country and your living expenses will drop dramatically.
Leo Perez
If you think the rent is too high, why do you keep voting for mass migration? I just find the Left, whatever you want to call them, to be so self harming, contradictory, actually stupid that I can barely see you as human anymore. Like diseased birds shitting in their own nest.
William Smith
I literally stated that the college thing was my own responsibility you strawmanning nigger. I chose to go to college i didnt choose to exist in this country you literal brainlet
Robert Parker
Dawg i was paying 550 a month in rent and could barely afford that. Please tell me where it would be even cheaper
Oliver Scott
Seize assets or land (south China sea trade routes anyone?) buy up your countries currency and them dump it or buy all your shit up with it. There’s a lot of economic warfare that happens. You don’t think any country will go to war for economic reasons? Oil? Cmon dude are you paid to be this stupid? The traders and venture capitalists decide what money is worth. The Fed sets the interest rate and if you think dollar bills are just paper then why are you worrying about how many you have??? Yeah we should have a commodity backed currency but you’re also too stupid to see how that agrees with your useless paper argument. The dollar has become useless paper only because there are 59 Trillion of them, if there was 100,000 dollars total in circulation they wouldn’t be useless paper anymore. Goddamn it’s hard to explain stuff to poisoned and brainwashed minds.