Why do you like cheeseburgers so much, americans?

why do you like cheeseburgers so much, americans?

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Because we have the freedom to.

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Finally /ck/ came up with an idea.

because five guys do it the right way where they take 113 gram chuck beef patties and smash them down, let them cook with a bit of char, scrape away the greese and flip the patties, bit more of a smash then cook to char, more scraping away the greese so they don't cook in the greese, push aside to finish cooking then put the thick slices of cheese on then immediately put them on a bun

rocked n ready to shitpost, rush Yas Forums, gogogo!

is this a serious question?

they're fucking delicious is why.

>Being triggered by meat and bread served together in a way you don't like

Swede, if you ever came here I would happily take you to a five guys so you could experience a classic american burger. I’d get you a Bacon Cheesburger with the works, a large fry, and a ice cold coke...then you’ll understand. Yes the food is bad for us, we know it, but there’s something about it that makes it American comfort food.

That's clearly a German

Man those fucking ghost pepper chips are good but here I am 6:00 shitting my brains out.


He could not be more american if he tried. Its airsoftfatty. He might be fat but hes alright.

Wtf is that nasty thing?

You leave airsoft fatty alone you euro nigger.

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I got this.

I never understood why other nations didnt like burgers until I travelled a bit.

McDonalds and Hardees and Burger King are shitty burgers, usually use half the meat, less seasoning, and less cheese internationally compared to the usa chains that still arent very good.

You need to make your own with decent fat content, american cheese, salt and pepper. At least a 20% fat content for beef with at least 500grams per patty on good buns.

Try that yourself and see why we like burgers.

For me, it's the Shackburger, the best burger. I even ask for extra shack sauce, and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

Sorry 250 grams per patty.

Cheeseburgers are fucking awesome and you know it.

american cheese is completely unadulterated shit my guy

Gotta have that shaqmeat.

>At least a 20% fat content for beef
Ew. 20% fat content meat is disgusting goulash tier shit.
Just say you love grease and be done with it.

>At least a 20% fat content for beef with at least 500grams per patty
People don't seem to understand this for some reason.
Fat really does mean flavor.
I see people getting the ultra lean beef, and I just cringe inside every time.

Actually to go back on this if there’s ever any international Yas Forums tards that come to Northern Texas I will very happily give you the most American day of your life. Get some five guys for lunch, travel out in the truck innawoods to go shoot some firearms, drink a few Texas Brewed Beers (Texas had a lot of German immigrants so Texas actually has a fantastic brewing culture). Do some fishing and teach you the wonders of catching a 3ft cat or an alligator gar. End it up with a barbecue, do some steaks, smoke some brisket, enjoy some whiskey. Gotta be up and ready for Church the next day though now. Foreigners are right in saying “Americans don’t have culture” we don’t really need it though. We all bring something to the table and most Americans just enjoy being with other people and having a good time. I think most European Yas Forumstards would enjoy America quite a bit if they visited. I highly encourage them to explore either the South, Texas, or New England. There’s a lot of rich history in those areas and they’re very unique. Americans are generally really kind-hearted people, obviously we have trash and niggers, but every country has their downsides.

>he likes dry tasteless burgers

>T. immature palate

your 8th cousin

You should try a butter burger.

This user makes me want to revisit after this corona shit is over.

burgers are great if not eaten constantly. why do svenn's like big greasy immigrant dicks?

Is it that chunk of butter deep fried in breadcrumbs thing?

What? That is the dumbest comment I will see all day.

Have you ever had a burger in the US? Almost every single one I had was among my best food experiences ever.

No, they smear butter on the buns.

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It's not enough. Tell the research department we must go deeper

Where's the gay sex and pledging allegiance to Israel?

For me it's the Big Mick

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So a butter-burger is a northern creation (Michigan or Wisconsin forget which exactly) there’s a large dairy industry up there so go figure. Anyways, a butter burger is essentially a burger made with ground steak patty. You cook it in butter though. Because it’s cooked in fat the burger remains super juicy through the whole cooking process and you don’t lose moisture like you would when normally cooking proteins. The quintessential butter burger is two smashed patties with white cheddar in the middle and on top, grilled onions as a topping all inbetween a toasted brioche bun. It’s super unhealthy obviously, but burgers tend to be in general.

>why do you like extreme sources of msg


That’s all in DC. Hence why I said visit Texas, the South, and New England. I’m not saying you don’t occasionally see faggots, but most tend to hide up in the pacific north west and California/NY.

Now that sounds interesting in a #yolo kind of way.
Would try, for science.

MSG is weird in that if you just try a pinch of it, it tastes like salty soap, but when you add it to food, it makes everything taste like magic.

What's wrong with gay people? Absolutely nothing, mind your own beeswax. I notice how the people who hate gays obnoxiously are gay themselves. I get it, your over compensating for the fact you inhale cock.

>you hate spiders huh

is he smoking a cheeseburger?

They have five guys everywhere m8.

OP is a stupid cunt. Everybody likes cheeseburgers.

cheese burgers are fucking delicious. i dont know where eurotrash gets off thinking they can criticize american food. our food is literally god tier. its so good our nation is full of fatties.

You know leaf, I would hate you, but y’all have poutine so I can’t be mad. Also, Canada is a beautiful country. I used to live in Washington when I worked lumber. Something about massive green forests, mountains, and rivers gets to me. Loved going out camping and hiking.

>cooking in a non stick pan
>putting meat in cold oil

nah senpai

Why do Swedes love black cocks in their ass so much?

Cheeseburgers are overrated
I’ve had some good burgers in my time though. Uh I...
I love a good swiss, melted swiss cheese and mush- roasted mushrooms and caramelized onions on a burger.
Uh, that is hot stuff, you can get that at- at a number of different places.

arthur failed to show how his outer bread got cheese burned onto it. account closed.

Silly Squidward. The only people who don't like Krabby Patties, have never had one.

those fucking digits though

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based webm

Oh look guys hes fruitin up!

Yeah the landscapes here are amazing, i live in NB and the entire province is something like 83% forest, lots of hills, lakes, and rivers. It's kinda like maine. It still feels like Canada in this province. I don't hate Americans, i may talk a lot of shit but the truth is that i have lots of burger cousins.

Ummm sorry sweaty but we aren't the fattest anymore

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I'm a fag and I really fucking hate everything lgbt-related.
I also hate anyone talking about being a fag for any reason whatsoever, which is why I hate myself.
At least no one IRL knows.

Americans are legitimately diverging into a new class of hominid
anyone who still considers Americans "homo sapien" are kidding only themselves
their biology has been too long warped by s_oy, chemicals, fast food, estrogen in their water supplies s_oy in literally everything. so biologically altered from humanity

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If only you knew how delicious things really are.

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>>you hate spiders huh

there has to be at least a bit of truth to my statement, spiders are fucking creepy looking aliens. You cannot compare them to a human being

Cheeseburgers are delicious.

I'm still amazed people can get so fat they turn into ogres.